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Chapter Fourteen: You Liars

8 hours later, in a nearly completely enclosed basement.

This basement is about fifty square meters, and the walls are covered with various types of prison sentences. The exhaust fan on the ceiling is slowly turning, but the smell of blood in the basement is still strong.

Two bloody figures were hung up, one of them had completely lost his voice and turned into a corpse.

"I am Spike, Bishop of the Holy Court, twenty...six years old, male..."

Spike, who was covered in blood and flesh, was hung up. Because his arms were broken, two iron hooks were pierced into his broken arms.

For those in the Eye of Los Loth, words such as sympathy and mercy have no meaning to them. Completing the mission, being loyal to the Eye of Los Loth, and being loyal to the Geya alliance are more important than life.

Spike is a fanatical believer, but after being forced to confess by an agent named The Butcher in Los Eye, he succumbed, including spying on a female neighbor taking a bath when he was a child, and using his authority to have inappropriate relations with underage female believers. If you are summoned, you must know that in a morally obscene country like the Kingdom of the Sun, the latter is a capital crime and requires the punishment of being whipped.

The basement door was pushed open, and Su Xiao and Shalin walked into the room.

"That's all. Just ask him whatever you want."

A man wearing a black hood and rubber butcher suit was wiping the instruments of torture. He was the butcher. His face was never shown, and only Laizong knew his appearance.

Su Xiao looked at Bishop Spike of the Kingdom of the Sun. His whole body was covered in blood and flesh, and he was obviously skinned alive. He did not die from excessive blood loss, which shows how skilled the butcher was.

Su Xiao frowned. He rarely tortured his enemies by destroying their bodies. Not to mention that the information he obtained was not accurate enough. The impact on his heart alone cannot be ignored. Su Xiao often killed enemies, but he never Torturing the enemy because he does not think killing is something worth enjoying. It is just one of the means to achieve the goal, simple and crude.

Su Xiao is very interested in fighting with the enemy. The battle is about you coming and going, trying to kill each other while competing for combat IQ. The feeling of life and death on the line will make many people addicted to it. Physical torture is one-sided. Sadism makes people boring.

Charlene saw Su Xiao frown, which surprised her: "Didn't you see that the people in the killing force are so sympathetic?"

Hearing what Sha Lin said, Su Xiao said nothing. The butcher who was packing up the torture tools sneered, showing a slight disdain.

"Where is that thing? If you guessed correctly, that thing should resemble some kind of array."

Su Xiao has seen space coordinates several times. As for secondary space coordinates, it is likely that the specifications are crude.


Spike looked at Su Xiao slightly confused.

"Answer his question."

The butcher spoke, and Spike's body trembled when he heard the butcher's voice.


Spike's lips trembled, and some energy returned to his dull eyes. Seeing this look, the butcher picked up a torture instrument.

"I will only tell him one person."

Spike looked at Su Xiao. He had revealed a lot of personal information before, but he only told a very small part of the secrets of the Sun Kingdom in order to reduce the pain he suffered.

"Sorry, it seems it's not ready yet."

The butcher stepped forward, and Su Xiao turned her head to look at him.

"Mr. Bai Ye, please go out first..."

The butcher suddenly stopped mid-sentence. He was sure that if he continued, he would probably die.

"Go out first."

Charlene 'understood' what was going on. After being tortured, Bishop Spike just wanted to be freed as soon as possible. For Spike, the butcher, the person who brought him endless pain, was not qualified to get information from him. Su Xiao

Defeat him openly and honestly.

In Spike's eyes, although both of them were enemies, if he had to tell one of them the information, Spike would choose Su Xiao, who defeated him head-on, instead of the butcher with mediocre combat power who held torture instruments.

Charlene left the basement with the slightly unhappy butcher.

"It seems that I made a wrong choice."

Spike smiled, blood dripping down his chin.


The energy of the green steel shadow gathered in Su Xiao's hands, and when it was transformed into an energy shield, he shaped the energy shield into a short knife.

"Aren't you afraid that I will lie to you?"

Spike is still laughing.

"If you continue to talk nonsense, it will still be the man in the hood talking about life with you. Tell me the answer within 3 seconds."

The energy blade dagger flipped in Su Xiao's hand, seeming to separate Spike's throat at any time.

"Jinbo Street, Fox Divination House."

Spike's whole body began to feel weak, and a slight tingling sensation came from his arms. He was surprised to find that the unbearable pain all over his body disappeared.

Su Xiao dropped the injection in her hand, turned and walked out of the basement.

"Wait...wait, you haven't killed me yet, where are you going? Stop!"

Spike struggled hard, and Su Xiao stopped and turned her head slightly.

"Did I say I would kill you?"

"You said it before."

Spike's breathing was rapid.

"You're right, so that happened before. See you later."


Spike was a little desperate.

With a bang, the basement door was closed tightly. The next moment, the butcher opened the door. Using the gap in the iron door, Spike saw Su Xiao and the butcher nodding to each other. There was no contempt or murderous intention.

At this moment, Spike realized that the butcher's sneer and contempt for Su Xiao were all fake. These people just made eye contact, completed silent communication, and quickly formulated a plan.

As a beautiful woman, Charlene had a slight disdain for Su Xiao, which meant that the members of the killing force were actually merciful, and the butcher was supportive, amplifying her disdain for Su Xiao.

This scene all fell into the eyes of Bishop Spike. As a victim of the butcher, he was almost mentally broken. He instinctively leaned towards the 'despised' side of Su Xiao. After all, both parties were 'vulnerable groups'.

That's why Spike said: 'I'll only tell him one person.'

"The people who kill the troops really deserve their reputation."

The butcher chuckled sinisterly.

"Mr. Bishop, please rest assured that we will not let you die. You will receive the best treatment. You are of greater value than continuing to torture you."

Spike didn't speak again this time, he wouldn't trust anyone again.

Outside the basement, Su Xiao held a map.

"What will happen if a fight breaks out on Jinbo Street?"

Su Xiao has found the location of Jinbo Street, which is located on the east side of Redu and belongs to the commercial district.

"You must not engage in firefights with the enemy there. It is a commercial district. Bullets will penetrate many walls, causing dozens or even hundreds of civilian casualties."

Although Charlene is ruthless to her enemies, she has a strong sense of responsibility towards the civilians of Redu. Although she is a spy, she only became a spy to protect the Geya Alliance.

"Then no need for firearms."


Charlene looked at Su Xiao in surprise. Fighting against people from the Kingdom of the Sun without using firearms was almost the same as seeking death.

This chapter has been completed!
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