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Chapter 24: You definitely did it on purpose

Thermal weapon warfare at night depends 30% on luck and 70% on bunkers. The visibility under the moonlight is too low, and it is pitch black 50 meters away.

Sniper rifles with night vision function are almost like ghosts in the dark night battlefield.

"Sir, it's 11:21."

The assistant came close to Su Xiao's ear and breathed hot air on Su Xiao's face. Just now, a cannonball fell twenty meters away, and the assistant was almost vomited by the sound wave of the explosion.

"too close."

Su Xiao was not affected by the sound waves of the explosion. The assistant's bright eyes blinked, indicating that he had not heard what Su Xiao was saying at all.

Facts have proved that chatterbox is not terrible at ordinary times. When chatterbox is half-deaf, she will think that everyone is half-deaf.

In fact, Su Xiao doesn't dislike the assistant. This girl is very good at ranging. She can accurately locate the enemy's position to within 10 meters with the naked eye.

Moreover, Su Xiao's original partner Haidong was also a talkative person. Compared to Haidong, the assistant's talkativeness was nothing at all.

"Sir, it's already 11:22."

The assistant came over again. This girl was different from 99% of other girls. She didn't have the legendary body fragrance, but instead smelled like gunpowder.

Su Xiao raised her voice: "I know."

"Well, what should we do?"


The reason why the assistant is so anxious is because an order has been passed down from above. At 11:30, the 12th Regiment will begin to coordinate with infantry and tanks to push back the tank division on the opposite side. If they cannot capture this place before 12:00, there will be big problems.

Therefore, before 11:30, Su Xiao has to cover the three members of the killing force as they rush into the forest on the diagonal side. At 11:30, their own side will launch illumination bombs in a large area, and it will be difficult for the three of them to get through.

"They took action."

The assistant retreated into the trench, and a bullet whizzed past her head, almost hitting her in the head.

Su Xiao picked up a bloody helmet from the ground and threw it up.

Da da da……

Intense bullets struck, the soil above the trench where Su Xiao was sitting was splashed, and the corrugated steel in front of him protruded one after another.

Obviously, the enemy has discovered Su Xiao's location. Snipers are hated on the battlefield and will be shot by machine guns, bombarded by rifles, bombarded by tanks, etc.

"Change positions."

Su Xiao grabbed the assistant's clothes at the back of his neck and jumped out of the trench.


Bullets whizzed past him, and Su Xiao threw out the explosive bomb in his hand.


White light exploded in the dark night, and Su Xiao rushed to the back of an abandoned tank. The tank had rolled over, with half a charred corpse hanging from the tank's main gun.

The little assistant in Su Xiao's hand rubbed his eyes, his expression clearly said: 'Where am I? How did I get here?'

Leaving behind his assistant, Su Xiao took out a thermal imaging device and attached it to the chassis of the tank. A large red figure appeared on the screen. This was a blue-quality one-time prop.

Among the many red figures, there are three purple figures, which are three members of the killing force.

"What's this?"

The assistant has obviously never seen a thermal imaging device.

"science and technology."

Su Xiao is observing the path of the three people. He will not take action unless he encounters enemies that must be dealt with.

"You look so awesome."

The assistant touched the induction imaging device, Su Xiao glanced at her, and the assistant grinned.

"27 meters..."

After hesitating for a moment, Su Xiao leaned out from behind the tank.


At the same time as the gunshots were fired, an enemy soldier 780 meters away was shot through the torso. The soldier took half a step back and sat on the ground.


The sound of sobs pierced the air, and a cannonball fell from above, heading straight for Su Xiao.

Almost instantly, the assistant pulled off the thermal imaging device from the tank chassis. Of course she discovered the value of this thing. Just when the assistant was about to rush outside the bunker, she was surprised to find that the 48-ton bunker was actually


Click, click, click...

The steel twisted, Su Xiao lifted the abandoned tank with one hand and threw it straight towards the falling shells.


The fire exploded in mid-air, and the assistant felt a huge force coming from her butt, and her body flew forward.

With a bang, the little assistant fell into a mud pit. When she reacted, Su Xiao had already set up a sniper rifle near her.



The assistant spoke out a series of numbers very quickly. All Su Xiao needed was distance. No matter what kind of gun it was, the bullet would not accelerate twice after it came out of the chamber, but would fly towards the enemy in a parabola.

Su Xiao pulled the trigger, and the enemy 50 meters away from the pathfinder dog was headshot. The pathfinder dog, Xiangshan and other three people rushed into the forest.

Su Xiao looked around and determined that there was not much risk, then he leaned over and rushed towards the trench. Compared to the mud pit, the trench was many times safer.

The assistant lay on the ground and crawled forward quickly. 20 seconds after Su Xiao entered the trench, the assistant climbed into the trench.

Amidst the roar of artillery shells and the whistling of bullets, the assistant lay in the trench gasping for air.

"I thought I was dead, hahaha."

The little assistant stood up with a carp blow, her movements were handsome and unrestrained, and the next moment, she was kicked to the ground by Su Xiao.


Several bullets flew over the trench.

"It hurts~ I calculated the height and the bullet can't hit me, sir."

The little assistant held his belly.

"Really, that was my mistake."

Su Xiao lit a cigarette, and his mission was basically completed. After that, he only needed to sneak into the enemy's battlefield.

"You are taking revenge, absolutely, absolutely."

The little assistant sat on the ground, took out the compressed biscuits from his arms and started chewing them.

Rumbling and shaking sounds came from the rear, and tanks came one after another, at least hundreds of them. It was our own tank division that had arrived.

The tracks made a roaring sound as hundreds of tanks pushed forward side by side. These tanks ran directly over the trench more than one meter wide and crossed effortlessly.

Su Xiao jumped out of the trench and followed a tank, followed closely by her assistant.


An anti-tank shell hit the side of the tank, causing sparks to fly. The shell bounced off and flew to an unknown location. The steel plate on the side of the tank that was hit was blazing red, and white gas was rising.


The little assistant lowered his head, but there was a smile on his face.

Boom, boom, boom!

Tank after tank poured fire on the enemy trenches, and a ball of white light exploded in mid-air, which was an illumination bomb.

The entire battlefield instantly became as bright as day. Thick white smoke rose from the enemy's trenches, and wailing sounds came from the white smoke. They were white phosphorus bombs fired by our own tanks, which are incendiary bombs specially designed for tanks.


An enemy soldier covered in sparks wailed and burst out of the white smoke, and the next moment he was beaten into pieces.

All our own infantry had jumped out of the trenches and formed a long queue behind the tanks. Stray bullets hit them from time to time, and all those who were hit fell to the ground.

Su Xiao sat on the back of the tank and looked sideways at the enemy trenches. He was a little confused, why the enemy tanks were not dispatched?

The advance of the tanks was almost unstoppable. Within a few minutes, hundreds of tanks had advanced to 80 meters in front of the enemy trenches.

The tanks' main guns and heavy machine guns began to concentrate their firepower, and in less than ten minutes, the enemy trenches were blown to pieces.

"Let the infantry come up."

A captain inside the tank yelled on the radio, and not long after, the infantry gate behind the tank spread out and moved forward. This is how plain warfare is, the side that dispatches the tank has an absolute advantage.

Su Xiao jumped above the tank and knocked on the tank hatch with a gun. A tank soldier opened the hatch with doubts.

"What are you doing?"


The assistant got into the tank, and Su Xiao did the same. Half of his upper body was exposed outside the hatch. After the assistant negotiated, the tank drove forward.

The situation of the battle was beyond everyone's expectation. The enemy's frontline troops were so impatient that they lost their defensive position in less than fifteen minutes. From the beginning to the end, the enemy did not dispatch even a single tank.


A genius can remember the address of this website in one second:..:m.

This chapter has been completed!
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