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Chapter 69: Witness

The business in the cafeteria was booming. In the booth where Su Xiao and Kuang Hu were sitting, green smoke slowly drifted away. Su Xiao felt a little more energetic after lighting a cigarette, but she still felt sleepy.

"What does the God Emperor mean?"

Su Xiao threw the cigarette in her hand to Kuanghu, who hesitated for a moment, took out one and lit it.

"At least I didn't say anything before I left. It's hard to eat the thing in your hand, but you must eat it. I also want to ask your opinion. What resources do you need recently? We will prepare it as soon as possible."

Of course, the purpose of Kuanghu calling Su Xiao out for dinner is not simple. The value of [Team Rank Promotion Scroll] is too high. The God Emperor Adventure Group wants to buy it, not to mention draining the team's assets, but it is almost the same, so Kuanghu wants to

Come to inquire about the price. As for why the God Emperor didn’t come forward, maybe he didn’t want to be stimulated.

“Paradise coin trading is also possible.”

"Cough cough cough..."

The mad fox coughed repeatedly, his eyes showing "desperation", wanting to buy the [Team Rank Promotion Scroll] is not a matter of millions of paradise coins. If you just pay the paradise coins, there is no way to stop it.

"As for what resources I need, can a complete soul crystal be used, high-purity life energy can be used, or equipment of special quality?"

"Special quality equipment?"

Kuanghu looked a little confused and then thought of something.

"Of course, if you can't pay it all at once, you can pay it in two or three installments, but the cost of payment will be higher and higher."

Su Xiao spit out green smoke and a smile appeared on her face.

"Are you...arranging a loan for our leader? Or is it a loan shark?"

Kuang Hu changed his voice slightly and looked at Su Xiao in astonishment.

If Su Xiao was trading with one person, he would certainly not choose this method, but the God Emperor is a large adventure group, and it is very reliable to give them a 'loan', but the interest rate will be very scary, at least [Team level]

Promotion Scroll】more than 40% of the total value.

"If you understand it that way, there's nothing wrong with it."


Kuanghu struggled for a moment and then smiled. There was nothing to worry about. Su Xiao sold the [Team Rank Promotion Scroll] only to them, which was a very sincere deal.

The cute girl with twin ponytails and the seaweed-headed boy next to Mad Fox looked at each other. There was some doubt in each other's eyes about life. All their net worth might not be as much as the fraction of the transaction price of the [Team Rank Promotion Scroll].

"We will prepare as soon as possible, up to 12 hours."


Su Xiao stood up and left. He was going to go back and take a nap. After recuperating enough, he would try to master the new ability of the Shadow of Destruction.

After returning to the exclusive room, Su Xiao fell asleep.

I don't know how long she slept. Su Xiao got up from the bed. She was dazed for a moment, and her eyes returned to their previous look. After washing up, she felt refreshed. She had lost a lot of brains in the ghost world when she was fighting wits with those old ghosts.

Cell, his condition is surprisingly good now, or in other words, his condition has never been so good.

This made Su Xiao wonder, could Lao Yin Bie also have the potential to improve? As he continues to scheming with other Lao Yin Beep, his level of Lao Yin Beep will also increase?

Shaking her head, Su Xiao felt that she was not considered an old man, probably not.

If Mrs. Nancy is still alive and learns of Su Xiao's thoughts, she will definitely roar: "Knock on me, you are no good like Harold, no, you are even less good, I was almost raped by you.


Sitting cross-legged on the soft bed, Su Xiao took out all the soul crystals (complete) in the storage space, a total of 10, and checked the existing paradise coins, a total of 1.41 million paradise coins.

Open the skill list and check the sword skills. Su Xiao's sword skills master has reached lv.13, and after previous accumulation, it can be improved again.

[Yes/No to upgrade Sword Master lv.13. To upgrade this ability, soul crystal (complete) x1 + 100,000 paradise coins are required. 】

Su Xiao pondered for a moment and chose to upgrade the sword master to level 7 at the same time. He still remembered how powerful the evil was.

There was a crisp sound, and 7 of the 10 soul crystals (complete) in Su Xiao's hand exploded. The paradise coins fell like water, and nearly half of them were quickly consumed.

The broken soul crystal (complete) turned into a crystal clear energy, which enveloped Su Xiao. The next moment, there was a thunderous sound in his ears, and white light appeared in front of his eyes.

When Su Xiao's sight returned, he was already on the frozen soil in a world of ice and snow. In the snow, a man wearing linen clothes and holding a black wooden knife was chopping down a towering tree in the wind and snow.

The tree is at least several hundred meters high, with a trunk that is more than ten meters thick at the bottom and is overall iron-black in color.

"One thousand three nine, one thousand three nine..."

A man in linen clothes was chopping down a giant tree with a knife. He had frostbite all over his body, and thick calluses could be seen on his palms. He looked sallow and thin, and kept repeating a number in his mouth. He had been chopping here for an unknown amount of time, and

One thousand and thirty-nine means 10.39 million slashes.

There was a sharp click, and the wooden knife in the man's hand shattered. He staggered back a few steps, fell to the ground with a thud, and was frozen to death by the cold wind. He died in obscurity, but he was pursuing the ultimate in sword skills.

Su Xiao came to the man in sackcloth, knelt down, and helped the man close his eyes with the intention of channeling his thoughts.

The man exploded into particles of light, his soul was shattered, and his memory was shattered, leaving only the purest things, which were his understanding of knife skills from tens of millions of chops.

Su Xiao hesitated for a moment and did not touch the sharp brilliance with his hand. Instead, he walked to the towering ancient tree and a black wooden knife appeared in his hand.


An extremely ordinary horizontal cut with the knife, small pieces of wood flew away. The next moment, Su Xiao felt that time was passing quickly, but his intended chopping action was slowed down tens of thousands of times. At the same time, he saw many figures of different shapes.

, the men and women in linen clothes stood in front of the ancient tree, hacking at it one after another. Some of them succeeded in realizing something, but most of them froze to death here.

A tingling sensation appeared in Su Xiao's mind, and the next moment, his eyes suddenly opened, and the furnishings of the exclusive room came into view.

Su Xiao gasped for breath for a while, sweat soaked through his clothes. He glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside. Only ten minutes had passed, but he had witnessed a lot of things.

[The sword master has been promoted to lv.14.]

[The sword master has been promoted to lv.15.]

[The sword master has been promoted to lv.16.]

[The master of swordsmanship has been promoted to lv.20 and has obtained the abilities derived from lv.20.]

[Master of Swordsmanship: lv.20 (passive skill)]

Skill effects: Increase the attack power of knife weapons by 408% (increased by 63%), nerve reflex speed +79% (increased by 35%), immune to mental control, immune to psychic bewitchment, induction, etc.

Initial additional ability: Rhythm of All Things lv.max+ (break through the upper limit by one level).

Blade Light: lv.65 (increase lv.5).

lv.10 ultimate ability: Shadow Flash (active).

lv.20 ultimate ability: Soul Blade (Passive), after years of training, your sword skills have been integrated into the soul. You can save most damage from the soul level and instant death effects (immune to 50% soul damage, save once

A life-threatening beheading effect).

Tip: After saving once from the beheading effect, the Soul Blade ability will be dormant for 15 natural days.

What the master of swordsmanship derives from reaching lv.20 is not the attack ability, but immunity to 50% soul damage and immunity to one beheading. As for the silence time of 15 natural days, Su Xiao doesn't care at all. How long does it take?

It's unlucky to encounter enemies with killing abilities twice in a row within half a month.

Su Xiao has the ability to kill, so he knows how unsolvable this ability is. Many dangerous experiences in the past were all because the enemy had the ability to kill. Fortunately, his physique was strong enough in the past few times, and he was not able to

The beheading line forces out the enemy's beheading abilities.

For example, in the previous crime, the five shots that the opponent stabbed into Su Xiao's chest were killing abilities. If Su Xiao's health value was less than 20% at that time, he would be directly broken into pieces by the Death Penalty Dusk Explosion.

This chapter has been completed!
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