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Chapter 39: Conspiracy and Conspiracy

The sun was blazing in the sky, and rows of training corps members stood under the scorching sunshine.

"Start the roll call now."

Alvin held a list in his hand and began to call the names one by one.

The members of the training corps were puzzled, and they were a little dizzy under the scorching sun.

‘Liner Brown’ and ‘Berthold’ standing in the team were inevitably nervous and their eyes were not looking at Su Xiao.

"Eren Yeager."


"Mikasa Ackerman."


five minutes later.

"Arnie Leonard."


"Did he die in battle?"

"No body has been found yet."

Alvin's eyes narrowed and he continued to name names.


A loud noise suddenly came from the direction of the city wall. Everyone was startled and their eyes were attracted by the noise.

"No, there is a giant attacking the boulder blocking the entrance of the cave. Gather, hurry!"

Alvin roared angrily, and the members of the Survey Corps gathered and rushed towards the city wall.

Alvin took Allen with him when he left, and Allen could not leave Alvin's sight.

Su Xiao raised his eyebrows. This could not hinder his plan. Alvin was very smart, but the intelligence gap between them was too big. Su Xiao would definitely win this round.

The survey team quickly rushed to the boulder. When they arrived, they found that the boulder had only been slightly moved.

"Up the wall."

Alvin led people up the city wall.

Su Xiao's body was covered with bandages and he was a wounded person, so he did not need to follow the investigation corps.

After he discovered that Alvin and others had all boarded the city and countryside, he winked at Lena Brown, and the two of them followed Su Xiao and rushed to the city wall.

Mikasa, Armin and others also followed closely, and they would not let Eren go unnoticed.

Now the Survey Corps only has unilateral suspicions and is not qualified to control the actions of the Training Corps.

The Survey Corps only patrols in the name of investigation and has no right to detain members of the Training Corps.

Everyone climbed onto the city wall, and the Survey Corps was already patrolling along the edge of the city wall.

No giant figure appeared outside and below the wall, and the giant attacking the boulder seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Su Xiao was following the team of the Survey Corps. The leaders of the team were Alvin, Hanji Zoyer and others. Levi was not there, which made Su Xiao a little surprised.

After a round of inspection, the survey corps and training corps met up.

Mikasa and Armin came to Eren.

"You can't take it lightly if you don't find it. Everyone is free to patrol."

After Alvin became cold, everyone gradually dispersed.

"What's going on? There was clearly a giant attacking before."

Armin scratched his chin and walked forward slowly.

"who knows."

Mikasa answered casually, looking a little distracted.

Boom~, a burst of muffled thunder sounded.

The originally sunny weather suddenly turned dark with clouds, the sky became dark and thunderous.

Su Xiao has been observing Allen's movements.


Reiner Brown suddenly spoke, and Su Xiao frowned. This guy's mental state was a bit wrong, but Su Xiao couldn't speak to Reiner now.

After Armin, Mikasa and others walked some distance away, Reiner Brown spoke.

"Can we chat for a few words? I have something to tell you."

Allen turned to look at Lena Brown, with a puzzled expression, but there was some panic deep in his eyes, as if he was afraid of what Lena Brown would say.

"A few years ago we started destroying walls and attacking humans. I am an armored giant, and this guy is a super giant."

As he spoke, Reiner pointed at Berthold, who turned pale with fright.

"what are you saying."

Allen looked at Lena Brown in surprise.

"What are you talking about, Reiner, have you forgotten your previous plan?"

Berthold spoke with a vibrato and looked at Lidya Su in panic.

At this time, Su Xiao's eyes were lowered. He felt that something was wrong. The plan was progressing too smoothly. Everyone's move to leave was very abrupt, especially Mikasa.

"Our goal is to eliminate humanity."

Rainer Braun breaks free of 'Berthold's' arm.

"But there is no need for that now, Allen. As long as you come with us, we don't have to destroy the city wall anymore. Do you understand?"

Lena Brown looked at Allen expectantly. Allen had a good relationship with him. He usually played the role of Allen's eldest brother. In fact, Lena already recognized Allen as his younger brother in his heart.

In Reiner's opinion, Allen will follow him, he firmly believes it!

Reiner's schizophrenia became more serious.

"I don't understand it at all."

Allen's pupils were trembling, as if he didn't want to accept the facts in front of him.

"Just come with us. Even though it's sudden, let's go now."

"Now? Where to go?"

Lena Brown pondered for a while.

"I can't say yet, but that is our hometown. What about Alan, this is a good deal. As long as you come with us, we will no longer destroy the city wall and no one will die."

Allen didn't answer, just looked up at the sky. He remembered the impromptu meeting organized by the head of the Survey Corps early last night.

Move the time to nine hours ago.

Inside the underground base of the Survey Corps headquarters.

Several torches were stuck on the walls to illuminate the basement, and the burnt animal fat produced a burnt smell that filled the basement.

When Allen woke up leisurely, he was surprised by the two faces that came into view.

"Mikasa, Armin."

The three reunited again, and Allen was not only happy.

"Alan, continue your previous topic."

Erwin, Levi, Hanji Zoyer and others were standing aside, as well as several other members of the Survey Corps.

"Captain, are you really not going to inform Bai Ye?"

Hanji Zoye asked tentatively.

"No, Bai Ye is 'very tired' now, let him 'rest'."

Alvin looked at Allen.

Allen was asked a lot of questions while he was confused. Alvin mainly asked about the "isolated personality" that Allen mentioned before.

Arnie became a target of suspicion, but the Survey Corps only suspected it and had no evidence.

"I have obtained the regimental leader's information. This is the interpersonal relationship of the 104th training corps."

Alvin flipped through the information and stopped suddenly when he turned to a page. It said that Arnie Leonard, Lena Brown, and Berthold were Tongxiang.

"Three people? Three 'intelligent giants' with different looks. Armin, did these three people get acquainted with each other during training?"

Erwin's question made Armin fall into silence.

"Reiner and Berthold are generally inseparable, and Arnie... I have never seen her talking to the two of them."

"Never spoke?"

"Well, at least I've never seen Ani talking to two people."

Alvin thought silently.

"So~, I want to ask, Mr. Bai Ye was mentioned just now, he..."

Allen asked tentatively.

"I don't know yet, but I have a feeling that he is pushing everything from beginning to end.

Whether he is arresting you, interrogating you, or blocking the holes in the city wall, he is always there. He was not so active before Bai Ye.

The current situation is too complicated, we don’t want to doubt Bai Ye, his behavior so far has been loyal to human beings, this is just for the sake of caution.”

In fact, Alvin never believed in Su Xiao, and Su Xiao also noticed this, so he never thought of staying in the Survey Corps.

"Alan, you can become a giant, so pay more attention to those three people in the future."

The meeting ended here, and I have to say that Alvin's reasoning ability is terrifying.

Time is back on track, on the city wall.

Lena Brown's hand patted Allen's shoulder. This was a normal action between the two of them, but at this time Allen's body trembled.

"Reiner, you must be too tired, why are you talking nonsense, don't you think so, Berthold?"

Berthold was very nervous.

"Yes, Reiner was indeed too tired and started talking nonsense."

Berthold, who was not very determined, had a cold sweat on his face.

Allen showed a forced smile.

"Right, Reiner, what you just said is outrageous. It's like I should say, 'Okay, let's go.'"

When Allen finished speaking, he found Lena Brown staring at him in stunned silence.

"Yeah~, so that's it. What was I thinking? Just follow the plan. Am I really going crazy?"

Rainer Brown lowered his head and his lips were trembling.

The wind howled and the flagpole on the city wall was blown off.

Bang. Bang, bang, bang.

The flagpole fell to the ground along the city wall.

"I must have stayed here too long and lived with a bunch of idiots for three years. We were just kids at that time and didn't know anything, not even a sense of mission or orders.

I no longer know what the right choice is, but I..."

Lena Brown pulled off the bandage on his body, steam gradually emerged from the wound on his body, and the wound was recovering rapidly.

"As a soldier, I will bear this responsibility until death."

Reiner's voice was low, he was no longer confused, sparks were flowing on his body, Reiner's injuries were fully recovered.

"Reiner! Do you want to wear it? Right here! Now!"

Berthold yelled several times, and the long-term suppression broke out.

"Ah, in this decisive battle, although the plan was disrupted, this is our ultimate goal."

Lena Brown walked quickly towards Allen, who was already frightened.

"Don't even think about it!"

A black-haired beauty appeared behind Allen, her eyes flashed coldly, it was Mikasa.

Mikasa rushed towards Reiner and Berthold with a sharp blade in hand.

Pfft, pfft.

After two stabs, both Reiner and Reiner were seriously injured. One of Reiner's arms was cut off, and Berthold was even worse, with half of his throat cut open.


A shrill scream came from behind Mikasa. Upon hearing this familiar voice, Mikasa immediately turned around. The scene that greeted her eyes made her stunned and her whole body trembled uncontrollably.

Allen was chopped into a stick by Su Xiao with three swords. Su Xiao was holding Allen by the back of his neck and holding him in his hands.


Allen's cervical vertebrae were crushed, his body hung limply, his eyes were dull, his consciousness was in a state of confusion, and he completely lost control of his body.

"Let's go, we have achieved our goal."



Reiner and Berthold roared at the same time.

"don't want!"

Mikasa let out a scream, tears welled up from Mikasa's eyes, she thought Eren had been killed.

Su Xiao just gave Mikasa a cold look and ignored her.

Two golden lightning bolts hit the city wall, and the impact spread to the side.

At this time, a large number of members of the Survey Corps came from all directions, including Levi.

"Reiner, swallow him."

Su Xiao threw Allen into the mouth of Reiner, who had transformed into an armored giant. The armored giant swallowed Allen in one gulp and waved for Su Xiao to stand on his shoulders.

After Su Xiao used the 'three-dimensional mobile device' to reach the Armored Giant's shoulder, the Armored Giant immediately covered the shoulder injury with a pair of big hands.


Some harsh jet sounds were heard, and hot steam was emitted from the body of the super giant that transformed on the city wall. Because of the limited space, only the upper body of the super giant appeared.

Mikasa and the members of the Survey Corps screamed and backed away.

Because of Reiner's protection, Su Xiao was not injured by the steam. Reiner controlled the armored giant and jumped directly off the city wall.

At the same time, the super giant also took action. Berthold broke free from the back of the super giant's neck and used the 'three-dimensional maneuvering device' to reach the armored giant's shoulders.

The 30-meter-tall upper body of the super-large giant began to fall, targeting the people on the city wall.


A large amount of steam surged up from the city wall, and the loud noise was heard within a kilometer radius.

Su Xiao stood on the shoulders of the Armored Titan, who was running quickly. He had already seen that something was wrong with the Survey Corps before. He had never received any news about the ambush on the city wall, which meant that he had been classified as a suspect.

It's lucky that the Survey Corps hasn't been completely wiped out now. It's not easy to dodge the super giant's fall.

This chapter has been completed!
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