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Chapter 27: Thorn and Riot

The news that the old Holy King was resurrected has spread at an alarming speed in the capital of the empire, and with the help of interested people, there are two versions of this news.

The first is that the old holy king gained the love of the goddess and was able to resurrect from the dead.

The second type is that the old holy king was greedy for eternal life, blasphemed the gods, and used evil methods to bring the goddess into the world.

Of the two kinds of news, most civilians believed the former. After all, they had witnessed with their own eyes the location where the goddess' shadow descended, and it was at the Luna Monastery.

However, the goddess did not perform a miracle at the monastery, but traveled across half of the capital to reach the top of Lurenfei Palace.

Belief was shaken, the Moon Goddess favored the Holy King, not his representative in this world, the Moon Goddess.

The direct consequence of this incident was that of the thousands of believers who often came to the monastery to pray, only less than two-thirds came early the next morning.

What's even more terrible is that the main entrance of the cathedral is closed, no believers are allowed to enter, and nearly a hundred Moon Apostles are blocking the door.

This made the believers even more shaken. Luna Monastery's move to close the auditorium was almost cutting off its own retreat.

In fact, the Moon Goddess didn't want to, but the Immortal Crystal Goddess Statue was stolen again. Even if a lot of mechanisms were rearranged and dozens of Moon Apostles were all staring at the goddess statue at night, the statue was still stolen.

The Moon Apostles who were present at the time agreed that the statue of the goddess suddenly disappeared, just like that out of thin air.

The Moon Goddess didn't say a word when she arrived and turned around to leave. Now she wants to accomplish another thing. As long as the old guy lies in the coffin again, everything will be over. She has many ways to deal with the rumors. The most she can do is to reshape the statue of the goddess.

However, things will not develop as the Moon Goddess imagined. What she needs now is time, but the enemy will not give her any time to breathe.

"Get out of the way, closing the cathedral for no reason, are you crazy?"

A loud shout was heard outside the main entrance of the monastery, and the believers who were arguing with the Moon Apostles in the courtyard fell silent. Soon, several of the believers began to cause trouble.

"The goddess...may not be looking at this place anymore."

This sentence suddenly came from among the believers.

"Who said that, stand up!"

A moon apostle looked around angrily at the goddess believers present.

"It can't be... like this."

"How is it possible? The monastery has always been a place of faith. Don't be confused."

"That's right."

The believers' whispers made the hundreds of moon apostles breathe a sigh of relief.

"The goddess is no longer attached to this place. The Holy King is the goddess's traveler on earth, and the Moon Goddess is just an old maid who cannot get married."

There was another shout, and it was still the thorn-headed believer just now. Miraculously, his voice was very high, but hundreds of Moon Apostles couldn't find him.

"Who said that, stand up for me!!"

The tree wolf was angry. He looked around at the believers, trying to find the thorny head.


The screams came, attracting everyone's attention.

A haggard man fell to the ground. He covered his throat with his hands, and blood spurted out from between his fingers, covering the faces and bodies of other nearby believers.

A Moon Apostle, holding a square shield covered with blood, was standing there with a look of astonishment on his face. There were some pieces of meat hanging on the sharp edges of the shield.

"It wasn't me, he, he bumped into it himself."

Blood dripped down the shield, and the diamond-shaped seal in the center of the shield was particularly dazzling. The somewhat panicked Moon Apostle took a few steps back, and was greeted by hundreds of angry looks.

"The monastery kills innocent people!!"

The thorn-headed believer roared at the top of his lungs.

"Back up, back up quickly."

The tree wolf knew that the situation was starting to go badly, so instead of asking the believers to retreat, he asked the Moon Apostles to retreat.

"Get down, everyone, get down on the ground and put your hands up."

One of the Moon Apostles not only did not retreat, but instead stepped forward and roared loudly.

"Stay back, me!"

The tree wolf's eyes glared angrily, and he quickly rushed towards the moon apostle. However, there were too many believers around him, so he did not dare to use force.

The roaring Moon Apostle glanced at the tree wolf. One of his eyes was dim, obviously a fake eye.

Before all the believers knew what was happening, the one-eyed moon apostle pulled something from his waist.

Seeing what was in the hands of the One-Eyed Moon Apostle, a chill emerged from the tree wolf's heart.


The arm blade protruded from the cuffs of the tree wolf. With a flick of his arm, the half-meter-long arm blade shot out rapidly.


The arm blade sank into the neck of the one-eyed moon apostle and penetrated directly through it. The blood-stained arm blade sank into the far wall.

With the sound of a bell, a metal ring flew out of the One-Eyed Moon Apostle's hand, and he fell to the ground helplessly.


The tree wolf pounced forward with all its strength.


The steam spreads, and rhombus-shaped metal shrapnel flies out mixed with a whimpering sound, instantly sifting the believers within a dozen meters around.

The tree wolf was pushed upside down by the momentum of the steam. He rolled twice on the ground before standing up. His eyes widened at the tragedy he saw.

Broken limbs and bones were blown up everywhere. The steam bomb had obviously been modified to reduce the power of the shrapnel, causing the seriously injured believers who fell to the ground to scream miserably.

"Save people, save people quickly."

The tree wolf wanted to save himself again, but unfortunately, out of the corner of his eye, he saw three Moon Apostles taking out steam bombs and throwing them into the crowd.

Boom, boom, boom...

Four explosions in succession resounded throughout half of the empire's capital, and the troops in the city swarmed towards the Luna Monastery.

The guardian of the Luna Monastery's "Immortal Crystal Goddess" neglected his duties and used steam bombs to massacre civilians in order to cover up the scandal.

As soon as this news came out, the residents of the empire were in an uproar, and according to reliable information, there are still more than 2,000 goddess believers trapped in the Luna Monastery.

When the flower of the empire, Sonia, hurriedly arrived with her people, her heart was already cold when she saw the tragic situation in the inner courtyard.

"Treewolf, you did a good job."

Sonia's lips were trembling.

"It has nothing to do with me..."

"Fart, how did those people get in? Can't you recognize their unfamiliar faces?"

Of course Sonia knew what was going on. She was asking the tree wolf why there were enemy people sneaking into the Moon Apostles.

"Those...are not strangers. Alva was the first to take action. I have known him for at least ten years."

Hearing the words of the tree wolf, Sonia was obviously stunned for a moment.

"What does the goddess mean?"

The only backbone of the Tree Wolf now is the Moon Goddess.

"My Lady Goddess, let us survive tonight. After tonight we win and everything will pass."


The tree wolf regained his fighting spirit in his eyes, but what he was afraid of was that there was no hope at all.

"Be careful with Cuculin, he will definitely come."

"Leave it to me, this time... I won't lose."

The tree wolf raised his hand and pressed it to his broken arm. Last time, he failed to exert all his strength and lost an arm.

That afternoon, Luna Monastery was surrounded by 40,000 soldiers.

Almost at the same time, those officials who originally supported the Moon Goddess began to defect to the old Saint King. This was the general trend. The old Saint King faked his death and pushed the Moon Goddess to the edge of the cliff.

There are a total of 4,250 Moon Apostles in the Luna Monastery, which prevents the army from entering the Luna Monastery, but the conflict intensifies.

At 7 o'clock that night, on the roof of a building half a kilometer away from the Luna Monastery, Su Xiao ended her brief contact with Eminem. Eminem was still swimming in the sea, beeping extremely bitterly.

The current situation is already very clear. After the old Holy King seized the power of the gods, the low-ranking officials have defected one after another. What they have to do next is to pacify the Luna Monastery. This was impossible before, but now, the Luna Monastery explodes one after another.

A scandal occurs and the people lose their support.

The Moon Goddess still has not released the more than 2,000 believers, and has already pacified those people. This is a very smart decision. Without these hostages, the Moon Goddess Monastery would have been bombed wildly. After all, this is the capital of the empire, even if the old

Even a holy king cannot get things done completely. If he loses the support of the people, the gain will outweigh the loss.

"Sir, the time has come."

A black shadow appeared next to Su Xiao.

"No one from the Luna Monastery will be left alive."

Su Xiao jumped off the roof and walked towards Luna Monastery. The moon tonight was very round and faintly red, giving people an ominous feeling.

This chapter has been completed!
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