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Chapter 41: Contractor Slaughterhouse

Withered leaves flying, an undead jumped down from the tree. He was barefoot, and his muscles were not exaggerated, but full of wild explosive power. Although his five fingers did not have the sharp claws of ordinary undead, he was good at using them.


This undead is called Anda, which is just a homophonic pronunciation, and its original meaning is withered fruit.

Anda tilted his head and looked at Su Xiao. His brain, which was severely eroded by plant viruses, was slow in thinking, but it was not without its benefits. He was focused and persistent enough, so he mastered the low-level, but high-level Throwing Specialization v69.

basic abilities.

Having basic abilities and not having basic abilities are completely two different concepts.

And Su Xiao was not the first contractor to arrive here. Apocalypse Paradise once had sixth-level contractors who arrived here. It was a team of 20 people. After 15 people died, the remaining sixth-level contractors fled in despair.

Get out of here.

Figures jumped out from the trees. A conservative estimate was that there were more than 120 people. This kind of 'welcome ceremony' was more enthusiastic than the Dead City.

It is reasonable for Origin Island to be so dangerous. The core of this world is contaminated. The closer to the source of infection, the stronger the surrounding creatures are. And Origin Island is the source of infection.

Su Xiao looked around and faced more than a hundred highly infected undead at the same time, which put him under great pressure.

The Dead City is weird, the Luna Dungeon is fantasy, and the Origin Island is infected, wild, and crazy.


Anda roared and rushed towards Su Xiao. The moment he charged forward, the undead behind also charged at the same time, and five spears were thrown.

Su Xiao's pupils shrank slightly. His current strength was very different from when he entered the Dead City. If he fought against less than 30 highly infected undead, he was confident. However, there were too many undead.

The Wailing Queen and the like that I have encountered in the past may struggle to fight one of these undead single-handedly, and they will die here if they fail.

As for letting the Wailing Queen fight against more than a hundred highly infected undead at the same time, let's let that little sweetheart go. She's just a mini-boss. The average mini-boss per person on Origin Island is.

With his intuition fully activated, everything around him slowed down. Su Xiao turned his head slightly, and a wooden spear flew past his cheek.

Just after dodging one of them, Su Xiao immediately raised his left foot, and a wooden spear was nailed to his feet with a bang, completely submerging into the ground.

With the help of the impact from his feet, Su Xiao jumped back.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three wooden spears were nailed in front of Su Xiao in a straight line. The undead who threw these wooden spears actually predicted that Su Xiao would jump up, but the timing of the prediction was a little late.

The undead Anda threw himself in front of Su Xiao. Looking at his appearance, it was clear that he was here to die.


The long sword cut through Anda's neck, epic level +13, inlaid with 7 gems, plus the Dragon Slaying Flash added by the gemstone oath scabbard, and cut off Anda's head with one sword.

So what about sixth-level creatures? As the leader of the fifth-level paradise arena, Su Xiao is not a vegetarian.

Anda's head was cut off, but a strange smile appeared on his face. His headless corpse's muscles were bulging, and black threadworms broke out of his body.


Blood mist splashed everywhere, Anda self-destructed, and the black threadworms stretched straight like steel needles, shooting rapidly around, making it inevitable to avoid them.

Bang, bang, bang...

Su Xiao was pushed back a few steps by the impact, and black threadworms hit him one after another. The importance of the crystal layer was reflected at this time.

The black threadworm twisted to the ground, but at this moment, three undead pounced on it.

‘Bendō Sword·Kill.’

Su Xiao leaned forward and slashed forward with his sword. The blood-colored chain was slashed out with a roar. The three undead howled miserably and failed to self-destruct. The Bendo Sword Killer slashed across a large area.

With a pop, three mutilated bodies fell to the ground, but in the next moment, these undead whose heads were broken or whose bodies were chopped into half stood up.

On the one hand, the highly infected undead have strong overall attributes. They are stronger in immortality and infectivity. Their physical strength is lower than them. They are not even qualified to fight with them in close combat. They will soon be infected and become undead.

Puff, puff, puff...

Su Xiao chopped up the three undead like melons and vegetables. This time they did not stand up. Facts have proved that the stronger the enemy, the better the feeling when cutting.

However, this was only a siege by four undead, and there were more than a hundred people behind them. No, these undead had already surrounded Su Xiao at this time.

Su Xiao moved the five fingers of his left hand. If all these undead people rushed up, he would use Dead Silence to harvest them. Otherwise, he could only activate the demon hunting moment and use Dragon Shadow Flash to escape without restriction.

"Woo baaaaaaaaaaaah!"

An undead man wearing a wooden mask with tree bark still visible on the mask roared.

After this roar, the surrounding undead were divided into two echelons. The undead in the back echelon drew their spears from their backs, and the nearly 50 undead in the front row moved closer to Su Xiao.

These guys with gray skin and red eyes are not completely unintelligent. At least they have high IQs in combat and know that it is not advisable to rush at the enemy head-on.

The reason why these undead are so strong is actually because Su Xiao accidentally turned on the hell difficulty.

After all, this is the world of Apocalypse Paradise, and in the judgment of Apocalypse Paradise, the danger level of Origin Island is indeed v53, provided that you enter here during the solar eclipse.

In other words, under normal circumstances, except during the solar eclipse, Apocalypse Paradise will not issue tasks about the Origin Island at all, because all sixth-level contractors who use props to enter this world are kicked back, let alone sending fifth-level contractors.

Come here.

In normal times, the danger level of Origin Island is not v53 at all. This is not because Samsara Paradise tricked Su Xiao, but because Apocalypse Paradise made a wrong judgment, which led to the wrong information plundering from Samsara Paradise, which led to the current scene.

The ultra-high-risk area, coupled with the unreliability of the neutral indigenous character Auda, makes this place even more dangerous. According to the intelligence of the sixth-level contractors in Apocalypse Paradise, the Origin Island is the contractor slaughterhouse!

If the fifth-level contractors enter, one will die, and if they enter a thousand, they will all die here! Unless they wait until the solar eclipse.

Su Xiao exhaled slowly. The more dangerous the battle, the better his condition.


The surrounding ground shook, and a total of 48 undead rushed towards Su Xiao.

'Bendō Sword·Super·Kankana!'


The giant ring-shaped sword light spread to the surroundings, and Su Xiao's right arm felt a little sore as he forced himself to use the move he was developing.

The light blue ring-shaped sword light spread instantly, and an undead was cut off. However, this fatal injury was not fatal to the undead.

A large group of undead who had been chopped into two parts jumped on top of Su Xiao. Some of their bodies were cracked, and some of them used their hands to tear open their upper and lower jaws. This was no longer as simple as being brave and unafraid of death, but treating death as if it were home.


The blood mist exploded, and the surrounding trees and vegetation were blown into pieces. Su Xiao was located at the center of the explosion.

This chapter has been completed!
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