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Chapter 5: What the wizarding world really looks like

Entering the wizarding guild branch from the main entrance, the window is relatively narrow, so the wizarding guild branch is slightly dark. The heavily worn wooden floors and black rock walls amplify this style. It is dark, mysterious, and strangers are not allowed to enter. This is the wizarding guild.

The feeling you give.

After entering the door, Su Xiao found that the place was not big, the whole place was long and narrow, and the black stone walls on both sides were a little damp.

Stepping forward, after walking a few meters, a display window made of wooden bars appeared in the wall on the left. The bottom of the window was one meter high and made of stone. There were traces of insects on the wooden bars. A figure was sitting behind the wooden bars. He

The whole body is covered with gray-brown roots, only one face is exposed, and a wooden wheelchair is sitting underneath.


Like a tree trembling, the old face between the roots opened its eyes, which were turbid and dull eyes.

Bubu Wang hid behind Su Xiao. He suspected that this thing would suddenly break through the wooden fence and swallow it in one bite. In fact, this was a wizard. If he didn't provoke it, there wouldn't be much risk.

"You're here."

The old wizard's voice was a little hoarse. The strange thing was that he didn't ask Su Xiao what his purpose was. He just said, "You're here."

"Who are you?"

Su Xiao was always vigilant. When he entered the city before, he felt something was wrong.

"I can only help you join the Wizards' Guild. Whether you live or die, it has nothing to do with me. I am the hunter of the reincarnation paradise."

The old wizard raised his hand buried in the root system and handed out a piece of parchment that was about to break.

"Kill 'em' all and let those poor people who were confused by the potion... know the truth. They can 'see' the world clearly, but they are indifferent. It's sad human nature. How can power be obtained so easily."

The old wizard smiled, his smile was bitter and helpless.


Su Xiao basically understood that there was too little information about this mission, and this old wizard obviously belonged to one of his own.

"Yes, I am one of the few people left who is still awake. If you sign it, you will see the true appearance of this world. What you see now is just what 'they' want you to see."

The old wizard let go of the parchment in his hand, and Su Xiao grabbed it.

[Tip: The Hunter has obtained the Contract of True Vision.]

[This contract is risk-free. After signing this contract, the hunter can remove world restrictions. 】

[Warning: After the world restrictions are lifted, hunters will see the true appearance of this world.]

[Current difficulty of this world: lv.10~lv.52.]

[After the world restrictions are lifted, the current difficulty of this world is: lv.49~lv.56.]

Su Xiao thought for a moment and finally chose to sign.

【You have signed the contract of true vision.】

The moment Su Xiao signed the contract, the surrounding environment changed drastically. The walls became dilapidated, the wooden railings were severely corroded, and some parts were about to break.

Dilapidated, decayed, and all the bright colors have been eroded by time.

"This is what this world is like."

The old wizard laughed self-deprecatingly. Su Xiao ignored the old wizard and quickly came to the branch of the Wizards Association and looked towards the street.

The place you enter is full of dilapidation, the wooden houses are stained, and the wood in some places has rotted into slag.

Pedestrians on the street are sallow and thin, and their clothes are not only shabby, but also have many patches. The only thing that is similar to before is the fruits and vegetables on the street stalls. However, compared with before, these fruits and vegetables have become tender and plump.

They were shriveled, and some stalls were filled with rotten vegetable leaves.

Several eyes were cast on Su Xiao. Obviously, these civilians had noticed Su Xiao before.

"Young man, do you want to eat?"

An old woman selling fruit picked up a bunch of grapes on the stall. The bunch of grapes had lost its moisture and was about to turn into raisins. However, the goodwill in the old woman's eyes did not fade because of this bunch of dried grapes. Compared with what Su Xiao saw before

That false 'happiness', this is the real thing, although poor, but kind.

The whole city has changed. Instead of warm sunshine, there are dark clouds in the sky.

The scene Su Xiao saw before was not an illusion. The little boy, soldiers, etc. all existed, but they were disguised. This world is full of malice towards outsiders.

"Thank you, I don't need it for now."

Su Xiao turned around and returned to the Wizarding Guild branch. Many doubts in his mind were solved. It was not that the development of technology was not allowed in this world, but that it could not be developed at all.

Su Xiao had been wondering before, why there was so little information in the world introduction this time. Occultism is prosperous? Of course it is prosperous. Except for the development of occultism, this world cannot develop at all.

As for the rule of the Wizarding Association, no, there is no need for rule at all. The food and clothing of the common people are already a problem, so who would have the heart to rebel?

In other words, rebellion is useless. It is caused by the environment and has nothing to do with who is in power. The Wizards Association only needs to maintain basic order and ensure the currency system. There is no need to manage anything else. There is no need to do that.

Leisure mind.

Of course there is no kingdom in this world. The king leads the people to prosperity. Judging from the current situation, there is no need for a king and it is impossible for him to exist.

Su Xiao was even more curious about what existence had concealed the true face of this world before. It was not some kind of illusion that was cast on Su Xiao, but something that concealed everything.

Bubuwang reminded Su Xiao many times before that after it blends into the environment, it can smell a rotten smell. Now it seems that this is normal.

Space, splitting, Su Xiao suddenly thought of these two points. These two points are not superimposed on each other, but are independent of each other.

Su Xiao pressed his forehead lightly, and he felt that he was losing a lot of brain cells.

"The scene outside is what the world really looks like."

The old wizard was obviously older, and there were fine cracks on his face, like cracks in old wood.

"What caused it?"

Although Su Xiao didn't quite trust the old wizard, he was the only clue to the main mission.

"Because 'they' exist, 'they' are sucking the world, like greedy giant babies."


"Ah, 'them', the ones standing at the top."

The old wizard never had any mood swings, or in other words, most of his emotions had dissipated for some reason.

"Are they the three immortal wizards?"

"No, those three are just poor people, poor people who were once great. You may be able to see them soon in the Wizarding City."

The old wizard pressed the mechanism on the wooden wheelchair, and a secret door opened from the stone wall behind Su Xiao.

"It can still be used ten times. You are the 59th one. Contractors, judges, and hunters have all tried it before. I hope you can succeed, or... die in the wizard city."


Su Xiao put one hand on the handle of the knife at his waist. He hated it most when people spoke in unclear terms. He either didn't say anything about 'them', or made it clear. When he encountered such nagging people, he was prepared to negotiate physically.


Noticing Su Xiao's movements, the old wizard, who was almost emotionless, was slightly stunned.

"Do you want to kill me?"

As soon as the old wizard finished speaking, Su Xiao received a reminder from Samsara Paradise.

[Warning: Hunters are prohibited from harming the arcane wizard Hughes Achid, this is a friendly unit!]

Su Xiao released the handle of the knife, turned around and looked inside the secret door. A teleportation array shimmered on the ground.

Su Xiao now fully understands why Samsara Paradise and Holy Light Paradise trade in this world, because this place is so special, or in other words, it is this specialness that achieves the prerequisites for the deal.

Standing on the teleportation array, Su Xiao's next stop is the Wizard City.

ps: (Recommend a book from a friend, book title: I am really immortal.)

This chapter has been completed!
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