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Chapter 19: Finally a reliable one

Su Xiao felt that the so-called old gods were actually just names for some special humans, not real gods.

"Gus, where is the Dominator?"

Su Xiao asked the question he was most concerned about. The second part of the mission seemed simple and crude. He only needed to kill the Dominator, but the Dominator was hard to find and he didn't know where he was hiding.

"You are still young and have not been corrupted by the darkness, so why bother to die."

Gus did not open his pale eyes again. Obviously, he knew where the Dominator was, but he was unwilling to tell him.

"Cherish the time you have now, you don't even... belong to this world, so don't go to the ruler to die."

"He took something that didn't belong to him, found him, and killed him. That was my purpose."

Su Xiao lit a cigarette. Since the negotiation with Gus would not be affected by the charm attribute, the negotiation went smoothly. At least Gus didn't suddenly say: 'You villain, I won't tell you anything.


"Hahaha...what a madman."

Gus turned his body, the iron chain clanked, and he hung upside down with his back facing Su Xiao.

Su Xiao turned her gaze and looked at the figure sitting on the stone chair. This was the immortal wizard, Dawn, who created the Girl of Sorrow and cultivated Nia, the light of hope.

Climbing up the stone steps, Su Xiao came to the deepest part of the Old God Church. There was a stone chair over two meters wide and of normal height. The stone chair was embedded in the wall. It was obviously carved from local materials.

On the stone chair, a thin figure sat leaning on it. Her blond hair was withered and parted, and she was covered with a brown blanket.

Finger-thick iron chains protruded from the stone chair and were immersed in every part of Shuguang's body. They looked bloody and cruel. It was obvious that Shuguang had been treated inhumanely and his body was in dire straits.

"Nia, sorry, sorry..."

Shuguang was dreaming, Su Xiao snapped her fingers, and the dreaming stopped. Shuguang slowly opened her eyes. The skin on her body had dried up, but she could see from her eyebrows that she had a beautiful appearance years ago.

"Who are you……"

Dawn's voice was very weak, as if she might die suddenly at any time.

"Where is the ruler."

Su Xiao went straight to the topic this time. He had already seen that the two immortal wizards had not seen anyone for a long time, and their thinking was a little slow.

"It's in Helu City."

Dawn's body leaned forward, as if she wanted to sit up, but was restrained by chains.

"Shuguang, shut your mouth!"

Gus' hoarse shout came, and Shuguang glanced at him and smiled slightly apologetically.

"A strong man full of blood, I can tell you where the ruler is, but before that, you have to know the 'story' between Gus, Nia, and Laurent. After hearing this story, you

Decide whether to go to a Dominator or not, the choice is yours."

Shuguang's speaking speed is very slow, but she is obviously a more reliable type. She will say whatever is asked without telling anyone.

"Okay, but you speak faster."


Shuguang looked up at Lidya Su in confusion.

"What did you say just now? I have been asleep for too long and can no longer hear clearly."

"Hurry up and tell me, I'm very busy."

Hearing Su Xiao's words, Baha, Bubuwang and Caesar all turned their heads. They couldn't laugh at this time, it was inappropriate.

"Where did I just say that?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Laughter came from Gus. Su Xiao put her hand on the handle of Dragon Killing Flash and said, "The story of you and Gus, Nia, and Laurent."

"Are you curious? If so, I can tell you."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Gus is already laughing his head off. This old guy’s style of painting is completely different from Shuguang’s, or in other words, he is much more powerful than Shuguang. There are three immortal wizards. Shuguang is good at manufacturing, Gus is good at fighting, and Laurent

Similar to a scholar, Laurent knew the most and was the worst.

Of the three stone chairs, two are empty. One of them belongs to Gus, who is hanging upside down, and the other belongs to Laurent, and below Laurent's stone chair is Laurent.

At this time, Laurent had turned into a lump, unable to maintain his human appearance, and there were faint sparks flickering on his body.

Obviously, the three immortal wizards were all old gods, and they all lay in the furnace and let the flames burn their bodies to temper the holy silver.

"Among 'them', the only known ones are the Dominator and the 'White Goat'. The White Goat is harder to find. Only Laurent spied on it, but soon after, Laurent became like that, he was splitting

, if he does not suppress the division with his will, he will become a slave of darkness."

Dawn began to tell their past story.

"Compared to us, Laurent knows more. The world is like this. The more you know, the more dangers you will endure. Laurent, and...by the way, what's your name?"


Su Xiao spoke briefly. He didn't want to interrupt Shuguang to avoid the other party narrating again.

"Laurent, say hello to Cuculin, he is... a nice guy."

Shuguang's voice became weaker. Su Xiao looked at Laurent. Laurent trembled, and a tentacle poked out of the rag on his body as a greeting.

"You continue."


Shuguang continued to narrate. According to what she said, Su Xiao learned that this time was like this a long time ago, and Shuguang, Gus, and Laurent were born wizards, or in other words, their parents were all wizards.

Inherited the wizard's power to them.

Natural wizards are different from becoming wizards after drinking magic potions. They can also "underworldly sense" the wizard's eyes, but they become stronger very slowly. They need to accumulate "underworldly sense" over time to become a gray wizard, and subsequent promotions


At first, these three people did not know each other. It was Laurent who brought them together. Laurent was only 19 years old at the time, but he firmly believed that the world should not be like this.

According to Laurent's investigation, he learned about the existence of the old gods. The old gods had been resisting something, until one day, Laurent obtained an ancient secret book in a certain ruins, which recorded that only those born with

Only wizards can become the old gods. Only the old gods can fight against 'them' and restore the world to normal.

If this were an anime world, Laurent would definitely be the protagonist, and at the worst he would be an important figure around the protagonist.

Laurent overcame the selfishness in his heart and shared the ancient secret book with Dawn and Gus. The three began to become stronger at an astonishing speed without drinking any magic potion.

Many years later, Laurent expressed the thoughts hidden in his heart. He wanted to gather the wizards to fight against the known existence among them, the Dominator.

It took Laurent 20 years to establish the wizarding society. The ideals of the three of them were recognized by some wizards, because some things were too suspicious. Where was the origin of the potion? Where was the origin of wizards? None of these could be explained.

Laurent had almost all the recipes for potions together, and he even developed a potion called Dead Soul that could calm wizards down for a certain period of time.

Laurent gave the potion formula to his descendants, and asked them to use the potion and silver coins as a basis to expand the wizarding society and become the masters of this continent. Interestingly, Laurent's full name is Morn·


In that era, Dawn was not the protagonist, Laurent was the spiritual leader, and Dawn and the light of hope, Nia, were the protagonists of the next era.

This chapter has been completed!
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