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Chapter 46: Jasmine

In the night, 64 violators, led by Jasmine, were quickly jumping between the rooftops. A few minutes ago, Sphink had a face-to-face negotiation with them, and they had two pieces of news, one good and the other good.

The bad news is that their communication channel has been invaded and has been forcibly closed. Sphink promised that the communication channel can be restored within an hour at most.

The good news is that the enemy came over directly. The opponent was being eroded by darkness and was no longer the same old yin bee.

Sphink explained Su Xiao's hunt last night in detail to the violators, and through clues, perfected Su Xiao's 'rough' layout.

What happened last night cannot be lied. The voice and text in the communication channel were all received by the offenders. After Sphink's explanation, they suddenly realized that indeed, if the other party was still Lao Yin Bing, he would not be so reckless.

They were just a little bit close to getting rid of each other last night, but the other side withdrew, apparently still having some sense.

But tonight, the opponent came again, and they attacked head-on.

After learning this good news, Sphink emphasized many times that everyone must not swarm in. Once the opponent has a large range of weapons, equipment, and explosives, everyone will die.

More than 60 Level 6 violators are enough to kill Su Xiao, and there won't be too many casualties. This is information obtained after actual combat, and it is trustworthy.

Therefore, Sphink divided his 192 violators into three teams by drawing lots, with each team having 64 people. They were divided into three groups and intercepted Su Xiao in turn.

As for the interception order of these three teams, of course it will be determined by drawing lots and signing a tree contract. Which team will intercept Su Xiao first will bear a higher risk.

If it is really to deal with Su Xiao who has been eroded by darkness and suppresses his rationality with murderous thoughts, there is no problem with Sphink's arrangement, and it is still stable and ruthless.

Unfortunately, it's not that Su Xiao has not been eroded by the darkness. The Sorrow Girl can help him understand the darkness.

After Sphink explained this to all the violators in person, some of the violators raised objections, but in the end the minority obeyed the majority.

The fact is that the communication channels of the violators have not been invaded at all. Su Xiao is not good at that.

Don't forget that this communication channel is provided by Sphink. At the moment, Sphink has taken the initiative to close the communication channel.

As for why Sphinx did this, it was because ten minutes ago, through some ability of his confidant, he witnessed the explosion of Apollo Kai.

If the communication channel is still there and a large number of violators die at the same time, other violators will immediately notice the abnormality. Who will listen to him?

Therefore, at the moment when the first wave of violators were killed by Apollo, the communication channel was forcibly closed by Sphinx.

After determining the number of Apollo Kai that Su Xiao was carrying, Sphink immediately judged that if the opponent pounced directly, he would be finished and there would be no possibility of survival.

Sphink has been vaguely aware of the existence of BooBoo Wang. If he dares to escape directly, he will most likely be caught up by Su Xiao. An Apollo is stuffed into his mouth, boom~

Therefore, Sphink used the violators as scapegoats, asking them to block Su Xiao and consume Apollo Kai.

It can be seen that under Sphinx's elegant appearance, there is a cruel heart hidden. In order to stop Su Xiao, he would sacrifice everyone except Connie.

"Damn alchemist."

On the roof of a five-story stone building, Sphinx chuckled.

"Let's go. Didn't you just say that if we don't leave, bombs will be stuffed into our mouths."

Connie dragged the hem of Sphinx's white suit and pulled it back hard.

"We can't escape until that 'Servant Dog' dies, and besides, he also has a demon eagle."

Sphinx spoke calmly.

"Then what should I do? Fight with him? I probably...can't beat him."

"Just wait here."

Sphink's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he was about to reveal a trump card.

In the central area of ​​Aisenla, Su Xiao was looking at the violators in front of him with confusion. He was thinking, why did these people come to die together? And they were sent so neatly?

Although he was puzzled, Su Xiao's movements in his hands were not slow at all.


A glass pillar was crushed by Su Xiao, holding Apollo Kai tightly in his hand, he made a throwing gesture.


"Sphinx, fuck me..."

"Wait! (Jasmine's voice breaks in despair)"


Apollo broke through a layer of air waves and flew towards the scattered group of violators. Although they tried to flee after only one encounter, the scope of Apollo Kai's influence was not as small as imagined.

The length of a family car is about 3.8 meters, and the explosion diameter of Apollo Kai is 300 meters, which is equivalent to 79 family cars arranged vertically. Even if the offenders are extremely fast, the moment the two sides meet, Su Xiao

An Apollo Kai has been activated in advance. If you throw it over, it will explode instantly. The offenders will not feel the sense of crisis until they enter within a range of 300 meters.


The sun's fire suddenly appeared, forming a huge fireball, affecting most of the contractors within the range, and being instantly burned into a gaseous state.

A main tank stood in the sun's flames. At this time, he only had a skeleton left, and the shield in his hand was blazing red. The next moment, the skeleton turned into flying ashes, and the shield was embedded in the ashes below.

The surrounding night faded, and Apollo dispersed the darkness, as if purifying everything. The result of believing in the sun was to turn into ashes.

With a pop, Jasmine, with green smoke lingering around her back, fell to the ground. She struggled to stand up, but the burn on her back was too severe. However, she received the news in advance, and she was standing at the front of the queue.

She looked like she was preparing for a duel with Su Xiao, so she was not completely affected, and only a small amount of solar flames burned her back.

Of the 64 violators, after one encounter, only the fastest 17 survived. But even so, their fighting spirit was destroyed. As long as you are not blind, you can see that the enemy still has seven of those explosives.

Seven, how desperate.


Another Apollo Kai was thrown by Su Xiao. The offenders who had just stood up from the impact only felt that their eyes were white and they did not even scream.


There was another loud noise, and the sun flames exploded. Among the 17 people, only 3 survived. One of them was Jasmine lying in the ruins. The second one basically did not affect him.

"Cough, cough..."

A violator with most of his body burnt black and sparks flashing was kneeling on the ground. He was sure that he would not survive for a few seconds. The subsequent burning injuries would be too terrifying.

As for the last person, this guy has spatial ability, and he also tends to move quickly.

With a whoosh, a ray of orange-red light struck from a distance, and the bullet penetrated directly through the head of the space violator, shattering his entire head.

The headless corpse took a few steps forward before falling to the ground with a thud.

Seeing this scene, Su Xiao knew exactly what was going on. Sphink asked these violators to die in order to consume his Apollo Kai.

From a tactical point of view, if the violators are made into a small team of 20 people and attack Su Xiao one after another, they will soon consume all the Apollo Kai. However, the violators are not fools. If the number is below a certain level, they will not be able to do it at all.

Will come to intercept and kill Su Xiao.

It is for this reason that Sphink chose the most reasonable team of 64 people so that the violators would not be suspicious and try to consume the Apollo Kai held by Su Xiao as much as possible.

For this reason, Sphink did not hesitate to ask his confidants to silence Su Xiao.

Thinking of this, Su Xiao rushed to Jasmine in a few steps. The black and blue smoke clung to the Dragon-Slaying Flash. This was not the ability of the magic blade, but the energy smoke produced after turning on part of the Devouring Core.


The long knife penetrated the back of Jasmine's heart and penetrated into the ground. After Jasmine 'resisted' Apollo, she received a knife from Su Xiao, which went straight through the 'heart'.

"Die quickly."

Su Xiao spoke in a low voice. After hearing his words, Jasmine, who was already in despair, immediately understood what was going on. If it weren't for the special situation now, she would definitely say with a cry: "Brother, you still remember that I am

As a member of your own family, don’t your conscience hurt if you blow up your own wet nurse with such a terrifying thing?”


Golden-red energy clung to Jasmine's right arm, and with a roar, the ground nearby exploded, and Su Xiao was shaken and jumped back.

Jasmine slowly stood up from the ground, covering the wound on her chest, and black and blue smoke poured out from the wound.

"That's it, is it?"

Jasmine staggered back a few steps, looked up at the full moon in the sky, looking like a goddess of war at the end of her life, and finally fell to the ground.

This scene was, of course, for the sniper in the distance to see.

Su Xiao's idea was to stab Jasmine in the 'heart' and the other party would just die there and that would be it.

But who would have thought that Jasmine likes to add drama to herself, and she would even do it before she dies.

Except for Jasmine, all the 64 violators who intercepted and killed Su Xiao this time were all killed. They were not only defeated by Apollo's terrifying power, but what was even more dangerous was actually Sphink's stabs in their backs.

Three swords and six holes are true brothers, and we are talking about Sphinx.

[Tip: The second round of accumulated rewards has reached the limit.]

[You receive the Diamond Medal of Honor x12.]

[The third round of reward accumulation has started. This time the reward accumulation will be increased by 25% until 15 ‘Diamond Medals of Honor’ can be accumulated, and the rewards will be compulsorily settled. 】

[The cumulative rewards in the third round have reached the limit. 】

[You get Diamond Medal of Honor x15.]

[The fourth round of reward accumulation has started. This time the reward accumulation will be increased by 30% until 19 ‘Diamond Medals of Honor’ can be accumulated. This is the maximum limit of the accumulated reward. 】

This chapter has been completed!
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