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Chapter 50: Casting Demons

The heat wave rose in the cave, and Su Xiao put away the [Mother of the White Goat]. This was the first Holy Spirit-level equipment he had obtained. While its attributes were powerful, it was also very special. This made him look forward to what would happen if he obtained the Holy Spirit that he could use.

To what extent will the level equipment be improved?

Looking at the black goat Shabu that had been blown into pieces, Su Xiao understood Sphink better. That guy was a person who could sell everything in order to survive.

In other words, Sphink risked everything to fight with Su Xiao. Of course, Su Xiao would deal with this kind of enemy with all his strength. He would never underestimate any opponent, let alone an old yin like Sphink.

Su Xiao brought 10 Apollos, but they were all avoided once by Sphinx. As a result, 63 violators died tragically, and the big boss Sabu was blown to pieces.

Sphink clearly realized that if Su Xiao was not given a large sum of money to buy his life, tonight would be his death anniversary.

Su Xiao was quite satisfied with this large amount of money to buy a life. After all, it was dozens of diamond medals of honor, a piece of Holy Spirit-level equipment, and 3850 ounces of space-time power.

Samsara Paradise has lost a total of 10,850 ounces of time and space power. So far, Su Xiao has regained 5,603 ounces, which is more than half of the amount.

[Hunter has completed the main mission·Third Ring (White Goat).]

[You obtain the Glory of Triumph (high-level authority, which allows you to perform a deep recovery and cleansing of the body and soul. This authority is level seven). 】

[Main mission·Fourth ring (activating...)]

[Due to the huge changes in the Miracle Land Aisenra, the activation of the fourth ring of the main mission failed.]

[Warning: Hunters need to stay away from Aisenra within 10 hours.]

[Tip: After 10 hours, hunters can go to Aisenla City and destroy the ‘Demon Casting Foundation’. 】

[The name of Miracle Land Aisenla is changing...]

[The change is completed to name it ‘Dark Prison Gate·Esenra’.]

[The number of civilians surviving in the Dark Prison Gate·Esenlane: 0 (all turned into beasts). 】

[The number of surviving mad wizards in the Dark Prison Gate·Esenlane: 153 (the mad wizard has completely transformed into a beast, this process is irreversible and destructive). 】

Seeing these reminders, Su Xiao was not surprised. Sphink had made such a big sacrifice before and said that he had no conspiracy. Su Xiao definitely didn't believe it.

At this time, Sphink showed his ruthless side, and all the civilians in Aisenla City died and transformed into "wild beasts".

Just when Su Xiao was thinking, reinforcements from Samsara Paradise arrived. He was not fighting alone in this world. He was here to regain the power of time and space this time. Of course Samsara Paradise would provide assistance.

[It has been verified that the situation is extremely dangerous and the reinforcement mechanism has been activated.]

[Judge Nicholas Caesar is already in this world, no need to teleport twice.]

[Tip: Nicholas Caesar is in a state of punishment, and 70% of the arbiter's authority has been temporarily stripped away]

[Checking the contractors/hunters/arbiters related to hunters...]

[A large adventure group has been detected: the God Emperor Adventure Group, yes/no forced recruitment.]

Seeing this prompt, Bubu Wang next to Su Xiao almost laughed out loud. If the God Emperor Adventure Group was brought into this world, the hundreds of members would cry out.

An adventure group that had just been promoted to the fifth level was involved in the fight between Su Xiao and Sphink. For the God Emperor adventure group, this was a disaster.


[The contractor (codename Red Clown/Immortal Flame Demon) has been recruited and will arrive in this world in 1 natural day. 】

[Due to its unique ability, the red clown can destroy the 'foundation of demon casting' and has excellent survivability. It will provide assistance to the hunter. If the red clown behaves abnormally during the assistance period, the hunter can activate the recruitment privilege and attack the red clown.

Carry out forced execution.]

[The location of our own employee Xia is being checked...]

[Because the hunter has killed the Black Goat and cut off its connection with this world, the location of the employee Xia has been locked. 】

[Because employee Xia performed well in this transaction, had no bad behavior, and successfully retained a small part of the power of time and space, employee Xia has been granted temporary privileges. ]

[The World Tree is being notarized...]

[Notarization completed, transmission has been started.]

A gap in space opened, and Xia's figure suddenly appeared, sitting on the ground. It could be seen from Xia's dirty little face that she was very confused now.

"It's so hot, I can't breathe. This is..."

Xia held her chest in pain. Five Apollos had just exploded in the cave. The temperature was terrifying as you can imagine. Don't look at Bubo Wang, Amu, and Baha. They were all fine. Their physical attributes far exceeded


"Hey, wake up."

Su Xiao squatted in front of Xia, patted Xia's face, and made two friendly little mouths.

"It hurts so much. I'm going to be steamed. I'm not a crab~"

Xia Re was confused, started talking nonsense, and his eyes were blurred.

Su Xiao held Xia's back collar, and after walking a few steps, she felt that this was not good, so she put Xia on her shoulders.


Su Xiao kicked the rock wall, causing gravel to scatter and a huge hole to appear. Seeing this, Ammu immediately went to the front to clear the way.

Five minutes later, the soil suddenly exploded on the ground, and an ice warhammer flew up high and landed diagonally on the ground.

Su Xiao walked out of the hole in the ground, and the cool night wind blew away the stuffy feeling on his body.

"Ah~ah sneeze~"

Hot and cold alternated, and Xia was woken up by the wind. She sat on the ground in a daze for a while, and finally came to her senses.

"Cuculin, I thought I was dead before, thank you from the bottom of my heart."

Xia felt a little emotional. She pulled her collar back and forth. It was obvious that she was very hot, and her clothes were soaked with sweat. Although it was very hot, Xia still remained reserved and did not take off her clothes directly.

"No, Samsara Paradise sent you here."

Su Xiao was actually a little unclear as to why Samsara Paradise teleported Xia here instead of directly teleporting back to Samsara Paradise.

"By the way, Cuculin, I have kept 369 ounces of time and space power. The remaining time and space power should be at the White Goat. I saw her split body. It was a very special split body, not considered friendly.

But it told me a lot..."

When Xia said this, she suddenly stopped. At some point, she gained two powerful temporary abilities.

Eye of the Spirit (Passive lv. 80, temporary ability): Can sense at ultra-long distances and detect the 'Demon-casting Foundation'.

Forced return (passive lv.max, temporary ability): When it is about to withstand a fatal attack, it will immediately return to the reincarnation paradise.

These two abilities mean that Xia is not a drag, but an important investigator, and does not need the protection of others. In an emergency, Xia can also use the "forced return" ability to try out the adventure realm, although it can only be used once.

Xia thought for a moment and showed these two abilities to Su Xiao.

"It seems... what Sphinx got is very unusual."

Su Xiao basically understood why Xia didn't return to Samsara Paradise. The other party received the mission. Not only that, because Xia retained a small amount of time and space power, she was given the authority to return to Samsara Paradise at any time. As a diplomatic little angel, Xia could do this.

The extent is quite surprising.

"What is the foundation for casting demons?"

After Xia sorted out her clothes and found an open space aside, she began to set up the pots and cook, using the way she was good at to thank Su Xiao for saving her this time.


Su Xiao signaled Baha and Xia to explain the situation. He was thinking about the red clown. He discovered that the clown was not dead when he was in the ghost world. Now it seems that the other party is no longer a simple human being, but an immortal flame demon.

That guy was once a violator, and this time he was forcibly recruited, which means that the other party has got rid of his status as a violator and is in the observation stage.

Su Xiao did not object to the red clown coming to help. The reason was very simple. He could forcefully execute the opponent at any time through his recruitment authority, so he was not afraid of the opponent's tricks.

Besides, that guy is an old scumbag. Even if he plotted against Su Xiao once in the ghost world, his purpose was not to kill Su Xiao, but to avoid Su Xiao throughout the whole process and find a way to send Su Xiao away. In this way, the other party could be there.

Something was accomplished in that world, but as soon as Su Xiao left the ghost world, Su Xiao's former subordinate Reinhard took care of him.

The red clown, also known as Mr. J, fought against Reinhardt during a thunderstorm and was beaten to the point of being autistic by Reinhardt. After the war, Reinhardt was still alive and was taken away and rescued by Lord Harold.

, now Reinhard is the commander of the execution organization, and during the battle with Reinhard, Mr. J almost lost his temper.

"In other words, Cuculin, you took care of both the Dominator and the Black Goat?!"

After Baha's narration, Xia was stunned, and her world view was strongly impacted. In her opinion, shouldn't a big boss like the Black Goat be fought in a group? There's no way to fight it alone. Wouldn't that be a death blow?

Baha looked at Xia with doubts. What he thought was that a boss like the Dominator still needs to find other people to form a team to fight? Since it followed Su Xiao, it has never seen Su Xiao team up with others.

No, we formed a group once, with the contractors of Apocalypse Paradise, but those people were all cool.

Baha didn't tell Xia that the head-to-head confrontation between Su Xiao and the Dominator was exciting. Either one of them could chop the other with several swords or swords, and neither of them could hold back. It was a fair duel.

This chapter has been completed!
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