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Chapter 12: Mixed Doubles

As night falls, the rainforest becomes lively, with frogs croaking and beasts roaring. Nocturnal animals wake up. After sleeping all day, they are already hungry.

Two sky-gazing trees grow crosswise, and at the intersection dozens of meters above the ground, there is a small temporary tree house.

In the small tree house, Sibel huddled in the corner and occasionally glanced at Su Xiao, who was lying not far away with his hands on the back of his head and his legs crossed. Sibel was worried that the other party would suddenly pounce on him.

"If you don't put away the scroll in your hand, I will kill you in 5 seconds."

"I'm just protecting myself. What if you suddenly pounce on me?"


Half a minute later, Sibel was squatting under the Wangtian tree, and several extraordinary creatures wandering nearby were looking at her. If they were not afraid of Su Xiao's aura in the tree house, these extraordinary creatures would have rushed over.

In the middle of the night, Sibel secretly climbed into the tree house and huddled in a corner and fell asleep.


A crisp sound woke Sibel up from her light sleep. When she opened her eyes, she saw a huge eyeball located outside the vent of the treehouse, observing the situation inside the treehouse.

"Giant supernatural creatures are coming!"

"What's the ghost's name? This is Bubu's new friend."

Baha's voice came from outside the tree house, followed by the rustling sound of scales rubbing against the trees. Sibel's hair stood up when she heard it. She had never heard that she could become friends with a seventh-level boss.

Below the treehouse, a giant python more than ten meters long is coiled on several sky-gazing trees. The giant python spits out a three-pronged snake core, and in front of it is Bubo Wang.



After the giant python glanced at Su Xiao, it turned around and crawled into the dense forest. It came from the swamp area and was preparing to return to its own territory.

Through this giant python, Bubo Wang learned that there were indeed giant apes in the swamp area, and he even beat Brother Snake a few times. In Bubo Wang's words, one time the giant ape almost chewed Brother Snake like a spicy stick.

Brother Snake disappeared from sight. Su Xiao looked at the time. It was already five o'clock in the morning. The illusionist didn't know when to start. It shouldn't be too late.

Su Xiao took Bubu Wang, Amu, and Baha and headed in the opposite direction towards the swamp area. As for Sibel, Su Xiao asked him to stay nearby. In the future, Sibel could not do anything, but might be killed by the illusionist.

Captured alive.

After driving at full speed for about two hours, the rotten smell unique to the swamp entered my nose, and the ground under my feet became damp.

Looking around, you can see the swamp in front of you at a glance. The green moss has grown so wildly that you can't even see the ground. This green swamp is divided by a puddle of different sizes.

When walking here, you may step on it and the mud and water will reach your knees, or you may disappear completely.

The habitat of the giant ape is in the center of the swamp, which is a rocky area with the best environment, and there are basically no poisonous insects nearby.

Marching on the ground where moss grows wildly, the ground beneath her feet will surge with every step she takes. With Ammu exploring the path in front, Su Xiao doesn't have to worry about falling into a swamp. Ammu can freeze the swamp.

Heading all the way to the central area of ​​the swamp, Su Xiao found large footprints on the ground not long after walking, some of which were very deep. They were left by contractors wearing heavy equipment.

Bubu Wang in front sent a message. One kilometer ahead, you will enter the perception circle, and it is a multi-layered perception circle, coming from at least three perception systems.

Su Xiao asked Amu to stay here and wait, while Baha flew to high altitude to conduct reconnaissance. If the time was right, he would drop an Apollo down.

Su Xiao did not use Apollo to explode directly because he felt that the probability of success was very low. The contractors had many methods, and there were more than 30 seventh-level contractors. Maybe Apollo was attacked while he was still in flight.

Without the interference of the person, he was directly teleported away or swallowed into a different space.

Arriving in front of the perception circle, Su Xiao put away Dragon Flash, completely restrained his aura, and reached into the perception circle with one hand.


There seemed to be a layer of water ripples swaying in the air. Su Xiao waited for a moment before continuing to move forward. As long as he did not take action, suppressed his vital signs to a minimum, and completely restrained his breath, the chance of being discovered was low. The master of the perception system

Cultivate intelligence attributes and perception, which happens to be Su Xiao's area of ​​expertise. In melee combat, intuition is his core ability.

After traveling for a certain distance, the ground under your feet is no longer wet, and there are some trees and strange rocks growing around it.


A loud noise came from a distance, and faint shouts could be heard, which made Su Xiao speed up her pace.

After traveling a few hundred meters, Su Xiao hid behind a natural stone pillar. A hundred meters away, dozens of contractors were fighting a giant ape.

This giant ape is more than 12 meters tall, with shiny black hairs all over its body, its two arms are extremely strong, and the shiny black skin on its chest is like a layer of armor.


The giant ape roared angrily. At this time, it was covered in blood. A harpoon more than five meters long pierced his chest. Not far away, a contractor holding a fishing rod was pulling it with all his strength.

Use the fishing rod and stretch the fishing line as thick as your finger until it is straight.

"Mu Xiao, hurry up!"

The contractor holding the fishing rod roared, and an afterimage passed by him, and the next moment it was in front of the giant ape.

Puff, puff...

A slender figure jumped up as if dancing, and a large amount of blood splashed on the giant ape's chest.

"Too weak."

A man wearing rimless glasses spoke. He did not take action, but was watching the battle.

"There are just too many of us, illusionist. How are we going to divide the spoils afterwards?"

Next to the illusionist, a man wearing a long-billed crow mask asked.

"Distributed according to combat contribution, but...this overlord creature is too weak."

The illusionist frowned, and the crow man beside him shook his head.

"If the giant ape only had this kind of strength, the queen bee would have killed it to take its heart, and it would not have been our turn."

Hearing the illusionist's words, the crow man beside him became alert.

"You mean?"

"There may be another one. This is just a male. Apes are social creatures. Look at its feet. Even if it has 180 points of physical strength and 70,000 health points, there are too few scars on it. There are still more in this world.

Other overlord creatures, powerful extraordinary creatures are enough to hurt it. In addition to living in groups, apes are also warlike. This giant ape is very young and does not have many scars on its body."

"You mean?"

"The worst outcome is that there are two more. The Rainthroat tribe will not tell me everything. I am an outsider after all. For example, there are actually three giant apes, or more."

With a roar, the giant ape fell to the ground, and the surrounding contractors cheered in low voices. This was their first time experiencing such an easy overlord battle. The illusionist's commanding ability deserves recognition.

"Spread out! Lay traps, explosives, and two or more near the giant ape's body. If there are more than three, retreat immediately. If there are more than four, you will retreat first after I stop them."

The illusionist pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said "I will cut off the queen" although his voice was not high-pitched, but it was very powerful.

"And there are giant apes? Do overlord-level creatures live in groups?"

"Of course, if two overlord-level creatures, male and female, combine, there is a certain probability that new overlord offspring will be born, so set up a trap as soon as possible..."

As soon as the illusionist finished speaking, the three perception systems near him shouted at the same time that there was a biological reaction approaching, and the next moment, two piercing sounds came from the air.

Boom! Boom!

The ground trembled, and two giant apes fell to the ground, one black and one white. Both giant apes were over 20 meters tall, with interlaced scars all over their chests and faces.

"Illusionist, withdraw."

Mu Xiao, who jumped up from behind, spoke. Upon hearing this, the illusionist raised his hand and pushed up his glasses. Seeing the illusionist's gaze, Mu Xiao raised his eyebrows.

"What's your plan?"

"It seems there is."

The illusionist looked at the two giant apes in front of him. In the hands of the giant ape with black bristles, he was holding a rusty war hammer that was more than ten meters long. The hammer head was almost the size of half a house.

In the hands of the white ape, he also held a warhammer more than ten meters long. The two warhammers were exactly the same.

The mottled marks on the two warhammers represent that these two weapons with extraordinary properties have existed for at least thousands of years.

The black ape is the dominant creature, and the white ape is a very powerful extraordinary creature. At this moment, the two giant apes were extremely angry, and their child died.

"As beasts, you actually use weapons, which is so unethical, and you are still immune to control, but... what you see may not be true."

The illusionist grinned, and his 'plug-in' was reactivated at this critical moment.

"Mu Xiao, it's up to you whether you can win or not. At least make sure you kill the white ape within a few seconds."

After hearing what he said, the Mu Xiao beside him almost wanted to slap him.

The illusionist's figure twisted. Following the direction he pointed, Mu Xiao saw the illusionist standing on the shoulders of the black ape. The two giant apes were looking at a loss at this time, and one of them even scratched his head.

He scratched his butt, smelled it in front of his nose, and curled his lips.

"You said it's easy. I can kill the white ape in a few seconds. Do you think I am an eighth-level contractor?"

Mu Xiao inhaled slowly, and she separated her left hand with the arm blade on her right forearm, and the blood stained the arm blade.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Su Xiao was very pleased. If the illusionist and others were beaten away, then his visit would have been in vain.

This chapter has been completed!
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