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Chapter 47: Hurt each other

Dragon flames lit up the night sky. Due to the impact of the dragon flames, large parts of the 'Wall of Atad' were shattered, and the high temperature caused water vapor to rise.

With a bang, a large section of the 'Wall of Atad' was burned off from the middle, and the upper half fell down. Such a huge object fell from a height of several hundred meters. You can imagine how spectacular the scene was.


Compared to the demon flame dragon Barbatos, Amu's side was even more spectacular. A large number of silk threads made of ice energy were connected to its arms. An iceberg rose up behind Amu. After a while, it was gone.

It's several hundred meters high.

On this night with only starlight, a 50,000-strong northern force rushed to the nearby area.

The leader of the sergeant raised his head slightly, looking at the black dragon in the distance and the rapidly growing iceberg. The tens of thousands of Iceborn soldiers behind him all did the same.

The leader's chief sergeant's expression was a little dull, but soon, an indescribable sense of panic appeared in his eyes. Without even thinking about it, he could think of what the destruction of the 'Wall of Atad' meant.

"Warriors, for the sake of the North, even if we face the dragon, we cannot be afraid!"


The Iceborn soldiers roared briefly, then struck the frozen soil on the ground with their long-handled weapons.


The Master Chief rushed at the front. As he strode forward, the scales on his body tightened, and his body size visibly expanded by a small circle. His height increased from 1.85 meters to more than 2 meters. Not only that, the teeth in his mouth also increased.

It becomes sharp, and the center of the pupil appears ice blue.

This 50,000-strong ice force was very aggressive, but because they arrived in such a hurry, they had no time to send out scouts. In addition, the black dragon and iceberg attracted most of their attention, and there was no moon tonight, so they had not noticed the interception yet.

Wolf Cavalry Regiment at the front.

With a bang, a huge light ball rose into the sky. The pressed gems were located in the center of the light ball, and the strong light emitted illuminated a large area around it.


The sound of a deep horn sounded, and the Iceborn warriors who were striding forward saw that one kilometer in front of them was almost full of enemy troops.


The Iceborn Master Chief roared with all his strength. The enemy troops he saw alone numbered at least 100,000.

These enemy troops all ride wargs, and are covered in thick and sophisticated armor. The overall style is that of the Chaos Legion, and the details reveal the craftsmanship of the elves.

Just by looking at him from a distance, the Iceborn Master Chief knew that this was the enemy's elite, at least at the level of the Holy Emblem Knights.

"Number of enemy troops."

The orc hero Walpole spoke, and the bodyguard behind him immediately reported the general situation of the enemy army.

"A 40,000 to 60,000 Iceborn troops? Yuya, you lead 50,000 wolf riders to attack them. Don't kill them too hard, and... repel them as soon as possible."

As soon as Walpole finished speaking, a female wolf cavalry rushed out from behind him. This was the female wolf cavalry Yuya, the one who was hanged on the city wall by Su Xiao's order for beating her suitor to half a disability.

Yuya was born with red eyes. She does not have the strength of the gray orcs because she is a mixture of Duoyin and gray orcs. As for her sense of belonging to Duoyin, she has no sense of belonging at all.

Yuya was born because her father was so hungry and thirsty many years ago that he kidnapped a female military doctor named Duoyin on the battlefield, and she was born.

The 50,000 wolf cavalry charged towards the Iceborn troops in front at extremely high speeds. The Iceborn troops did not withdraw far before they were forced to stop and form an attack formation.

Yuya, who was riding a warg, rushed to the front. The armor on her body was different from that of most gray orcs. The reason was that her body shape was closer to that of the elves, so the elven craftsmen customized a suit of armor and weapons for her.

The weapon in Yuya's hand resembles a sword or a gun. The sword is nearly 1.7 meters long in total, and one-third of it is the handle. The sword is covered with lines, and the handle is covered with gems the size of rice grains.

Not only the hilt of the sword, but also the armor on Yua's right arm is inlaid with a blue gem the size of a grain of rice, which she uses in battle.

During the high-speed charge, Yuya was seen raising the big sword in his hand. A fluorescent cyan appeared on the big sword, making the big sword a bit dazzling.

The warg under Yuya rushed towards the enemy, and she slashed the sword on the wolf's back, hitting the metal shield in front of her. The blade of the sword cut through the air, making a piercing whimpering sound.

Before the sword arrived, the Iceborn warrior behind the shield on the opposite side let out a strange cry, and the oncoming pressure made him feel death.


Fan-shaped slashes spread from the front. Within tens of meters in front, the enemy's broken corpses and pieces of armor were everywhere. Green flames rose, burning the frozen soil on the ground until it hissed.

After wielding the sword, the gem on Yuya's right arm armor dimmed, her red eyes narrowed, her expression cold.

"You're in trouble, Yua."

A wolf cavalry rushed past Yuya. He ducked sideways to avoid the enemy's spear, and swung the long-handled battle ax from bottom to top. The ax blade struck the enemy's jaw, and the enemy's head exploded like a watermelon.

Yuya, who had blood on her face, looked confused, but soon she recalled that her great lord said before going on the expedition that she could not use her sword to fight unless she encountered the enemy's elite or attacked a fortress.

Skill, she just forgot about it.

Holding on to the last bit of luck, Yuya looked back and met each other's eyes. As the commander of the battle, Baha was looking at Yuya coldly.

Yuya shivered inexplicably. There were not many things she was afraid of, and her great lord, Kuculin Baiye, was the person she was most afraid of.

Compared to Yuya's depressed mood, the enemy's ice-born sergeant was in despair. He was surrounded by enemy cavalry. He felt like a small boat in the flood, about to be submerged by the enemy.

The weapon in the Iceborn Master Chief's hand had long been broken, and his right arm had become numb due to the continuous blocking of the enemy's charging chops. The left side of his torso was cut through, causing him to lose blood rapidly.

With a swipe, the Iceborn Sergeant saw a cyan sword and a female wolf cavalry with red eyes. The other party's eyes were very cold. They were eyes that were used to killing enemies. The Iceborn Sergeant's last feeling

Yes, cruel and beautiful.

With a pop, the upper half of the Iceborn Master Chief's body fell to the ground, a wolf claw stepped on his head, and the warg howled.

50,000 regular Iceborn troops faced off against 50,000 Ultimate Wolf Cavalry. The battle only lasted 30 minutes. More than half of the enemy troops were killed or wounded and eventually collapsed.

The blood froze on the permafrost, leaving a battlefield strewn with corpses. The wolf cavalry turned back towards their own large forces.

About an hour after this ice-born force was defeated, a second ice-born force with a size of about 200,000 arrived.

It is still the same strategy as before, try to disperse the enemy as much as possible, maximize the advantage of the cavalry on the plains, and avoid casualties of the wolf cavalry.

Facing the troops in the northern border, Su Xiao was more willing to kill these enemy troops. He was not here to fight with the northern border, which would only make Duoyin easier.

After repelling the four groups of enemy troops that came for reinforcements, it was already around 4 o'clock in the middle of the night. The "Wall of Atad" that separated the northern border from the central border had been destroyed for 35 kilometers.

At the same time, in the royal capital of Duoyin, inside a palace.

The gorgeous palace is magnificent, located on the fifth floor of the palace, in a flower room, with a shimmering light from the magic array.

The old King Duoyin was sitting on a wooden chair, covered with a blanket, and opposite him, sitting a shadow cast by a spell.

This phantom was wearing full-body armor, with cold air rising from its body. There was a trace of frost spreading on the pointed cone-shaped crown. This phantom was clearly the Lord of Extreme Ice.

"Ji Bing, it was not my order for the Wolf Cavalry Legion to destroy the 'Wall of Atad'."

King Duoyin spoke in a calm tone.

"15 million imperial gold coins and 15,000 holy silver coins. King Doin, you are very generous. You are very generous in order to allow the Wolf Cavalry Legion to destroy the 'Wall of Atad'."

The shadow of Lord Jibing spoke in a deep voice, his voice was bone-chilling, as if it could freeze the soul.

"This is a misunderstanding..."

"Shut your mouth full of lies and continue the war. The war between you and me is never false. Since you really want to unite with the war demon, then the North is the enemy of both of you."

The shadow of Lord Jibing dissipated, and only King Duoyin remained in the greenhouse. The plants around him quickly withered, and even ignited flames. His gaze turned to the darkness inside the greenhouse.

"King Duoyin, if you are willing to listen to my explanation, I have at least a dozen reasons to explain the current situation."

The gray gentleman in the darkness lowered the top hat on his head, and things suddenly turned bad.

Northland, Winter City.

In a dark hall, a figure was sitting on a throne made of ice.

Click, click, click...

The Ice Lord's fist clenched until it crackled. He had been tricked, by Duoyin and the Chaos Legion teaming up.

"Here comes someone."

Lord Jibing gave a low shout, and several officials from the north trotted into the palace. They all lowered their heads and waited for Lord Jibing's order.

"Interrupt Duoyin's magical transmission and order the Warhammer troops to immediately destroy the Holy Emblem Cavalry."

In a dangerous place in the north, in the snowy sky, the Knights of the Holy Emblem are waiting in the snow.

"Ah~, ah~, ah sneeze!"

An imperial soldier sniffled. He was born in the middle of the country, and even though he was physically strong, he felt cold at this time.

In this damn place, as long as you spit, the spit will turn into ice lumps before it hits the ground. The Holy Emblem Knights can resist the temperature of minus 95 degrees, but they have been resisting for almost two days.

"Soldiers, hold on, the Wolf Cavalry Corps will arrive here at noon tomorrow at the latest."

Legion Commander Tourt shouted. The knight armor all over his body was covered with ice crystals. If you look closely, you will find that he is shivering a little from the cold.

At this time, the sound of breaking through the air came from a distance. After looking into the distance, Legion Commander Stewart felt relieved that it was the Hammer Force. This force would be a powerful enemy in the near future. Now, the two sides will not start a war.

It is a plan agreed upon by King Duoyin and Lord Jibing. The number of people who know the entire plan together does not exceed five fingers.

To put it simply, this plan is to pretend to join forces with the war demon, but in fact the Knights of the Holy Emblem and the Hammer force temporarily join forces to trick the Wolf Cavalry legion into the north, and then the Hammer and the Holy Emblem join forces to destroy the Wolf Cavalry.

The maneuverability of the Wolf Cavalry Legion was too terrifying. Both Duoyin and the Northern Territory felt that it was inevitable to start a war with the Northern Territory. Therefore, at the beginning of the war, they chose to temporarily unite to get rid of the Wolf Cavalry Legion, which was a serious problem.


The wind pressure hit from above. A heavy hammer warrior who was four meters tall and covered with heavy armor swooped down from a high altitude. The hammer head was two meters long under the giant hammer wheel.


Ice shards and broken corpses were scattered everywhere, and Legion Commander Stewart staggered back. As soon as the blood splashed on his face, it was frozen by the low temperature.

"Lord Tourt, launch an all-out attack! We have completely broken with the North! Also, we may... really want to join forces with the Wolf Cavalry Legion."

Hearing these words, Legion Commander Stewart drew out the long sword from his waist, and his whole body ignited with flames.

This chapter has been completed!
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