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Chapter 69: Extraordinary Rewards

Creating an Apollo requires 500 mana points, but fortunately Su Xiao has plenty of time.

During this period, in addition to creating Apollo, there was also the promotion of the Balrog again. Su Xiao planned to use the characteristics of the Balrog to make it appear as an elite individual.

The structure of the Balrog is actually very simple. Magma + lava + fire ability form the body, and then the soul of the gray orc is injected into it, and then activated through special methods. After sleeping in the magma for about a year, a Balrog will wake up.

The reason Agamen chose the soul of the Gray Orcs was because he knew the Gray Orcs better, which would help him control the Balrog army.

How the Balrog is composed can be deciphered by Su Xiao's level of alchemy with just a preliminary sense.

What is really wonderful is not Agamem's method of awakening the Balrog, but the flame energy of the Fire Land. This flame energy has the characteristics of 'life', but to a certain extent, the characteristics of withering and burning are more obvious.

After mastering this powerful flame energy, there are roughly two development routes. One is huge vitality + flames that burn everything, which is the development method of life + ultra-high temperature.

Another development method is more traditional, wither + burn, which first withers the enemy's body and then burns it.

Not long ago, Su Xiao obtained a piece of equipment called [Withering Doom]. The effect of this equipment is withering + burning.

There are only two people who are known to control this kind of flame power, King Duoyin and Agamen. The reason why Su Xiao thinks that King Duoyin has mastered this kind of flame power is because the first impression given by the other person is too strong. That kind of ability

The feeling of burning everything is extremely strong.

That old guy, King Duoyin, has probably lived for who knows how many years. His ability should be huge vitality + burning everything. Too much vitality will make the other person's life very long, although it is not as exaggerated as eternal life.

, but the lifespan will also be amazing.

Su Xiao even wondered whether the Duoyin Empire had never changed its king and it was always the same old guy. If this was the case, then King Duoyin would be much more difficult to deal with than Agamemnon.

The rise of Agamemn is a recent thing. The opponent's ability is withering + burning. With Su Xiao's status in the Chaos Legion, this is not a secret to him.

As for King Duoyin, God knows how many years that old guy has lived. Previously, Bubo Wang saw the news in the World Contact Platform. The Gray Gentleman fought against King Duoyin. The result was that the Gray Gentleman withdrew from Duoyin and had gone to harm the lizard.

The tribe, I can only say, the poor lizard tribe.

Many clues show that it is not necessarily certain who is the strongest in this world, King Duoyin or Agamemn, but in any case, Agamemn is being sealed at this time, and the sky is dark every day, but King Duoyin is ruling the middle of the continent.

This is a fact that is hard to ignore.

Su Xiao did not consider these for the time being. Improving the combat power of the Balrog was the key at the moment. His idea was to use a large amount of magma and an alchemical formation to merge hundreds of Balrogs into one body to create a giant Balrog.

, or a fire troll.

Right now, Black Molten City is extracting magma from the ground just to reach this point. It only has three days. How many flame trolls can be produced depends on the situation.

Su Xiao got up and came to the temporary test bench and started processing the materials. After a while, a fireball with a diameter of two meters appeared. The fireball floated in mid-air, and its color was so bright that it was dazzling.

The fireball compressed rapidly and became the size of a fist in a short time. This thing floated in mid-air, like a miniature sun.

Bubu Wang and Baha, who were sleeping soundly, suddenly jumped up from the bed and cabinet. Their expressions revealed confusion in their innocence.

After a while, Bubo Wang and Baha sneaked into the next room and continued to sleep. Only Amu was left snoring. This guy has a big heart, let alone making Apollo near him, even if he kicks him, he will

Will not wake up unless there is a strange smell approaching.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed. It can be said that these two days were very lively. Three new kings and two lords emerged in the north. They were fighting each other for more territory, and the competition was the most fierce.

Yes, it is Winter City.

In addition to the new kings and lords, there are also a bunch of 'wild royals' appearing in the North. They all claim to be the direct descendants of Lord Jibing. In layman's terms, Lord Jibing is their wild father.

There are many supporters of these wild royal families. Of course, many people are willing to win over this kind of puppet.

What's even more interesting is that the barbarian tribe, which has always been blasted, actually intentionally participated in the civil strife in the north.

After hearing the news, the dwarves were furious. Yes, they were the dwarves who had nothing to do with the North. At this time, they stood up and angrily denounced the shameless behavior of the barbarian tribe.

The barbarian tribe was very angry, which led to a fight between the barbarian tribe and the dwarf tribe. It was said that a decisive battle was about to take place, but the thunder was loud and the raindrops were light.

The battle between the barbarian tribe and the dwarf tribe has not yet begun, but the elves, who have been maimed and are leaning on crutches, cannot sit still.

The Elf Queen angrily denounced the behavior of the North, the barbarian tribes, and the dwarves. Then the Elf Queen mobilized all the remaining troops to fight against her neighbors, the Lizard tribe.

That's right, please don't laugh. I went to fight the lizard tribe. The lizard tribe was shot while lying down and was almost mad to death. They immediately gathered their fighting strength and counterattacked the elves.

The barbarian tribe vs. the dwarf tribe, the elves vs. the lizard tribe, are they ridiculous? No, these are smart people. They all know that things are going to change, and the two overlords on the Canglong Continent are about to start a decisive battle.

As medium-sized forces, the elves, lizards, etc. have all found 'opponents' for each other. They are actually worried about whether Duoyin and the Chaos Legion will wipe out all the forces except the Northern Territory before the war begins.

It must be destroyed before the decisive battle can be carried out, so as not to be cannibalized by other forces in the post-war period of decline.

Instead of waiting to be eliminated, they chose to find an 'opponent' first. In fact, they were looking for allies to join forces with each other to avoid being eliminated.

The barbarian tribe, the dwarf tribe, the elves tribe, and the lizard tribe have all gathered together, and they have started a 'war' with each other. They are actually showing their strength, which means that they are not easy to mess with.

Apart from this external intelligence, Su Xiao also received a lot of good news. At this time, the number of flame trolls in Black Molten City has reached 3,400.

Don't underestimate these flame trolls, they are over 12 meters tall. Only one flame troll can be born for every one hundred Balrogs + a large amount of magma, and through the reshaping of the alchemy array.

3,400 fire trolls require 340,000 Balrogs to be reshaped. The souls of the gray orcs in these fire trolls have dissipated. Each fire troll is controlled by three snake people behind their necks, so it has been

No need for gray orc soul maintenance.

These flame trolls are complete weapons of war. The snake people have stepped onto the frontline battlefield for the first time. This has extraordinary significance for the snake people. Their status will be greatly improved.

Chuyang climbed up on the horizon. At six o'clock in the morning, Su Xiao received a reminder from Samsara Paradise, and the second link of his main mission was completed.

[Main mission·War Demon (Completed).]

[Checking the territory captured by the hunters...]

[Verification completed, the western border (100%), the southern border (72.592%), and the northern border (2.15%) have been captured. 】

[The total territory of Canglong Continent has been captured: 34.6715%.]

[Due to the territory captured by the Hunters being too large, the reward limit for this mission has been seriously exceeded. 】

[The reward is constant...]

[Some eighth-level permissions have been unlocked.]

[You get an immortal treasure chest.]

[Tip: In this treasure box, hunters have a chance to obtain immortal equipment, props, gems, etc., or obtain growth equipment, halo equipment, halo scrolls, etc.).】

[Tip: All immortal-level equipment is ‘unique’ and extremely rare in quantity, and each piece of immortal-level equipment has a unique ‘core bonus’ effect. 】

This chapter has been completed!
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