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Chapter 39: Harvest

Ancient capital, Temple of the Sun.

After the World War ended, the surviving contractors returned to Samsara Paradise one after another. What awaited them were high mission rewards.

Su Xiao was sitting on top of the Sun Temple. Most of the contractors had left this world, which was good news for him.

Not everyone who had a contract left, for example, the twenty or so people who survived in Apocalypse Paradise. Not only did they not leave, but the contractors in Apocalypse Paradise in another seventh-level war world were also transferred one after another.

There are about a hundred people in total.

These more than a hundred contractors from Apocalypse Paradise are here to collect resources. After all, there are very few contractors on our side who are good at doing this kind of thing.

The Demon Star is already the original world belonging to the Samsara Paradise. Because a contractor from the Apocalypse Paradise discovered the 'End Roots', many people were allowed to stay in this world.

For these more than a hundred contractors from Apocalypse Paradise, some of the minerals or underground resources they dug were used to offset the punishment of losing the war, and more were collected by Samsara Paradise. The last remaining ones belong to themselves.

Su Xiao doesn't know much about the collection of this kind of resources, and is not ready to develop in this area. The reason is that this kind of ability requires a lot of investment in the early stage, and it also requires a lot of time.

Su Xiao didn't care too much about the more than a hundred contractors from Apocalypse Paradise. If they met, they would 'negotiate', and if they didn't, they would live in peace.

Compared with the contractors of Apocalypse Paradise, the priest is someone who needs to be vigilant. The ultimate purpose of this old guy cannot be speculated for the time being.

One thing is certain, that is, there is a certain item or power in this world that the other party really wants to get. For this reason, the other party will not hesitate to leave the Sanctuary Paradise.

The priest has become a complete violator, and he is completely different from ordinary violators.

Ordinary violators are those who passed through loopholes in the 'rules' at low levels, killing a large number of their own contractors, or causing the derivative world to collapse, causing the paradise to consume a lot of time and space power to reset those derivatives.


More than half of these violators regret it more and more as they reach higher levels, because the hunters who hunt them are getting stronger and stronger. In most cases, these violators are willing to become contractors again, even though the cost is heavy.

But they are willing to accept it.

Some offenders are different, such as Mr. J. They act entirely based on their personal interests and hobbies, and they do whatever they want.

The last category is priests. They were contractors from the first to sixth levels. When they reached the seventh level and were about to be promoted to the eighth level, they suddenly became violators. This was definitely planned for a long time, and it might even happen at the fifth or even fourth level.

Start preparing.

Su Xiao glanced at the priest standing in front of the temple. Unexpectedly, a group of wild goats had gathered near the priest.

[Tip: This round of world battle has ended.]

[The merit rewards will be settled after the hunter returns to Samsara Paradise. 】

[War mission rewards are being settled...]

[You obtain the 'Proof of the Steel Trial' (a permission-type item. After passing the 'Steel Trial', you can obtain this certificate. After using this item, the 200-point real attribute barrier will be permanently lifted, but the 200-point real attribute will be derived from it.

Permanent gain reduced by 45%).】

[You obtain the 'Spiritual Holy Emblem' (one-time equipment. After activating this equipment, the user's spiritual power will be sucked into it for high-intensity training, which will greatly and permanently increase the mental strength and mental toughness. This equipment is used once.

will be permanently damaged).]

[You get immortal treasure chest x1.]

There are three kinds of rewards obtained. [Proof of Steel Trial] Su Xiao is not going to use it. This will reduce the attribute reward for breaking through 200 points of real attributes. He has not tried it yet, and of course he will not choose to break through the real attributes in this semi-giving up way.

200 points of attribute barrier.

What is certain is that [Proof of Steel Trial] is very valuable. Some contractors have tried to break through the 200-point barrier many times, but ultimately lost the opportunity and will never be able to go further.

This type of contractor will be willing to buy the [Proof of the Steel Trial] even if they are trying to sell iron. If they stop moving forward in the Paradise of Reincarnation, they will be close to death.

As for the [Spiritual Holy Emblem], it is used to train the strength and toughness of mental power. Although Su Xiao does not rely on this aspect to fight, alchemy requires a strong enough mental power. The [Spiritual Holy Emblem] should be reserved for his own use.

As soon as Su Xiao deposited the proceeds into the storage space, a subsequent prompt appeared.

[Your eighth-level promotion assessment task has been activated.]

[Because this world already belongs to the Reincarnation Paradise, hunters can obtain the source of the world normally in this world. 】

[Because the world coordinates are in the initial stage of formation, the hunter's acquisition of the source of the world will increase by 50%. 】

[Tip: 95.3% of the area in this world is unexplored. You will have a higher chance of obtaining treasure chests, scrolls, or unique outputs of this world.]

[Tip: The overall difficulty of this world increases in the ‘stage mode’. Different areas have extremely different levels of danger.]

[Tip: In 2 to 3 natural days, there will be fifth- and sixth-level contractors entering the low-risk area of ​​this world, the Northern Islands.]

[Warning: Hunters cannot take the initiative to harm their own low-level contractors in this world! The difference in combat power between the two sides is an absolute crushing comparison.]

There are a lot of hints. The best news is that the source of the world can be obtained in this world. The second is that our seventh-level contractors have successfully captured this world, and this world is in a state of extremely rich resources.

In 2 to 3 days, a group of fifth- and sixth-level contractors will arrive in the low-risk areas of this world to enjoy the rich resources here.

These contractors are both lucky and unlucky. It's okay for them to come to the Eastern Continent. After all, the Eastern Continent is composed of the Magic Association, the Healing God Sect, the Steam Alliance, and the Church of Destiny. These four parties allow the Eastern Continent to have perfect laws.

But if there are fifth-level or sixth-level contractors on your side who are looking for excitement and want to explore the Western Continent, the consequences can be imagined.

In the Smoke City, if they encounter a desperado at random, that is, the most incompetent little guy, they will treat him like the ultimate boss, and there is more than 99% chance that he will not be able to defeat him.

This is the first time Su Xiao has had this kind of experience. In the past, he would leave immediately after fighting for the world and had no chance to stay in the world he just captured. Of course, in return, he would get a lot of rewards every time.

"Bai Ye, why don't you leave the ancient capital? The notarization of the World Tree has ended."

The priest below the temple shouted, and more and more wild goats gathered near him. Some of them were grazing at his feet, not afraid of him at all.

"Have you negotiated with Rogesh?"

Su Xiao jumped down from the Temple of the Sun, and as soon as she stepped on the ground, all the wild goats around her fled away.

Su Xiao has never met President Rogesh, but based on the available information, he can confirm that President Rogash is the most powerful person in the world, and his combat power will never be weak.

"We have negotiated. His intelligence channel is very important. Whether we can find the remaining two keys depends on his side. He is a... very difficult mystic."

The priest frowned. President Rogesh was very difficult to deal with. Even the current priest found him difficult to deal with.

"La la la~"

A cheerful female voice came from not far away. When they heard the voice, Su Xiao and the priest both looked puzzled and looked towards the source of the sound. Among the ruins not far away, two contractors were talking and laughing.

"Morey, it's better not to go, those lunatics might leave explosives in the Temple of the Sun."

Moon Apostle now only has a few core summons left, and other summons have been forced to cancel their temporary summons. Considering that they will not fight enemies in the future, this is okay.

"Don't worry, who would waste explosives there? Besides, the other contractors have already left, and the Temple of the Sun has been cleaned up by the Void Tree. That is our secret base."

Morey plucked a small flower and pinned it to his ear, obviously in a good mood.

"Wait a minute, the two people over there look...a bit familiar."

Apostle Yue stopped and the smile on his face gradually solidified.

This chapter has been completed!
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