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Chapter 9: Peace Talk?

A bright red flare took off and exploded like a firework. Large dazzling red light particles appeared high in the sky and did not dissipate for a long time.

In the tavern, which was still noisy in the middle of the night, a man wearing a leather round hat and covered with iron accessories was drinking heavily. At this moment, a red light was reflected outside the tavern window. The man looked sideways and didn't pay attention at first.

, but something suddenly occurred to him, and he strode out of the tavern, not caring about the barking of the bartender behind him.

In the street alley, there was a vague sound that made people think of it, and a red light was reflected. A few seconds later, a disheveled wild mandarin ran out of the alley. She saw large red light particles in the sky.

After that, he immediately ran in one direction.

Drunkards, vagrants, wild mandarins, and even coolies who had worked hard all day took to the streets. They all walked in one direction, which was the headquarters of the Kodo School.

The entire city of Dank was like a hornet's nest that had been stabbed hard. There were patrol teams holding torches on every street, searching the streets and alleys. There were rude knocks on the door and the barking of dogs one after another.

It all started because the goddess of the Kodo School was kidnapped half an hour ago.

In the outside world, the Kodo School has a bad reputation, but in Dank City, the Kodo School is the absolute manager here, and they either obey or disappear.

The senior leaders of the Kodo School were enraged. Not only did someone kill their people on their territory, but they also kidnapped the goddess. This was like a big slap on their faces. Can they bear this?

Several bishops in power of the Kodo School had elevated blood pressure and almost suffered from brain congestion, which is why the current scene occurred.

"You guys, go check the low-rent apartment over there. Don't miss any place under the bed, in the closet, or any place where someone can be hidden."

"There are footprints in the sewers here!"

There were shouts and shouts, and the hotel owner Marcia stood against the wall. She was waiting for someone. According to the agreement, that person would arrive soon.

At the same time, in the West District, in an underground wine cellar.

The hanging light above lights up after the [Particle Battery] is turned on, and the white and yellow light dispels the darkness.

The bottom of the wine barrel formed a wall, and the goddess sat against the wall, her head hanging sideways, as if she was unconscious.

"Wake up, stop pretending, the outside is already looking for you."

After hearing Baha's words, the goddess's closed eyelids trembled, then she opened her amber eyes and said calmly:

"Who on earth are you? How dare you catch me in Dank City? Have you considered the consequences? And it's not worth it at all. If the Kodo School wants to, they can cultivate a new goddess in a few months."

The goddess looked around at Su Xiao and others. She just heard that someone was looking for her outside. Her original uneasy mood calmed down. It was time to show the power of words.

"How about this? You go get some scapegoats, kill them, and say they kidnapped me. Then you inform the Kodo School and I will speak for you and let you get a lot of crystal fat."

The goddess knows where her advantage lies, which is her acting skills. She has used this talent to deceive many people.

"Please consider my proposal..."


Su Xiao put the [Endless Darkness] collar on the goddess's neck.

"Ah? You still have this kind of hobby, and someone is actually interested in me? You should know what is in my body, right?"

The goddess's smile was a little weird, and a bit teasing.

Su Xiao ignored the goddess and activated the [Endless Darkness] collar. Almost instantly, a curse energy penetrated into the goddess's neck and spread to her brain.


The goddess let out a cry, which surprised Su Xiao. She then thought that it was the power of the curse and the ancient god's energy that were repelling each other. It didn't matter. There was very little ancient god's energy in the goddess' body.

Sure enough, after more than ten seconds, the conflict between the two abilities ended. They both had dark characteristics, and even if they were in conflict, they would not be too intense.

"Hahahahaha, that's it? You know, when I was a few years old, pain also meant pleasure to me. This was the school's insurance measure."

The goddess smiled strangely, but in fact her inner thought was 'I love you so much'. When she suffered pain, it was pain, and there was no so-called pleasure at all.

[Tip: The Curse of Lies (passive) has been triggered, and the charm attribute is being reversely determined...]

[Enemy’s true charm attribute: 135 points.]

[Our own charm attribute: -3 points.]

[The determination is completed, your own charm attribute reversely crushes the enemy's charm attribute, and the Curse of Lies (passive) has been activated.]

After Su Xiao checked the prompts, the goddess in front of him was paralyzed, leaning against the wall like a noodle, and it was difficult to raise her arms.

From now on, every time the goddess tells a lie, her willpower will be reduced by 10 points until it drops below 3 points.

Eminem held a wooden chair and placed it behind Su Xiao. He sat on the wooden chair, looked at the goddess slumped in front of him, and asked:

"Where is the King of Light?"

"In...in the old royal capital."

As soon as the goddess finished speaking, her amber pupils tightened rapidly. She felt that she had lost something, but this feeling was too vague.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the goddess found that the person, dog, cow and bird in front of her were not as hateful as before.

"I really want to eat vanilla cake, ahhhhh~"

The goddess lost her troubles.

"Where is the King of Light?"

"Didn't I already say that, in..."

The goddess stopped mid-sentence. She noticed something was wrong. Just now, she was still thinking about eating vanilla cake? Is she stupid? At this time, she was still thinking about eating vanilla cake?

The thoughts in the goddess's mind were racing. She guessed something and was about to test it. She looked at Su Xiao with her eyes and thought silently in her heart, this is a hateful person, this is a hateful person...

"In the old royal capital."

As soon as the goddess finished speaking, she smiled and looked at the light bulb above.

"The sun is so bright, ah ah ah yo~"

The goddess remained carefree for a few seconds. Her eyes became clearer and she had guessed something in her mind. She could no longer speak. Every time she answered a question, she looked like she was stupid.

"Where is the King of Light?"

Su Xiao still repeated the question just now. The goddess turned her head and stopped talking.

The Curse of Lies (passive) cannot be triggered? It doesn't matter, first remove the 'Integrity', and then close the 'Little Black Room'.

Su Xiao activated the Black Hell (active) effect of the [Endless Darkness] collar. On the collar around the goddess's neck, several blue gems the size of rice grains lit up one after another.

For enemies whose willpower has been reduced, in the Black Prison, one second equals 20 days. It is absolute darkness, with no sound, no light, and nothing.

The goddess's eyes began to dim, and darkness shrouded her consciousness.

Su Xiao took out the timer and pressed the timing button. Three seconds later, he ended the Black Prison.

The focus in the goddess's eyes was restored. After she saw Su Xiao and Bu Bu Wang, she was stunned for a few minutes. After that, she no longer cared about her noble status and pride, and burst into tears.

"The King of Light is in the White Town, and I never wanted to harm you..."

Before the goddess finished speaking, the Curse of Lies (passive) ability was activated, and she instinctively told a lie.

A few minutes later, the collar around the goddess's neck was removed. She sat on the ground, breathing heavily. A flying insect flew over her head, and she instinctively opened her mouth to bite it.

"I'm hungry, I'm hungry! I'm hungry!"

The goddess looked at Su Xiao and others angrily, innocently. Her current state will not last forever, and she will recover in about 1 to 5 days.

Su Xiao got a lot of information. First of all, the King of Light was in the white town. How to get to the white town, the goddess had already told him clearly.

In addition to this information, Su Xiao also learned other things. There is no unity within the Kodo School, and most of the high-end combat forces are in a state of disunity.

Knowing this, the doubts in Su Xiao's heart were relieved. Those who protected the goddess just now were so useless that they couldn't bear to look at them. They all died before he even drew his sword.

"Bubu, it's time to start."


Bubu barked and ran out of the wine cellar. In the current 'Danke City', there were a large number of civilians patrolling the streets, as well as members of the Kodo School. Once discovered by these extraordinary beings, they could only

Fight out.

It's not that Su Xiao can't kill him, but it's just that there's no need. If he can't even confront a Kodo school, then he's not qualified to go to the ancient god.

At this time, in the headquarters of the Multi-Science Sect, the place was not as busy as expected, but rather quiet. The guard force here has been strengthened, and the rest of the people have gone out to search for the goddess.

The candlelight flickered. In the library on the fourth floor of the headquarters, an old man wearing a dark white robe stood in front of the bookshelf. He was one of the five bishops of the Kodo School and one of the five most powerful people in the Kodo School.

Representing the blasphemous faction, his name was Noah.

Bishop Noah took down a book from the bookshelf. He didn't pay much attention to what happened tonight. Tomorrow morning, the bodies of the goddess and a group of thieves would be found. After the goddess was kidnapped, she put up a heroic resistance. Unfortunately,

He was killed by thieves, and then with the joint efforts of believers and people to suppress him, all the thieves were killed. This is the first story.

As for the Goddess still alive? That’s great. Story 2 will unfold. Nothing else matters. The face and credibility of the Multi-Science School are the most important.

Thinking of this, Bishop Noah shook his head. This kind of thing seemed interesting to him when he was young, but he got used to it after doing it more often.

Bishop Noah opened a new page, and a piece of paper appeared in the gap between the pages. This made Noah's old face look suspicious. He picked up the piece of paper and wrote a line of crooked small words on it.

'The matter of the goddess.'

Seeing this line of writing, the book in Bishop Noah's hand snapped shut. He would be lying if he said he wasn't surprised. When did the enemy sneak into the headquarters?

When Bishop Noah was still full of doubts, the metal cup next to him fell over, and the liquid inside spilled on the small round table. After a few seconds, the wooden table actually began to branch.

The branches grew wildly, and when they reached a certain level, they crackled and exploded, and the sap sprayed everywhere, corroding the surrounding bookshelves and books until they hissed, and eventually turned into black slag.

Witnessing this scene, Bishop Noah's old face began to twitch. He had not noticed the danger just now. He asked the servant to bring that glass of water. If he drank it, the result would be...

Bishop Noah turned around and was about to leave. An uncorroded page fragment floated in front of him. Only a small piece of the page remained. The remaining words on it were: 'We are watching you.'

Bishop Noah stopped where he was. Only now did he realize the seriousness of the matter.

With a bang, the library door was pushed open, and a panting waiter ran in.

Ten minutes later, on the top floor of the headquarters, around a large round table carved from black stone, five bishops of the Kodo School gathered together, all silent.

"We must find out the thief."

"That's too much!"

A hot-tempered bishop slammed the table, but for some reason, the atmosphere of this impromptu meeting was a little strange.

"Guys, have you received this too?"

Bishop Noah took out a piece of paper and it said: 'About the Goddess.'

As soon as this note came out, the atmosphere became extremely awkward, and the expressions of the other four bishops began to look wrong.

The four bishops looked at each other. After a moment of silence, the four old guys each took out a note from their sleeves or arms.

The content of the five pieces of paper spliced ​​together is: 'Let's talk about the goddess's affairs tomorrow morning. Prepare 100,000 Lang Jingzhi, and we will talk about the rest tomorrow morning, believers of the ancient god.'

Seeing this information, the five bishops fell silent again.

"This is how we compromise?"

"I just... bit my head on a pillow."

"I almost got poisoned."


The last bishop suddenly became silent. He was under a lot of pressure. If he didn't hold his breath and concentrate, the filth in his belly would come out. It would be a huge shame, which made his face turn blue.

Bishop Noah looked around at the other four, and the remaining four bishops remained silent.

"We must be careful about this matter..."

Halfway through Bishop Noah's words, he heard a "porphyry" sound, and a sour smell spread, which made a brief moment of astonishment appear on his face, while Bishop Dulu, who was sitting diagonally opposite him, at this time

His face was green and yellow, like an old cucumber. This idea was the result of the combination of Bubu Wang and Baha.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Bishop Dulu's face. He almost died on the spot. In anger, he let out another "porphyry" sound. The sour smell in the room became stronger. This meeting was full of shit.


Bishop Noah's face was also a little blue. At his level, he didn't take life and death too seriously, but he really couldn't afford to embarrass this person.

"Everyone, let's talk over there tomorrow morning."

Bishop Noah's proposal was unanimously approved by the other three bishops except Bishop Dulu.

This chapter has been completed!
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