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Chapter 5: Iceberg

Su Xiao and Rob Lucci looked at each other for a few seconds, and then both looked away at the same time.

Su Xiao looked around and saw a wooden house in the open space, which was responsible for registering customers' orders to repair or buy boats.

There is a square table in front of the wooden house, and behind the square table sit the staff of Carrera Company.

Su Xiao walked forward and saw that the staff member was busy trying to record something.

"Hello, would you like to ask if Carrera Company is recruiting external employees?"

Su Xiao tried his best to keep smiling. There is a reason why he does not often actively communicate with the characters in the plot.

"Huh?" The staff member looked up at Su Xiao and continued to record something.

The powerful 5 points of charm came into play, and the cold attitude of the staff could not be more obvious.


Su Xiao sighed secretly in his heart, he was really not good at this kind of negotiation.

After waiting for about a few minutes, the staff finally finished the work at hand, took off his glasses, rubbed his dry eyes and looked at Lidya Su.


"East China Sea."


"white night."

The staff of Carrera Company began to understand Su Xiao's basic information.

"Would you encounter a shipwreck and drift to the capital of the seven waters... let's do this."

The staff member took out a stack of documents, looked through them for a while and said to Su Xiao: "Dockyard No. 3 is still short of a few hard workers. If you work there, you will be paid 4,000 beli per day."

The meaning is obvious, let Su Xiao work as a coolie, and it is a temporary worker.

Su Xiao pondered for a while, then glanced around unintentionally, looking for Rob Lucci, who had already left the shipbuilding site.

Su Xiao pulled out an iron rod from the scrap pile. The iron rod was thinner than an arm. The material was very dense and covered with dried moss, as if it had been removed from an old ship.

Under the surprised eyes of the staff, Su Xiao held the iron bar and exerted force with both hands.

Crunch, crunch...

A harsh voice came, and the iron rod was twisted into a twist by Su Xiao. The staff member's mouth opened wide, as if he had seen a ghost.

Soon the staff member came to his senses and his attitude changed drastically.

"Come, sit down."

The staff pulled up a chair and held up the eyes on the bridge of the nose.

"Approximately how many pirates with a bounty on your head can you deal with?"

This is the most intuitive way to determine strength in the pirate world.

"Between 50 million and 100 million."

With Su Xiao's current sword skills, it is not useless to deal with pirates of this level. Su Xiao's sword skills at this time are similar to Sauron, or slightly stronger than Sauron.

But if two people fight, Su Xiao will definitely win. Zoro only knows how to use a knife, and Su Xiao has very comprehensive abilities. After all, Zoro is the swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates and has companions around him. Su Xiao is alone and has great abilities.

It must be comprehensive.

When he heard the reward price reported by Su Xiao, the staff member obviously didn't believe it.

"This... I wonder what your main fighting method is?"

The staff asked Su Xiao tentatively. The previous attitude had long since disappeared. If you are strong, you can ignore the disadvantages of charm.

Su Xiao made a move with his palms, and Dragon Killing Flash appeared on his waist. He lifted Dragon Killing Flash a little further.


In the pirate world, regardless of whether they use swords or swords, they are collectively called swordsmen. Su Xiao did not help the staff understand the concept of swords and just nodded.

"You come with me, Warner, and come and take my place for a moment."

The staff signaled Su Xiao to follow him and headed towards the center of the Seven Waters Capital.

"I'm sorry you haven't introduced me yet. My name is Angus, the manager of the No. 1 Dockyard of Carrera Company."

Angus looked to be thirty years old at most, with a pale face and beardless face, bottle eyes, and wearing the same undershirt as the workers.

"Bai Ye, which position are you more interested in?" Angus began to chat with Su Xiao, and there was a hint of temptation in his words.

What is the most precious thing in the Grand Line? Pele? Gold? None of it is talent and strong men. Su Xiao obviously belongs to the latter. The skill he showed before, not many people can do it in the first half of the Grand Line. That iron

Sticks have a high density and are used as sapwood for making ship rams.

"What kind of position... guard? I once served as a guard for the king of a small country in the East China Sea. Later, that country was captured by the revolutionary army."

Although Su Xiao has never actually held the position, he has assassinated the king and is very familiar with the king of the pirate world.

He killed a king in the East China Sea, but he did not choose to remain anonymous. The reason was simple. There were no witnesses at the time, and the Clark Pirates were attacking the king's castle. Everyone would suspect that Clark killed the king.

A pirate rushed to the palace, and the king was still dead. It was really a case of yellow mud falling into one's pants, either flying or flying.

What's more, what happens even if his identity is exposed? Carrera Company is not a navy, and they will not delve into the origins of their employees. This is why Su Xiao does not join the World Government.

Angus took Su Xiao on a medium-sized blue, and Bubotney followed him.

"Is this your dog?"

Angus looked at Bubotney in surprise, as if he wanted to touch Bubotney's head, but after seeing Bubotney's pointed fangs, Cancan retracted his hand.

"Yes, I raised a wolf and dog 'cross' a few years ago."

Angus nodded when he heard Su Xiao's words. No wonder he was so fierce. Bubtni rolled his eyes.

He was around 20 years old. He used a sword, his name was Bai Ye, and he was shipwrecked at sea with a special-looking dog as the king's guard.

Angus sorted out Su Xiao's information and tried his best to recall the suitable reward prisoners in his mind.

After thinking about it for a long time, Angus couldn't figure out the reason. In the end, he defined Su Xiao as having a clean origin, at least not being rewarded.

Angus was more satisfied with this, and decided to introduce Su Xiao to someone.

The medium-sized Blue was swimming very fast, and it didn't take long for Su Xiao to arrive at the center of the Seven Waters Capital.

Blue is no longer needed to enter here. This is a rare land area in the Capital of Seven Waters. Of course, this land is artificially created.

Those who can live here are the dignitaries of the Seven Rivers City. Su Xiao's destination for this trip is the municipal office building.

Sure enough, strong people will be valued wherever they go. If Carrera Company really lets Su Xiao work as a coolie, he can climb up within two days.

Although exposing some strength will bring risks, the benefits are also obvious.

The municipal building of the Seven Waters Capital has five floors. The clean exterior walls, completely transparent glass windows, and staff in suits and ties all show the prosperity of the Seven Waters Capital.

Entering the municipal building, Angus took Su Xiao directly to an office on the fourth floor.

Boom, boom, boom.

Angus lightly knocked on the door, and a boy called from inside: "Come in."

After hastily tidying up his appearance, Angus opened the door. The office was large, bright, and fully equipped with all kinds of furniture.

A man with short blue hair, sparse stubble on his chin, and a striped suit is lying on a rocking chair to take a nap.

Su Xiao recognized the identity of this person, Bingshan, the president of Carrera Company.

Judging from the anime, Hyoyama is a decent character, at least in the eyes of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Is this really the case? Not possible.

Bingshan may have a good character, but his business is definitely not clean. He sells ships to pirates openly, or helps them repair ships.

In the pirate world, where the sea area exceeds 90%, boats are the most common means of transportation, and no one will be jealous of such a huge benefit.

Not to mention that Bingshan is also the apprentice of Tom the Fishman. Tom the Fishman helped Roger, the Pirate King, build a ship, and has been semi-imprisoned by the World Government ever since. If Tom's shipbuilding skills were not so good, Tom would have died long ago.

As a direct disciple of Fishman Tom, Bingshan was able to control the Seven Waters Capital, and the World Government allowed it. The problems in this made people think deeply.

This chapter has been completed!
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