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Chapter Fourteen: Shock

The lanterns are turned on and night falls.

In a tavern in the Capital of Seven Waters, the tavern should be full of drunks at this time, but today the tavern is empty and seems a bit depressed.

A strong bartender stood behind the bar. This bartender had a rough appearance and was at least two meters tall. He had a pair of dark horns on his head, like a bull. These were not actually horns, but a special hairstyle.

This bartender is Bruno.

Bruno wiped the wine glass in his hand and looked straight ahead, seeming to be thinking about something.


The door of the tavern was pushed open, the doorbell made a crisp sound, and high heels made a clicking sound on the wooden floor.

Bruno didn't look up, he already knew who was coming.

"You have regressed, Kalifa."

Bruno's voice is full of breath and deep, and his breathing is very powerful. He is a master of physical arts.


Kalifa didn't explain anything. After all, it was a fact that someone had a bomb inserted into her body.

"Lock the door."

Kalifa stopped and locked the house behind her back, sitting on a round chair.

"Where exactly is the bomb?"

"Stomach, this location."

Looking in the direction Kalifa pointed, Bruno nodded.


Bruno pointed his finger on Kalifa's abdomen, and an inexplicable change occurred.


A small door opened on Kalifa's abdomen, and there was no blood. The Door Fruit would not harm the human body when used on it.

Kalifa's stomach appeared in Bruno's sight. Bruno picked up a bottle of alcohol, poured it on his right hand, and pointed his finger at Kalifa's stomach.

There was another creak, like an old door opening, and a small door appeared in Kalifa's stomach.

Bruno looked into the stomach attentively, and after seeing the situation inside the stomach, his pupils tightened.

"Can I take it out?"

Kalifa's voice was urgent.

"It's hard, it's hard..."

"what happened."

Kalifa lowered her head and looked into her stomach, and the scene she saw made her stunned.

At this time, a small door was opened at the top of her stomach, and the scene inside her stomach was clearly visible.

Two white jelly-like objects were clearly visible in the stomach. Many soft 'tentacles' grew out of these two white jelly-like objects, clinging to Kalifa's gastric mucosa like tree roots.

Bruno picked up a tweezer and tried to touch the tentacles of the white gelatinous substance. With just a slight touch, the white tentacles began to turn red and the temperature became higher and higher. Kalifa's face was full of pain.

"This kind of tentacles clings to your gastric mucosa. A slight touch may cause an explosion. Who did you meet?"

Bruno's face didn't look very good. The unknown enemy was not only cunning but also thoughtful, and had arranged the two bombs perfectly.

After pondering for a while, Bruno said: "If you take the risk to retrieve the bomb, you may not be able to retrieve more than 10%, or even lower."

Kalifa slumped in her chair, seemingly making some kind of decision.


Kalifa looked fierce, she didn't want to be controlled by others.

"Then I'll take it."

Bruno took a few deep breaths and slowly inserted the tweezers into Kalifa's stomach. The tweezers touched the alchemy bomb. The surface of the alchemy bomb immediately turned red. Bruno stopped his movements and waited for the alchemy bomb to subside.

After a long time, the alchemy bomb returned to its original color, and Bruno pressed lightly.

Bang~, one of the tentacles of the alchemy bomb broke, which shocked the two of them, and Kalifa started to move around.

"Iron block."

Bruno immediately used the six postures, and his body became as hard as iron. Kalifa looked desperate and knew in her heart that it was over.

The imagined explosion did not appear, and the bomb tentacles gradually returned to white.

"It seems not as sensitive as I thought."

Bruno placed the bomb tentacle lightly on the wooden table, and at this moment a change occurred.


The bomb tentacles suddenly exploded, the wooden table shattered instantly, sawdust flew, and Bruno immediately stood in front of Kalifa.

Bang, bang, bang...

The sawdust shot at Bruno like bullets. Bruno used the Sixth Form: Iron Block, and his body was unscathed, but his face was a little gray.

After the explosion subsided, Kalifa's face was covered with cold sweat, her close-fitting clothes were soaked with sweat, and her whole body felt exhausted.

"This is……"

Bruno was very puzzled. The bomb just showed no signs of exploding.

"It was discovered that this bomb is controllable."

"Controllable?" Bruno was dumbfounded.


The bombing failed, Bruno deactivated the Gate Fruit ability, and Kalifa's body returned to normal.

"You can only figure out how to deal with this bomb."

Bruno dusted off the sawdust on his body, walked to the bar, picked up a bottle of wine and threw it to Kalifa.

Kalifa took the wine, opened it with her bare hands and drank heavily, the wine dripping down her red lips and onto her chest.

"If I die, don't think about revenge for me, it's meaningless."

After leaving these words, Kalifa left the tavern, made sure no one was following her, walked into a remote alley, and took out a phone bug.

"Polo, Polo, Polo..."

The snail-like phone bug makes a strange sound. This snail is a communication tool in the pirate world, somewhat similar to a walkie-talkie. The two phone bugs emit special wavelengths to each other, ultimately forming the purpose of communication.

"This is Gabra, is this Kalifa? Aren't you on a mission?"

There was a cunning voice, and the cunning feeling was like a money wolf, and the simulated appearance of the phone bug also looked like a wolf.

"It's me, I have something to do with you."

"What is it?"

"If I remember correctly, in the mission six years ago, you got a good sharp knife for fifty works."

Kalifa's question made the other person on the phone choke.

"Stop farting. When did I get a good and sharp knife for fifty cents?"

"Don't make excuses, I saw it with my own eyes."

Kalifa rolled her eyes, she knew the other person's character very well.

"So what if you see it? I've already handed it over to the commander."

"Oh~? Really?"

"Of course, if you have something to say, just say it. If nothing happens, don't talk nonsense."

The man on the other side of the phone was obviously starting to get impatient.

"Three thousand beli, I bought that knife."

"I've already said..."

"Do you want me to ask the commander now?"

"Deal, deal, are you going to pick it up or should I send someone to deliver it? When did you switch to using a knife? Didn't you use a whip?"

The voice inside the phone bug was even more treacherous.

"Find someone to deliver it. It must be delivered tomorrow."


The man on the other side of the phone seemed a little embarrassed.

"Come by sea train, I'll pay for it!"

Khalifa was a little helpless to the money man on the other end of the phone.

"I have agreed in advance that this matter will never be notified to the chief."

"No problem." Kalifa agreed simply.

After hanging up the phone, Khalifa sat in the corner with no depression on her face.

"Just wait. Whether it's the Six Styles or the Good Knife, it will all be returned in the end. What I took with it is your life, Bai Ye!"

Kalifa did not give up easily. She had encountered many more difficult situations than now.

Kalifa is not the strongest in CP9, but she has the strongest endurance. Being the only female combat member in CP9, she certainly has something special about her.

This chapter has been completed!
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