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Chapter 63: Dangerous Substance S-001

South Main Road, Gaman City.

"What did you say? The Western Continent is going to sink?"

In the luxurious dormitory, an old man got up from the bed. He was one of the actual controllers of the Confederacy.

"Yes, my lord."

A voice came from the shadows, and after a while, a bang came from the dormitory. The Western Continent was about to sink, and the soul crystals were given away.

The light in front of Su Xiao's eyes was distorted. When his vision returned, he was already standing on a stone platform, surrounded by many scientific researchers wearing rubber jumpsuits.

This is a huge warehouse with an area of ​​several thousand square meters. The formation diagram on the central stone platform gradually dims. This is how the Eclipse organization transports Alliance soldiers to the front line.

Su Xiao, Bubu Wang, Amu, Baha, and Xie Chao left the huge warehouse and passed through a forest path before arriving at the southernmost side of Gaman City. A large number of low buildings came into view.

The agency's vehicle had been waiting for a long time. Su Xiao got on the car and went straight to the agency's headquarters.

When the vehicle stopped, Su Xiao saw a large pit in the courtyard of the headquarters. Bloodstains and minced meat were scattered around the pit. Several extraordinary people were cut into pieces here.

Walking into the headquarters, Su Xiao saw the ground was torn to pieces and there were wounded and medical staff everywhere. Xian Ji broke in forcefully and then fought her way out.

"Bellok, besides S-005 escaping, what else is lost?"

After hearing what Su Xiao said, Adjutant Belloc said seriously:

"The damage to the storage basement is not big. The thief's target is the database. She stole some information on dangerous objects, including information on S-009, recent information on S-109, s..."

"Wait, s-109? Gazing Eye?"

Su Xiao recalled that it was because of this dangerous object that he entered this world. He had dealt with the Gazing Eye in the real world before, but it was not eliminated. The dangerous object was sucked away by a force of space, leaving only ashes.


"Yes, sir. A few days ago, someone discovered traces of S-109 in the Eastern Continent. People have been sent to deal with it. As long as the growth of S-109 is curbed in the early stages, the threat of S-109 is not great."

Adjutant Belloc handed over a file. Su Xiao glanced at it briefly and walked toward the back of the headquarters. He wanted to enter the containment basement to see the dangerous object S-001. This dangerous object is called the Listening of the World.

The origin of the dangerous object s-001 (Listening to the World) can be traced back to the Kingdom Age, and every era has its shadow.

In the Kingdom Age, the dangerous object s-001 was a quill. In the Great Voyage, the dangerous object s-001 turned into a compass. In the early days of the Alliance Era, the dangerous object s-001 turned into a pen.


Today, with the advancement of technology, the dangerous object s-001 has become an old-fashioned typewriter.

No matter in which era, Dangerous Object·S-001 can predict the future, sometimes with 100% accuracy and sometimes with 0% accuracy.

The way of foreseeing the dangerous object·s-001 is that in its rules, there are infinite possibilities in the future, and it can foresee one of them.

For example, if someone takes a bite of an apple, the apple will become nutrients in the human body.

But if no one picks them, the apples will rot under the tree, and the seeds will grow into new apple trees.

These are two futures. Dangerous Object·S-001 can foresee one of them. Once the prediction is successful, starting from a certain starting point, the subsequent scene will be exactly the same as the foreseen. This is the terrifying thing about Dangerous Object·S-001.


Dangerous object S-001 is a treasure? The Athos family thought so at the beginning, so they took the initiative to use dangerous object S-001, and they began to tamper with their own future.

Everything comes true. For example, a certain member of the Athos family wrote in the Kingdom Age that he would get 10 million gold coins in the future. As a result, he really suddenly got 10 million gold coins. After that, except for these 10 million gold coins,

In addition, every gold coin he gets subsequently will disappear out of thin air.

This is more like an advance on gold coins that will be obtained in the future. It seems like nothing, but in fact it is not. What if that member of the Athos family cannot earn 10 million gold coins in his lifetime?

It's very simple. Use your own life and soul to make up for it. If you don't have enough, use your relatives.

A man of the world.

Everything has a price. The moment someone tried to tamper with the future, all the residents of the city died in an instant.

The collapse of Lugo City, the massacre of Doya, and the falling meteor incident, these tragedies that destroyed the city, are all trying to cover up the consequences of someone using S-001 to tamper with the future.

Is s-001 safe when used to a limited extent? No!

There is no limit to the desires in people's hearts. The moment they touch S-001, people's desires are like a bubble, which will continue to expand, and eventually this bubble will wrap the entire world in it.

In Su Xiao's view, S-001 has its limits. It can only affect this world and cannot affect other worlds.

Under this premise, S-001 is not the kind of unsolvable existence, at least in Su Xiao's view. His method of dealing with S-001 is very simple, just don't touch it and actively use it.

The elevator operated, dropped to the bottom, opened after a slight earthquake, and an iron-black metal passage appeared in front.

Su Xiao took off a badge from the collar, and with a click, the badge was attached to the wall nearby, and the chaotic energy fluctuations in front of it receded.

Passing the corner of the metal passage, Su Xiao saw a heavy metal table with a gloomy man sitting behind it.

The gloomy man stood up. Su Xiao raised his hand. The gloomy man nodded and said nothing more.

After passing through various guard points and eight lift doors, Su Xiao finally walked into the containment basement.

A scent of flowers wafted in, and sadness spread in the air. It was a dangerous thing·s-. This dangerous thing was a plant or a drama queen.

Ignoring s-, Su Xiao walked in the corridor. On both sides were metal doors with numbers on them. The first underground floor of the containment basement contained Class A dangerous objects, and the second underground floor contained most of Class S dangerous objects. Underground

The third floor contains S-class dangerous objects with a sequence of less than 20.

After passing more than a dozen checkpoints, Su Xiao arrived at the third underground floor. There were only twenty rooms here, most of which were empty. When they reached the innermost side, 001 was printed on the metal door.

Su Xiao pressed his hand on the metal door, and the white silk thread spread to his hand. After a moment, the metal door slowly rose.

This is a 5m x 5m room. There is nothing in the room except the metal table in the center and the old typewriter on it.

Su Xiao walked to the metal table, lit a cigarette and waited.


There is a crisp sound in the old typewriter, which means that the dangerous object ·S-001 (Hearing of the World) has been activated. In this case, there is no risk.

A wave of waves enveloped Su Xiao, Bu Bu Wang, Amu, Baha, and Hunting Tide. After a moment, there were several crisp sounds, as if several invisible threads were being torn off.

S-001 cannot find out the future of Su Xiao, Bu Bu Wang, Amu, Baha, and Xie Chao, because they are not from this world. Consistent with Su Xiao's conjecture, S-001 is not omnipotent.

It seemed as if there was a thread spreading far away, and the branches of this thread were submerged into Su Xiao's arm. S-001 was foreseeing the future of people related to Su Xiao.

The future foreseen by s-001 is only a possibility and does not necessarily happen. In other words, what is foreseen is one of infinite possibilities.

As the invisible thread tightened, it seemed as if an invisible hand began to tap the button on the typewriter. The needle moved one by one. A piece of parchment came out of the roller, and the needle left a mark on it.


The first line on the parchment has only a few words: 'The fate of the deep sea, Gewei.'

S-001 foreshadows a kind of future for Colonel Gewei, who is someone who has interacted with Su Xiao.

'I am Gewei. If someone picks up this pressure tank floating up from the deep sea and sees this letter, he can regard it as my last words and record that I have been buried in the deep sea for the empire.

There have been two glories in my life. One was following Mr. Cukulin Baiye on his expedition to the Western Continent, representing the alliance to kill that scourge, and the other was this letter I left behind.'

'I may... be on the verge of madness, or I am already crazy, but I believe everything I wrote, and my will as an imperial soldier has never succumbed to the terrifying and vast things in the deep sea...'

At the same time, one kilometer away from the agency headquarters, there was a building on top.

A woman in sportswear stood here, holding up her long hair with a rubber band. Judging from the gnashing of teeth, she was in a bad mood. She opened the World Contact Platform.

Juehai (Watching Paradise): "A level A hazardous material disposal incident in Youke City, please contact us if you are interested, priority will be given to the perception department."

Guang Mu (Holy Light Paradise): "Healing Department, do you want to cooperate?"

Juehai (Watch Paradise): "Welcome."

Gaske (Paradise of Death): "Guangmu, has the matter been dealt with in Garman City?"

Guang Mu (Holy Light Paradise): "No~, I'm so stupid. In such a good place as Youke City and Gaman City, I actually stuck on Xida Road."

A lot of news appeared in front of Black Rose. For some reason, she smiled strangely. It was an expression that she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable about. She had a 'good thing' to share.

Black Rose (Reincarnation Paradise): "Everyone, let me tell you some 'good news'. Bai Ye has returned to Gaman City, hahahahaha..."

[The remaining number of free speeches today is 1/3.]

As soon as the news about Black Rose was released, the communication platform that was bustling just now suddenly became quiet. After a long time, a message appeared.

Guang Mu (Holy Light Paradise): "I hate cannonballs."

This chapter has been completed!
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