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Chapter 91: Sister Deng

The turbid orange light shines from the eyes on the brain monster's head, reflecting half of the main corridor in orange.

Sias immediately stood in front of Shenyin, and the black tentacles spread behind him and wrapped around him.

"Shenyin, I will take you out."


Although Shenyin was on guard against Sinyas, he didn't know what Sinyas had done before. After hesitating for a moment, he took out his life-saving tools and chose to be enveloped by Sinyas's black tentacles.

Sias turned around and ran away, rushing out of the main corridor in a few steps and entering the curved corridor, with Morey following closely behind.

"Hey? Where's Bai Ye?"

After Morey rushed towards the curved corridor, his eyes showed confusion. Logically speaking, Su Xiao should be faster than her.


Most of the corpses flew into the curved corridor, leaving a large dazzling white blood stain on the wall. The color of the blood looked very similar to the brain.

"Is the big-headed monster dead now? That's strong, Bai Ye."

As Morey spoke, she was about to open the door of the curved corridor. Sias raised his hand to stop her and pointed at the stained long glass window on the door. The turbid orange light became brighter and brighter in the main corridor.


After Morey saw the turbid orange light through the blurred glass, he felt like vomiting, feeling both physical and psychological discomfort.

Through the door, there were howls one after another in the main corridor. This sound, which Morey and Sias had just heard, was the cry of the brain monsters. The screams at this moment were very dense, indicating that there were at least hundreds of brain monsters.

The sound of brushing, brushing also came from inside the door, which was like the sound of a sharp blade cutting through the air.

After a few minutes, the main corridor became quiet, the orange light reflected on the dirty door glass faded, and white blood flowed in along the crack at the bottom of the door.

Sinyas retracted his tentacles, and the hidden Shenyin jumped back, keeping a distance from Sinyas. Just now, he vaguely felt something, but he couldn't be sure.

Morey pushed open the corridor door, and a scene in the main corridor came into view. Located in the middle of the main corridor, there were a bunch of broken limbs, as well as large sarcoma heads, or brain monsters with half of their heads chopped off. They

The remains of the corpses were piled up in a pile. With this pile of corpses as the center, water-white blood spread to the surroundings. Above the pile of corpses, Su Xiao stood on top holding a strange-shaped short saw blade in each hand. He was wearing a bucket and holding a saw in his hand.

The double saw blade has been dyed white.

Su Xiao jumped down from the pile of corpses and shook off the blood on the double saw blades. The double saw blades turned half a circle in his hands and were sheathed under the pressure of his thumbs.

In the nightmare, the church's weapons caused almost full real damage, plus the real damage of the green steel shadow energy. The damage intensity was so high that it exploded. Cutting down the monsters here was just like cutting melons and vegetables, but this weapon was

In reality, it's not so overwhelming.

The reason why Su Xiao stayed to deal with the brain monster was because he was not afraid of the turbid light emitted by the brain monster.

While in Nightmare Yongwang Town, Su Xiao saw the "Swollen Eye", which had only one huge eyeball and emitted a stronger turbid light.

Assuming that the turbid light emitted by the swollen eye damages 30 points of sanity, then the turbid light of the brain monster will damage about 6 to 7 points.

When Su Xiao endured the turbid light and was stared at by the Swollen Eye for 60 seconds, he passed a certain test. At that time, he gained two benefits, one of which was that his resistance to the turbid light was permanently increased by 120 points.

In addition to Su Xiao's own resistance, the [Church Knight's Head Bucket] has an absurdly high resistance to turbid light. The last time he was stared at by the Swollen Eye for 60 seconds was because Su Xiao was wearing the [Church Knight's Head Bucket].

Barrels have their own resistance bonus in this regard.

His own turbid light resistance + the head barrel's exclusive resistance to turbid light, the two are superimposed, and Su Xiao doesn't care about the brain monster's turbid light at all.

Facing the brain monster in the main corridor is not without any cost. He just injected a sedative when his sanity value was very low, and his sanity value was full after 5 seconds. Sometimes the upper limit of sanity value is low, which is also a good thing.

Su Xiao aimed at the pile of corpses and raised his hand. Balls of white semi-fluid sealed by energy floated towards him and were stored in the storage space by him.

[You get 10 copies of deep sea brain fluid.]

[Deep Sea Brain Fluid: The strange thing that appears after the mixture of 'Nightmare' and 'Sea Backlash'. This smooth and viscous thing has unimaginable allure to monsters in nightmares or the deep sea.

, when these monsters swallow this brain fluid, they will perform confusing behaviors. When witnessing all this, do not laugh, laughter will attract the attention of the monsters again. 】

After seeing the information on [Deep Sea Brain Fluid], Su Xiao knew that this was a good thing. Throwing this thing out without being discovered by the nightmare monster could lure the nightmare monster away.

"You guys, why are you running?"

Su Xiao looked around at Morey, Sinyas, and the transparent man Shenyin. Both Morey and Shenyin were embarrassed, but Sinyas was calm and calm. Only the city wall could compete with his face.

"Keep exploring."

Su Xiao was walking at the front. Seeing this, Shenyin pushed out a ball of light. After the ball of light floated slowly, it sank into Su Xiao's chest.

[Tip: You are affected by the buffing effect of ‘Clear Spring Flow’, and within the next 10 seconds, your sanity will be restored to 95 points. 】

Su Xiao's sanity gradually recovered, returning to 215/215 points in a few seconds.

At the end of the main corridor, a silver-gray metal door that looked the same as when entering the Nightmare Castle ward appeared. Su Xiao took out the key, inserted it, turned it, and opened the door with a click.

Pushing open the silver-gray metal door, a patient room of about a hundred square meters appeared in front. There were iron frame beds on both sides of the room. Most of the beds were empty, and some had brain monsters lying on them.


The brain monsters here are still ugly, but they are all wearing light pink loose hospital gowns and are very weak.

"Miss, is it you? Have you come to see us? Leave quickly. You can't come to this nightmare."

"Did-dong~, drip-dong~, drip-dong~, did you hear it? It was the sound of water dripping, it was the ocean. The beast in my heart disappeared, and I was healed by the sound of the sea."

"Kill me, quickly, kill me, save...save me..."

"King Yi, you used us as a test subject, and the beast transformation was cured? The sea water came in, which was more painful than the beast transformation. The two exist together."

Every few meters Su Xiao walked, she could hear a patient's confession. These patients had stayed here for too long. They could neither die nor live well, and life was worse than death.

Without any investigation, Su Xiao could figure out the general outline of the matter. After the beastization completely broke out in the world of painting, the Dynasty thought of many ways. After running out of options, they chose to fight fire with fire and use a strange power in the deep sea to fight against the spiritual beastization.

As a result, he failed to fight poison with poison, and his transformation into a beast was not cured, and he was eroded by the power of the deep sea.

Presumably, this old castle was the last refuge of the main world. Even if the people here are not crazy, they will do whatever it takes.

After passing through the patient room, Su Xiao arrived at the utility hall where various sundries were placed. There were many metal dissecting tables in the utility hall, with some half-dissected brain monsters lying on them.

In addition to all kinds of sundries, there is a corridor on the left and right sides and the innermost side of the utility room. The castle ward is larger than imagined.

Su Xiao's eyes focused on the innermost metal door. There was a coded lock in the center of the metal door. There was no keyhole on the door, which meant that the door could only be opened with a coded lock.

Just as Su Xiao was about to step forward, the crisp sound of metal hitting the ground reached his ears. He immediately hid on the side of an autopsy table. Morey was beside him. On the side of the nearby metal dissection table was Sias.

Hiding with God.

For some unknown reason, after entering the utility room, a kind of glowing orange light particles appeared on Shenyin's body, which greatly increased the difficulty of his hiding.

In the corridor on the right side of the utility hall, a figure walked out. The hem of her robe was in tatters and hanging down like strips of cloth. There were dots of blood on her two long legs. On her feet were a pair of metal high heels, which were stepped on.

There was a crunching sound behind the marble slab on the ground.

The most eye-catching thing is the head of this humanoid monster. She was originally supposed to be a brain monster, but her brain had been cut and modified.

There were rivets on her neck for fixation, and her head was wrapped by something similar to a metal searchlight. The dozen or so eyeballs on her face emitted a turbid orange light. Under the spotlight of the searchlight, the turbid light was concentrated and shined directly in front of her.

, the intensity of the turbid light she emits is at least several times stronger than the Swollen Eye.

This humanoid monster was deliberately transformed by someone to guard the secrets of this place. The searchlight above her head and the big white legs stained with blood actually made terror and sex begin to go hand in hand.

This monster is temporarily called Sister Deng. Sister Deng takes strange steps, her upper body is slightly bowed, and her tattered clothes swing as she walks. Every time she takes a step, she reaches the maximum step and then bows.

The bent legs stepped down, and the high heels made a crisp sound when they hit the ground, every step.

Su Xiao found that Morey, who was leaning against the side of the dissecting table, was holding his breath and did not dare to make a sound. Although Sias' side was not so exaggerated, they also chose to avoid it temporarily.

Sister Deng is a big trouble. Su Xiao estimates that with his current sanity and the means to deal with nightmares, even if he uses [Deep Sea Brain Fluid] to lure him, he will not be able to overcome Sister Deng. The password door is just ten meters away on the other side.

, the password is 338145, there is only one opportunity missing now.

Morey turned his head and suddenly found Su Xiao squatting half down, with most of her head exposed, and her expression began to stiffen.

'No, please.'

Morey opened and closed his mouth, speaking silently with his lips.

'You are my father, you are my ancestor! No!'

In Morey's increasingly desperate eyes, Su Xiao pulled out the saw blade in her right hand, stood up straight, and hit the dissecting table with the end of the handle.


The metal rubbed, and Sister Deng suddenly turned around! Su Xiao had disappeared. That was because, at the moment he knocked on the dissecting table, he relied on his dragon shadow flash ability to penetrate the space and come to Sister Deng. Sister Deng heard that

Hearing the sound, he immediately turned around. In this way, Su Xiao, who had completed the space penetration, happened to be standing behind Sister Deng.

Su Xiao completely restrained her breath, stopped breathing, and her heartbeat reached its slowest pace. She did not move at the same place, but Sister Deng did not notice him. Sister Deng was attracted by the loud noise just now, and went to Morey, Sinyas, and Shenyin.

go in the direction.

At this moment, both Morey and Shenyin were a little confused, and Sias looked ugly. He wanted to do this just now, but it was too late.

Sister Deng approached step by step. After the three of them looked at each other, Sias shouted: "Run."

After Si Yasi yelled, he fell down on the spot, while Shenyin rushed out. As soon as he rushed out a few steps, he staggered. He wanted to hide behind the dissecting table again, but found that Sister Deng had already rushed over. He could only

He bravely ran to the patient room.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Su Xiao quietly came to the metal code door and dialed the code to 338145 as quickly as possible.

With a click, the password door opened. After Su Xiao found the unlocking mechanism in the door, he rushed into the door and closed the door with a bang.


Sister Deng bumped into the coded door. Her sharp claws scratched at the coded door frantically, leaving white marks on it. On Sister Deng's lower back, there was a humanoid shadow with a transparent body and orange light spots on its body.

The utility room became quiet, and Sias had turned into half a corpse of a brain monster, lying on the autopsy table pretending to be dead.

Ta, da, da.

Sister Deng stepped forward and inspected the surrounding area.


The cry of frogs appeared, and the searchlight on Sister Deng's head tilted, as if she was wondering why there was a strange cry here, but this cry made her feel normal.


There was another frog cry, and Sister Deng ignored it. She stopped near the dissecting table where Sias was, and stopped moving.

Presumably, Sias must have something MMP to say in his heart now.

This chapter has been completed!
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