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Chapter 33: Sea Train

"You just said that you were not a member of the World Government before, and that you have the same things that the World Government desires like me?"

Robin organized his thoughts, and the mentality of wanting to die temporarily subsided, Cotard's syndrome alleviated, and other accompanying symptoms gradually weakened.

"Yes, but you and I will be treated differently. You will be imprisoned by the World Government. Don't worry, the World Government will not let you die. They will torture all the knowledge in your brain."

Robin tilted his head, as if he didn't care about being questioned.

"I am not afraid of death, let alone torture."

Su Xiao was speechless. This girl may have never seen anyone else being tortured. Death is not as scary as being tortured.

"So, can you imagine what it would be like to have your skin peeled off, inch by inch?"

Robin's face began to look unhappy.

"I'm not good at physical torture, but I know a little bit about it. With your endurance, it's a miracle that you can last for two hours."

Su Xiao introduced some torture methods to Robin. Robin's face became paler. She was very likely to experience this, but she would never tell the World Government about the knowledge in her mind. It was from her mother and O'Hallan.

Scholars sacrificed their lives for it.

Robin knew the whereabouts of the ancient weapon Hades, not by translating the blueprints, but because Robin knew where a built Hades was, its exact location.

It’s easy to see which one is easier to build from scratch or renovate a Pluto.

Not only the whereabouts of Hades, Robin also knows some secrets about the Draco.

After listening to the torture methods described by Su Xiao, Robin's body curled up. She never thought that humans could be so evil.

"Am I really going to go through this?"

Robin is not stupid, she has always been skeptical of Lidya Su's words.

"No, you won't go through this."

Robin felt a little more relaxed.

"You're going to experience the harsher kind."

Su Xiao looked at Robin with a smile. In fact, he and Robin were in a similar situation. The moment he met Kalifa, he was destined to have contacts with the World Government.

Su Xiao used a very clever method to communicate with the world government, and finally cooperated in a semi-transactional model.

Robin's initial approach was a bit unwise. First he gave up his will to survive, and then he took the initiative to expose his weakness.

If it was Robin under normal circumstances, she would not have made such a mistake. She might have been stimulated by her previous encounter with Admiral Aokiji.

"Franky is back, and we don't have much time to talk."

Su Xiao looked at Franky walking in the distance. He had a plan. If it succeeded, the benefits would be huge, but if it failed, there wouldn't be much loss.

"We?" Robin accurately captured the difference in Su Xiao's words.

"Yes, we, if you don't want to be tortured to extract a confession, you can only cooperate with me."

Robin lowered her head and fell into deep thought. She had previously thought that being taken to Judiciary Island would result in execution at best. Of course she also thought about the possibility of torture, but she did not expect that some torture methods would be so perverted.

Robin became weak, and she began to fear going to Judiciary Island.

"What do you want to do, or what is your purpose."

Su Xiao took out an alchemy bomb and quietly handed it to Robin and told her how to use it.

"I'll give it to you. Even if you hide this thing, even the agents of the CP department won't be able to search it. As for where to hide it, you should have many places to hide it."

This alchemy bomb is of great significance to Robin now. After arriving in the Judiciary City, she will definitely be handcuffed with seastones. The seastones will make the Devil Fruit ability user's body paralyzed. At that time, this alchemy bomb will become

Robin's life-saving trump card.

"Why help me."

Even now, Robin still feels that Lidya Su has evil intentions.

"We are all down in the world, so we should help each other."

Robin didn't say anything, but Su Xiao's words shocked Boo Boo Wang. Boo Boo Wang looked at Robin sympathetically. With his owner's usual style, this long-legged female primate might have to do something.

Bad luck.

Robin hesitated for a long time and finally hid the alchemical bomb. Su Xiao sat aside and stopped talking.

Not long after, Lucci and others pushed Franky out of the ruins. Franky was no match for Lucci and others, and was being tied up by Kalifa with a spiked whip.

"Let me go, I'm not Cady Flam at all, you're just kidding me."

Franky's body was covered in wounds, but because he was a cyborg, his vital parts were intact and Franky could continue to fight.

If it's a one-on-one fight between two people, you punch me and you punch me, Franky has never been intimidated by anyone.

"Not Cady Flam? So you're not Tom the Fishman's disciple either?"

Lucci's words left Frankie speechless. He could admit that he was not Cady Frame, but he could never admit that he was not Fishman Tom's disciple.

The fishman raised him and taught him the knowledge of shipbuilding.

"Are you from the World Government?"

"You don't need to know."

Kaku pushed Franky, who staggered forward.

Su Xiao stood up from the pile of stones, followed closely by Robin. Compared to the CP9 people, Robin now believed in Su Xiao more.

"Ready to return, our mission has been completed."

Kalifa chuckled and looked at Robin and Franky. Both targets were captured.

The group of people escorted Franky and Robin and headed straight to the sea train station in the Capital of Seven Waters.

As the name suggests, a sea train is a train that can run on the sea, with rails floating on the sea. This train flies on the sea rails at a speed that is more than ten times that of a ship, and can overcome all harsh weather.

The journey from the Capital of Seven Waters to Judiciary Island is not far. When you arrive at the sea train station, there is already a sea train waiting here.

Because the action lasted only a short time, the Caohai Pirates did not pursue him. If Barry had not had an accident, Su Xiao could have left the Capital of Seven Waters without anyone noticing.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time, my lords."

A spy leader came forward. He was an agent of CP8, and his status was incomparable to that of CP8.

"It's no surprise."

Lu Qi acted more cautiously, otherwise he would not have lurked in the Capital of Seven Waters for five years.

"No surprises."

"That's good, get ready to set off."

The sea train is very similar to a train. Su Xiao entered the third carriage of the sea train. The third carriage is a VIP carriage with wide seats and very comfortable.

There were only seven people sitting in the huge carriage. Su Xiao found a seat and sat down, sat cross-legged on the chair, took out the tablet and started playing the puzzle game.

"Let me go, are you going to keep me tied up?"

Franky was very unhappy. He saw that Robin, who was also a prisoner, had already sat down.

"Of course not."

Kalifa's answer made Franky very satisfied.

"Come here, tie him up and throw him into the trunk."

Franky's expression froze. Three agents rushed forward and tied Franky up with chains. Then they found a long cloth bag and put Franky into the bag. Only his head was exposed.

Tie the outside with rope.

"Hey, you bastards, your treatment is too bad."

Franky was quickly carried away, and he could only squirm now.

This chapter has been completed!
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