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Chapter 5: Cold

The monkey jumped between ancient buildings, leaving a trail of traces along the way that only Su Xiao, Bu Bu Wang and Ba Ha could see.

Although Yun Monkey is a bit naughty, as a noble among monkeys, he is fundamentally different from the aggressive monkey like the macaque. After eating Yu Zhimi, he began to lead the way responsibly.

However, because this little guy is a little naughty, the path to find the fragments of the Soul-Breaking Shadow Stone will most likely not be a straight line, but it will be an S-shape at most, and there will be no such deceptive situation as a Z-shaped route.

In the ancient capital, Su Xiao followed the golden footprints left by the monkeys. On the spaceship, he saw a simple map of this continent. If he traveled north, he would leave the "Yada Ancient Capital" and reach the adjacent "Yada Ancient Capital".

"Cold Cemetery".

If "Ada Ancient Capital" is the habitat of the Vine Clan, then "Cold Cemetery" is the territory of the Ghost Clan.

The information is too limited. Su Xiao's understanding of the ghost clan can only rely on part of the information given in the world introduction. For example, the ghost clan has inherited the darkness of the Yadar people.

In this world, as a neutral force, the Vine Clan's combat power should not be very prominent. Although the ancient capital is located in the middle, there are few resources here. This is the notarization area after the tree world has been opened.

Every time the participants entered the Shusheng World, they almost turned the "Yada Ancient Capital" upside down, but the "Cold Cemetery" was different. It was outside the notarization area, and there had been no outsiders for maybe thousands of years, or even longer.

The land that the explorer sets foot on is more dangerous, but it also represents more opportunities.

When Su Xiao was thinking like this, the cry of Bubo Wang came. Hearing the sound and looking around, Bubo Wang looked slightly depressed.

After the previous struggle for supplies began, Bubo Wang did not participate and instead went after the plane. Judging from its expression, things did not go smoothly.

"They didn't agree?"


Bubuwang raised his head.

"Why did you refuse? Tell me the exact words."

"Woof woof woof woof..."


Ona, who was standing aside, looked at Su Xiao and Bu Boo Wang in the exchange. She was very surprised and confused. She didn't understand any of Bu Boo Wang's screams. She didn't know how Su Xiao understood it.


"Woof woof woof!"

"Well, I'll be there soon."

Lidya Su nodded while speaking.


"Ah this~"

Ona, who had been listening carefully, felt that she was lonely. This 'conspiracy in person' made her and Wood lose their temper at all.

"You two, let's follow the monkey's footprints first, and my boss will come later."

Baha opened his mouth, and Su Xiao quickly disappeared from the sight of Ona and Wood.

Two hours later, above a valley on the south side of the ancient capital, an old-fashioned airplane parked on the rocky runway above.

In the valley, the waterfall falls, white air rises from the pool below, and the entire valley is a scene of green water and green mountains, a scene of birds singing and the fragrance of flowers.

Su Xiao stopped on the rock platform above the valley, seeming to sense his arrival. A humanoid being in the valley who looked like an alien cast a look. Its oval head was disproportionate to the body, and its eyes were unexpectedly large.

, thin arms and thin legs.

"Here we go again, how many times do I have to repeat this to you? I am a neutral person notarized by the Void Tree and will not take sides."

The big-headed man said, if it was before meeting Caesar, Su Xiao might still reluctantly believe this. Caesar's guy is often the quartermaster of the Void Tree + Reincarnation Paradise, but that guy's "hair is too good to pull out the swallow"

His unique skills are unforgettable for a lifetime.

"There's something I want to talk to you about."

As soon as Su Xiao finished speaking, a warning message appeared.

[Warning (Tree of the Void): Immediately stop negotiating with special neutral units in this world. If you ignore this warning, your credibility will be greatly reduced...]

After checking the content of the warning, Su Xiao felt a lot more at ease. If it was a direct punishment mechanism, he would turn around and leave. The majesty of the Void Tree still cannot be touched. As for the warning, ignore it.

"You have been warned, so..."

The big-headed man stopped mid-sentence. It used its own authority to check Su Xiao's credibility. That credibility was already so low that it represented a lot of things.

"My friend, it's not necessary. It's really not necessary. You are in a killing competition. I am a neutral unit running errands. I can't do anything for you."

The big-headed man's attitude has changed a lot. Su Xiao, who has low credibility, said that he would draw a knife and kill him. The big-headed man estimated that the other party could do this. He is a neutral unit located inside the notary area. In a sense,

In other words, he is a different kind of participant in the war. It’s just that many people can’t figure out this problem.

Su Xiao didn't think about this at first. It wasn't until he participated in the battle of the strongest and reached a deal with Mouse in an obscure way that he understood this concept.

If the big-headed person is a neutral unit who leaves after placing the supply boxes, it is best not to have contact with the other party. However, if the other party finishes placing the supply boxes, then stays in a secret place in the notary area, waiting for the subsequent delivery of the supply boxes.

, then you can operate from it.

The big-headed man, no, the neutral person who called himself Paul looked helpless. Apparently, he had watched a certain movie and felt that he looked similar to the protagonist in the movie.

Su Xiao took out a price tag, took out a small bottle, rolled the small bottle in the price tag, and threw it to Paul.

"I am a neutral unit, it is impossible to capture..."

Halfway through Paul's words, he raised his hand and grabbed the price tag rolled into a paper tube. His expression looked slightly strange.

"Bring him here, or throw away the price tag in your hand."

After leaving these words behind, Su Xiao turned around and left. His credibility was declining. He estimated that if he continued to negotiate, there was a high probability that the punishment mechanism would be directly triggered.

Su Xiao can confirm that Paul has a probability of more than 70%, that he is a neutral unit that can negotiate and cooperate, and that he is the type certified by the Void Tree. At the moment, he has not found the correct way to open it, so of course it is a warning prompt.

To use a game metaphor, it is equivalent to a player who has just entered a new scene taking advantage of a fully open map to find an NPC that can only be negotiated in the later stages. This violates the "scene rules" but does not violate the "game rules".

Watching Su Xiao walk away, Paul poured out a very thin vial from the price tag rolled into a paper tube. He estimated that the power of space and time in it was at least 10 ounces.

"It's quite moral. No wonder. After all, he is the hunter of the madman's paradise."

Paul kicked a stone into the pool, and a few seconds later, a silly pilot with a hippopotamus head surfaced.

"Let's go and get to work."

"It's not yet...the second stage."

The head of the hippopotamus pilot sank, only the eyes were exposed, and the water surface was bubbling. It preferred to soak in the water.

"This is private work, let's go."

Paul took out his watch and looked at the time. If he went back quickly, there would be no mistake.

On the north side of the ancient capital of Yada, at the very edge.

Su Xiao followed the footsteps of the monkey and it didn't take long to catch up with Wood and others. In other words, it was Wood who suggested waiting here.

In Wood's view, Su Xiao is a very important 'teammate'. After entering the "cold cemetery", if he is in danger and is outnumbered, there will be multiple people sharing the firepower. It is commonly known as three people being chased by dogs.

Far less risk than two people being chased by a dog.

"Long wait."

Su Xiao exhaled white air. The further north he went, the lower the temperature became. The originally lush land was now barren of grass. There was a faint smell of corruption in the black soil. The cold fog made the front look foggy.

The visual distance does not exceed 50 meters.

"We are all friends, don't be so polite. If you don't come, how can we advance to the cold cemetery?"

Wood said with a smile.


Lidya Su didn't answer and just continued to move forward.

Tu tu tu tu ~

"Huh? What's the sound?"

Ona frowned slightly and looked around.

Tu tu tu tu ~

"Bubu, what's wrong with you?"

Ona found the source of the sound, which was the trembling sound of Boo Boo Wang's hind legs. Because the trembling was too fast, it made a sound like a small electric motor.

"It's okay, it's just a little cold."

Baha smiled evilly. Bubu Wang, who was hiding behind Su Xiao's legs, was so angry that he wanted to bite Baha, but he couldn't do it. Now that he was more than 3 meters away from Su Xiao, he would lose his sense of security. The scene around him,

If a ghost doesn't appear, BuBoWang will stand on his head and urinate and drink it himself!

After a brief discussion, the team formed a formation, with Su Xiao at the front as a melee fighter, followed by Bubu Wang, Baha, Ona paying attention to the left and rear, and Wood paying attention to the right and rear.

The cold fog drifted away, and apart from the abnormally dark ground, there were no trees or even grass around, and it was getting colder.

This kind of cold is not simply a low temperature, but a cold that goes deep into the bones and soul.

Su Xiao had experienced a similar feeling once, that time in the castle of the World of Painting. He had a room on the second floor at that time, so he was naturally not affected by the cold. It is said that the Moon Apostle was so cold that he lost consciousness.

This mist is a soul mist aimed at the soul and can make the soul feel cold.

"Ah sneeze~"

Ona sneezed, exhaling cold air from her mouth, and her face turned slightly pale. Wood nearby was not much better, and the green pupil flames in his eye holes were dimmed by the cold.

This coldness was aimed at the soul. Su Xiao began to feel cold. One can imagine the situation of others, but Su Xiao could still persist. It would not be a problem for him to resist for a few more hours.

[Warning: You are suffering from the "Soul Freeze" effect.]

[During the period of enduring "Soul Freeze", your own vitality recovery will be greatly suppressed, but aura abilities, potions, etc. will not be affected by this cold. 】

[While enduring "Soul Freeze", you will suffer 2 points of soul damage every second (soul strength has been exempted by 86.6%). 】

[While enduring "Soul Freeze", your basic nerve reflex speed will be reduced by 1 point per minute. (After the Soul Freeze effect is removed, this debuff will be restored. If you endure the Soul Freeze effect for too long, the basic...

The nerve reflex speed is permanently reduced. The higher the soul strength, the higher this resistance).】

[During the period of enduring "Soul Freeze", your intelligence attributes will gradually decrease. If the degree of reduction is too great, your maximum mana will permanently drop and your perception will be permanently damaged. 】

[Current cold value: 0.12% (slowly increasing).]

[If the freezing value exceeds 50%, the debuff effect of "Soul Freezing" on you will be greatly increased. 】

[If the freezing value exceeds 85%, your mobility will be severely lost, and the debuff effect of "soul freezing" on you will increase again.]

[If the freezing value reaches 100%, your soul will be frozen to pieces. This is soul killing, and you will die. 】

Su Xiao had guessed that the abnormal state of this world would be very troublesome, but she didn't expect it to be so cruel.

His current soul strength is 590 points and that's still the case. You can imagine the situation of Bubo Wang, Baha, Wood, and Ona.

"Soul Freeze" suppresses the recovery of one's own vitality, that is, physical attributes, passive abilities, equipment, etc., the derived self-healing, self-recovery of life points, etc. are all suppressed. The good news is that the aura ability and recovery potion are all suppressed.

The effect is not affected.

After Su Xiao saves 86% with soul strength, he has to bear 2 points of soul damage per second. In other words, the initial damage of soul freezing is about 15 points per second, which is 900 points of soul damage in one minute.

Who can withstand 54,000 points of soul damage in one hour?

Bubo Wang and Baha have grown to the eighth level. After awakening their potential dozens of times in the attribute enhancement warehouse, their soul strength is over 120 points, and they can be exempted from 16% to 17% of the soul caused by "Soul Freeze".

Damage, receiving 12 to 13 points of soul damage per second.

The good news is that Bubo Wang's "Aura of the Ice and Snow Goddess" is in effect, which is a life saver.

Even so, Bubo Wang and Baha can't hold on for long, not to mention that soul damage is just the appetizer of the "Soul Freeze" effect. The temporary reduction in reaction speed is very dangerous, especially in the face of emergencies.

The temporary reduction of intelligence attributes will lead to a slowdown in perception.

Slow reaction + slow perception + unexpected situations, the consequences will be life.

What's even more powerful is that this abnormal state will continue to increase in effect as the recipient's freezing value increases. When the freezing value exceeds 50%, the soul damage suffered will increase several times, reaching several times per minute.

A thousand points of soul damage. By then, the soul damage in one hour would be at least over 200,000.

"What kind of path does this broken monkey lead?"

Baha, who was shaken to pieces, opened his mouth, feeling that his brain was about to freeze.


Bubu barked, and his expression gradually became joyful. In the past, when the weather got cold, his smart IQ took over the high ground, but this time his thinking almost froze, and his smart IQ was of no use.

We have already gone some distance into the "cold cemetery", and it is too late to turn back now. If we keep going for another 1 to 2 hours, the freezing level will approach 50%, and by then it will be too late to turn back.

Su Xiao looked at Wood and Ona. Wood did not express his position. Ona nodded, meaning to continue moving forward. She had explored many dangerous places on the Destruction Star and was not afraid of the current situation.

Except for the cold mist and black earth, there was nothing around, not even a dry grass. After traveling like this for more than half an hour, Su Xiao stopped.

Traveling in the "Cold Cemetery", everything else is fine so far, but it takes too much recovery medicine. Of the 50 bottles of [Vitality Original Liquid] he brought, 5 bottles have been consumed at this time, and the progress of this world has just begun.

The cost of getting injured in the "Cold Cemetery" is very high. Injuries can only be sustained by BuBoWang's aura and recovery potion. Other aspects are greatly suppressed by the freezing effect.

Su Xiao can completely imagine that the real poison, dark curse and other abnormal conditions that the Void Tree previously reminded will cost extra medicine.

It wasn't that Su Xiao was crazy and chose to bring 50 bottles of [Vitality Essence] into the world. He originally planned to bring 100 bottles, but due to the lack of material exchange quota, otherwise, he could have produced 200 bottles.

From the level of the tree world, you can tell that the environment of this world must be very complicated, so it is right to bring more recovery potions.

The vitality liquid is a potion prepared by Su Xiao himself. Not counting the black maple tree, the material cost is only 5 soul coins per bottle.

[Vitality original solution: each production requires 1500 mana points, and requires materials: vitality extraction essence, life spring water, crystal bottle, black maple leaf juice (5.2479 grams, requires extremely precise 6-step processing, activation, and activity extraction

, mental power catalysis/filtration, etc.).]

If it weren't for the material quota restrictions and mana recovery, Su Xiao would really have brought 200 bottles of [Vitality Liquid] into the tree world this time.

At this moment, Wood and Ona could occasionally see Bubo Wang and Baha drinking [Vitality Liquid] like juice. Of course, the two of them could sense the rich vitality that emanated after the [Vitality Liquid] was opened. This must be a kind of

Restoration potions are still very precious.

In Ona's understanding, even if there was a mine at home, she couldn't drink like this. She sighed, took out a bottle of potion, took a small sip, and put most of the remaining bottle back into her arms.

As the group was walking, Su Xiao suddenly stopped and asked: "Two of you, are your cold conditions serious?"

Hearing Su Xiao's question, Wood was secretly vigilant, and Ona was even more ready to fight.

The cooperation of three people is equivalent to the cooperation of Blood Beast, Skeleton and Tentacle Princess. If the three of them are still strong and have value for each other, then it is peace. But once one of them is weak, it is very likely that the other two evil spirits will be killed.

Tear it apart and swallow it alive.

Of course, this situation will not happen when facing a strong external enemy. Facing a strong external enemy, the three of them will even rescue each other. We are good teammates until we defeat the strong enemy.

"I'm in pretty good shape."

Wood spoke.

"Cold hurts the skin."

Ona's fingertips gently stroked her cheek, showing her calmness.

"Yes, I understand."

As Su Xiao spoke, he took out two injection guns from the storage space. Inside were diluted [Soul Freeze Anti-Agent], which he obtained from the purple supply box.

Originally there was only one [Soul Freeze Anti-Agent], but it was diluted by Su Xiao into 8 vials with "Bai's Solution". Although the effect of a single dose is not as strong as the original version, it can be injected more often.

To borrow a word from the alchemist teacher Coyne, "Bay's solution" is one of the greatest inventions in pharmacy. Its strong compatibility and reproducibility make it a perfect diluent.

Su Xiao used "Bay's solution" to dilute the medicine. It was not a matter of mixing the medicine with water. The original overall potency of the potion was 10. After being diluted into several parts by "Bay's solution", the overall potency reached at least 15 to 17.

Time, this is the re-engraving characteristic of "Bai-type solution", which is a solution prepared with soul energy + a trace amount of time and space power.

Su Xiao injected one [Soul Freezing Anti-Agent] each into Bubu Wang and Baha. Their freezing values ​​​​lowered rapidly, falling below 5% in a short while, and the effect was outstanding.

Both Wood and Ona sensed the changes in the breaths of Bubo Wang and Baha. Wood coughed lightly and said: "Is there such a good thing? Give me one too."

"The quantity of this potion is limited. I just asked you about your winter condition, and you all said it's not serious, so you don't need it for the time being."

After hearing this, both Wood and Ona had nothing to say. It was Su Xiao who took the initiative to ask if their freezing condition was serious. One of them said that they were in good condition, and the other showed his composure.

If Sias were present, he would definitely have said: 'I farted just now, it's not going to work anymore, give me a shot quickly, my second brother is almost freezing.'

Unfortunately, Wood and Ona are not guilty of Asuna's shamelessness, which is thicker than the city wall. Wood is shameless at critical moments, while Ona always remains reserved.


Blood splattered everywhere, and a dozen finger-thick shiny white tentacles protruded from Ona's cuffs, blocking a sharp claw. The claw cut the tentacle half open, and red blood flowed out.


The roar spread like sound waves, and the mixed soul impact caused Ona to have a double image in front of her eyes. If it were in the past, she would not be like this, but she is suffering from the "Soul Freeze" effect, and her reaction and perception are greatly temporary.


The one who attacked Ona was a monster with tattered clothes and frosty white skin. Its eyes were radiating blue, which completely occupied the entire eyes. The frosty white skin on its face was covered with fine frost lines.

Her hair is sparse, but extraordinarily elegant, as if it were made of Head and Shoulders.

The sharp claws of this monster's right hand are like razors, and it is holding a rusty weapon in its left hand. Judging from the shape, this should be a bladed weapon, but it has been decayed to the point where it is only two fingers wide, with a blade on one side.

The other side was covered with decayed saw teeth, and the entire weapon was filled with cold air.

The first time he saw this monster, Su Xiao felt that the strength of this thing was a bit wrong. It reminded him of the 'Dungeon Killer God' of Holy Land Chiliad.

The 'Dungeon Heavenly Group' composed of six dungeon killers almost killed the priest.

At this time, this frost-white monster gave Su Xiao a feeling similar to that of the Dungeon Killer God.

The glistening white tentacles were chopped and flew in all directions, and the frost-white monster's attacks were haphazard, like a mad dog.

Ona is not someone to be trifled with. A large number of crystal-white tentacles surged out from her two cuffs, entangling the frost-white monster in them.

After these glistening white tentacles climb onto the enemy, they split like tree roots and burrow into the enemy's flesh, mouth and nose in a smaller state, causing unimaginable pain to the enemy, and ultimately destroying the enemy's original vitality, soul energy, etc.

Blot dry, leaving only the residue.

With a snap, Ona's white tentacles tore a humanoid shell to pieces.

"This thing... is a bit difficult to deal with."

Ona spoke. Compared to her, Su Xiao had already detected the enemy's information through the detection equipment.

The frost-white monster is called "The Corroded One", which can also be called "Ice Slave". By looking up the information of "Ice Slave", Su Xiao learned a lot of information about this world.

Why was the tree world so dark? Because it was directly connected to the abyss, and it was a world severely eroded by the power of the abyss, so there were only trees and darkness.

The Adar people did not come from the darkness. They were the ancestors before the Dark Age. After being severely eroded by the power of the abyss, they showed signs of assimilation with the darkness, and there were gaps in their inheritance, so they longed for light later. If Adar

People have always lived in darkness, so there is no such thing as pursuing light.

Using the secret method of light to dispel darkness is actually using the secret method of light to blast the passage between this world and the abyss. After this passage is closed, the power of the abyss will naturally no longer flow in.

The power of the abyss has a characteristic. After it is completely cut off from the abyss, it will undergo adaptive erosion and gain. For example, it erodes the flames, and the flames in this area will become stronger. At the cost, the flames will be very terrifying.

Human characteristics, such as gradually burning the world, etc.

The current "cold cemetery" is where the coldness has been amplified and eroded by the power of the abyss, resulting in the "soul freezing" effect.

This ice slave was originally a ghost, but he became like this because he was completely eroded by the "Soul Freeze" and the souls of ghosts would be deformed before being frozen to pieces.

The Ice Slave is not very strong in terms of survivability, but the power of the abyss remaining in the cold gives it powerful attack capabilities and speed.

How about Silver Moon Wolf? It was still eroded by the power of the abyss. This shows how difficult this power is to control, or in other words, this power cannot be controlled.

Places that have been eroded by the power of the abyss have two major characteristics: 1. They are particularly dangerous, equivalent to dangerous areas, and 2. They are incredibly rich in resources.

"This energy remains..."

Wood's expression was solemn. He took out the jar of the abyss and inhaled some of the remaining energy of the ice slave into the jar of the abyss. Immediately, his heart trembled. As sinister as he was, he could not hide the joy in his heart. This world had once been related to the abyss.

There was a huge connection, and the jar of the abyss came from the abyss. Wood felt that this might be the time when he was most likely to send away the wild father.

There was a glimmer of light on the golden buttons on the cuffs of Wood's suit, and no one else could see it except himself.

"Everyone, let's continue exploring."

Wood's expression was as normal, and he walked towards the back of the team to return to his original position.


Just as Su Xiaogang spoke, a huge mouth appeared behind Wood and swallowed Wood into it. This was not an attack, but an escape!



Baha's wings spread out, Su Xiao used the dragon shadow flash ability to approach Baha, and was dragged into a different space by Baha, while Bubuwang blended into the environment and disappeared.


At the different space passage that Baha had just closed, ice spread in mid-air, almost preventing Su Xiao and Baha from entering the different space. This shows how dangerous the situation is.

Only Ona was left in the team that was full just now. She held the pendant around her neck with one hand and quickly asked about the situation with her mental power.

"Bai Ye and Wood escaped? Wife, run! Run in the direction where Wood's back was before he disappeared!"

Hearing the shouts from inside the twisted cross, Ona turned around and ran away. As soon as she took a few steps, she felt the ground shaking slightly, and she looked back.


In the cold mist, densely packed ice slaves rushed towards Ona. Behind these ice slaves, there were several huge monsters with terrifying auras. Seeing this scene, Ona's blood almost ran cold. If she was caught up by these monsters,

She will definitely die.

Before joining the team, Ona believed that 'good teammates' competed with each other to see who could run faster, but now it seems that is not the case.

This chapter has been completed!
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