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Chapter 4: Vegetarian eating like a lawnmower

In the valley of the base camp, the insect nest is towering. In the original continent, the height of the seventh-level insect nest was nearly 180 meters, but in this world, the seventh-level insect nest is only more than 80 meters high. The difference in the world system makes it difficult for the devilish insect race to be so extreme.

The influence of ethnic group is quite intuitive.

Su Xiao doesn't care about this. Of course, there is a price to pay for obtaining a higher upper limit. At present, the insect nest is only more than 80 meters high, which is also a good thing. Although the explosion speed has been weakened, it is more conducive to concealment. The height of the insect nest

As long as you don't go beyond the valley and don't fly over the valley, you can't easily find the insect nest.

Su Xiao is not worried about the speed of explosive troops. Now Jila is only at the "Queen Level". When she is promoted to the "Mother Queen Level", the insect nest will reach the eighth level. By then, the speed of explosive troops will definitely be compared to its previous peak.

Instead of decreasing, it increases.

As for reaching the "Dominator Level", that is a new height that Jila has never reached.

The current situation in the south is that several "Mother Emperor" Zerg mother bodies are in a continuous war with the Empire and the Third Fleet.

The Zerg in this world rely on mining to develop and are semi-vegetarian, but as a Zerg, their war capabilities should be good.

Penny, who went out to investigate, has discovered two eighth-level insect nests. These two eighth-level insect nests were established by the "mother emperor level" insect mother body. Taking her own base camp as the measuring point, the two eighth-level insect nests are respectively

In the northwest and northeast, that is, on the left and right sides in front of your own base camp.

The one on the front left is the "Kara Hive". After Beni's observation, the Zerg units here are relatively large. The Zerg Hive and various Zerg buildings cover an area of ​​about half the size of a city. There are many various Zerg buildings, especially anti-aircraft units.

aspect, attaches great importance to it.

The one on the front right is the "Crimson Queen's Hive". The Hive on the Crimson Queen's side is very big, but there are not many Zerg buildings around the Hive. The fighting Zerg here has many flying units. The Crimson Queen's Hive is very large.

Bian is more aggressive, unlike Kara who likes to defend and develop.

These two "friendly neighbors", Su Xiao did not intend to say hello, not only because they could not fight, but also because they were relatively far away.

The back of our base camp is not worth exploring. Behind it are the continuous gray mountains, and the waves are getting higher and higher. Once the altitude exceeds 10,000 meters, gravity chaos will occur. There are a lot of rocks and dust floating in the sky, even the imperial warships

, and will not fly that way easily.

This means that as long as the sensing tower is built, there is no need to guard against sneak attacks from the rear. Of course, we must take advantage of this favorable location.

Su Xiao connected with her spiritual power and gave instructions to Jira in the insect nest to start cultivating the demonic beasts.

There are now a total of 42150 points of bioenergy, the eggs of demon beasts are gestated, and the subsequent cultivation into mature bodies consumes a total of 10 points of bioenergy for each demon beast, and 4215 demon beasts are decisively arranged.

When the insect nest begins to work, some biological energy enters the egg-forming tissue first, and then the egg-forming tissue uses the genetic template to cultivate the egg body. The egg body passes through the incubation tube and is delivered to the breeding sac.

The interior of the culture capsule is always maintained at a constant temperature of 40°, and is cultivated in a warm and humid environment. In this huge worm nest organ, which is more than half the size of a football field, biological energy is converted into a liquid state and is fed to each egg through the umbilical tube.


The egg body grew at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon, the juvenile demon beast, whose carapace was still a little soft, was cultivated and entered the final growth process.

Su Xiao didn't know what happened to the other Zerg races, but the demon beasts cultivated by their own insect nest were cultivated at an impeccable speed. As long as they left the insect nest, the demon beasts were fighting units at their peak, and they would not stop until they died.


Of course, such ferocious demon beasts are not without their shortcomings. Their existence cycle is only 40 to 50 days. This is the price paid for pursuing combat effectiveness in extreme ways.

Compared with the peak state reached by the Demon Beast before, the Demon Beast cultivated this time is definitely stronger. As a reward for the mission just now, it received three carapace enhancements.

Unfortunately, due to mismatch in compatibility, Demonmon is not compatible with "bioplasma". In other words, if it could be compatible with "bioplasma", it would not be surprising that the cost of cultivating Demonmon would be hundreds of times higher.

The sound of running came from the insect nest. Su Xiao heard the sound and looked around, and saw one demonic beast rushing out of the insect nest. He temporarily controlled one of them, stopped in front of him, and began to observe whether the demonic beast was the same as before.

There are changes.

At this time, the demon beast, excluding the tail, is about 3.5 meters long, with two arched hind legs. The black carapace on its body has clear lines. Although it is thinner than before, the carapace now has a metallic texture.

The demon beast's forelimbs are shorter than its hind legs, and its claws are like razor blades, with a slight bow at the tip. As long as it catches the enemy slightly, it can tear off a piece of flesh.

Overall, the Demon Beast is somewhat similar to the Alien, but the head is different. The Demon Beast's mouth can be opened to a very large size, and the structure of the teeth is not for eating, but simply for biting.

The most conspicuous thing is the tail of the demon beast. The entire tail is nearly four meters long, exceeding the body length. Due to the unique carapace structure on it, the long tail can swing 360° at will. At the tip of the tail, at first glance,

At first glance, it looks like a blade-shaped spike, but it can be opened. It penetrates into the prey and opens, making it impossible for the prey to escape.

In the shape of a demon beast, it can run quickly on walls and ceilings in a narrow terrain. It has a sharp body, a hard carapace, sharp claws and a pointed tail. The bone tail is longer than the body and can sweep down nearly 50 centimeters.

The long tail blade can easily cut off the enemy's head. This creature called Demonmon is born for killing and war.

All demonic beasts stood on the carpet, waiting for orders to be issued.

The creatures stored in the insect nest can be returned to zero. It is time to get some creatures to come back and develop. Su Xiao looked at the map on the terminal. The nearest neighbor was a queen-level insect mother, and the other party owned a fifth-level insect nest.


Because the opponent is a local Zerg, the characteristics of the Zerg nest are different from our own. The fifth-level Zerg nest there has more influence on the upper limit of the number of groups and the construction of Zerg buildings, rather than the fact that the Zerg units cultivated are also fifth-level.

What was cultivated there was not a fifth-level Zerg unit, but an eighth-level Zerg unit cultivated from a fifth-level insect nest. The specific strength is currently unknown.

Of course, this is also subject to limitations. As for the number of Zerg units, the upper limit of the number of Zerg groups in this world is determined by the level of the Zerg nest. For example, a fifth-level Zerg nest can hold up to 7,000 to 10,000 Zerg units.

Once this amount is exceeded, the balance of bioenergy cannot be balanced, and eventually the insect nests and insect structures will be depleted due to lack of bioenergy support.

Jianla is another situation. She can cultivate Zerg units of the corresponding level at a few levels of her insect nest, and the number can reach an exaggerated level.

The nearby Zerg Queen has more than 700 fighting Zerg in her tribe, and the remaining 3,000 engineer Zerg units should not be ignored. These are all mining or responsible for the maintenance of the insect nest.

Although these more than 700 fighting Zerg are eighth-level Zerg, due to their inferior insect nests and genes, it is unknown whether their specific combat power can reach the eighth level.

Demonic beasts once dominated the original continent, but now that they have arrived in a new land, they still have to respect their opponents. Su Xiao left Eminem and 1,215 demonic beasts to guard the home.

To be on the safe side, Su Xiao took 3,000 demon beasts and set off. Bubo Wang and Baha worked together, one in charge of ground reconnaissance and the other in charge of high-altitude reconnaissance.

Su Xiao jumped onto the back of a demon beast. The demon beast's long tail was coiled up. Su Xiao sat firmly on it. Under his mental command, 3,000 demon beasts roared one after another, and then ran out of the valley.

The demon beast runs on four legs and is extremely fast. The demon beast that Su Xiao uses as a mount has to maintain stability while running, so its speed is slightly slower than that of the large team. This is just convenient for observing and occupying it from behind.

The wind howled in her ears, and Su Xiao looked at the map on the terminal. Her base camp was about 5 kilometers away from the Zerg queen, which was too close.

A tree fork narrowly missed Su Xiao's face. The experience of using the Demonic Beast as a mount was not good. It would be much easier to cultivate the Demonic Flame Dragon later.

Su Xiao took out a soul crystal (complete). After he ate all the soul crystals in his hand, the vision ahead suddenly became clear. This was a wasteland carved out of a dense forest, with low weeds and a gray insect nest standing tall.

In front, the height is about 50 meters, and the overall look is like a somewhat bloated mountain peak.

Located near the insect nest, there are several Zerg buildings. One of the tallest towers emits warning waves, indicating that enemies are approaching. This should be a Zerg building similar to a sensing tower.

Near the enemy's nest, six-legged crustacean bugs are running towards the bug nest. Their short and thick armored feet and thick tail structure mean that they are not fighting bugs. Some of them are responsible for digging and mining, while others are responsible for digging and mining.

Responsible for transportation.

Compared with these panicked engineer Zerg, hundreds of spider-like fighting Zerg on the outer periphery have formed a defensive array. These fighting Zerg are called "Stingers". Their body length is about 3.2 meters, and most of their bodies are protected by carapace.

, the eight nails are like eight sharp blades, and what is even more terrifying is the acidic poison they possess.

This is a combat zerg that combines speed, ferocity, and one-hit kill, and should not be underestimated.

The enemy's defense line has been deployed, and a defensive Zerg-like building has begun to accumulate energy. The one eye above is always staring at Su Xiao.

A mental wave spread, meaning to drive away, expel, etc. Seeing this, Su Xiao ordered a war.


The surrounding demon beasts roared and rushed out. They didn't care what level of Zerg the enemy was. They accepted the order and then killed the enemy. This was the only thing they had to do.

At present, the number of our own soldier units exceeds 3,000, which means one thing. The War Lord title in the wearing state has brought bonuses.

"1. Morale +80 points (500 soldiers can trigger this bonus)."

"2. Maximum health increased by 50%, body defense +30 points (3000 soldiers can trigger this bonus)."

The originally very useful morale +80 points became useless at this time. Su Xiao didn't know what was happening with other Zerg. As far as his own Zerg was concerned, there was no concept of morale at all. Before the last Zerg unit died,

The fight won't stop.

The maximum health value is increased by 50%, and the body defense power is increased by 30 points. The demon beasts on our side have just received the strengthening of their carapace. At this time, including these bonuses, the survivability of the demon beasts has increased a lot.

Originally, Demon Beasts tended to have rapid and attack characteristics, and were squishy, ​​high-attack warriors. Now, with the addition of a bunch of survivability bonuses, their weakness of poor defense has been made up for.

Thousands of demonic beasts swarmed up. As they ran, their sharp claws flew away the dirt and grass clippings. The Stingers on the opposite side were not afraid. The leading one rushed towards the demonic beasts.

A demon beast and a stinger charged towards each other. When the distance between the two narrowed, the demon beast flew towards its ears, its sharp claws spread out, and its mouth full of fangs opened, like a beast that pounces on food.

The Stinging Venom on the opposite side raised its armored legs, and it looked like it was preparing to pierce the demon beast with its sharp armored legs before it was killed. In the compound eyes of Stinging Venoming, there seemed to be some ferocity. This was

The characteristics of the Zerg in this world are that they have a certain degree of individual consciousness.

Just as the demonic beast flew into the air, its long tail flicked, and the tip of its tail was nailed into the ground. This caused the demonic beast to stop its forward movement and suddenly stop its advance.

The stinging poison from the opposite side came with four armored legs. Because the demonic beast stopped suddenly, the stinging armored legs were pierced and dug into the ground in front of the demonic beast.

I saw the demonic beast brake suddenly and completely freeze its body, flicking its long tail, and the tail blade cut into a stinging foot.

With a swipe, the armored feet snapped off, and the fluorescent green acidic insect blood splashed out. The demonic beast seemed to have had a premonition and dodged to Sting Venom's side.


Stinging Venom hissed and rushed towards the Demon Beast beside it. Demonic Beast showed extraordinary flexibility. While dodging, the tail blade flashed and cut off Stinging Venom's three armored legs one after another.

This wasn't the end yet. The demon beast flicked its long tail and rolled up the enemy's broken armor foot. Then the demon beast covered one of the broken armor legs and threw it out.

At the same time, the Queen of the Zerg, who was wrapped in biological tissue in the enemy's nest, had obvious surprise on her face after sensing a series of movements by the demonic beast.

The appearance of this Zerg queen is very similar to that of the human race. Most of the Zerg mother bodies in this world are like this. This is one of their self-reporting methods. At critical moments, they can disguise themselves as Ova people to avoid being attacked by the empire's soldiers.

Capture them alive and study them.

What surprised the Zerg queen was just the beginning. In the melee area, the demonic beast holding the broken armor foot in its front paws, after making a throwing motion, actually made a feint shot, and it also rolled up the long tail of the broken armor foot.

With a flick, a cold light passed by, and a foot of nail was nailed to the side of Stinging's head.

Once the attack was successful, the demon beast rushed forward, trying to catch the enemy with its forepaws, but the real attack came from below, with its long tail thrust out in an arc from bottom to top.


The tail blade penetrated Sting Poison's head. The demon beast flicked its long tail, and after throwing up Sting Poison, the tail blade slashed continuously, cutting Sting Poison into more than a dozen pieces, scattered on the ground along with various organs, and the acidic blood corroded the ground.

There was a hissing sound and an unpleasant smell spread.

The demonic beast flicked its tail blade to catch the insect blood, and then rushed towards the other Stinger. This Stinger was said to be able to reach the eighth level Zerg unit, but it seemed that it was not worthy of its name.

The current situation is actually normal. Everything about demon beasts is for fighting and war. On the other hand, although they are Zerg, they are naturally reproduced. However, the birth process is different from other creatures. Using talent points as an analogy, the total

At 10 points, they are 6 points for combat, 3 points for reconnaissance and guarding, and 1 point for hunting and evolution.

As for Demon Beasts, one of their abilities greatly increases their overall combat power.

"Combat Intuition (killing creatures passively born for combat, combat ability has been engraved in their genes."

A simple metaphor is that the genetic memory of the demon beasts is like a 'shared cloud disk'. When all the demon beasts fight, they will upload the battle clips to the shared cloud disk. This cloud disk is useless at the beginning, but as the demon beasts develop,

There are more and more battles, and the battle memories stored in it are huge gains.

After each demonic beast is cultivated to adulthood in the insect nest, the battle memory inside can be 'downloaded' in the 'devil shared cloud disk', allowing them to possess powerful actual combat capabilities shortly after they are born.

How many battles have Demonmons participated in? In other words, how many wars have Demonmons participated in? The answer is, so many that it’s hard to remember, and they have fought through two worlds.

At this time, the stingers, who were equivalent to the security guards of the insect nest, encountered the demon beasts, who were more experienced and ruthless warriors per capita, and were completely tortured.


There was an explosion, and the broken carapace splashed everywhere. It was a stinging explosion that compressed the concentrated acid sac in the body, causing an astonishingly powerful acid blood explosion.

When the battle subsided, fluorescent blue acidic insect blood was everywhere, and the corroded ground was filled with white smoke. In this battle, 715 enemies were wiped out and 85 demon beasts were damaged on our side, most of which were killed by the acid blood explosion.

A few were besieged and killed

Stinging Poison is said to be an eighth-level Zerg unit, but Su Xiao suspects that it should be the bottom of the eighth level, and even a pseudo-eighth level, which means it is self-destructing and poses a threat to the demonic beasts.

This allowed Su Xiao to estimate the approximate strength of the Zerg Queen. Before she could establish a seventh-level insect hive, the average number of Zerg Queens in this world would be poor per capita.

Su Xiao jumped off the back of the demon beast and walked towards the insect nest. Baha behind him said:

"Bubu has found the location of the Zerg Queen, and she wants to run away."


Su Xiao quickened his pace, and after walking into the entrance of the insect nest, he came to a passage about 5 meters high and covered with mucus. The interior of the passage was dotted with spider web-like structures.

Following the path provided by Bubo Wang, Su Xiao arrived at the deepest part of the insect nest. As soon as he arrived at the residence of the insect queen, he saw several elite stingers guarding it.

Seeing this, Su Xiao exited the passage and gave mental instructions for the demonic beasts to come in. He lit a cigarette and started waiting.

A few minutes later, a nail flew out in a spiral. After Su Xiao glanced at the nail, he put out the cigarette butt in his hand and walked into the queen's room.

Compared with the queen's room in Jila Lane, this place is much smaller and the environment is much worse. Presumably not all the Zerg queens are as homely as Jila. Walking out of the insect nest for a few steps to bask in the sun is considered an outing. If you leave the base camp,

Valley, for Jila, it must be the level of traveling abroad.

A girl who seemed to have spider genes was sitting there. Su Xiao knew that this creature was very different from humans. This should be some kind of adaptive ability to change shape.

The Queen of the Zerg, Spider Girl, sat there quietly, looking at Su Xiao with indifferent eyes.

"Boss, how should we deal with this?"

"Catch them alive and take them back to feed the insect nest."

"Human, I can temporarily surrender to..."

Spider Girl spoke in an indifferent tone.

"No need, you are of no use."

As Su Xiao spoke, he gestured to tie him up and take him back. He didn't think that with his own charm, he could make Spider Girl surrender or follow her. The other party would say this, more because he wanted to stabilize the situation and find opportunities to escape or follow her.


The best choice is to take it back and throw it into the insect nest, and let the insect nest take away its genes. This is the law of the insect race, survival of the fittest.

Spider Girl tilted her head and looked at Su Xiao, seeming to be thinking about why this human understands the code of conduct of their Zerg tribe.

After some searching, Su Xiao obtained a lot of rough soul stones and 596 units of life ore. After obtaining them, there were about 6,000 points of biological energy.

Su Xiao did not destroy this insect nest because there are life veins underground here. It would be a good choice to mine here after oneself has the ability to mine.

Su Xiao has discovered the difference between Jira and the local Zerg. Because the Zerg units have a certain degree of individual consciousness, it is naturally more difficult for the Zerg mother to control them.

On the contrary, the Zerg of the Acanthus group have no self-awareness at all and are easier to control.

This leads to a situation where even if one's own side explodes troops like crazy, Jila can still control it with ease.

This situation represents a situation. As long as you have a Zerg individual that can mine, you can completely cultivate this individual like crazy and then mine.

When the number of mining Zerg-like units increases, the ore veins that other Zerg queens took several months to dig out may be emptied out in a day or two.

From now on, you need to keep a low profile and don't cultivate Zerg units like the Demon Flame Dragon that can easily demoralize the enemy. This will prevent you from being besieged by the Zerg Hives of other contractors and wild Zerg Hive forces.

At this stage, the most low-key development method is to only cultivate the engineer Zerg and Demon Beast. The Demon Beast will capture the insect nests of other Zerg Queens in the front. After occupying it, their own army of Engineer Zerg will start mining. After digging, they will go

Disaster...cough, let's go visit the next friendly neighbor.

In this way, it will be much easier to accumulate biological energy. When Spinela is promoted to the Queen Mother level, one's own insect nest will also be promoted to the eighth level. By then, various types of Zerg units will definitely undergo qualitative changes.

Thinking about it this way, the most thorny problem now is that we don't have mining troops. Su Xiao's eyes turned to Spider Girl. It all depends on the Zerg mother body.

Leaving 400 Demonic Beasts to guard this place, Su Xiao took the remaining Demonic Beasts, as well as more than 3,000 engineer Zerg units, Diggers, and the Zerg Queen, Spider Girl, and returned to the valley base camp.

When the scorching sun was at its strongest at noon, Su Xiao returned to the valley and saw Eminem sitting in a newly built wooden shed to escape the heat.

Su Xiao issued a mental command and asked the demon beast to escort all the diggers onto the fungus carpet. He activated the decomposition ability of the fungus carpet and began to decompose these diggers.

When the last Digger melts, the nest gains a total of 4150 points of bioenergy. From this point of view, cultivating mining-type Zerg units is not cheap.

As for why not to let Jila accept the control of these diggers and better utilize the value of these Zerg miners, if it were feasible, Su Xiao would have done so long ago. Each Zerg mother body and the Zerg individuals of its group have their own mental fluctuation frequencies.

, the frequency of mental fluctuations is different, no matter how strong the Zerg mother body is, it cannot control Zerg individuals of other groups.

The insect nest split open, and each demonic beast sent the life ore plundered into it. One unit of life ore can convert approximately 10 points of biological energy.

A total of 596 units of life ore were invested in the worm nest rift. As these green ores collided, the worm nest rift closed. After a while, the biological energy reserves of the insect nest stopped increasing, and the reserves reached 10168 points.

After one trip, he gained tens of thousands of bioenergy points. Su Xiao gained confidence in the subsequent development. Although the Acantha group was strong, its resource consumption was too heavy.

While Su Xiao was thinking, Jila came to the entrance rarely and observed Spider Girl.

"Ji La, do you want to devour it?"

This book is compiled and produced by a public account. Follow VX [Book Friends Base Camp], read the book and receive cash red envelopes!

Baha tentatively spoke.

"I don't eat spiders, they are poisonous."

While Jila was talking, he was eating the fries given by Bubu Wang. Compared with the poisonous spider girl, Jila obviously had a soft spot for fries more.

"The Hive can't get her genetic fragments?"

Su Xiao frowned as she spoke. If this was the case, then the plan just now would have come to nothing.

"It can't be swallowed. She and I are not from the same species. I am from the Thorn Star Zerg tribe, and she is... I don't know what she is."

Jila opened the Coca-Cola with a pop and started drinking it. Bubu gave Jila everything to eat. This insect girl was getting more and more off track. Their insect girl was aloof and queen-like, while her own was...

I spend most of my time at home, reading comics, eating junk food, and drinking Fatty Happy Water during non-war periods.

"Although she cannot be swallowed, she can be used as a plug-in and inserted into the genome library area of ​​the insect nest."

Hearing Ji La's words, Su Xiao frowned deeper and asked: "Plug-in, temporarily borrowing genes?"

"No, it's a cloned gene. After being cloned, I can get it forever and don't have to worry about the plug-in being broken."


Su Xiao didn't say anything, and signaled to Eminem and Baha to cooperate with Jila to send the plug-in queen Spider Girl to the designated place.

Jila led the way, and Su Xiao walked in the main passage of the insect nest, went up to the second floor, and after reaching a corner, a prison made of biological tissue appeared in his eyes.

As if he was worried that there would be other 'guests' in the future, Jilla raised his hand, and several more cells made of biological tissue appeared.

The cell door opens by itself, and after Eminem throws Spider Girl in, the installation of the plug-in is completed, and there is no need to stick Spider Girl in the wall.

According to Jila, the more such plug-ins, the better. The more engineer-type Zerg genes the insect nest collects, the stronger the engineer-type Zerg unit template will be combined.

Jianla chose "Zerg Unit·Worker Scorpion" as the initial template. With the endurance and shape of the Worker Scorpion, it is very suitable for mining or transportation. For medium and long-range transportation, it is to create a "Spore Tank", which Su Xiao has used a lot in the past.

Zerg units transport supplies.

Su Xiao came out of the insect nest, came to the wooden shed, and sat cross-legged on the bed. This wooden shed only had the upper roof to provide shade. There were four wooden pillars around it, and the view was wide. The bed base made of logs below was covered with

Several animal skins.

Time passed while waiting, and Su Xiao did not go out hunting again. At present, there was still a "mineral insect nest" waiting to be mined. Without mining units, it would be a burden to lay down too many "mineral insect nests".

At 3:30 that afternoon, Su Xiao received the reminder.

[Tip: The Zerg Nest has unlocked the advanced Zerg unit Elite Worker Scorpion.]

Elite Engineer Scorpion (Level 5 Engineer Race)




[Because the life ladder of the elite worker scorpion has been greatly improved, you can choose one of the following characteristics for it. 】

1. The mining speed is increased by 35%.

2. Endurance is moderately improved.

3. Mining efficiency increases by 20%.

Su Xiao didn't think about it and directly chose "Increase mining efficiency by 20%".

The cost of cultivating elite worker scorpions is 0.5 points each. The current elite worker scorpions are not particularly strong mining Zerg-like units, so the cost will naturally not be too high. However, as the mining capabilities of worker scorpions gradually increase, the price of their cultivation will also increase.

A rising tide will lift all boats.

Su Xiao left 168 points of bioenergy and the other 10,000 points, all of which were used to cultivate elite worker scorpions.

Cultivating elite worker scorpions is much easier than cultivating demon beasts. After a while, the first batch of worker scorpions crawled out of the insect nest. They have six short and thick armored feet, and the claws used for digging have a strange structure.

The most eye-catching thing is the three long tails of the Worker Scorpion. These three long tails are cylindrical, sacrificing combat ability in exchange for flexibility and strength. The tip is shaped like a mining pick, and one end can be used for digging.

The other end resembles a hammer.

The three round tails of the worker scorpion are all different. One is used for drilling, one is used for excavation, and the last one is used for collecting. The bone structure at the end of the long tail can be unfolded, like a mechanical hand.

The evolution of the biology department is like this. After reaching high levels, it is incredible.

There were more and more elite worker scorpions on the surrounding fungus carpet, and Su Xiao cultivated 30 spore tanks at the cost of 2 points of biological energy per creature. This number was enough in the early stage.

The prototype of the mining army is gradually improving. 1,000 demon beasts serve as guards, 20,000 elite worker bees are the main force, and 30 spore tanks are responsible for transporting the life ore mined from the mine back in batches. There are demon beasts escorting along the way. Risks

Not big.

Once such a scale is formed, the follow-up things will be much simpler. All the bioenergy obtained will be used to cultivate elite worker bees, thereby increasing the mining speed. When the number of worker scorpions reaches hundreds of thousands, or even millions, it may happen.

, I arrived at the mine in the morning and the mine was hollowed out in the afternoon.

The development was on track, but Su Xiao did not notice that a mechanical eye was floating in the sky, watching the insect nest below.

Fifteen kilometers away from the base camp insect nest, next to a third-level insect nest, Morey, Moon Apostle, and Haomei all looked at the screen in Morey's hand. On it were demonic beasts and tens of thousands of worker bees.

In the scene, the insect nest that is more than 80 meters high is conservatively estimated to be a seventh-level insect nest.

After developing the Zerg, Morey, Moon Apostle, and Haomei have fully exerted their own advantages. In order to prevent the Engineer Zerg from mining fast enough, the three of them and the summons are all on the field.

Not long after entering this world this time, the three of them have cultivated the insect nest to the third level, and they will be able to reach the fifth level tomorrow at most. No matter how you look at it, this is an achievement worth being proud of.

Originally, Morey and the other three were in a good mood, as if they had seen the scene of thousands of Zerg swarming under the command. But this morning, they discovered that a neighbor more than 20 kilometers away had been wiped out.

Clues, they saw this scene.

"That's not true."

Moon Apostle seems unable to accept reality.

"I was robbed by this guy."

The Hao girl looked angry. Not only had she been robbed, but she had also been used as a blood-drawing girl.


Morey suddenly stood up.

"Yes, revenge! When we develop, we will also rob him."

Apostle Yue deeply agrees. One of the dark histories of her life is that she was arrested → released → arrested again in the world of painting.

Morey's three people's tone was particularly firm, but after looking at the seventh-order insect nest on the screen and the close-up of Su Xiao's face, Morey, Moon Apostle, and Hao Mei gradually put on masks of pain, and felt that the person opposite them

The development of the Zerg race may be a little too fast.

This chapter has been completed!
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