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Chapter Thirty-Six: Gods

In front of the tall stone monument of the Wolf Tomb, the Necronomicon suddenly appeared and took away four church stone slabs, making the atmosphere here almost solidified.

Moonlight Maid's eyes were full of surprises and surprises. She admitted that she had underestimated Crow Girl, who had more tricks than she imagined.

Moonlight Maid and Crow Girl stood side by side, opposite the five members of Team Worm, headed by Team Worm, staring at the three members of Team Crow.

Among the Crows, Krank, no, it must be the Duke who was deep in thought. Although everything happened just for a moment, he noticed the flash of surprise on the Crow Girl's face.

The Duke's judgment is that this matter must be done by someone disguised as him. As for who the other party is, there is no need to think about it. A few hours ago, the Duke could faintly feel that the Iron Apostle was fighting with someone, but the battle only lasted less than

In just one minute, the Iron Apostle died, which was too fast.

Therefore, the Duke determined that the person who killed the Iron Apostle was most likely Su Xiao. On this basis, a few hours later, someone showed up in the appearance of the Duke and gathered the other two teams to gather the church slates together.

In addition, when all the church stone slabs disappeared more than ten seconds ago, there was a flash of surprise on Crow Girl's face. The Duke was sure that the person who planned this matter must be Su Xiao.

The Duke calmly raised his hand and touched his chin habitually. This was a habit he had developed all along. A few years ago, after his jaw was replaced by a metal prosthesis, he had not been able to adapt to it for a long time.

This has become a habit.

Not far away, Su Xiao casually pressed one hand on his waist. This was actually his habit of pressing the handle of a knife with one hand, but there was no knife on his waist at the moment.

The Duke noticed Su Xiao's inadvertent movement. The five fingers of his left hand relaxed naturally, and the index and middle fingers of his right hand were slightly bent. This was a subtle question, whether Su Xiao was going to deal with the five-person Worm team, or two.

The Ravens of the People.

Su Xiao did not respond in a cryptic way, which meant that he would watch the show and watch the Crows vs. the Worms, but if possible, choose the opportunity to take action.

"Duke, let's join forces and get rid of the three of them."

Stigmata instructor Worm spoke, and the real Duke opposite him naturally couldn't respond. He was now the image of his eldest son, Krank. These words were spoken to Su Xiao, who was disguised as the Duke.


Su Xiao approached the five members of Worm's team at a not too fast speed. Unfortunately, Worm himself was very wary. Su Xiao could only stand next to a new academic tutor. As for why he was a new tutor

, the previous mentors of the Academic Sect all followed the great sage Turzi to fight against the God of Sin and died.

If the current academic sect is still headed by people under the great sage Turzi, Su Xiao will have to give some face. In any case, when dealing with the God of Sin before, the great sage Turzi paid the price with his life.

The God of Sin was seriously injured, and more than 80% of the damage to the God of Sin was caused by the great sage Turzi who devoted everything he had.

It is a pity that the current academic sect has nothing to do with the great sage Turzi. Not only that, the new teachers of the academic sect have also released the great sage Turzi's mortal opponent, who is also Worm.

"Do it."

The moment Stigma Mentor Worm spoke, Su Xiao's entire right arm climbed up to the crystal layer, and he punched sideways at a speed that the academic mentor beside him had no time to react.


Blood and broken bones splashed to the side. Even if Su Xiao didn't hold a knife in his hand, he was still a master of melee combat, plus some passive bonuses, which were not only effective for sword skills, but also for both melee combat and sword skills.

Large shards of bloody blades mixed with bone fragments flew towards Stigmata Master Worm and his three subordinates like shotgun bullets.

Worm raised one hand, and the flying bloody blades stopped in mid-air. His robe flew up, revealing his body that was so skinny that it was wrapped in bandages.

On the opposite side, Crow Girl and Moonlight Maid, who were just about to take action, were confused by the scene before them. They didn't understand why the Duke was on their side, but no matter what the reason was, this was definitely good news.

"Take this opportunity to surround and kill them..."

Before Crow Girl could finish her words, she heard the buzzing sound of energy storage coming from behind her. She reacted quickly, and a black sand-like substance appeared behind her and Moonlight Maid.


When the gravity cannon was activated, Crow Girl and Moonlight Maid both felt severe pain in their backs, as if they were hit by a giant steel beast. They couldn't figure out why Krank would stab him in the back at this moment.

However, their teammate Krank is no longer the master of this body at this time.

What is particularly interesting is that the original owner of this body was actually the Duke's wife. Because of the Duke's transformation of his unborn child, his wife was disheartened and gave the body away, leaving the transformed body behind.

He gave it to his daughter Chloe and kept his soul alive.

In other words, the body at that time was dominated by the consciousness of the eldest daughter, Chloe, and her mother's soul was present and accompanying her.

As a brother-sister rivalry ensued, in order to get rid of Su Xiao's pursuit, Krank chose to use soul technology to seize this body. An embarrassing scene occurred. After seizing the body, Krank discovered that not only his sister's soul

Yes, his mother's soul is also there.

This became that Crank's consciousness was dominant, and the souls of the eldest daughter Crow and their mother existed together in the consciousness space of this body.

To this day, the Duke took this body in order to escape the situation of certain death. He was surprised to find that the souls of his eldest son, eldest daughter, and wife were all in the consciousness space of this body, and the whole family was gathered together.


This gave the Duke an idea. If he could escape the Dead City alive this time, he would "quantify" the souls of his eldest son, eldest daughter, and wife, and create a core to hold their three souls.

In this way, he only needs to create three more half-biological, half-mechanical bodies, and then put the cores of his eldest son, eldest daughter, and wife into them respectively. Wouldn't the family be reunited again?

Not only that, the Duke also needs a body. He must use all the knowledge, power, resources, etc. he has mastered to create a body that he is most satisfied with to accommodate his core. By then, he will be almost reborn.

's transformation.

The impact of the explosion spread to the surroundings. Crow Girl and Moonlight Maid had already arrived at the entrance of the high ring wall, while Su Xiao and the Duke were standing on the east and south side of the high ring wall respectively.

On the wide field, Wurm was hesitant about who to chase at this moment. The Duke suddenly took action and killed one of his men. Naturally, he wanted to take revenge. And Krank attacked Crow Girl and Moonlight Maid. As Wurm watched,

Come on, this seems like internal strife, but it doesn't look like it. It's very confusing.

The last two people, Crow Girl and Moonlight Maid, were even more confusing to Worm. He felt that these two people had obtained all the church slates, and he also felt that these two people were being calculated. But if these two people were calculated,

Then why did the two of them run? Just running away would be the same as admitting that they were the ones who took away the slate.

After thinking for a short time, Worm made a decision. Regardless of other considerations, whoever runs away will feel guilty, and he will chase and kill the group that ran away.

After a while, the auras of Crow Girl, Worm and others disappeared in the distance. Seeing this, Su Xiao rushed towards the "Cathedral".

After jumping between the roofs of the building for a few minutes, Su Xiao stopped and looked at 'Krank' behind him.

"Congratulations on all the church tablets."

As 'Krank' approached, his body gradually changed, and finally transformed into a burly, oppressive Duke.

Su Xiao was not surprised that the Duke came for him on his own initiative. This was part of the plan, and it was for this reason that he killed one of Worm's subordinates in disguise.

In Worm's eyes, he saw the Duke kill one of his subordinates with his own eyes, and the feud was dead. From another perspective, this cut off the possibility of the Duke joining Worm.

In this case, the Duke will not have many subsequent choices. In any case, the body the Duke has now is not his own, and this body cannot bring out the Duke's full combat power.

In this way, it is inevitable that the Duke will find someone to cooperate with in the future. Worm, who is also from the High Wall City and has a grudge against the Great Sage Turz, is the Duke's best choice.

Unfortunately, this cooperation was blocked by Su Xiao before it even started, leaving the Duke with only three options: 1. Come to Su Xiao to cooperate, 2. Stay with the Crows, 3. Complete the follow-up plan by himself in the Silent City.

The Duke made a choice. He attacked Crow Girl and Moonlight Maid brazenly, just to reduce the range of choices. This also showed his sincerity, indicating that besides going it alone, he could only join Su Xiao's side.

As for why Su Xiao asked the Duke to join his side, he didn't want to cooperate with the Duke in fighting. The current Duke does not have the previous combat power, at least until the other party builds a satisfactory body, he will not be able to regain his previous combat power.

Su Xiao didn't believe it. The Duke arranged so many plans to trap the Iron Apostle just for the sake of the opponent's "quantifiable" technology. This guy must have other agendas.

"Bai Ye, let's make a deal. As the chosen one, the mark of the gods recorded on the stone tablet is not very attractive to you, but for me, if it is transferred to my core, I will have a way to

The path of the demigod."


Su Xiao said nothing, lit a cigarette and signaled the Duke to continue.

"I have been the leader of the Steam God Cult for so many years and have accumulated a lot of wealth. How about..."

Su Xiao raised her hand and signaled the Duke not to say anything, but he didn't feel sincerity.

"Wait a minute, the Iron Apostle's laboratory, I will share the knowledge there with you."

Hearing what the Duke said, Su Xiao felt sincerity. He also wondered why the Duke went to great lengths to kill the Iron Apostle because he was concerned about the knowledge left by the other party.

Su Xiao raised his hand and pressed it to his face, a wooden mask appeared, and large scarlet tentacles retracted into it. After taking off the ancient mask, his disguise was lifted.

"This secret treasure is really good."

The Duke opposite looked at the Ancient Mask.

"Are you interested? I'll give it to you."

"Not interested."

The Duke didn't come to pick up the ancient mask at all. Although he felt that this thing was a secret treasure, the smell of it made him feel panicked.

"This way."

The Duke walked in the direction of the "Holy Ten Church" and soon arrived at an underground passage. After walking along the underground passage for ten minutes, a metal door several meters high blocked the front. This metal door was severely rusted and was already

No one has opened it for many years.

The Duke calibrated the lock plate on the door, and the door leaf opened with a rumble. Walking inside, Su Xiao found that this was a small laboratory, with only a few laboratories, most of which stored various books, experimental data, etc.

"These are not ancient books. Their value will remain unchanged after being reproduced. The original manuscripts belong to you and I will reproduce them."

The Duke spoke. After hearing this, Su Xiao took out the scanning equipment and said: "No, I will just scan a copy."

Su Xiao asked Bu Bu Wang to show up. He and Bu Bu each held scanning equipment and began to copy various data.

After scanning for a while, Su Xiao was attracted by one of the documents. This was the collection of the Iron Apostles and was compiled by the "Apothecary Guild" in the age of gods.

In the age of gods in the Dark Continent, the status of the "Apothecary Guild" was only lower than that of the "Divine Cult". Although the "Apothecary Guild" was not as old as the alchemical civilization, there was a soul library in the Dark Continent at that time.

So far, Su Xiao doesn't know much about the Soul Library. She only knows that it is not owned by a certain force. It once existed in the Dark Continent and later disappeared. It feels like a low-key, ancient, and sparse member.

, a special camp that never participates in any fights.

The existence of the soul library has allowed the "Pharmacist's Guild" to develop extremely fast. Su Xiaopin read the information in his hand. As the saying goes, a stone from another mountain can be used to attack jade. In terms of finished medicine, the "Pharmacist's Guild" is not as good as the alchemy civilization, but if we say

For the optimization of materials, the "Apothecary Guild" has a unique method, a secret method called "synthesis".

Su Xiao couldn't understand the principle of this secret method. For example, the main material of "Ocean Liquid", "Star Powder", if there is such a secret method called "synthesis", it would be processed with three parts of "Star Powder".

Synthesize a "Refined Star Powder".

When it comes to the field of alchemy, it's called "beating when a teacher sees you". If your teacher sees you doing this, you will definitely get a beating.

The pharmacists of the "Apothecary Guild" achieved this by using a kind of stigmata as a medium. This stigmata is called the "ring stigmata" and is more commonly known as the "synthetic stigmata."

This power called stigmata is greater and more powerful than Su Xiao imagined. This is the top-level knowledge of the soul library.

"How about it, is it a deal?"

The Duke spoke, but at some point, this guy had made himself a cup of hot tea. The things in this place had been there for God knows how many years, but Su Xiao wouldn't drink it.

"Deal, but I want to take away the original manuscript."

"Knowledge from the Apothecary Guild? Okay, I'll make a copy later."


Su Xiao continued to study the manuscript in her hand. This thing became more and more attractive the more she looked at it.

An hour later, Su Xiao put away several manuscripts, and Bu Bu Wang had copied the knowledge here. At this time, Bu Bu's little eyes looked aggrieved, meaning: 'We clearly agreed to work together.'

After trading 100 soul coins to BuBoWang for pocket money, BuBoWang's tail became active again and his eyes became lively.

Leaving the secret laboratory with the Duke, Su Xiao rushed towards the "cathedral". When he opened the door of the cathedral, he found that Sias, Wood, Caesar, Gulu were all there, and even Luge was there.

"Bai Ye, why did you let him run away?"

Si Yasi opened his mouth, and Lu Ge was caught by him. At this time, Lu Ge was gagged and hung upside down.

"I put it."

Su Xiao let Lu Ge leave before, not only because the other party gave money last time, but also because the other party cooperated well this time.


Sias coughed dryly and looked at Luge who was hung upside down. Luge whined and twisted his body.

"As soon as I saw you, you wanted to take revenge on us. You were right."


Lu Ge looked at Si Yas in confusion. He wanted to say specifically: 'Brother, didn't you see that the direction I ran away was towards the outer city? I just want to leave this hellish place, not for revenge.'

Ignoring Lu Ge, Su Xiao took out four church stone slabs and spliced ​​them together under the gaze of everyone.

Four church stone slabs floated in mid-air, and the messy engravings on them seemed to come alive, flowing and changing positions on the stone slabs.

When the carvings on the four stone slabs were restored to order, they were attracted to each other. Five holy marks appeared in the top row, with a golden-red mark in the center, and gray smoke drifted out from the bottom, forming a fist-sized mark.

of smoke.

"I'll do it."

Sias raised his hand and touched the gray smoke. After a few seconds, his eyes opened, his face turned red, and the veins on his neck popped out. He said to Su Xiao:

"It's up to you to do it. This thing is not dangerous, but it needs to be particularly powerful in terms of soul."


Su Xiao's hand touched the gray smoke ball, and in the next moment, a large number of pictures appeared in front of him, the endless abyss of darkness, the eternal god, the divine religion, the twelve leaders, the warrior army, the healing church, the divine beasts, eternal life and endless death,

And the source of the final silence.

Su Xiao's eyes opened, and he understood the reasons for everything through the records on the stone tablet.

The first is detachment and the native world. There are so many native worlds, how do you need to be considered detached? Is it as long as the combat power is strong? The Sun God Clan and the Ancient Dragon Kingdom were also very strong at the beginning, but the world they were in was not detached.

The so-called detachment actually means having withstood the invasion of the abyss, and while resisting the invasion, successfully resisted the invasion, and finally curbed the invasion. Only in this way can it be called detachment, and can there be something in the notarization of the Void Tree.

Qualifications to participate in various battles, such as the Battle of the Strongest, or the Battle of the Painted World, etc.

Back then, the Dark Continent had experienced the invasion of the abyss. Logically speaking, it could not stop the invasion of the abyss, but at the critical moment, a god came.

In other words, this god was originally born in this world. He was not the strongest existence at the time, but he was the only god among the many gods in this world who was willing to come and resist the invasion of the abyss together with those who believed in him.

In such a desperate scene, the gods on the dark continent either watched indifferently or simply fled the place. Only this nameless god who did not even have a name chose to come.

I don't know when the "God Religion" was established, and many powerful people joined it. This gave the nameless god more power of faith. His power became stronger day by day, until one day, his believers began to call him

He is the god of beasts, which is not only related to his appearance, but also because every time he fights with the creatures of the abyss, he looks like a killing beast.

The abyssal invasion at that time was not a comprehensive invasion of the abyss. If that kind of invasion, no world could stop it. The situation at that time was an invasion caused by two abyss passages.

Even so, it is terrifying. The good news is that this abyss invasion is not as violent as imagined, and a brutal and protracted battle has begun.

Compared with the strong people who died at the hands of the abyssal creatures, there were more strong people who were invaded by the abyss' energy, leading to the depletion of life force. Especially after several years of resisting the abyss' invasion, this situation became more and more serious.

In the end, the "God's Cult" came up with a way, or the God of Beasts came up with a way. As a god who symbolizes beasts, his vitality is so huge that it is wider than the ocean. Since the strong men of the "God's Cult" have all died from the invasion of the abyss,

If his life force is exhausted, then he will divide his huge life force and let these strong men become his subordinates. As long as he does not die, these strong men will not die of life depletion and can fight until the last moment.

This kind of sharing of life force succeeded after a very painful failure. The strong men who became subordinates of the Beast God found that they not only had huge vitality, but also seemed to have a long life, almost eternal life.

To be precise, as long as the God of Beasts does not die, they will not die of old age, and the power of faith they generate gives the God of Beasts more sources of life, thus forming a cycle of immortality.

Not long after, the name "God of Beasts" was forgotten, and members of the "religion" began to call the god they believed in as the Eternal God.

The Invasion of the Abyss started with two abyss passages, gradually developed into three, and finally reached five at its peak.

If it were before, the "God's Religion" could not stop this invasion, but now, not only the strong men of the "God's Religion" can live forever, but even the warriors of the Warrior Legion are also immortals, hundreds of powerful men who have immortality.

, tens of thousands of immortal warriors of the religion, and countless believers of the religion who also have long lives.

During that period, all races in this world were members of the divine religion. It is conceivable that people's lifespans at that time were very long.

The final result was not unexpected. The divine religion resisted the invasion of the five abyss passages, and the most glorious era in the world, the Age of Gods, began.

The invasion of the abyss is certainly terrifying, but after successfully resisting it, due to the process of the abyss invasion, the resources of this world have become extremely rich, and the number of strong people at that time was as large as bamboo shoots after a rain.

All this glory and prosperity lasted until the middle of the Age of Gods, when bestiality broke out. To be precise, this was not a disease, but the bestiality in the power of the eternal God, which broke out in the passage of time.

Zoozoism almost destroyed the age of gods. Fortunately, the divine religion promptly sought help from the Alchemical Civilization of the Second Age, where they created the "origin" for the eternal god. After the "origin" was implanted into the body of the eternal god, his god

The animal nature in the power is all sucked into the "origin" and is temporarily suppressed.

At this stage, the world ushered in its second prosperity. It was also during this period that the world started a war with the Destruction Star. Because both sides were evenly matched, the war ended in nothing.

This prosperity lasted until the middle and late period of the Age of Gods, when something more terrifying than beastiality came, and it was called death.

Throughout the entire early, middle and later stages of the Age of Gods, those who believe in the Eternal God, whether willing or unwilling, will gain eternal life. This is a drawback left behind by the original fight against the Abyss. Without this eternal life, it would not have been possible to fight against the Abyss.

For an entire era, there were basically no natural deaths in this world. They all died due to battles and accidents, which broke the balance of the rules.

Where there is cold, there is heat, where there is light, there is darkness, and where there is death, there is life. No one in this world dies naturally anymore, which does not mean that there is no death. In other words, in the early and middle stages of the age of gods, these immortals should die of old age.

But they still live.

This has resulted in a result: they keep living, but in fact they keep dying. Every minute and every second, they continue to release death, but they don't know it.

It's okay if one or two people are like this, but almost all the residents of this world are like this. Everything has a critical point, until one day, they release too many deaths, so much that the world suddenly turns into deathly silence.

The invasion of deathly silence is coming.

If Death Silence is just the endless power of death, then there is actually a possibility of saving it, but Death Silence is not.

What is the energy of death? The answer is, the pure power of the abyss + the power of the massive world + the power of faith, eternal life + endless death, the fusion of the four is death.

Because of this, the people of death have eternal life and at the same time are addicted to death. The power of the abyss and the power of the world make the energy of death reach a shocking level.

Just like the sentence Su Xiao saw in the world introduction of this world before: 'What is the end of eternal life?'

The answer is that the end of eternal life is death.

Originally, this world should have perished in a short period of time, but the God of Eternal Life saved everything. He used the "origin" in his body to absorb all the initial dead energy into the "origin" and sealed himself.

At the same time, the Healing Church was established. What is the Healing Church? Who does it want to heal? Of course, it is to heal the gods they believe in. This is the original intention of the Healing Church.

It is a pity that the Healing Church cannot do this. In order to allow this world to continue to exist, the strong men of this world have made a decision. The invasion of death and silence can no longer be stopped. In this case, they will carry out self-dimensionality reduction attacks. Death and silence cannot be stopped.

, to contain the entire world, so that the threat of death is also restrained.

During that period, more than 90% of the powerful people in this world died. When everything stabilized, the twelve leaders of the Healing Church were also elected. These were the Archbishop and the other twelve people.

During this period, although Dead Silence was sealed within its own "origin" by the God of Eternal Life, no one knew how long the God of Eternal Life could seal it. In order to help the God of Eternal Life seal Dead Silence, the Healing Church pooled all resources and transformed the Supreme Sanctuary into a

Being in a sealed place allows the eternal god who enters this place to have some peace, and the "origin" in his body is what later generations will call the source of death.

After the Supreme Sanctuary was sealed, the spread of deathly silence was further curbed. At the cost, the Healing Church was like a candle in the wind.

Because it is not difficult to completely seal Dead Silence in the Supreme Sanctuary, starting here, the Dead Silence City gradually appeared. After the Healing Church fought against Dead Silence here for a long time, it was finally defeated by the people of death here.

The good news is that the Dead City at that time was in a huge semi-independent space just like it is now. Only the remaining members of the Healing Church had the opportunity to escape to the outside world.

After that, there was the Age of Disaster, and the subsequent establishment of the Healing Church for the second time, and the entrance to the City of Silence was blocked, etc.

A more serious problem arises. The energy of death has the characteristics of the power of faith, which causes the source of death to grow endlessly and overflow due to the people of death.

This is also the reason that led to the emergence of Branch Dead Silence City, which defeated the power of death in a transcendent native world. Even if the dead silence energy in Branch Dead Silence City is a weakened version of the weakened version, in other worlds, it is still terrifying enough to make people despair.


Knowing all this, Su Xiao's thinking is clear. First of all, what is trapped in the Supreme Sanctuary is the God of Eternal Life. The source of death is in the body of the God of Eternal Life. It is the other party that acts as a seal that allows the creatures in this world to live.

possible now.

What is the origin of death and silence, Su Xiao has figured out, the pure power of the abyss + massive power of the world + the power of faith, eternal life + endless death, this is the composition of the origin of death and silence.

First obtain the origin, then use the secret method of the Healing Church to turn it into the "original source stone", and finally complete the division to obtain the source stone.

Su Xiao looked at the Duke. He was here to make a deal. It would be safer not to let the other party know this kind of information.

"The divine mark belongs to you."

After hearing what Su Xiao said, the Duke used a metal plate to peel off the divine mark, turned around and left.

"Bai Ye, see you again by chance. I'm going back to the High Wall City."

The Duke left these words before leaving, which was a statement of his position.

"Is it that cheap for him?"

Si Yasi smiled and spoke, his look that wanted to kill people and seize treasures could not be more obvious.

"Made a deal with him."

Su Xiao took out four backup terminals, which contained the knowledge mastered by the Iron Apostles, as well as a large amount of knowledge stored in the Healing Church and the Divine Religion.

The eyes of Sias and Wood were almost shining. They both came from big powers. For them, bringing this knowledge back to their respective powers was a hundred times more important than bringing back the divine mark. The divine mark can only achieve one thing at the same time.

People, but this knowledge can benefit everyone within the influence.

In addition to this knowledge, there are five sacred marks on the four stone slabs spliced ​​together. Su Xiao saw the ring-shaped golden sacred mark at the first sight.

"We each choose a stigmata? Bai Ye made this happen, and he chose first."

Wood spoke.

"That's indeed how it should be."

Sias also expressed his stance.

"I can do anything."

Caesar also expressed his opinion.

"Do I have a share? Really?"

Gulu was surprised. Although she was happy, she was also very uneasy. In her opinion, the benefits she received now would have to bear corresponding risks in the future.

Su Xiao chose "The Stigma of the Ring", peeled it off, and began to consider the follow-up plan.

If you want to produce a small amount of the source, you also need pure abyss energy, world power, faith power, eternal life, and endless death, four kinds of energy, and each of the four good teammates is responsible for one.

Caesar is naturally responsible for the power of the abyss, and Sias is responsible for the power of faith and eternal life. In this regard, Sias has the most experience and means.

For the remaining power of the world and endless death, Su Xiao is responsible for getting the power of the world, and Wood is responsible for getting the endless death.

After Su Xiao told her plan, Sias, Wood, and Caesar all had no objections. They left the cathedral to get the energy of the abyss, the power of faith, eternal life, etc.

Regarding the power of the world, Su Xiao has ways to obtain it, but he doesn't. The three-piece set of the world he holds is the best way to obtain the power of the world. The problem is that the ring [World attachment] in it requires 150 points of charm attribute.

to wear it.

If you don't equip all three-piece sets, the three-piece world set will not only have no set effect, but the bonus of each single piece will also be weakened.

Su Xiao couldn't wear the world's three-piece suit, but someone could. He looked at Gulu, but he remembered that Gulu had won the eight-star title with a kill reward of more than 150 points of charm attribute.

"Gulu, there is something I need you to do."


Gulu was relieved. Otherwise, in a team with four old men, she would have gotten a holy mark in vain. She was really scared. Now that she heard that she was asked to do something, she felt a lot more at ease.

Su Xiao took out a source stone. If the plan was successful, he would be able to produce even a level 80 protection effect, let alone a level 40 protection effect.

This chapter has been completed!
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