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Chapter 19: Fusion

A large number of prompts appeared. After checking it, Su Xiao realized that it was because of the positive feedback brought about by solving the nightmare area and the previous elimination of the abyss breeders. This also means that there is a world consciousness in this world.

Su Xiao has experienced similar situations and has a general understanding of world consciousness. Generally speaking, world consciousness will not actively favor which living beings, nor will it punish those who do evil. Instead, it will wait until the living beings perform actions that are beneficial to the state of the world.

Finally, give positive feedback, no matter what the purpose of this creature is, it has done these things.

For example, in Su Xiao's current situation, he eliminated the nightmare area and eliminated the immortal abyss breeders not to get feedback from the consciousness of this world, but to achieve his own goals.

It is always a good thing to have feedback. The last time Su Xiao received similar feedback was in the Wizarding World. He looked at the several buffs he had received.

Luck is temporarily increased by 10 points. It is useful. The luck attribute has reached 70 points. It looks really bluffing. If it is detected by other contractors, they will definitely exclaim, WTF! This guy is the master of improving luck.

Hunters with lucky attributes are either majoring in causal abilities or fate abilities, so be careful.

The main attribute of the causality system and the destiny system is the luck attribute. There is no doubt that the strength of the contractors in these two systems is average in the early stage and becomes stronger in the later stage.

However, from the first level to the ninth level, Su Xiao has basically never encountered contractors of the causality system and the destiny system. The reason is that the contractors of these two systems will not fight the enemy head-on. They first observe in secret, and then

Move quietly.

The problem lies here. In fact, Su Xiao has encountered enemies from the causality and destiny systems before. However, after the enemies of these two systems secretly activated their abilities on Su Xiao, their psychological changes were basically as follows:

Activate the ability → Ineffective → Confused → Use the ability again → Still ineffective → Very confused → Activate the ability for the third time → Still ineffective → Confused → Begin to doubt your ability → Look at Su Xiao far away in disbelief → Walk quietly

Never seen again.

Su Xiao continued to scroll down the prompts. In addition to improving the luck attribute, the treasure chest drop rate increased by 21%.

Seeing this gain, Su Xiao suddenly remembered three people, namely Mo Lei, Yue Apostle, and Hao Mei. They once caught Mo Lei and the three of them. For some reason, Baha and Bubuwang chatted with the three of Mo Lei.

Is it true that the drop rates of treasure chests in different parks are also different? When talking about the drop rates of treasure chests for killing leader-level units, Mo Lei and the other two people had great doubts in their eyes.

At that time, the three of them all wanted to say one thing, that is, if you kill a leader-level unit, wouldn't a treasure box be dropped? What's the treasure chest drop rate?

With their expressions, Mo Lei and the three of them glanced at Su Xiao secretly, and finally swallowed back what they wanted to say, pretending that nothing happened.

Ignoring the gain in the treasure chest drop rate, Su Xiao continued to look down. World reputation +45 points, which is quite useful. Looking down again, 35 points of negotiation correction judgment were found, which was useless.

Turning off the prompt, Su Xiao had arrived in front of the ancient tree cultivated by the King of Nightmares. At this moment, the ancient tree was only a dozen meters tall. It was so dry that the trunk was covered with cracks. The [Bloodthirsty Armor] clinging to it no longer showed its scarlet meridians.

Indicates that absorption has been completed.

Su Xiao could feel that the [Bloodthirsty Armor] at this moment was no longer a dead object. To be precise, the origin of this thing was greater than the Ancient Mask.

This thing was originally an abyss spawn, and it was an extremely powerful abyss spawn. Its combat power was only weaker than that of the God of Eternal Life at its peak. Later, it was defeated by the God of Eternal Life.

It was suppressed in the next era of the temple. Later, in order to prevent it from being suppressed, it was built into a suit of armor, which is the bloodthirsty armor.

Other sets provide mutual buffs for each piece of equipment. The set for the Bloodthirsty War Armor is another matter. The other five pieces in the six-piece set are all used to seal it. At the moment, the Bloodthirsty War Armor has absorbed the ancient tree, and the team

Four of the other five suits in the storage space have been exploded, and the last piece [Will of the Wolf (Immortal Level·Cloak)] is already full of cracks, and it is only a matter of time before it breaks.

The biggest change is the bloodthirsty armor itself. This thing is no longer a set, and it no longer has the quality of equipment. It is obviously a "quasi-father-level" artifact, because its foundation is the powerful abyss breeder.

The "quasi-father level" moves forward much faster than the Ancient Mask.

Su Xiao previously eliminated the indestructible trait Abyss Breeding Creatures and obtained the [Bud ​​of Original Sin (Abyss Level Item)]. He estimated that if the Bloodthirsty War Armor absorbs this thing, the progress of the world may end. The strength of the Bloodthirsty War Armor

, just as good as the Ancient Mask.

The reason why it is so fast is because of the "original sin characteristics" contained in the "Bud of Original Sin (Abyss Level Item)". Don't forget that "Dad Level" artifacts such as the Jar of the Abyss and the Ancient Mask are notarized in the notarized name of the paradise.

Original Sin Object], from this we can imagine how important the "Original Sin Characteristic" is to artifacts such as Bloodthirsty Armor and Ancient Masks.

In the process of making the ancient mask, the most profitable stage was the early stage when the ancient mask became a "quasi-father-level" artifact. At that time, Su Xiao happened to go to the Arcane Eternal Star and used the ancient mask several times at no cost.

Let Arcane Eternal Star pay such a painful price.

This is the harvest period for obtaining "quasi-father-level" artifacts. You can use these "quasi-father-level" artifacts at no cost. After this stage, the "quasi-father-level" artifacts will enter the separation period, which is the current stage of ancient masks.

, always wanted to slip away from Su Xiao, so as to look for opportunities and take the step towards a "dad-level" artifact. This is the most difficult step.

In other words, it is a very unwise choice to continue to invest resources in the Ancient Mask. How many times it can be used in the future depends on fate. If the Ancient Mask slips away during the period, there is no need to force it to stay.

On the other hand, if the bloodthirsty armor is allowed to absorb the [Bud ​​of Original Sin (Abyss-level item)], it may enter the early stage of "quasi-father level" in the next world, which is the stage where it can be used at no cost.

Su Xiao took out the [Bud ​​of Original Sin (Abyss Level Item)], and in the next moment, the bloodthirsty armor clung to Su Xiao's right arm, and scarlet meridians like blood vessels protruded out, surrounding Su Xiao's fisted right hand.

Su Xiao let go of his hand and held the [Bud ​​of Original Sin] in the palm of his hand. The meridians of the bloodthirsty armor wrapped around the [Bud ​​of Original Sin], rolling it into the inside of the semi-living and semi-metal tissue, wrapping it up and absorbing it.

Seeing this, Su Xiao put the [Bud ​​of Original Sin] into the team storage space and took a look at the situation inside. [The Will of the Wolf (Immortal Level·Cloak)] had been completely broken.

Su Xiao looked around and found that the surrounding area was still filled with thick purple fog. This large nightmare area would take at least a month to disappear. After the death of the Nightmare King, there are no other dangers here. There is one thing Su Xiao wants to know, that is

Are there any minerals in the nightmare area?

This place is safe enough. Even if a hunting group comes here later, the possibility of exploring underground initially is very low. Therefore, it is a good choice to leave the silent servants and tunneling servants here and let them mine underground.


There is no need to take them back after that. As long as Su Xiao can leave this world, the two mining brothers will naturally be teleported back to Su Xiao's exclusive room. Returning with them are the minerals in the large alloy box on the silent servant's back.


Thinking of this, Su Xiao activated the brand and summoned the two mining brothers. After the silent servant and the tunneling servant were summoned, the silent servant began to explore. After a while, the location was selected, and the tunneling servant began to dig underground.

In less than an hour, the ground returned to its original state, but a few hundred meters below, the tunneling servants were still digging downwards. Seeing this, Su Xiao walked towards the three-masted bone ship on the edge of the island.

When they arrived at the coast, Su Xiao found that Bubo Wang was already wearing several mechanical prostheses and began to modify the bone ship, mainly to install a strong enough power system to rush back to Skull Island as soon as possible.

As for being attacked by sea beasts, it was proven when they came that after the auras of Su Xiao, Bishop Platinum and others were released, the sea beasts in the dark sea were just violent and did not want to die.

Not allowing Bubo Wang to modify the bone ship when he arrived was to give the angry shark who had taken refuge in the King of Nightmares a chance to show off his acting skills. Otherwise, both the angry shark and the King of Nightmares would inevitably be suspicious.

It is certainly possible to use the teleportation array to return to the alliance directly from here. The problem is that it is not wise to activate the space teleportation array in an area invaded by the abyss. We still have to go to Skull Island, which is at the edge of this area.

, and then deploy the teleportation array safely.

With a pop, a dead member of the hunting group was thrown into the sea by the Beast Knight. This was one of the dozen or so members of the hunting group who were hired on Skull Island for 50 pirate gold coins. In fact, these dozen people were all

They are pirates and former subordinates of Angry Shark. They are pretending to be beast hunters this time. The purpose is to come to Nightmare Island together. After Su Xiao and others land on the island, they will drive away the bone ship, leaving Su Xiao and others with no way out.

The result was that after Eminem and Baha's team went deep into Nightmare Island, they separated. Eminem's strength was greatly increased by triggering the stray war cow, while Baha turned back and assassinated these dozen pirates.

Su Xiao walked on the icy path on the sea. After arriving near the bone ship, she jumped on the deck and began to sit cross-legged on the top of the captain's cabin to meditate. After a while, the red-eyed girl also jumped up and meditated like Su Xiao.

After a while, Dre also jumped up and started meditating.

An hour later, Dre couldn't help but scratch his face and couldn't sit still. After a while, he lit a cigar and sat on the edge of the captain's cabin to smoke a cigar.

In less than two hours, the red-eyed girl's breath became calmer. However, judging from the even and comfortable breathing, it was not that she had entered a meditative state, but that she had entered a dreamland.


The entire bone ship advanced forward. After a few seconds, BooBoo Wang ran to the bow of the ship, jumped on the newly installed driving seat, turned on the power, and the bone ship began to sail at high speed, heading straight for Skull Island.

The voyage went smoothly, but even if Su Xiao, Bishop Platinum and others were fully aura, a sea beast still attacked the bone ship and eventually became everyone's lunch.

Bubo Wang's modified bone boat was much faster than the giant shark pulling the boat. Even though he drove in the wrong direction on the way, he still arrived near Skull Island near dusk.

Before docking at Skull Island, Su Xiao first asked Bubu Wang to dismantle all the modified structures installed on the bone ship in the offshore area before docking at the dock.

Returning to the hotel where he stayed temporarily, Su Xiao asked De Lei, Yin Mian, and Amu to find the seller of the bone ship and sell it back. He bought it for 4,600 pirate gold coins and sold it back for 4,000 pirate gold coins.

Although the ship dealer felt confused, he checked the bone ship many times, and after confirming that there was no problem, he decided to buy back the ship for 4,300 pirate gold coins. This was not because the old pirate was so kind-hearted, but mainly because he felt that Silver Face and Eminem had no problem.

, were both very difficult to mess with, even though neither of them said a word during the whole process, it was Dre who was negotiating.

Counting the remaining pirate gold coins, there are still more than 6,000 in total. After Su Xiao left 20 coins, he divided the rest into nine parts: Bubo Wang, Eminem, Baha, Dere, Silver Face, and Veronica.

, Platinum Bishop, Red-Eyed Girl, and Beast Knight, each received an equal share of 660 pirate gold coins.

In the guest room on the third floor of the hotel, at around nine o'clock in the evening, Baha flew in from the window and said: "Boss, the underground market here is very lively, why don't you go shopping."


Su Xiao exited the meditative state and looked at the time. Seeing this, Baha landed on Su Xiao's shoulder. Under its guidance, Su Xiao first went from the back door of a tavern to a back alley that was sealed in front and back.

Then follow the steps down, pass through a large iron gate guarded by three strong men, and arrive in an underground space. This is the largest underground market here.

The lights are a little dim, giving this place a somewhat mysterious atmosphere. People here are either sitting on the ground setting up stalls, or selling in small wooden trucks.

With nothing to do, Su Xiao began to wander around the stalls. There were indeed good things here. He even saw an uncertified piece of immortal equipment. Unfortunately, he only had 20 pirate gold coins on hand and could not afford it.

As for why they didn't keep more pirate gold coins, this time they came to Nightmare Island. Although Bishop Platinum, Silver Face and others didn't do much, they just cleaned up some of the Nightmare King's men, but they still came. Choosing to come to Nightmare Island is a kind of thing in itself.

Attitude, in Su Xiao's opinion, should be paid enough.

After wandering for a while, Su Xiao stopped in front of a stall. Behind the stall, there was a thin old man sitting. This man's gray beard was braided and his pale eyes had no pupils.

The blind old man's wrinkled skin was translucent, which was a characteristic of the ghost clan. As soon as Su Xiao arrived at the blind old man's stall, the blind old man said:

"Dean Bai Ye, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Hearing this, Su Xiao said nothing. He had vaguely guessed who the blind old man was.

"I rejected Platinum's invitation not because I was afraid of going to Nightmare Island, but if I go now, it will only bring you bad luck."

"Oh? What will happen when you divine on Nightmare Island?"

Su Xiao looked at the blind old man up and down. If the other party really divined everything that happened on Nightmare Island, there is no doubt that this is the strongest fortune teller he has ever encountered. No one can predict it better than the dangerous object S-001.


You know, Zhu Nu and Mao Sheng's Madness both came to Nightmare Island before. During this period, Su Xiao also took out the Soul Crown. The intensity of the cause and effect involved was so high that it was shocking.

Who is this blind old man? Su Xiao has already guessed. Before going to Nightmare Island, Bishop Platinum said that he was going to find a friend to go to Nightmare Island with. He also revealed that his friend was a fortune teller. Now it seems that he is this blind old man.

Well, according to Bishop Bai Jin, people who know this blind old man call him the prophet of the ghost tribe.

"Of course I can't predict what happens on Nightmare Island. It's almost a whirlpool of cause and effect, but I can predict whether Dean Bai Ye can return here."

The divination ideas of the ghost prophets are very strange. What they care about is not the process, but bypassing the process and only getting a glimpse of the results.


Su Xiao did not believe that the ghost prophet in front of him would help him for no reason while bypassing Bishop Platinum.

"My purpose is to make the King of Sand pay the price. I have seen it... I can't say that if I tell this future scene, it will never appear again. The future is like countless threads connected to the present. What will truly happen?

No one can predict where it will lead. We diviners have only seen one of the lines, so how can we say that we have predicted the future."

Ghost prophets are different from most fortune tellers. At least they are not secretive in what they say.

"But Dean Bai Ye, there's something you have to prepare for. It's going to find you. After its last owner dies, it's going to find you. I'll help you block it temporarily, but it won't last long."

The ghost prophet used the wooden blind stick in his hand to light the [Stone Statue of Doom] on the stall. It was the [Stone Statue of Doom] that Su Xiao had given to Vice Dean Yesinger before.

"Good work."

With a ding sound, Su Xiao flicked a pirate gold coin to the ghost prophet. After the ghost prophet grabbed the gold coin, he was confused at first, and then he realized that this gold coin is not a reward, but the cause and effect of a gold coin.

, when the ghost prophet could not stop the [Stone Statue of Doom], he used the cause and effect of this gold coin to let the [Stone Statue of Doom] go to Su Xiao.

"I have a question for you."

"Dean Bai Ye, please speak."

"Where is the grave of the Snatcher."

Su Xiao searched for the thief's burial ground in order to obtain the other person's soul fragments, so as to erase the thief's name from the hunting list and obtain the corresponding bounty.

"Dean Bai Ye, before I die, I will give you the answer. We will meet in the Holy Orchid Kingdom."

After the ghost prophet finished speaking, the cloth he laid on the ground rolled up on its own. After a while, the ghost prophet disappeared among the pedestrians.

"Boss, could this guy be..."

Baha stopped mid-sentence, wondering whether the ghost prophet might be an enemy.

"Probably not much."

Su Xiao walked out of the underground market. If the ghost prophet was an enemy, it was unlikely that he would show up in this way. A hidden fortune teller was much more of a threat than being exposed.

On the contrary, if the ghost prophet predicts that both parties have the same enemy, and given Su Xiao's current status, the ghost prophet is more likely to take the initiative to find him.

Su Xiao did not return to the hotel where she was temporarily staying. Instead, she came to the wilderness near the port town and began to set up a one-time teleportation array. The advantage of this teleportation array is that it is low in construction cost, but the disadvantage is that the teleportation experience is relatively poor.

As an analogy, the teleportation experience of a perfect demon teleportation array is -30, so the teleportation experience of a temporary demon teleportation array can reach about -50.

Su Xiao waited for less than half an hour. Bishop Platinum and others came one after another. Among them, Dre, Veronica, and the red-eyed girl were all in a good mood, but after they saw the teleportation array in the night, their expressions became a little stiff.

, Veronica among them was even ready to sneak away, but was caught by Silver Face.

After a while, everyone stood on the teleportation array and Su Xiao activated it.

The surrounding scenes rotated, distorted, and blurred. When everything became clear again, Su Xiao had returned to the bedroom on the third floor of the lunatic asylum in Alliance Coos City.

"Everyone, turn right after exiting the office. There is a restroom about ten meters away. Although the teleportation experience this time is a bit worse, it can help you improve your space resistance."

Baha landed on the door. He was not talking nonsense. Using this demon teleportation array can indeed improve the space resistance, especially in the first few times, the space resistance increases sharply.

The lights in the office were turned on, and Su Xiao sat behind the desk. This time, the trip to deal with the Nightmare King went smoothly. The main reason was because the Nightmare King could not leave Nightmare Island. This was how Su Xiao used this to defeat the Nightmare King.

Put to death.

Taking out the [Gold Jar], Su Xiao studied it for a moment, but couldn't figure out how to open it. There should be some secret to this thing. If you really can't find it, then try to forcefully open the lid of the jar.

Su Xiao took out the [Blue Furnace] again. The blue flame inside was still burning. The three-piece set of the world had been initially integrated. It was time to add some rare items to enhance this fusion.

He first took out the [Mechanical Core (Half Damage)], which was obtained by killing the Steel Apostle. After opening the [Azure Furnace], he threw the core into it. The next second, the core melted and turned into a stream of energy.

Melt into the blue flame.

Su Xiao pondered for a moment, took out the [Blood of Destiny (World Class Item)] and added it to it. The Blood of Destiny did not dissolve, but was directly absorbed into the three-piece set of the fused world.

Su Xiao originally planned to take out the Blood of Destiny in the Devourer Contest. Now it seems that he will add it to the fusion of the world's three-piece set. Then the fused equipment will be used as the Devourer Contest.

Fighting for the items in the second stage is a better choice.

The advantage is that this is not like [Blood of Destiny (a world-class item)], which cannot be taken back after being used. This is equipment and can be taken back.

After searching for a while in the storage space, Su Xiao took out five [Precipitated Glazed Glasses] and prepared to give this piece of equipment a little bit of abyssal characteristics. [Precipitated Glazed Glass] is a product of the Abyss, but its abyssal characteristics are not strong, so it is relatively easy to accept.


Su Xiao finally took out the [Original Blood of the Gods (World Ink)], added it to the [Azure Furnace], and finally closed the furnace again to allow it to continue fusion.

The world's three-piece set + the blood of destiny + the precipitated glass + the world's ink. Su Xiao was a little unsure of what the final fusion would produce.

If you think about it this way, the gold content of this second stage of competition is a bit too high, but that's fine. The subsequent battle for Devourer's hegemony is likely to be centered around this equipment.

Compared to this, Su Xiao had a more important thing to do. He looked out the window and saw that the Storm Flame Dragon, which he had invested a lot of resources in cultivating, was about to wake up. He didn't know yet that this Storm Flame Dragon was about to wake up.

The dragon is a ninth-level lord-level creature, or an overlord-level creature.

This chapter has been completed!
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