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Chapter 66: Harvest Time

On the main island, Crazy Milk, covered in bandages, sat in front of a broken wall, holding a small drawing of Pluto in her hand.

"That's the only thing. If nothing unexpected happens, the national football team will soon be repelled or killed. Zuolun, we both lost this time."

Crazy Milk looked at the revolver man not far away. The revolver man had a cigar in his mouth and was wiping the revolver in his hand.

"I'm not defeated, I'm just in poor condition and retreating temporarily."

Revolver Man also got the fragments of Pluto's illustration, which couldn't be easier for him.

"Haha~, my bladder was pierced..."

Hearing Crazy Milk's words, Revolver Man shook his head. Although it was a bit embarrassing, it was the truth and he would not quibble.

"If you go all out, your chances of winning are probably 50-50."

Mad Nai nodded, Zuolun did have this strength.

"You didn't use that move in your previous fights?"

"It's... useless."

Revolver Man laughed. It wasn't that he was useless, but he had no chance to use it. How could he use his ultimate move without mana?

"This guy comes out of nowhere, I've never heard of him before."

Crazy Milk took out a bag of raccoon biscuits and chewed them.

"Although I'm a little reluctant, the Judiciary Tower belongs to him."

Revolver Man's gains this time are not small, and he is already satisfied.

The sound of rapid footsteps came, and it was the three members of the national football team with bruises and swollen faces.

"As expected, these three teases were also beaten back."

Crazy Milk and Revolver Man did not start a fight when they met. This was a rare thing. The two often disliked each other.

"You two are here too, don't bother me."

The three members of the national football team immediately changed direction and no longer had their usual coquettish, flirtatious and cheap style.

Two of the three of them have less than 10% mana, so they cannot feed each other and cannot spend money at all.

"National football team."

Revolver Man shouted, and the three national football team members stopped in their tracks.

"Go get this thing and avoid punishment."

The boss of the national football team looked happy and his eyes were filled with gratitude.

"No need to thank me, I'm just helping Gulu return a favor."

Revolver Man doesn't watch the three national football players, he's waiting for the derivative world to end.

"I understand, how's Gulu doing lately?"

"Still the same as before, he likes killing people and eating sweets."

The boss of the national football team nodded, sighed and walked away.

"Revolver Man, how about our cooperation?"

Dongxue beside Crazy Milk spoke.



Revolver Man and Crazy Milk spoke at the same time. It was a miracle that they didn't start fighting when they met. Their cooperation was completely living in a dream.

"Then...well, the Justice Tower just gives up?"

Dongxue seemed a little unwilling, so the revolver stood up and left, preparing to make the last profit.

"Fighting against that guy... it's very difficult to kill him, and it's also not easy for him to kill me. The effort is greater than the reward."

Crazy milk continued to eat biscuits, while Dongxue looked up at the Justice Tower.

In the Judiciary Tower, Su Xiao walked out of the room. Just now, Sauron's side had already decided the winner. It was CP9's Gabra who lost.

When he walked into the previous room, he saw Gabra lying on the ground. Gabra had lost consciousness.

Su Xiao walked forward slowly, her expression seemed relaxed, but in fact she had already grasped the Dragon Slaying Flash tightly.

Suddenly, Su Xiao lowered her waist and stepped forward, throwing out the Dragon Slaying Flash in her hand with all her strength.


Zhan Long dodged into Gabra's throat and nailed him to the ground. Gabra's eyes were filled with anger. He had woken up just now and wanted to sneak attack Su Xiao.

The body straightened up, and Gabra stood upright.

[You killed Gabra]

[Gabra is a key figure in the plot and has obtained 5.7% of the source of the world. Now he has obtained a total of 21.3% of the source of the world.]

[You get a treasure chest (blue)]

After putting away Gabra's treasure box, Su Xiao did not continue walking to the upper level of the Justice Tower, but turned around and ran quickly downstairs.

There are still 18 minutes left to complete the task, and there are still 23 hours left before the maximum time limit of the task.

Su Xiao wants to confirm one thing, that is, after the decisive battle, whether he can leave Judiciary Island is very important.

Quickly leaving the Justice Tower, he did not go to the battlefield between Luffy and Lucci. It was not a good place, not to mention that if his idea was successful, he would get greater benefits.

Su Xiao did not leave from the main entrance of the Justice Tower, but made a circle on the side and used the boundary line to reach the main island. He continued to move forward until he reached the coast of the former island, which was almost the edge of the battlefield.

Boom, boom, boom...

The sound of cannonballs kept ringing out on Judiciary Island. It must have been Spandam who issued the order to kill the demon.

Five warships shelled Judiciary Island at the same time, washing the ground with artillery fire and making the three islands roar.

Standing on the coast, Su Xiao waited silently.

[The blueprint of defending Pluto was successful, the main mission: the decisive battle on Judiciary Island (completed).]

[Announcement: The decisive battle has ended. The victor is the Straw Hat Pirates. Contractors of the Straw Hat Pirates camp will receive 3% of the source of the world. 】

All the contractors breathed a sigh of relief. The decisive battle was finally over. The contractors with the blueprints began to complete the tasks and return to Samsara Paradise.

The return mission this time is very simple, just leave the jurisdiction of Judiciary Island.

The number of contractors in the derivative world continues to decrease. Crazy Milk and Revolver Man have both chosen to leave. Judiciary Island is under artillery attack. If they are bombarded by intensive artillery fire, they may also die.

Not all contractors can return. Some contractors who were waiting for the mission to fail found that something was wrong. Their main mission did not fail. In other words, the 'contractor' who obtained the blueprint of Pluto did not choose to complete the mission.

They still have a chance to seize the blueprint, but they definitely don't want this chance. The contractor who can fight off Crazy Milk and Revolver Man is not someone to be trifled with.

The moment Samsara Paradise announced the victory of the Straw Hat Pirates, the restrictions on the decisive battle disappeared and the contractors could leave Judiciary Island.

Su Xiao was overjoyed. It turned out that so far, the development of things was similar to what he imagined.

We boarded a small boat on the shore, which was the pirate version of the speedboat that Su Xiao came to.

Bubotni sat in the passenger seat and put on the pair of sunglasses again.

The warm sea breeze blew by, and the sky was cloudless.

Su Xiao started the speedboat, which turned around and splashed with water. After confirming the direction, he started to drive at full speed.

Two hours later, a familiar island appeared in his sight, the Capital of Seven Waters.

Abandoning the boat and going ashore, Su Xiao put on a black robe and walked quickly to a house in the Capital of Seven Waters.

Arriving at the house she bought in advance, Su Xiao poured a glass of water, drank it all in several sips, took off her black robe and lay down on a lounge chair. It was time to harvest.

Taking out a phone bug, Su Xiao dialed the phone bug.

"Polo, Polo, Polo." It took a long time before someone picked up the phone.

"This is Donghai Daily, may I ask..."

"I am Bai Ye."

Hearing the name Bai Ye, the phone fell into dead silence.

"white night."

After repeating the name Bai Ye, the sound of gnashing teeth came from the phone.

"Let your leader come and talk to me."

Su Xiao didn't want to talk nonsense with these ordinary agents. The other party had no decision-making power in his request.

"You traitor, the world government will hunt you to the ends of the earth..."

"Stop making these meaningless threats and go find your leader."

A disdainful sneer came from the phone.

"Do you think you are still a member of the scientific research force? You are now a criminal with a bounty on your head, and the bounty has been set, 300 million Baileys."

This chapter has been completed!
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