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Chapter 43: Awakening

Su Xiao closed a large amount of notarized information that appeared. The rules of this battle are not complicated, but what is more interesting is that Su Xiao is no longer a participant this time, and even he cannot enter the area where the battle is taking place.

If "Family Mansion" is compared to a dungeon, then the five teams participating in the battle are equivalent to five teams of players. However, this dungeon is a nightmare difficulty and there is no chance of resurrection. If you die in it, you will lose everything.

Compared with how to deal with the other four camps, Su Xiao has one thing to determine first, that is, whether the red host Alyssa is willing to participate in this battle. If the other party is not willing, even if she is kidnapped, it will not be a 'dungeon'.

The main force is an unstable factor that needs to be guarded against at all times, so Su Xiao might as well replace him and "launch a copy".

Although there are many dangers in 'downloading the dungeon' this time, it is also a rare opportunity. There are many kinds of secret treasures in such dangerous areas. This is not only due to the environment, but also because no one has explored the family mansion in depth before. Explorers have not yet

Once you can enter the main entrance of the mansion, the family mansion and the underground palace below are shrouded in fog.

It's not that dangerous places must have a lot of treasures, but that dangerous places are inaccessible and it's easier for the first explorer to find good things.

Su Xiao came to the roof of the apartment building, jumped to the top of the tall water tank, and began to meditate here until the afternoon. He estimated that the Dark Cult would not attack for the time being. He notarized this place as a temporary base camp with the camp leader authority he had just obtained.


Arriving at the back hall on the first floor, Bubu had already made the place spacious enough. Seeing this, Su Xiao activated the high-level authority of the team channel and contacted Baha remotely. After a short contact, Su Xiao knew that Baha

Ha, they are still waiting in the lunatic asylum because the platinum bishop and the red-eyed girl have disappeared.

According to the agreement, Bishop Platinum and the red-eyed girl should have gone to the lunatic asylum to gather with everyone more than 20 hours ago, but until now, Bishop Platinum has not arrived.

Su Xiao laid out the space array on the ground in the back hall. After a while, a demon teleportation array that could be used multiple times was completed. Ghost City is not too far away from the "Northern Empire" and "Holy Orchid Kingdom".

It's worth investing resources to build a demon teleportation array here.

More than half an hour later, Su Xiao found that the space in front of him began to twist in a spiral shape. This was the first time for him to see others use the demon teleportation array at his destination.

The space above the demon teleportation array first appeared in a spiral rotation, and then the abstract high priests, Eminem, Baha, Dre, Silverface, and Veronica appeared. This scene was like looking through the glass door of a drum washing machine.

Looking at the people inside the washing machine, the next second, the 'washing machine' exploded, and the torrent of space swept several people out.


The few people who completed the transmission were divided into different locations in the back hall. After everyone calmed down for a while, Su Xiao placed a large bunch of keys on the table. Veronica was the first to step forward, thought about it, and said: "I want to live in the second room."

Lou, what about you?"

When several people were choosing rooms, Baha fell on Su Xiao's shoulder and said in a low voice: "Boss, I traced the traces of Bishop Platinum. He last appeared in a park in the suburbs. According to a servant walking his dog by, he was only

I saw Bishop Platinum sitting alone on a park bench, seemingly watching the sunset."


Su Xiao frowned a little. For Bishop Platinum, he had always felt that the other party was worthy of cooperation and trust, but also a little uncoordinated. Before, whether he was fighting against the King of Nightmares or the King of Sand, Bishop Platinum was always

They went together, and although there was no deadly battle, it was not because Bishop Platinum avoided fighting.

The King of Nightmares was an action route arranged by Su Xiao, and Bishop Platinum carried out the action based on the route given by Su Xiao.

During the King of Sand, Bishop Platinum was ready to fight to the death. As a result, King of Sand allowed Bishop Platinum to be teleported away at the cost of scrapping a rare object, and Eminem was also teleported away at that time. According to Eminem, they

It has indeed been falling.

Since the cooperation, there is nothing questionable about everything Bishop Platinum has done. What makes him seem uncoordinated is also when Su Xiao went to the Land of Fire and saw the stone tablet.

The problem is that it was Bishop Sun who told Su Xiao about the existence of the scorching desert, and when Su Xiao asked Bishop Baijin about it after going to the Land of Fire, Bishop Baijin not only did not evade his words, but also evaded his words.

Instead, he was very curious about the Land of Fire. After that, he had free time and asked Su Xiao many times about the Land of Fire.

Especially when Baha asked, since you are so curious, why don't you go and see for yourself? Bishop Platinum's answer was very simple. He went, but was blocked by the wall-like barrier. Because he attacked the barrier, he also

The residents of Molten Iron Town complained to him. After all, it was at their doorstep. Bishop Platinum had no choice but to give up and blast open the barrier, and he estimated that he wouldn't be able to blast it open either.

This is the thing about Bishop Platinum that Su Xiao cannot see through the most. Not only does the other party not escape from the suspicious aspects of his identity, he is more curious than outsiders. All kinds of behaviors are what a person who has lost part of his memory should behave.

Now Bishop Platinum left without saying goodbye, and when he last appeared, the red-eyed girl was not with him.

Su Xiao thought for a moment, but there were too few clues. He ignored this aspect for the time being and turned to Baha:

"Go get Fei Hong."


Baha stood on the teleportation array and returned to the alliance's Kus City to find Alyssa.

Dark Cathedral, inside the underground palace.

Several rows of arm-thick candles were placed along the walls on both sides of the hall, which not only illuminated the place but also gave it a sense of ceremony.

On the high platform inside, a figure is lying here. It is the leader of the Dark Cult, the leader of the Abyss, Silvis.

The upper body of the leader of the abyss, Silvis, is a human body. Although he has a strong body, his skin is pale, and his long black hair is flowing freely. His lower body is like black mud, like a thick snake body, and it occasionally opens up.

The eyes, with their chaotic overlapping circles of pupils, give people great mental pressure.

Before, the upper body of the human race of the leader of the abyss, Silvis, especially his face, had an extremely stiff and weird expression and look. Although it is still a little bit weird now, it is much better than before. At least when he opens his eyes, it will not make people feel uncomfortable.

It felt like two invisible hands were pulling open the upper and lower eyelids of this eye from above and below.

What's even more different from before is that the magic-killing blade that pierced its black mud-like lower body is missing. It's unknown whether he pulled it out by himself or with the help of others. After losing the shackles of the magic-killing blade, the leader of the abyss

·Silvis' aura is a bit more powerful and darker than before.

The famous bishop and two elders were kneeling on both sides of the large rock bed. Among the three bishops, one looked like a ghost, and the other was riddled with holes, and there were black armyworms crawling inside. It was interesting to see.

People's scalps were numb, and the last female bishop fulfilled all the fantasies about the image of a lady, with a plump but not fat figure, a lazy and charming temperament, but if you knew what she had done, it would only make people feel

The hairs on my hair stood on end, and I immediately didn't dare to think anything wrong about her.

These three bishops are Bishop Grudge, Bishop Black Worm Ernold, and Bishop Blood Demon. It is worth mentioning that Bishop Blood Demon is the biological mother of Madhouse Murderer Banshee. This is also

The origin of the name Banshee.

Compared to these three bishops, the elder kneeling on one knee on the other side of the bed was less eye-catching.

The darkness had a profound aura, and it shrouded the palace with the leader of the abyss, Silvis, as the center. This made the kneeling believers below only dare to prostrate themselves on the ground in order to feel at ease under this aura.

But the protagonist in the palace today is not the backbone of the Dark Cult, nor the three bishops, nor even the leader of the abyss, Silvis, but the black man kneeling ten meters in front of the bed, his forehead close to the ground.

Priest Haudeth.

At this moment, the body of the officiant Haodes was trembling slightly. Although he was one of the few people that Silvis liked, he knew very well that if he offended this person, he would be brutally punished at least, or die miserably on the spot at worst.

"Who gave you permission to act without permission?"

The leader of the abyss, Silvis, spoke in a stiff tone. After hearing this, the chief priest, Howdes, closed his eyes in despair. He knew that this time he would be lost. His quick and easy actions led to the plan of the church.

Take a bath.

"You should be thrown into a bug pond."

After hearing this, the chief priest Haodes couldn't even maintain his kneeling position and collapsed. Of course he had seen the horror of being thrown into the insect pool. Every piece of flesh and blood and soul were bitten by thousands of insects, and

It was not possible to die immediately. Someone once wailed in the insect pond for several days before finally dying miserably.

"But you rescued Hatred, which is enough to make up for your stupidity, and there is still something left."

The leader of the abyss, Silvis, threw a piece of black crystal, which made the chief priest Howdes feel like he was on a roller coaster, turning from despair to elation. He looked at the "Abyss Fat" in front of him. If he absorbed this thing, his strength would be certain.

It will advance by leaps and bounds, and it may only be half a step away from the bishop's strength.

"I, Haudes, thank the Pope from the bottom of my heart, oh no, from the bottom of my soul. I..."

The officiant Howdes wanted to continue flattering, but the leader of the abyss, Silvis, raised his hand to indicate that he did not need to continue, and asked:

"Did you bring the person I asked you to find? I mean bring him back safely."

"That woman with beautiful red pupils? I brought her back."

A crack appeared in the space behind the officiant Howdes, and a python-like insect-like monster came out, opened its round mouthparts full of sharp teeth, and vomited out the red-eyed girl's clothes and cheeks stained with sticky liquid.

"Why is she sleeping?"

The leader of the abyss, Silvis, spoke. Upon hearing this, the chief priest, Haodes, quickly explained: "How dare I do anything to the person you asked me to arrest, Mr. Pope? She was just hit hard on the head and fainted.

This woman was very difficult to deal with. In the end, my men controlled a group of brats to rush towards her, so this woman did not dare to take action."

At the end, the chief priest, Haodes, smiled obsequiously. Taking advantage of the kindness of others is one of the most commonly used methods of the Dark God Cult.

Just when the chief priest, Howdes, was about to continue claiming credit, suddenly, the wind pressure hit him head-on. The leader of the abyss, Silvis, who was still sleeping on the bed | appeared in front of the chief priest, Howdes.


Blood, flesh and bone fragments were scattered everywhere, and the leader of the abyss, Silvis, casually whipped the priest Howdes into pieces with one hand.

"Before you set off, I told you twice to bring her back safely. If you swallow her into a worm's belly, you will die."

The black mud on the lower body of the leader of the abyss, Silvis, surged. After he reached the side of the red-eyed girl, the upper body of the human race leaned over to look at the red-eyed girl. He seemed to want to lift up the red-eyed girl lying on the ground with one hand, but he saw

Seeing the darkness drifting away from his hands, he hesitated again.

At this moment, the red-eyed woman lying on the ground pretending to faint opened her eyes. Regardless of her previous elegance, she jumped up from the ground and gave the leader of the abyss, Silvis, an uppercut in the face.

There was a bang, and the air wave spread. The leader of the abyss, Silvis, tilted his head slightly, and the red-eyed woman choked in pain. Her palm bones and forearm bones should have been cracked, which is a typical injury to the enemy.

, self-loss 999.

After punching the leader of the abyss, Silvis, the red-eyed woman turned around and ran away from the underground palace. No one dared to stop the members of the Dark Cult on both sides of the way.

The leader of the abyss, Silvis, glanced at the three bishops who were kneeling on one knee, and motioned to the three men to capture the red-eyed girl and imprison her in the side hall.

This place is the headquarters of the Dark God Cult. As soon as the red-eyed girl ran out of the underground palace, she was blocked by two church knights who were fully armored and nearly four meters tall. These humanoid tanks had no emotions and only acted according to instructions and orders.

A few minutes later, the huge lady who was nearly three meters tall, the Bishop Blood Demon, entangled the red-eyed girl with blood-like scarlet semi-fluid. It could be seen from the blood demon's speechless expression that she had also suffered from body energy.

Exhausted, the red-eyed woman could only attack with her bare hands.

A group of people walked into the side hall, and with a flick of the blood demon's scarlet touch, he threw the red-eyed girl behind a small table, pointed at the various scrolls on the small table, and said coldly:

"His Holiness the Pope has ordered that you must learn these secret techniques before tonight."


The red-eyed woman behind the small table was very confused. She glanced at the secret scroll on the table. It was worth a lot of money. She hesitated for a moment and asked in her unique and slightly crisp voice: "What if I say


"If you don't do it...there will be no food tonight."

After saying this, the blood demon herself was confused and confused. She looked at the red-eyed girl opposite and seriously suspected that she was the biological daughter of their leader Silvis.

"I want... to leave here?"

The red-eyed woman spoke with a bit of uncertainty. After all, she was now in the enemy's base camp. She felt strange when she said this.

"Ahem~, um~, as long as you don't leave the scope of the Dark Cathedral and the Underground Palace, you can still stroll around casually, but you must be followed by a church knight."

After saying this, the blood demon, as the bishop of the Dark God Religion, was completely confused. He looked at the red-eyed girl again and observed whether her brows and eyes looked like his own pope.

In the underground palace at this moment, all the key members of the Dark Cult have retreated. In the huge open space of the palace, only Black A and Weiwei are left. Weiwei is half-hiding behind Black A. No matter how many times she comes here, she feels scared.

She was panicking, especially when she saw the leader of the abyss, Silvis, on the bed in front of her. She was a little reckless when she first came, and she looked at each other with the leader of the abyss, Silvis. The feeling of death-like suffocation made her

Weiwei had nightmares for several days.

Different from the respect of others, Black A, who was carrying the "Yuan Yun" sword, still had his usual cold expression.

"Heini, why did you come to see me?"

Hei A spoke. After hearing this, Weiwei behind him immediately held her breath. At this moment, she had even thought about where she wanted to be buried.

"Tree of the Void, have you heard of it?"

The leader of the abyss, Silvis, did not have the same experience as Black A. He had seen too many people who were groveling, but now that he met Black A, a stupid young man, and his unique abyss aura, he found it pleasing to his eyes.

"Of course I have."

"That's good. The Void Tree dragged the Yug family's family mansion back and notarized it. I am also a party in the notarization. This time, you fight on my behalf."

"I refuse."

Obviously, Black A has inherited the trait of adding money.


The leader of the abyss, Silvis, ignored Black A. He pressed the mechanism next to him, and the rock secret door behind the bed rose, revealing a pool filled with liquid abyss energy. This consumed a huge amount of resources and was specially processed.

Transformation and absorption of abyss energy with relatively minor side effects.

"What's your price?"

Black A suddenly changed his mind. After hearing this, a stiff smile appeared on the face of the leader of the abyss, Silvis, and said: "Agree to fight for me, and I will let you jump in now."


Black A agreed without hesitation. The offer given by the other party was too much to refuse.

"Ugh~, what kind of useless teleportation array are you talking about? Ugh~, I have lost all the new shoes I bought, uh~"

In the base camp apartment, Alyssa was holding the vomit bag with both hands, her face full of despair.

Alyssa agreed to participate in this battle. Because Feihong said that the person she was going to meet this time was very important and must be respected, so Alyssa changed into a formal dress and put on a little makeup before going out. In fact,

She just put on a little eye shadow, but now, the formal image she had carefully prepared was gone.

After resting for a while, taking a shower and changing into loose sportswear, Alyssa finally regained her previous vitality. She carried the knife downstairs and looked around. Well, her eyes were confirmed. Except for that woof.

The rest are all people she can't beat.

This is of course, this is the middle and upper echelon world of the ninth level, and the subordinates selected by Su Xiao are all the top elites in this world, and the high priest Xiang is a veteran powerhouse in the top echelon of this world.

At the dining table, Su Xiao dropped the tablecloth in his hand. The noodle soup in Ghost City was average and not to his taste. He pointed to the seat opposite so that Alyssa didn't need to be restrained.

After Alyssa sat down, she picked up the tableware. Although the food on the table was tempting, as a member of the Mono family, she had tasted all kinds of rare and delicious food since she was a child. She wanted to eat dinner more than eating dinner.

Ask a few questions.


With his ability inactive, the Master of Destiny started a flame and lit a cigarette. Yin Mian, who was waiting quietly, took the ashtray and used it to replace the empty dinner plate in front of Su Xiao.

"If you have any questions, just ask."

Su Xiao naturally saw Alyssa's thoughts, and the look of wanting to ask questions was almost written on her face.

"I actually have a question, why did you create the Devourer? Is there any ultimate conspiracy? Is there a big boss behind the scenes? Or does it want to destroy the world?"

"Don't think too much. There is no specific reason. The Devourer was originally... a weapon. Later, its development deviated, but its characteristics were better. So we made mistakes and made today's Devourer."

Su Xiao did not deceive Alyssa. This was indeed the case. The original version of the Devourer was a weapon thrown at the enemy's base camp. It was not until later that Su Xiao discovered that this thing's ability to move independently was stronger than imagined, and then it became a

Generation development.

As for the battle for the Devourers, there is no very specific purpose. It is just to know the actual combat characteristics and extreme conditions of several generations of Devourers, so as to facilitate the subsequent formation of the mining team.

I just didn't expect that the prototype of the Devourer Contest was first recognized by Samsara Paradise, and then was spotted by the Void Tree, which was notarized to the current specifications.

Su Xiao showed the notarized brand of the Void Tree, and Baha on the side introduced Alyssa: "This is the tree-born brand. With it, you are a participant in this battle for hegemony. Without it, you can enter the "Family House".

"He will be hunted down."

"Hunted by whom?"


Baha started to smile wickedly. Alyssa didn't guess. She raised her hand and touched the brand. After a while, she knew the detailed purpose of the brand.

Seeing this, Baha continued: "Alyssa, the battle will start at noon tomorrow, you have to prepare in advance."

"Well, then I'll go back and have a good sleep."

"Wait a minute, I'll let you prepare. I'm not letting you rest, but I'm here to trick you... ahem~, to strengthen your strength."

After Baha finished speaking, he tilted his head, meaning that he was asking Alyssa to find her boss to improve her opponent's strength, which she couldn't do.

Su Xiao extinguished the cigarette between her fingers, stood up and came to the single sofa. After sitting down, she pointed to the single sofa opposite with a coffee table. Alyssa sat on it gracefully, even though she was traveling alone and surrounded by people.

She is not very familiar with people, but she dares to chase Black A with a knife, which is obviously not related to her fear of strangers and shyness.

"What do you want, tell me."

Su Xiao spoke, which made Alyssa hesitate. She originally planned to be polite, but after hearing Fei Hong's consciousness exchange, she decided not to be polite. The message Fei Hong conveyed to her was very simple.

Dad, you're welcome, just ask for it.

"I fight with a long sword, so I want some experience with swordsmanship?"

Alyssa is still a little bit reluctant to let go. There are very few records of techniques. The reason is that the experience of technique ability is too difficult to record in words or imprints. Only one who has a deep understanding can be qualified to summarize such experiences.

But this is not a problem. First of all, Su Xiao is a level 70 swordsman master. In addition, he has obtained many ancient books and records in many native worlds, as well as in the Dead City and other places. He also teamed up with Caesar to visit the Dragon Academy.

I have also been to the Void Library. The most important one is the Soul Library.

This kind of experience allowed Su Xiao to obtain a lot of records about swordsmanship. In addition, he himself is a master of swordsmanship. If his knowledge of swordsmanship is not very charming, he will not keep it.

Soon, various notes, ancient books, and bound scrolls were piled into three piles.

Su Xiao clicked on the leftmost pile on the coffee table: "This pile is for meditation, perception, and understanding of nature and the world."

Su Xiao pointed to the pile in the middle of the coffee table: "This pile is for sword skill development, fighting enemies, and sword skill improvement experience."

Su Xiao looked at the pile on the far right: "These are the works of more than a dozen sword masters in their later years."

"So many~"

Alyssa casually picked up a notebook with tattered corners and yellowing paper. After reading two pages, her eyes became more serious, and her sitting posture changed from the original holding position of reading a novel to holding the notebook in both hands.


"Can you lend me all of these?"

Alyssa looked at Lidya Su with longing and sincere eyes.

"At my current level, I no longer need these, so I'll give them to you."


Alyssa's eyes when looking at Lidya Su had begun to look particularly clear, because she felt like she had met her eldest father by chance at this moment, especially after getting the temporary brand and being able to see the information in these ancient books.

Su Xiao took out a dozen potions and placed them on the table. Not long after getting the temporary brand, Alyssa, who had just adapted, received the first prompt, which read:

[You will receive the following potions in total:]

【Ancient Magic Potion·Five Improvements·Perfect (Permanent Gain Potion).】

[Flame of Dawn·Five Improvements·Perfect (Permanent Gain Potion).】

[Holy Dragon Guard·Four Improvements·Perfect (Permanent Gain Potion).]

[Stigma Potion·Fourth Improvement·Perfect (Permanent Gain Potion).]

【Activity·Power·Second Improvement·Perfect (Permanent Gain Potion).】

【Glory Potion·Second Improvement·Perfect (Permanent Gain Potion).】

[The Life of the Tree·Perfection (Permanent Gain Potion).]

[Ancient Secret Medicine·Perfect ×2 (Permanent Gain Potion). 】

Even Alyssa, who was born into the Mono family, has never seen such a potion lineup. At this moment, she deeply understood why Feihong said that the person in front of her was her biological eldest father.

Alyssa hesitated for a moment and asked: "Will there be any problems if we drink these together?"


Baha flew over, pointed with his talons and said: "Drink this, this, and this before meals, then eat, drink this, this after meals, then sleep, and drink this when you wake up in the morning, do you understand?"


Alyssa carried a dozen potion bottles in one hand and a large bag containing various ancient books and swordsmanship tips in the other hand as she went upstairs. Every step she stepped on had a sense of unreality. What happened today,

Just like dreaming.

Su Xiao looked out the window. The environment was still dim. She could only see the faint afterglow of the sunset at the edge of the dark clouds. She didn't know why Bishop Platinum was looking at the sunset before disappearing.

Su Xiao took out the [Awakening Stone]. This [Awakening Stone] is different from the one he got before. The previous [Awakening Stone] has clearer characteristics and is specially used to awaken the magic blade's ability. The current one has less characteristics.

Pure, but more versatile, there are several magic-destroying abilities that can be awakened and deeply strengthened.

After slightly activating the awakening stone in his hand, Su Xiao felt that he had four abilities that could be awakened for deep strengthening, namely:

"Spiritual Shadow Physique, Lv.EX", "Dragon Shadow Flash, Lv.EX", "Shadow of Slaughter, Lv.EX", "Blue Shadow King, Lv.39".

Among the four choices, Su Xiao was the first to exclude "Blue Shadow King, Lv. 39". The reason is that this mysterious level ability can also be improved with destruction skill points, and he seriously doubted that there is anything that can qualitatively transform "Blue Shadow King"

He has not mastered the ability yet.

Just when Su Xiao was thinking about which ability should be deeply strengthened, the prompt of the Void Tree appeared.

[Tip (Tree of the Void): It is verified that the hunter is the initiator of this battle, and in subsequent battles, you have a very high probability of obtaining "Abyss Precipitate"]

[Whether to consume 100 ounces of time and space power to permanently activate the opening and redemption rights of the Abyss Store. The Abyss Store is one of the highest-level facilities notarized by the Void Tree. You can use "Abyss Precipitate" or "Precipitation Glaze".

Use this store to exchange for rare supplies, or supplies unique to the Abyss Store.】

PS: (I have a day off on Sunday to prevent the old disease from relapsing. Dear readers, please forgive me.)

This chapter has been completed!
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