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Chapter 51: Team

Looking at the title prompt in front of her, Su Xiao was speechless for a long time. She always felt that there was something wrong with this prompt, but after careful consideration, she found that it was a normal prompt. Not only did this not make people feel relieved, but it made her feel even more gloomy and rainy.

"How's it going? Was it successful?"

Mo Lei on the side spoke with some expectation.


"Oh, that's a pity. Don't take it too seriously. Everyone has failed to synthesize a title. The last time I synthesized a title, the success rate was less than 20%. I tried it and it failed. Alas? Why don't you say anything?

By the way, what is your success rate?"


"Hahaha, you deserve to fail. It's not more than 10%. Don't care too much. It's just a title. The next second will always be beautiful. I just woke up and I'm hungry. Go get something to eat."

Mo Lei hummed a song and left. It can be said that Mo Lei was strong to a certain extent, which was due to her inner strength and optimism, although sometimes she was a little bit silly.

Su Xiao opened the title column, and two new titles appeared in front of her, one was the commemorative title, and the other was the [violator] title.

【The more frustrated you become, the more courage you get】

Place of Origin: Samsara Paradise


Title effect: After wearing this title, your brand number or the code name you propose will appear on your head with a bright luster.

Tip: When displaying the brand number or the code name you have prepared, you can freely switch between the two.

Introduction: You will be the most eye-catching person in the room.

Selling price: Can be sold, transferred, burned, etc.

Seeing this thing, Su Xiao's mood changed from cloudy to clear, because he felt that this thing could be sold, and maybe it could be sold at a good price.

There is only one audience for this thing, which is the merchants who set up stalls in the gathering place. Imagine that you are wandering among the many stalls in the gathering place, and suddenly there is a guy whose name appears above your head like an NPC...

Thinking of this, Su Xiao suddenly changed his mind. This title is not sold to outsiders, but to Caesar. Maybe, this guy can perform tricks that will make people's scalp numb, such as pretending to be a neutral unit?

Just imagine, several ninth-level contractors are tremblingly exploring an abyss erosion zone. At this moment, a thin figure wearing an abyss jar suddenly walks out of the extremely high-intensity abyss fog ahead.

, and the danger of the fog, even if the abyss resistance is more than 30 points, will be instantly eroded.

What's even more outrageous is that this guy actually has a name on his head, "Nicholas Caesar". What's even more outrageous is that this name is displayed with a bright luster. After seeing this, who wouldn't be confused? Not to mention that Caesar claims to be

Neutral NPC, many people believe that he is a hidden NPC.

If you believe in Caesar in the abyss erosion area and you can leave with a pair of underwear left, you are the best. But one thing is that if you really believe in Caesar, your wallet will cry, but the probability of leaving alive will increase several times or dozens of times.


For example, a recovery potion prepared by Caesar contains a trace amount of the power of the corrupted world. After drinking it, there is a high probability of causing severe diarrhea. However, under the influence of the power of the mutated world, there will be a brief period of diarrhea.

Secondary invincibility effect.

Caesar's potion science has reached a level that confuses Su Xiao, the master of pharmacy. Of course, he has studied the ingredients of Caesar's potion and analyzed more than a dozen unknown ingredients. In the end, he felt that there was little point in continuing to study, because Caesar himself

There is no way to prepare a second bottle of the same potion.

Su Xiao sent the attributes of this title to Caesar through the team channel. Caesar did not offer a price, but wanted to wait until he returned to Samsara Paradise before discussing the matter. The general meaning was that with an equally interesting thing, he would like Su Xiao.


Su Xiao checked the title of [Violator], but received a prompt that the "fat seal" needs to be lifted before the title can be activated.

[Violator] The surface of the title is sealed with a layer of golden resin. The reason for this is because Su Xiao's identity as a hunter is highly consistent with this title, so he only received this bonus after obtaining this title.

[Yes/No releases the seal of the gold resin. After contact, the gold resin will be absorbed by the title, thus increasing the strength of the title.]

【Title activation completed.】

[You get a special non-star title: Violator.]


Place of Origin: Samsara Paradise

Category:Special title

Title effect 1: Disguise (passive). After wearing this title, you will obtain Disguise·Apocalypse Paradise Violator, and activate the corresponding temporary brand.

Tip: Because you are a hunter, there is no time limit when performing this disguise, and you can perform this disguise without any cost or expense.

Title Effect 2: Robust Gift (Passive), even if you fight with all your strength, this disguise will not be eliminated. Even if the disguise is torn due to too high-intensity fighting, it can be healed quickly.

Title Effect 3: Killing and Dressing (Passive), after killing an offender in disguise, you can change your disguise and pretend to be this person.

Title Effect 4: Absolute Fear (Active). When you are in this disguised state and face only one violator, you can make a willpower judgment with the enemy. If the enemy fails this judgment, he will fall into "Willpower".

"Fear" state, within the next 10 minutes, you will lose the ability to speak and close all means of communication (this control ability has priority). You will cause an additional 20% of ignored defense damage to enemies who are trapped in "Fear of Will".

Tip: The cooldown time of this ability is 2 natural days.

Tips: If you successfully kill an enemy affected by "Will Fear", this ability will immediately refresh its cooldown and enter an activateable state.

Tip: This effect has priority, but it is a two-way priority. As a result, this ability can only be used when facing one violator. If you are centered with the target violator, there are other violators within three meters of the surrounding area, or other

This ability is unavailable when the offender can detect you and the selected target through sight, perception, etc.

Introduction: Hidden in the wolf dance, there are hunters in wolf skins. Even if you are a hungry wolf, don’t leave the pack, because the hunters in wolf skins are already smiling at you.

Selling price: Unable to sell.

This title is quite interesting. It can not only disguise itself as a violator, but also become a hunter among the wolves. Especially when a violator faces Su Xiao alone, once the opponent's teammates are more than three meters away from the opponent, they cannot see him.

When facing the opponent, as long as Su Xiao's speed is fast enough and his attack power is powerful enough, he can completely achieve instant kill + replacement, thus pretending to be the target he killed and continue to hide in the team of violators.

When the violators find something wrong, it is almost a werewolf killing mode, but unlike the werewolf killing, Su Xiao does not have to wait until dark to close his eyes. As long as there is a violator in the team, he can take action immediately.

Normally, there is a problem with this, that is, when he pretends to be a violator who is killed by him, once the other party's friends ask questions that only the dead violator knows, it will be difficult for Su Xiao to answer.

Su Xiao has a solution to this problem. The soul eater's talent can strip away the soul memory. With his current soul strength, when stripping away the soul memory, if he abandons extraordinary knowledge and precious soul memories related to various abilities, he can almost kill an enemy.

Ninety percent of the soul memory was stripped out.

Stripping away soul memory is different from absorbing memory. There are many hidden dangers in absorbing memory. You might not even know who you are in the end. However, checking soul memory is different. Checking soul memory is more like reading a book or watching a movie. Su Xiao's own

Consciousness and will will not be affected by these soul memories at all. Sometimes after reading it, 20% to 30% will be forgotten within a few days. After half a year, as long as it is not very important information, it has long been forgotten beyond the sky.

With the means to strip away soul memories, Su Xiao is not afraid of the interrogation of his wolf teammates at all. When the time comes, the wolf teammates will find that there are fewer and fewer violator teammates around him. What is even more frightening is that there are fewer and fewer teammates without enemies.

Not only that, Su Xiao will only take action after "willing fear" the enemy. Violators who are "willed to fear" cannot even send messages using the brand.

This will lead to a situation where the team collapses. Even if they can barely maintain themselves because of taking on the mission, they will still be suspicious of each other and guard against each other. The originally ninth-level mission difficulty will directly reach the nightmare level.

Put away the title of [violator]. If you encounter a group of violators in the future, this thing will be useful. At the moment, it is more important to prepare to kill the most powerful spellcaster.

There has been news from the voodoo sorcerer Baze that he will arrive tomorrow morning at the latest. The other party is willing to take risks to deal with Jueqiang, not because he cares about old feelings, but because there is a price.

The Holy Snake Tribe's old rival, the Muhun Tribe, all sacrificed and witch doctors died mysteriously overnight. This was done by the White Dragon Lord of the neighboring fiefdom. It was because of this that the two sides changed from hostility to friendly neighbors.

As for why the White Dragon Lord did this a few days ago, it is not a novel reason. Previously, Su Xiao planned to mobilize all 12 legions from the fiefdom to 'visit' the friendly neighbor White Dragon Lord. After learning about this, Bai Long

The Dragon Lord personally led people to deal with the Muhun tribe.

In this way, the old grudge between Su Xiao and the White Dragon Lord was completely overturned. Sometimes as a lord of a fiefdom, you have to do this. If you have to retaliate, there will be many more enemies. Su Xiao is not afraid of many enemies, mainly because of him.

There are a lot of things to do and time is precious, so there is no need to waste it on these things.

The voodoo sorcerer was definitely present, and the priest was also absent. When Su Xiao contacted the old guy, it was as if all the plots and mutual deceptions between the two people had never happened. At first, the priest refused, but after Su Xiaoliang showed a few

After playing his cards, the priest readily agreed.

In addition, Su Xiao also gave an order to Ergoin in advance to select 1,000 of the most elite heavy cavalry from the Centaur tribe. When selecting, they were more inclined to archery.

Bringing these 1,000 centaurs heavy cavalry, of course, is not to surround and kill the most powerful spellcasters, but to give them the title of Sun Lord, allowing them to shoot arrows with the "Fire Sun" effect.

"Fire Sun Effect: Causes 320 to 470 points of true burning damage + 0.2% to 15% of maximum health to the enemy...

Tip: Mark of the Burning Sun can be stacked up to five layers (this is the full layer).

When the enemy is in full "Mark of the Sun" state: all your "ranged" elite units, attacking this enemy unit will inflict 320 points of true burning damage + 10% of the maximum health, and have a heavy healing and containment effect."

Even an extremely strong man would be unable to withstand the salvos of more than a thousand men and heavy cavalry.

Of course, if this ambush can find the knight commander, a heavily armored warrior, it will be basically safe. Unfortunately, although the knight commander is from our own camp, he cannot be found.

You can't find the Knight Commander, but you can find the diviner Peril. Although he is not an extremely powerful person, he can reach the top of the world in terms of divination methods and soul poison.

The problem right now is that the fortune teller Peril is not willing to join the team. You can't force her to find teammates, but you can do whatever you want.

At this moment, the communicator on the table rang. After picking it up, a female voice came from the other side, saying: "Don't send your men to me again, I won't help you deal with the extremely powerful."

"Ms. Perrier, the price I offered is not enough?"

Hearing Su Xiao's words, Peril on the opposite side sighed and said politely: "Lord White Night, this is not a matter of money."

"One hundred thousand Sodor."

Su Xiao offered a price of 100,000 gold coins. You must know that this is not a small amount. A fiefdom with abundant output has a total output value of tens of millions of gold coins a year. Furthermore, 100,000 orc gold coins can buy a lot of money.

Extraordinary resources, if these resources had not been notarized and could not be taken out of this world, and the Orc gold coins had hundreds of notarization restrictions, Su Xiao would not easily squander these Orc gold coins.

"Lord White Night, let me say it for the last time, I will not..."

"Ten million sodors."

As soon as Su Xiao said this, the communicator suddenly became quiet. After a few seconds, Peril sighed and said in a hoarse and helpless voice: "Lord White Night, please don't make fun of me."

"I rarely joke."

Su Xiao hung up the communication and summoned the spotted fox clan Piru, asking him to raise 10 million orc gold coins. Piru didn't ask what he wanted to do and went to make preparations as soon as possible. For Lin, who had already captured most of the "Crystal Forest"

In the Winter Fenland, these ten million gold coins can be easily taken out.

That afternoon, in front of the courtyard of a villa in Wucheng District, Yonghuan City.

A figure in formal attire and a mask rang the doorbell. After a moment, a servant opened the door. After thanking the visitor, he quickly walked inside. The servant stood there in confusion, as if he was affected by some ability.

, did not stop it.

The aroma of black tea makes people feel soothed. The fortune teller Perrier, wearing a black gauze dress, which looks like black mist, is enjoying afternoon tea. Her beautiful face makes it difficult to look away. However, at this moment

The fortune teller was frowning.

After learning about the exterminator from her father, Peril wanted to see what the cause and effect of an exterminator would look like, but the result was that the divination failed and she didn't see anything.


Peril is not an ignorant little girl. She will not approach someone out of curiosity. Her approach is to stay away from this destruction method as much as possible. She will stay away from anyone whose fate she cannot see through. This is how to be safe.

, sometimes things backfire.

When she heard the footsteps walking up the stairs, Peril frowned even more. She didn't predict this arrival, which meant that it was the person sent by the exterminator. This made her feel a little unhappy, even if the other person was a lord.

Nor should he send a visitor immediately after teasing her. This is too unreasonable.

"Ms. Perrier, this is your debit card from Yonghuan Bank. I sincerely apologize for disturbing you. I won't disturb your afternoon tea time. I'll say goodbye."

The visitor turned around and left without waiting for Peril's reply.

After a while, Peril put down the savings card in her hand. For a moment, she really thought that there were 10 million Sodos stored in it. After having this idea, she couldn't help but laugh, laughing at the absurdity of her idea.

, as a top fortune teller, she charges 5,000 sodors for one fortune telling, and she can only tell fortunes a few times a month, and she has more and more colleagues recently.

And most people who need divination don't actually need to find a top fortune teller. They usually divine the whereabouts of their relatives or the whereabouts of precious items. For this kind of divination, a divination level of hundreds of gold coins per time is enough.


Peril is already thirty years old, and it is really difficult for her to ask her father for money. In addition, she likes peace and quiet, and is even more tired of the power struggle of the orcs. In addition, if fortune tellers predict wealth, they can make money.

If so, the cause and effect will be paid back sooner or later. None of those fortune tellers who make money through fortune-telling, gambling, investment, etc. will end well.

The most terrible thing is that as the darling of the Grand Commander's family, when she chose to divine the price, she chose wealth. This made our Miss Peril always have poor wealth luck.

No one believes it. The top fortune teller, Perrier, currently lives in rented apartments. She originally had a winery given to her by her father. However, as the 'light' in the investment world, Miss Perrier quickly moved her home.

That vineyard 'gifted' to bank.

"Perhaps, it's enough to redeem the winery? No, Peril, you can't be linked to the law of destruction for tens of thousands of Soduo. It's not worth it, well, it's not worth it."

Peril gradually felt relieved, and she was ready to ask the old maid who had been following her to return the savings card.

At this moment, the old maid walked into the tea room and said: "Miss, the president of Yonghuan Bank is here to see you. He is already waiting outside."

"President? Don't you owe them a few hundred sodors? Why did the president come to visit you? Wait a minute."

Peril suddenly thought of something and looked at the dark gold savings card on the table.

When Perrier saw off the president of Yonghuan Bank and several investment assistants, she put down her savings card. In fact, money was really not enough to impress this most powerful fortune teller. The key was the pair of fortune-telling cards that were sent to her later.

This is made by the secret master, the chief disciple of the Dwarf King. It can be found but not sought. The key is that the wooden box containing the divination card reads:

‘Given to the world’s strongest fortune teller, Periel.’

In the lower corner are the marks of the Dwarf King, the Mystic Master, and several master craftsmen.

Peril picked up the savings card and gave it to the old maid on the side, saying: "Ahem~, go and pay back the several thousand sodors I owe to several banks, and then redeem the winery. You can keep tens of thousands for yourself."

Give it to your family, and give the rest to those who need it. Too much money will bring many unnecessary consequences."

"But Miss, with this money, you don't have to worry about money in the future..."


Peril responded nonchalantly, and the old maid on the side could only do as she was told. During the whole process, Peril didn't even look at the savings card again. Her white index finger was pressed against the wooden box of the divination cards. In the end, she

Pick up the contactor and select Dial.

Su Xiao put down the communicator in her hand, and the diviner, no, it should be the soul poisoner, successfully joined the team.

Everything is ready. The reason why the ambush is set up tomorrow is because Su Xiao is waiting for the demon spirit of the blade to finish devouring it. This time the demon spirit devoured more original energy of the abyss breeding creatures than the previous two times. After all, this is related to

The immortality of the coexistence of wolf gods and creatures in the abyss.

The devouring of the Blade Demon this time was different from the previous two times. It felt like the Blade Demon had awakened new abilities because its strength had exceeded a certain level.

At the moment, the Blade Demon is actually just an ability. The positions are interchanged. The others are Su Xiao's flexible use of the Blade Demon and are not considered the abilities of the Blade Demon.

The ability awakened this time reminded Su Xiao that when he fought against Ximan Archid before, the opponent had a double attack effect with one sword, which was a double judgment with one sword. However, in addition to the "position exchange", each annihilator had a double attack effect.

The magical abilities of Dharma are all different.

But one thing is the same. All demons only have one active ability, which is "position swapping." In addition, what the demons awaken must be passive demon abilities.

In addition to this matter, Su Xiao also entrusted the dwarf king to help him build a piece of equipment without attributes. After asking about the use, the dwarf king suggested that it is okay to build this type of equipment, but it is best to use one piece.

Equipment that has been around for a long time, as a fit, is strengthened and built with this as the core, so as to avoid the non-attribute equipment being created from being affected by the environment or other artifacts, resulting in adaptive capabilities.

Su Xiao finally decided to use the special equipment [Soul Lock Lamp] as the core carrier. This equipment used to match his natural ability, but as the natural ability Soul Eater has become more mature and stable, this equipment is no longer needed.


Finally, with the [Soul Lock Lamp] as the core and the boost of many rare materials, a non-characteristic origin-level equipment with a score of 2000 points was created. Originally, Su Xiao was going to prepare the materials by himself, but the Dwarf King refused.

, but after building this equipment, you will come to the Dwarf King to build it next time. Although there is no forging fee, you must be prepared for materials and other expenses.

Regarding the use of this equipment, it also involves the [Master of Destiny].

"Master of Destiny·Equipment Effect 4: Immortal Luck (Special·Passive), as the Shadow of Destruction, because you have held this equipment for a long time and have "The Name of the Strong" engraved on it, this equipment is different from yours.

The luck of destroying law has an inseparable resonance. If you are quietly attacked by the abilities of fate and causality, the luck counter effect will be triggered, and the incoming ability will be enhanced by 5 to 10 times with the luck of destroying law.

, and bounce back to the caster, who will face the following choices.

1. Forcefully endure this ability (high probability of death).

2. Pay resources equivalent to the current endurance strength × 3, in the form of money/resources, etc., to offset the consequences of the fate/karma ability you endure this time (the minimum estimate of the resources paid is 12,000 soul coins)

resources (the maximum depends on the upper limit of the ability). The resources paid in this way will appear within 2 meters of the equipment holder after a delay of 1 to 5 minutes.

Tip: Because of the special nature of the ability, you can use an origin-level non-characteristic equipment to transfer this ability from the Master of Destiny to this non-characteristic origin-level equipment. This will allow the non-characteristic origin-level equipment to inherit this ability, and it will

This ability brings a certain level of enhancement."

Although this ability is currently on [Destiny Master], it cannot be triggered. The reason is that it must be transferred to a non-characteristic origin-level equipment for this characteristic to take effect. After all, when this characteristic appeared, it was somewhat

There are some unexpected elements, and the overall ability and tendency are not particularly consistent with [Master of Destiny].

Su Xiao took out the [Master of Destiny] and placed it together with the upgraded [Soul Lock Lamp]. The transfer of the ability of "Immortal Luck" was easier than imagined. An hour later, the ability of the [Master of Destiny]

After returning to the original three types, the fluctuations of [Destiny Master] are now much more stable than before.

The [Soul Locking Lamp] ability has fluctuations in luck and cause and effect. If you encounter enemies of the cause and effect system in the future, this thing will definitely be very useful.

At this moment, the dragon-slaying flash placed on the table in front of him suddenly experienced strong fluctuations of the blade demon spirit, and then subsided. This meant that the blade demon spirit inside had reawakened and had a new ability.

This chapter has been completed!
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