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Chapter 6: Old Acquaintances

After the matter of going to the Watcher's Tower was settled, the next step was naturally how to get there. Right here, a light cough came.

"It seems we have a new plan."

Caesar did not know when he appeared, and he had already taken a seat at the round table. It was still so sudden, and before he spoke, he was completely unaware that he was here.

Caesar, Su Xiao, Sias, and Wood are all used to the sudden appearance. In other words, no matter what incredible things Caesar does, the three of them will not be surprised, because the upper limit for this has been set by Caesar a long time ago.

When the jar of the abyss is placed on the head, it rises to a very high level.

After telling Caesar about his plan to go to the Watcher's Tower, the guy just smiled evilly and seemed to have little interest. However, when he mentioned that there were at least a thousand soul crystal cores there, Caesar became determined.

Caesar's principle is that mosquito legs are also meat. As long as he can get the benefits, he will respond with absolute enthusiasm and concentration.

After discussing the details, the four of them set off and headed straight to the innermost area of ​​the lower city. They wandered around in the dark, damp narrow alleys and passed through an area with weird neon lights before arriving at Yusha's territory.

It is said that Yusha's territory is actually limited to this narrow alley and a two-story building. The real power in Xiacheng District is a force called the Scavengers. The reason why this force exists must be

Speaking of the structure of Sanctuary City, the lower city area is for the common people, the middle city area is for the Lightless Temple, and the upper city area is for the Lord of Eternal Darkness.

Because of these divisions, many conflicts broke out between the two sides when the Wuguang Temple in the middle city managed the civilians in the Lower City. This also led to the emergence of scavengers. They obeyed the Wuguang Temple to a certain extent and managed it in the form of gangs.

Residents of Xiacheng District.

What the scavengers do is basically shady business, skin and flesh trade, ineffective hallucinogens, shop protection fees, etc. Of course, they will also provide high-efficiency hallucinogens or other hedonistic services to the nobles in Midtown.


The so-called nobles in the middle city are actually the relatives of the members of the Wu Guang Temple. As long as they pass the assessment and become members of the Wu Guang Temple, then all their immediate relatives will become the nobles of the Sanctuary City.

Stopping in front of the heavy wooden door, Su Xiao knocked on the door. With a swipe, the hole in the middle of the door opened. Seeing this, he poured a bag of berries sent by Thorns into it. In the world of Yongguang, food is precious.

One problem is that although Su Xiao's storage space contains a lot of Xia's delicacies and compressed food, these things are basically useless in this world and cannot be taken out of the storage space.

This is because the world of eternal light is a world with incomplete basic rules. There are only extreme elemental powers left here, and there is no abyss energy as a balance. From another perspective, it is impossible for these things to exist in this world, unless these things have a reincarnation paradise.


Just thinking about it, it's impossible. It's just food. Why would you spend time and space to notarize it? Moreover, even if you go to the Dead City in the past, this problem has not occurred.

The good news is that at the low level, Su Xiao exchanged a large bag of grains at the Samsara Paradise for emergency needs, about 150 kilograms. Although these items exchanged from the Samsara Paradise did not cost many paradise coins at the beginning, they were worth a lot of money.

It comes with its own notarization, so the value of these 150 kilograms of grain in this world is definitely not low.

As for keeping these grains for your own consumption, there is no need for that. If Su Xiao is really hungry, it is okay to take out a bottle of recovery potion and drink it to absorb the pure life energy inside into the energy needed by the body, but it cannot be done often.

, there will be problems, plus it doesn’t give you the sense of security that comes with eating food.

After Su Xiao poured a small bag of berries into the hole in the door, the wooden door opened a small crack, revealing only one of Yousha's eyes that looked like smoky makeup. She said in a low tone: "You shouldn't bring strangers.

, let me see how many of you there are."

Through the crack in the door, I looked at Su Xiao, Wood, Sias, and Caesar standing together. Behind the door, Yusha's scalp was numb and her feet were a little weak. The sense of crisis at this moment had exceeded that of these guys.

He doesn't look like a good person anymore.

A small bag of berries was thrown from the crack of the door and was caught by Su Xiao with one hand. Immediately afterwards, Yusha was about to close the door. This cannot be blamed on Yusha. She is naturally sensitive. When she met the four 'good teammates', she felt in her heart

It's really scary.

Just when the door was about to close, a hand grabbed the edge of the door. It was Sias. Yusha inside the door was a bit angry and warned: "Let go."

"We are actually not bad people..."


A crossbow arrow was nailed to the wooden door, no more than 5 centimeters away from Sias's head. At such a close distance, of course it would not miss, but rather a warning, telling Sias to let go quickly. It can be said that he is a good teammate.

Sias has the best temper.

"I'm not good at archery. You have to aim first..."

With a snap, a crossbow arrow shot into the clothes on Sias' shoulder. He warned again. Seeing this, Sias smiled: "You have to aim first, and you must aim at this shot..."

Sias pointed to the center of his eyebrows. His calm tone and smile on his face put great psychological pressure on the crossbow-wielding boy inside the door, which later caused the crossbow to miss and trigger.


A crossbow arrow was nailed between Si Yas's eyebrows, which made Si Yas smile like an old father with relief. As for the situation inside the door, it had been a mess for a long time, and some people even shouted sorry.

After a while, Su Xiao, Wood, Sias, and Caesar stood on the teleportation array in the secret room. Su Xiao took out a bag of grain, about 2 kilograms, as the teleportation fee.

Su Xiao activated the teleportation array. This teleportation array was indeed special. Although it was soft and weak, it was extremely penetrating. He planned to use this teleportation array when leaving the asylum city. The reason was that he had experienced it several times and had the ability to record the teleportation array.

After the ceremony, he prepared to add this penetrability to the "Extermination Teleportation Array".

In this way, the "Extermination Teleportation Array" is both powerful and penetrating. In layman's terms, it is a critical hit and armor-piercing, which is very powerful.

Yusha, who was holding a bag of grains in both hands, looked at the empty teleportation array in front of her with complex eyes. She clearly judged that these four people were by no means good people, but these four people gave too much.

Tiecheng was sold and replaced with synthetic food, which was enough for her younger brothers and sisters to eat for at least a month.

In the dark and deep underground passage, Sias was walking at the front, Bubo Wang, Baha in the middle, Su Xiao, Amu, and Wood behind.

The reason why he came here was Sinyasi's intention. The reason was that the force he belonged to had been looking for the monarch's treasure. After discovering that it was in the world of eternal light, he naturally thought of many ways to come here. It is not difficult to enter the world of eternal light, but it is difficult to get out.

Bidentian, so before entering, you must obtain the space round-trip notarization of the Void Tree.

The forces in this world that Sias mentioned are of course not Sanctuary City, but a force hidden deep underground called Black Iron City.

Speaking of Black Iron City, we must first mention one of the major forces in this world, the God of Pain. This is a force from a long time ago. The principle of this force is to believe that pain can activate potential. To put it more bluntly, that is

The external environment stimulates its own adaptability, thereby producing corresponding evolution. Therefore, although this is a sect, it does not believe in any gods.

The original Pain Cult walked out of the shadows without any protection, exposed themselves to the light of daylight, and resisted the pain of the light of daylight. They wanted to rely on their firm willpower and strong external stimulation to

Daylight resistance is gradually born.

As a result, these members of the Cult of Pain succeeded and became ascetics, walking on the desolate land. Unfortunately, this achievement did not last long. The bodies of some of the Painers began to harden, or become metallized, and finally

Died from metal corrosion.

The willpower of the suffering people is generally relatively high. The suffering people walking in the wilderness later discovered a ruins, which were the ruins of the previous era. The ruins of a mechanical civilization when this world was still a transcendent and native world.

It was also this opportunity that changed the Cult of Pain.

The sufferers forged parts of their bodies out of metal, and used the forged metal bodies to replace their already metalized and dead body parts. In the end, they even replaced their hearts with mechanical organs. Even more extreme, even their hearts were replaced by mechanical organs.

Parts of the brain have been replaced by machines.

The Cult of Pain gradually perished, and the Black Iron City officially rose. The former Painers also called themselves Evolvers, with weak flesh and blood, and the momentum of mechanical ascension.

The current Black Iron City has become a force that even Sanctuary City will not take the initiative to provoke. The reason is that in the Black Iron City, there is a world-destroying existence that is as powerful as the Lord of Eternal Darkness, the Archbishop of the Abyss, etc. His name is Machine Manufacturing.


In fact, not all world-destroying existences have extreme malice towards living beings. The Machine Builder is a special case among special cases. It has no direct malice towards living beings. The reason why it is locked up in the world of eternal light has to be explained by one thing.

The combat machine that the machine builder built by himself was invincible in the world in which it was located. However, due to his aversion to going out, he did not know much about the situation in the outside world. Then a famous super-powerful exterminator went to that world to deal with the hole of the abyss. Both sides

There was a conflict due to a misunderstanding. The machine builder gave the destroyer a good beating, and then said: 'Disappear from my sight. I will wait for you to take revenge at any time. Remember to bring your friends with you.'

When the machine builder opened his eyes early the next morning, he found several men and women with "kind" expressions surrounding his mechanical bed trough, looking at it with "kindness" in their eyes.

Then several of the most powerful exterminators brought the machine builder to the world of eternal light, but they did not take action. Instead, they asked the machine builder to build all the monitor towers, and the matter was abandoned.

Later, the machine builder felt that this place was not bad, so he stayed there for the time being. It not only had the library of the extermination camp, but also all kinds of rare materials that could not be found outside. It was simply a paradise for creation.

By the time the machine builder recovered from his creation, many years had passed, and then he learned the bad news that the law-exterminating camp had perished, the moon wolves had also died, and the Eternal Light Monitors were even more confused.

A very serious problem occurred and the machine manufacturer could not get out.

The one currently supporting the Black Iron City is the Machinery Manufacturer. Although it is the only one here, it really cares about the Black Iron City. On the other hand, in the Wu Guang Temple, although there are four giants there, the four giants are more interested in Wu Guang.

The Divine Religion is used as a tool, so the Lightless Temple will not easily provoke the Black Iron City.

Walking in the dark underground passage, when they reached the deepest part, everyone found that this was an old platform. Sias put a special coin into the platform. After a sound of clicking gears, everything became quiet.

About a few minutes later, the roar of the train came from the tunnel.

With steam gushing out, a single-car train stopped. The front of the train looked like a living thing made of metal, a solid meridian tissue that spread to the carriages behind it.

The carriage opened and a group of people got on the train. Sias turned the disc at the coin slot and selected it on platform 15. Then, the number wheel on the coin slot machine clicked and turned, finally stopping at 50.

, meaning that if you want to go to your destination, you need 50 black iron coins.

After Sias invested 50 black iron coins, the door of the Raging Beast Train was closed, and then started. The speed continued to increase, and finally stabilized at several times the speed of sound. Not to mention other things, in terms of safety alone, this Raging Beast Train is quite good.

, if you travel on the surface, you may encounter powerful wild monsters even if you can ignore the daylight.

On the contrary, with the underground tunnels maintained by Black Iron City, there is no need to worry too much about this problem. It is not that there are no accidents, but there are relatively few. At least it is a hundred times safer than traveling on the surface.

You can enjoy this treatment with 50 black iron coins. The gold content of the black iron coins can be imagined. If you want to obtain this kind of currency, you can go to the black iron city to exchange for supplies. They can collect any supplies there.

Su Xiao took out the map given by Thornes. Before, he was wondering why there were dozens of beast head symbols on the map.

Now it seems that this is the result accumulated by Black Iron City for hundreds of years. These locations with the beast head logo are all train platforms. As long as you find the underground passage here, you will be very close to the train platform.


However, these beast trains can only reach extremely dangerous areas such as "wet salt area", "rain erosion area" and "barren desert" at most. No train platform dares to set foot in these areas.

The Raging Beast Train has no windows, and you can only hear the friction between the air and the outer wall of the carriage. Su Xiao closed his eyes and meditated. The next second, he exited the meditative state. Even though he was hundreds of meters underground, he could enter meditation.

After reaching this state, you can still feel the unbalanced elemental power of this world.

An hour later, when the Raging Beast train stopped and opened the door, a sense of dampness and coldness mixed with the air hit. Su Xiao asked Amu to stay in the train. The reason for this was to wait for the train to return to the main station on its own, that is, to return to the black iron station.


Eminem is responsible for going to the Black Iron City this time, exchanging some of the supplies in the team's storage space for black iron coins, and then taking the Raging Beast Train back. Even though Eminem is usually a bit naive, when he acts alone, he can't do anything about it.

Don’t be silly, the ability to fight against the herd is not just for show.

Not to mention, for the sake of safety, Su Xiao also summoned the irritable elf Diagu to join Eminem.

I don’t know why, when working with others, the grumpy elf Diagu always speaks sweetly. Even when facing Su Xiao, he is unruly. But when he acts alone with Eminem, the grumpy elf Diagu never

He didn't spit out sweet things, but spoke in a normal tone. It seemed that the grumpy elf Diagu had no habit of bullying the weak and fearing the strong when faced with the stupid honest cow.

"Leave it to me. Make an agreement in advance. I will help you work for the entire world. Even if your life is in danger during the period, I will bear it, but you will have to pay me 15... no, 10 ounces of space-time power!"

The grumpy elf Diagu demanded a high price, which shows how precious the power of time and space is in the Elf Kingdom. It is what can maintain their world tree. Don't look at the grumpy elf Diagu who looks like a rebellious boy.

Although he had earned the power of time and space, he always went to the World Tree in the Elf Kingdom in a low-key manner and used it to nourish the World Tree.

"When the world ends, I'll pay you 200 ounces."


The grumpy elf Diagu stared and his voice broke.


Su Xiao said nothing and walked out of the train.

"Boss, please walk slowly. Boss, be careful not to fall. Boss, you must be careful of the monsters in this world. Boss, please don't get stuck..."

In the blessing of the grumpy elf Diagu, the train door slammed shut. Before the train door closed, the grumpy elf Diagu felt something. If they met again later, his boss would have to beat him up.

In the station, Sias looked at the train moving away and said with a smile: "Bai Ye, your summoned creature can really talk."


Su Xiao walked towards the underground passage. This underground passage was different from the previous ones. It was completely made of iron-black metal structure, and there was a drainage network opening not far away.

The higher you go, the more humid the air becomes. In the end, when Su Xiao touches the air with his finger, a string of water droplets will appear in the air. When he reaches the exit of the underground passage, it is raining heavily outside.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the falling rain revealed a shimmering fluorescent purple color. A fresh and sweet smell spread out. If you accidentally inhaled it, you would immediately feel dizzy and fall down in the rain. Su Xiao came out of the storage space.

Take out the piece of metal ore and throw it into the rain curtain.


The metal ore was instantly evaporated by the poisonous rain. Seeing this scene, Sias put his right arm into the rain curtain. With the sound of erosion, his clothes became tattered, and the skin and flesh continued to fall off, until only the arm skeleton remained.

Sias moved only the skeleton's right hand and said: "The corrosive power is very strong, but you two should have some means to avoid it."



Su Xiao and Wood were not afraid of this level of poisonous rain erosion, while Bubuwang and Baha behind Su Xiao hid in the different space, and Baha turned the exit of the different space into a pitch-black ball.

The space ball, about the size of an apple, floated behind Su Xiao.

This is a newly developed ability by Baha. It opens up a movable alien space, but an exit must be left, otherwise it will be lost in the fog of space. Another point is that this exit, which is the space ball, must be attached to a

Friendly target.

This ability is very practical. For example, when encountering super cold areas, areas that reach absolute zero, Su Xiao, Bubu Wang, Baha, and Beini can enter this different space and attach the space ball to Eminem.

Amu is traveling in an environment of absolute zero, and it is not afraid of the extreme cold.

Bach named this ability the Space House, because that different space is fixed and has been stripped off by Bach alone. It is usually compressed to the limit and turned into a black and blue feather on its body. In this space house,

There are also sofa beds, etc., which are about 30 square meters in size and are basically movable rest areas.

Especially when exploring in dangerous areas, having such a rest house can help you rest better and avoid the desperate situation caused by physical exhaustion.

Su Xiao's blood energy was released, and a magical scene appeared. The falling poisonous rain seemed to be evaporated by blood flames. Before it fell on him, it was evaporated into purple mist and flew away. His abilities have never been fancy, but they are purely powerful.


Wood also walked into the poisonous rain. The strange thing is that he was not corroded by the poisonous rain even though he did nothing. But if you look closely, you will find that Wood is like a painting, composed of countless lines, and these lines are still there

Inconspicuous flickering.

This is entering one dimension. The poisonous rain falls in a three-dimensional space. Natural erosion cannot reduce Wood to one dimension. He is now just a single line, with only length and no width and height.

Sias also walked into the poisonous rain. He snapped his fingers. Before the poisonous rain fell on him, it would become very slow, and then reverse. The time system would become more difficult to deal with in the later stages, let alone

Sinyasi is an ancient god system that has defeated many ninth-level ancient gods, and by absorbing the original power of the ancient gods, it is not far from being extremely powerful.

Don't think that Sinyas returned to the Destruction Star just to accompany his wife and children. This guy is the purifier of his religious sect. Everyday he fights with ancient gods of the same order and eliminates dissidents for the one behind him.

Especially a long time ago, after Sias reached the eighth level, his force became more and more active, and his work became busier and busier. Sometimes he had to rush to work. Here, an ancient god who was hostile to his force had just been eradicated.

Then we have to find another one. The Destruction Star is the home of the ancient gods, and there are many ancient gods. In this way, Sias has been busy from the eighth level to the present.

As for Wood, his promotion speed is much slower, and he is still a long way from being extremely powerful. However, Wood has always been mainly based on weird abilities. If you are not careful, he will be two-dimensionalized by this guy. This method is really difficult.


In the poisonous rain, as Sias moved forward, the poisonous raindrops around him all reversed upwards. I saw this dog thief slightly raising his head and looking up at the sky, looking like an invincible coquettish guy who had reached the later stage of time.

The three of them all looked at Caesar. At some point, the jar of the abyss, which was originally just the size to cover Caesar's entire head, became much larger. Caesar squatted down and covered his body with the jar of the abyss, leaving only two feet and one calf exposed.

Walking forward with small, dense steps in the poisonous rain.

Looks funny? If you pay close attention, you will find that Caesar stepped barefoot into the poisonous rain puddle, but his feet did nothing, not even showing signs of being corroded.

There was no daylight here, and the sky was completely dark. The falling purple rain curtain made the scene in the distance very blurry. Looking into the distance, Su Xiao vaguely saw the black shadow of a tall tower in the distance.

Only black shadows could be seen, but the tower soared into the sky, so it must be a very majestic building.

Not only is this poisonous rain instantaneous when touched, it can also completely block perception, or in other words, perception cannot be released at all, otherwise the released perception will be infected by the poisonous rain, causing the poison to erode along the perception and into the body.

The four of them were walking in the poisonous rain. After about a few minutes, a rustling sound was heard. Su Xiao heard the sound and looked over, and a creature that was over six meters long and resembled a dog appeared in front.

This creature's skin is shiny and can avoid being eroded by poisonous rain. Its head becomes more tapered toward its mouth and nose, and there are half-meter-long tentacles on both sides of its long, pointed reverse nose.

These dozen tentacles are following the monster's nose, probing in the air. It seems that it is looking for prey by its sense of smell. In fact, it uses the tentacles on both sides of its reverse nose to capture the surrounding dynamics. This monster is named Alien Abnormality.

Demon Nelse, even though this is just a wild monster from the Rain Erosion Land, it also has a lot of background.

In other words, as long as the monsters that can be encountered are all well-known, they all stand out from a large number of creatures in this world or world-destroying creatures. Only those who are strong enough are qualified to continue to exist on the surface of the eternal light world, and more

Not to mention, the Eclipse Rain Land is one of the most dangerous areas in the Everlight World.

In response to the abnormal demon Nelse's induction, the rain curtain falling around him just blocked out a few figures. There is no doubt that these are intruders. No living beings have dared to come here for a long time. It is cracked all over the layers.

The sharp-toothed mouth exhaled cold white mist.

However, the abnormal demon Nelse did not pounce on the three enemies in front of him immediately. The reason was that these three preys all had their own dissatisfaction. Its brain was corroded by purple poison.

It paused for a moment, and it was difficult to make a choice for a while. In the end, it pounced on the most arrogant guy among the sensors.


As Sias spoke, his body began to transform into a large number of black and slender tentacles. At this moment, Caesar was beside him without knowing it.

I saw Caesar sticking out a hand from the bottom of the jar of the abyss. In this hand was a shoe that was making yellow smoke. He threw it away, and the abnormal demon Nelse rushed towards him with a big mouth.

The shoe flew directly into the mouth of the deformed demon Nelse, passed through his throat without any obstruction, and reached his stomach.

As soon as the deformed demon Nelse arrived in front of Sias and was about to bite him, it suddenly took a big step back, closed its large, pointed mouth, and then, as if burping, its lower abdomen expanded.


Then the abnormal demon Nelse suddenly fell down and struggled in the muddy water. Its two front paws reached into its mouth to dig out. As a result, it rolled over and rolled on the ground for a long time. In addition to vomiting filth all over the ground, it still didn't take out the piece.


The abnormal demon Nerse stood up quickly, no longer looking at the enemies around him, and ran desperately into the distance. When the abnormal demon Nerse ran far away, Su Xiao vaguely

You can also hear a howl coming from the rain curtain.

A few people continued to move forward, but before they had taken a few steps, a figure appeared in front of them. This being had a fair complexion and looked like a little boy with cracks on his face like ceramics. Its eyes were dark, and in the darkness, there were

The tiny white dots that are beating and turning are the world-destroying existences encountered in Fenghai Continent, the Dark Eaters.

Su Xiao didn't expect to meet an 'old acquaintance' so soon. Judging from the Dark Eater standing there opposite, he didn't expect to meet Su Xiao here either.

There is good news and bad news right now.

The good news is that the Dark Eaters have just arrived in the world of eternal light, and they still don’t know the lightless temple here and how to notify other world-destroying existences that the shadow of the annihilating law has come to this world.

The bad news is that the method of using 'good teammates' to improve survivability is ineffective at this moment. The Dark Eaters didn't even look at Sias and Wood. The eyes staring at Su Xiao said it all.


With a bang, it turned into black threads, forming a dark eater with fangs and huge mouths, and attacked Su Xiao. Because of its unique world-destroying characteristics, the surrounding space became extremely sticky, and the falling

The purple rain curtain has stopped. In terms of combat power alone, the Dark Eaters are at an extremely powerful level. The results of fighting with them can be imagined.

Not only did Su Xiao not draw his sword, he didn't even release the demon spirit. When he saw the Dark Eater, he actually opened his mouth, because the other party rushed directly towards him, and his voice happened to reach the other party's ears in the process.


"Want to go out?"

With these four simple words, the Dark Eater's killing action came to an abrupt halt. The fangs, which were more than 30 centimeters long, stopped 1 centimeter away from Su Xiao's eyebrows.

When he was in Fenghai Continent, Su Xiao discovered that this world-destroying-level being was not very smart. Not to mention other things, he would leave footprints wherever he stepped near the castle where he lived. This exposed his intelligence and risked his life.

There are black smoke-covered footprints, so you don't even have to guess, you already know who they belong to.

The Dark Eater returned to its normal form. It stared at Su Xiao fiercely, but it felt that what Su Xiao said made sense. If it killed this extinguisher here, it would really have no hope of leaving this world of eternal light.

Su Xiao looked at the Dark Eater with a smile on his face. Seeing him smiling, Sias and Wood were subconsciously alert, because they both knew Su Xiao and knew who Su Xiao smiled at, that was to make a big move.


Su Xiao said to the Dark Eater: "Remember carefully, in Fenghai Continent, it was I who took the initiative to provoke you first, or you who came to me first."

"Yes...I'll look for you first."

"Yes, that's why I teleported you here. It was out of necessity. Are you right?"


The Dark Eater immediately became vicious in appearance.

"That's my problem for now, but will it help you escape from the world of eternal light?"

Hearing this, the Dark Eater squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, then answered honestly: "No...no."

"The grudge between you and me is actually not that big. It's my problem that I locked you in. If I let you out again, wouldn't it be even? Are you right?"

"Yes...no! But...it seems...right, right?"

The Dark Eater was so angry that he scratched his head and became increasingly irritable.

Su Xiao pointed to the black shadow of the tower in the distance and said: "Did you see that tower in the distance? That is the exit of this world."

"You lied, the entrance to the tower cannot be opened at all."

The Dark Eater looked like he had seen through Su Xiao's lies and was ready to take action.

"what do you?"

Su Xiao lowered his head and looked at the Dark Eater. The Dark Eater pondered for a moment and said: "The spirit of destruction."

"What am I?"

"You are a hateful destroyer."

"So here, you are the prisoner and I am the manager."

Hearing Su Xiao's words, the Dark Eater was a little unhappy, but it was regarded as acquiescence.

"Then let me ask you, can the prisoner open the exit, or can the manager open it?"

"Of course I'm a manager. Do you think I'm stupid?"

The Dark Eater's eyes began to look evil again.

"So, as a prisoner, of course you cannot open the entrance to that high tower. From another perspective, it also means that it is the exit of this world. You see, how sincere I am."

After Su Xiao's deception, the Dark Eater's eyes were still fierce, but his murderous intent was reduced by more than 90%.

"What guarantee do you...have?"

"I guarantee it in the name of destroying the law."

After Su Xiao said this, he stopped talking and let the Dark Eater think slowly. The Dark Eater thought for a while and felt that this was indeed the case.

Sias and Wood, who witnessed all this, were sure that this had been deceived into a super thug +1.

This chapter has been completed!
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