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Chapter 35: Accidents

A drop of blood slid smoothly along the blade, dripping from the tip onto Emily's collarbone. She looked directly into Su Xiao's eyes, trying to impress the hunter opposite her with her sincere eyes.

"I know that a person as powerful as you no longer values ​​extraneous things like wealth..."

"make a deal."


The second half of Emily's compliment was choked back by the word "deal", which made her unavoidably uneasy, wondering whether the hunter would still kill her after receiving the soul coin.

The long knife in Su Xiao's hand was sheathed. He clenched the translucent soul body in his left hand. With a snap, the soul body ignited and shattered, turning into soul embers and scattering. He used some of the soul embers on his index finger to paint on the wall.

A simple spell was outlined on the screen, and then the circular spell turned into a black hole the size of a fist, and a mini pterosaur-like creature flew out of it.

This creature is small in size, with a tail like a hanging hook, a mouth full of sharp teeth for biting, and a head with dense eyes. There are at least a dozen of them crowded together.

This is a dark creature, or a secondary abyssal creature. The younger brother among many abyssal creatures is called Dark Devourer. They do not have strong combat power, but the bite force of their jaws is extremely terrifying. Some abyssal creatures died.

The aura it emits will attract Dark Devourers, who will eat up the dead abyssal creatures.

Before being promoted to the ultimate power, Su Xiao would not try to attract abyssal creatures like this, but after experiencing the Wind Sea Continent, the Everlight World, and the Witch World, he gradually discovered that as a law destroyer, it was impossible to completely avoid the abyss.

Instead, he must try to understand. Only in this way can risks be better avoided. Of course, you cannot directly absorb the power of the abyss. You must maintain it. He has seen many strong men who gained strength after absorbing the power of the abyss, but ended miserably.


After the Devouring Darks emerged from the black hole, they did not attack Su Xiao. They sniffed and flew towards the corpse lying on the ground. After a while, all the blood in the guest room was swallowed up, and the Devouring Darks one by one

After there was nothing left to swallow, they all flew back into the black round hole on the wall. As Su Xiao terminated the spell, the black hole disappeared.

Emily witnessed all this. She looked around at the clean confrontation scene and swallowed. As a ninth-level contractor, she would certainly not be afraid of this level of killing, but was horrified by this level of killing.

Skilled in destroying corpses and eliminating traces.

Su Xiao sat down on the single sofa and pointed to the seat opposite the coffee table. Emily immediately stepped forward and sat down. Soon, a parchment contract was placed in front of her. After she picked up the contract and checked it, she was stunned for a moment.

, because there is only one restriction in this contract: "She cannot take revenge in this world."

Emily hesitated for a moment and chose to sign the contract. Then she saw an unforgettable scene. There is an upper limit on the number of contracts that each contractor can sign. Once it is full, the signed contract must be canceled first.

Sign a new contract.

The upper limit of the number of contracts is related to the amount of fortune. At present, Emily received a prompt that her contract slot was full. At first, she did not react. When she opened the contract slot, she saw a dazzling array of things inside.

After a thousand contracts, she fell into confusion.

"You..., I..., this~"

Emily didn't know what to say for a moment. Seeing this, Su Xiao frowned a little. The "split" contract he deployed should be no problem. After actually using it, the target seemed to have a great reaction. It depends on the other party's reaction.

The look on his face clearly showed that something was wrong with the contract.

After Su Xiao's friendly inquiry, Emily told the truth. The flaw in the "schizoid" contract was actually the upper limit on the number of contracts signed. This was something Su Xiao didn't expect. He checked his upper limit in this regard and saw that the contract was signed.

The upper limit is:???.

The upper limit of the number of contracts signed is related to luck. With the fortune of destroying law, it is not surprising that Su Xiao has such a number of contracts that can be signed. However, today's situation made him sure that although the "Split Contract" can allow the target to sign thousands of contracts at a time

There are two contracts, but in terms of effect, multi-layer contracts are better. Assuming that the upper limit of binding power of each contract of "Split Contract" is 5, then each layer of "Multi-layer Contract" is about 100.

After finding out that there is an upper limit for the contract signed by everyone, it is obvious that the development limit of "multi-layer contract" is higher. Thinking of this, Su Xiao decided to continue to develop "multi-layer contract" and strive to break through the 50-layer limit of a single contract.


[Tip: Contractor No. 15***82 requests to trade with you.]

[You get a 200,000 soul coin savings card.]

A crystal soul coin savings card appeared in Su Xiao's hand, and the translucent blue crystals spread under his feet, forming a teleportation array and then activated.


Emily was affected by the impact of the teleportation, and her hair was blown up by the strong wind. When everything calmed down, she looked at the cracked ground and the holes that penetrated the four or five-story ceilings above. She was a little stunned for a while, and subconsciously thought

Yes, is this really teleportation?

When everything calmed down, Emily sat back on the single sofa and breathed a long sigh of relief. But then, she showed anger and asked: "Fanny! What the hell idea did you come up with? You asked me to summon people to go there."

Did the three-person team that robbed them already know their identities?"

"Oh ho? You're still alive, congratulations, congratulations, hahahaha~"

A particularly sinister voice came from the air. Upon hearing these words, the buttons on the neckline of Emily's long dress snapped. Her figure improved at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the muscle lines on her body became more and more obvious.

, from a cute psychic girl with a height of 1.5 meters and a delicate body, to a muscular woman with a height of 3.5 meters. She is indeed a psychic girl, but she nourishes the body through the power of the soul, from the inside out.


Emily's favorite routine is to first pretend to be a delicate and frail telepathic telepath, then when the enemy rushes over, she will transform instantly, pinch the opponent's neck with one hand, and use a "little brother, what's wrong with you"

' Look down at the enemy.

As for meeting Su Xiao this time, why didn't Emily transform? Is she crazy? She transformed to give the terrifying hunter a better cutting touch? After seeing the hunter drag the soul of Silver Star alive,

When he came out and used some unknown power to check the other party's soul memory, Emily's scalp was numb. The sense of déjà vu of the evil camp and the villain's boss was too strong.

"Calm down, calm down~, don't forget who taught you how to survive this disaster."

An unknown being named Fanny spoke.

"How do you know that this hunter won't kill anyone after receiving soul coins?"

Fanny asked about the doubts in her heart. When she was about to be killed with a knife, she relied on Fanny's prompts to shout out the words 200,000 soul coins + sign the contract.

"I guessed."


Emily was even more angry.

"Don't be angry. Have you forgotten that you were a contractor who couldn't even get past the 50-point attribute barrier? Who helped you get to where you are today? Everyone has a different fate. The fate line is both fixed and full of unknowns.


Speaking of this, Fanny paused for a moment, and then continued with emotion: "If you muddle along, your fate will continue according to the predetermined track, but if you suddenly commit suicide and commit suicide repeatedly, your fate will be full of uncertainty."

The possibilities are endless. I asked you to go from a low-level contractor who could only sign 10 contracts and should have died at the second level to a high-level contractor at the ninth level today who can sign thousands of contracts. What else do you have?

Something to complain about?”

After hearing what Fanny said, Emily's anger disappeared. Whenever there was a conflict between the two parties, it was like this every time, and the other party would make her lose her temper with just a few words.

There were ripples in the air, and an elf appeared. Different from the ordinary elf's dress, this one was wearing a black gothic dress, with dark purple eyeshadow, and her eyebrows gave off an unfriendly feeling, as if she would be punished if she was offended.

Her mouth was filled with fragrance.

Don't underestimate this little elf. She is the fifth princess of the Kingdom of Elf. The Kingdom of Elf is a force that relies on the Soul Library. It is an exaggeration to say that no one dares to provoke her. But as long as the enemies are not extreme, there is nothing in the void or the world.

The big forces will take action against the Kingdom of Elves.

It is worth mentioning that the elf princess Fanny is the younger sister of the grumpy elf Diagu. The relationship between the two parties is hard to explain. They both secretly care about their relatives, but after meeting, they expose each other's scars at the slightest disagreement, and then they become unhappy.

And disperse.

"So, are you arranging this to give me a stronger destiny this time?"

Emily asked the doubts in her heart.

"Um~, let's just say... that's right."

Elf Princess Fanny smiled awkwardly but elegantly, but Emily couldn't calm down. The corners of her eyes twitched. She breathed a long sigh to calm down and asked: "What should I do next? I signed the contract."

Thousands of contracts.”

"It's not a big problem. My third brother, who is a grudge, knows the most powerful contract master in the void, the trickster Wobo Wood. My brother mentioned it to me once before. He seems to know another contract master. Who is it specifically?

He didn't want to tell me, so he just called him "sir." In short, you finish the task quickly, and then I will take you to the void. I can feel that you are gradually getting involved in very interesting events, and you have to keep working hard."

Elf Princess Fanny became more and more excited as she talked. After hearing this, Emily sighed and asked, "How can I work hard?"

Hearing this, Elf Princess Fanny smiled a little unscrupulously, and said: "Of course you will continue to work hard to commit suicide."

The smile on Elf Princess Fanny's face was not to mention how happy she was. She looked at the traces left by the "Spell Extinguishing Teleportation Array" on the ground, and there was inexplicable excitement in her eyes. She finally saw the "Chosen One" of the Void Era.

Although the other party is not the only one.

In the guest room of the luxury cruise ship, Su Xiao sat cross-legged on the "Extermination Teleportation Array" made of crystals. This is the latest version of the "Extermination Teleportation Array" he developed. It is no longer driven by the soul crystal core, but uses body energy to construct the teleportation array.

Array, this has many advantages, including low cost, a longer maximum distance that can be teleported in a single time, more people that can be teleported in a single time, and stronger transmission penetration and destructive power.

The reason for this is that the pure soul energy of the soul crystal core is actually not very compatible with the "Extermination Teleportation Array". Pure soul energy is an energy with a universal effect. On the contrary, Su Xiao's body energy is not consistent with the "Extermination Teleportation Array" he developed.

"Destruction Teleportation Array" is 100% fit.

Su Xiao's mana is now 110,279, and forming a "magic-extinguishing teleportation array" will consume about 5,000 to 10,000 mana, depending on the distance and the number of people being teleported.

Just using physical energy is not enough. Every time he forms a "Destruction Teleportation Array", 10% of his soul energy is consumed. With his 895 points of soul strength, the total amount of soul energy is very large. This is why he can do it by himself alone.

What constitutes the "Magic Extinguishing Teleportation Array" is that the "Magic Extinguishing Teleportation Array" can be used up to ten times a day, which is more than enough.

After meditating for a moment, Su Xiao received news from Mo Lei that 94 pieces of "Moon Stone" had been found at the location he provided, and they were ready to continue mining, striving to get the "Moon Stone" vein before the progress of this world ended.


When the early sun gradually rose in the sky, Su Xiao heard the whistle of the cruise ship again. He opened his eyes and ended his meditation. The stunning scenery outside the window came into view. It was a magnificent city, moving towards the center.

The buildings get taller and taller, until there is a thousand-meter-high spire building in the center.

This spectacular scene is just the bottom city of Sky City. If you look up, you will find a giant island floating in mid-air. The architectural style above is similar to that of the bottom city, but more massive and gorgeous. This is Sky City·

In the middle city, if you continue to look up, you will see the clouds forming a huge whirlpool in the sky. Below this is the top city of Sky City.

The clouds and mist lingering between the bottom city, the middle city, and the top city, coupled with the rising sun, and the representative landscape in the distance, the wizard's giant tower that was used to suppress the abyss passage, this scene is very shocking.

"Is this Sky City?"

Alanna stood in front of the window, looking up at Sky City and Ding City. Hearing her words, Baha was shocked and asked: "You have never been to Sky City?"

"I haven't been here before. What's so surprising? Celine hasn't been here either."

"I've been here before. Well, okay, I haven't been to Dingcheng. I can't get in."

Serin shrugged while eating breakfast, the displeasure in her eyes undisguised.

As core members of the wizard camp and one of the heirs of the Moon Witch, Alana and Serin have never been to the top city of Sky City. It can be imagined how serious the situation in Sky City has become.

Su Xiao came to Sky City this time, and the situation was rather strange. Moon Witch Cecilis personally ordered Su Xiao to come to Sky City to thoroughly investigate the conspiracy of the Dark God Religion. The Lord of Sky City and the three "Parliament Elders" had only two choices, or

Be patient, or fall out with the Moon Witch directly.

In Su Xiao's view, Moon Witch's method was not fast enough, so he chose to temporarily borrow three extremely powerful brothers from the great nobleman Xio, and let these three brothers assassinate a senior executive of Sky City. Regardless of whether they succeeded or not,

It can make Sky City, which has been arrogant for a long time, angry and completely muddy the water.

According to the information from the Selin family, one of the powerful enemies this time, the Ancient King, is probably sleeping in the top city of Sky City. The Ancient King is one of the oldest members of the "Star Tower", and he possesses "

"Dark Blood·Power" is the strongest among the five dark bloods. Another point is that now Sha is also in the top city of Sky City.

In addition, the plans of the priest, the platinum apostle, and the archbishop of the abyss are likely to end in Sky City and Top City, so they must turn this place into a puddle of muddy water before the situation collapses, thereby delaying the plans of many parties.

Su Xiao, Bu Bu Wang, Amu, Baha, Alanna, and Serin got off the ship together with the passengers, and took the steam train to the teleportation platform of Sky City. They wanted to go to the Central City above. This is the fastest


When Su Xiao arrived at the teleportation platform, he found several wizards mixed in the crowd. The auras of these people were strong and violent. Thinking of it, this was the "crazy sequence" after the malignant transformation. He turned his head and looked at one of them. After a moment,

, the other party looked away.

When he first entered this world, Su Xiao learned about the "malignant transformation" of wizards through the world introduction. Now it seems that these wizards in Sky City have been able to alleviate the madness after malignant transformation to a certain extent. No wonder the wizards here have such a probability of malignant transformation.

It's so high that I feel confident.

After a brief sense of teleportation, Su Xiao arrived at the teleportation platform in the middle city. He moved to the teleportation platform heading to the top city. The old wizard guarding here said nothing and just activated the teleportation platform. This also meant that

The Lord of the Sky City chose to be soft on the Moon Witch appropriately.

When the surrounding teleportation fog dissipated, Su Xiao arrived at Sky City and Dingcheng. A faint roar came from the sky, which was the sound of the slow stirring of the vortex of clouds above. After leaving the teleportation tower, he stood at a high place and looked at Dingcheng.

The architectural style is not gorgeous, but has a sense of history and heaviness and antiquity.

Some buildings made of gray-white rocks have traces of weathering. From the fine relief marks on them, you can still see the pride of the craftsmen when they built this place. Yes, they are helping the wizards who saved the world to build the main city, and of course they are full of pride.

Unfortunately, Sky City has been ruined, and the wizards who once saved the world are no longer there. Their descendants and successors of power have become addicted to the power brought by the evil transformation.

Su Xiao raised his head and looked up at the sky. He found that there was a bit of darkness in the center of the whirlpool of clouds and mist in the sky. Even if they were far apart, he could sense that a powerful enemy was about to awaken. The opponent was definitely not the Dark Twins or the level of a madman.

An enemy, but a powerful enemy that requires him to use all means and fight with his life.

At this moment, in a place shrouded in darkness, a burly figure sat on a dilapidated and dilapidated throne. A two-handed sword filled with darkness was inserted in front of him. The figure wearing a crown opened his eyes, and he also

I sensed that my enemy has arrived at Sky City.

Dingcheng Central Park, at the viewing point on the north side, three powerful brothers dressed in black, black hats, and black shoes are sitting on a bench, waiting for their target. According to the information given by their employer, the target will definitely come.

Next to the fountain pool a few hundred meters ahead, come and meet a "Crazy Sequence" wizard.


The third child took a deep breath, sniffed and asked, "Brother, how long will it take for the target to arrive?"


The boss covered his head with one hand and rubbed his temples with his thumb. His headaches became more and more frequent.

At this moment, at the entrance of the Central Park, a Sky City female executive with short silver hair and sunglasses walked into the park. Although she was in her own territory, she still chose to wear a pair of masks to cover nearly half of her body.

She wore sunglasses on her face and looked at the time. There were still twenty minutes left before her date would show up.

Almost at the same time, a serious and sharp old lady walked into the park. It was Mrs. Silver. As for why this big shot of the witch guild appeared here, there are two reasons. Mrs. Silver is the most powerful person of the moon witch Cecilis.

She is one of the most trusted people, and she does not hold any positional power, but can represent the interests of all wizard families. It is most appropriate for her to come to Sky City on behalf of the Moon Witch. The Moon Witch is very worried that Su Xiao will fight directly with the Lord of the Sky City.


Mrs. Yin came to avoid conflicts, but just half an hour ago, she received a secret order from the Moon Witch. The magic extinguisher Bai Ye actually borrowed three extremely powerful killers from the ancient royal city to assassinate a Sky

The upper floors of the city.

After hearing the news, Mrs. Yin's eyes twitched fiercely. She had long expected the violence of this law destroyer, but she did not expect it to be so ferocious and direct. This was no longer a conflict with the Lord of Sky City, but

I want to give the Lord of Sky City a big slap in the face.

Mrs. Yin soon learned who the three extremely powerful killers were. Seeing these three people, the corners of Mrs. Yin's eyes twitched again. It was on the moonless assassination night ten years ago that these three stupid killers

Mistaking the target almost caused Mrs. Yin to die that night. The horrific scars on Mrs. Yin's right arm are all thanks to the three killer brothers.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Yin quickened her pace. When she passed the main entrance of the park, she saw the senior Sky City executive wearing sunglasses from the corner of her eye. The other person also noticed Mrs. Yin, but it was not important. Mrs. Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

, finally caught up and stopped it, and the next step was to tell those three idiots to get out immediately.

These three people are long-term employees of the great nobleman Xio. To a certain extent, they can also be regarded as members of the wizard camp. Mrs. Silver naturally has a way to make these three brothers retreat.

At this moment, at the viewing area on the north side, the second killer breathed out of boredom. He squinted his eyes, tried hard to squeeze out some vision, and scanned the passers-by, repeating the characteristics of the target in his mind: female high-level, white-haired, old.

(The real information is: female senior executive, silver-haired, middle-aged. Due to the poor eyesight of her second child, she cannot distinguish between silver-haired and white-haired).

As the second child swept his eyes, he suddenly saw what seemed to be a white-haired old lady with a unique temperament walking towards her. Except that there was no one around to protect her, this person met all the conditions for a target. Then he thought about it, having a target to protect her.

, he figured it out on his own, his eyes narrowed, and there was an uncontrollable smile on his face, this is the goal!

"Brother, third brother, the target has appeared, go ahead!"

The second brother shouted in a low voice, and the three brothers cooperated with each other in a tacit understanding. They drew out the guardless daggers at their waists and charged at Mrs. Yin.

"You three..."

As soon as Mrs. Yin spoke her words, she held them back, not because she thought about it, but because the three stupid killers were rushing towards her. This scene suddenly reminded her of the scene of the moonless assassination night, and the attacking gazes of the three brothers.

, simply a perfect reproduction.

Mrs. Yin turned around and ran away without hesitation. Let's put aside the demeanor of the senior leaders of the wizard camp and the temperament of the old lady for a moment. She knew very well how ruthless these three idiots were.

At this moment, on the roof of a high building on the south side of the park, Baha was flying slowly, overlooking the movements of the three killer brothers. When he saw the three killer brothers taking action, he immediately locked the target. When he looked carefully, he exclaimed, "Hey!"

Fly towards Su Xiao who is standing on the top of the building.

"Boss, something bad is going on. The three killer brothers are chasing Mrs. Yin."


Su Xiao frowned in confusion, but then thought that Mrs. Yin must have received an order from the moon witch Cecilis to restrain herself and the Sky City Lord to prevent him from fighting with the Sky City Lord.

But why did the three killer brothers pursue Mrs. Yin? These three brothers are a bit naive, but they are very dedicated. They should not seek personal revenge during the assassination...

Suddenly, Su Xiao thought of the possibility that these three 'top killers' might have mistakenly identified Mrs. Yin as the senior female executive of Sky City. Even though the age difference between the two is more than 150 years, the three killer brothers have the same identity.

Could have done this.

"Baha, you go."

Su Xiao sent Baha to stop her. Mrs. Yin couldn't let anything happen here. She was one of her own. If Su Xiao really fought against the Lord of Sky City, Mrs. Yin would definitely be on his side.

At this moment, in a mansion in a manor on the west side of Dingcheng, the study on the third floor is very simple. The Lord of Sky City is sitting behind the wooden table, seeming to be checking the approval documents, but actually thinking about the purpose of Su Xiao's visit this time.

, there was a rapid knock on the door, and the Sky City Lord's confidant quickly walked into the study.

"Sir, there is something that I think should be reported to you immediately."


"The three killer brothers under Xio, the great nobleman of the ancient royal city, are chasing Mrs. Silver of the Witch Guild in Central Park. The magic extinguisher Bai Ye happened to be watching nearby."


Behind the heavy wooden table, the Lord of Sky City crossed his fingers and frowned. This sudden confusing situation made him fall into unsolvable confusion, because the ancient royal city, the great noble Xio, the witch guild, Mrs. Silver, and the magic destroyer, Bai Ye

, Aren't these three people working together? How could they... fight in such a wonderful way?

Not to mention that the Sky City Lord was confused, the priests, Platinum Apostles, and Archbishop of the Abyss who were preparing to take action in the dark all chose to wait and see for the time being, because this unfolding was so wonderful, so wonderful that no one knew what would happen next moment, not even as a

Su Xiao, who is the initiator of all this, actually doesn’t know.

This chapter has been completed!
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