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Chapter 3816 Return

A heavy rain poured down outside the Temple of the Moon, and the moon witch Cecilis stood outside the temple. There was a sealing spell, and she could not set foot here for the time being.

"I went to look for Xiao Xiao, but unfortunately, she went to the land of the Black Abyss. There was a very troublesome guy there, and I had an old grudge with him.

Cecilis stood in the rain, but her clothes were not wet by the rain. She took out a wooden barrel about 20 cm long and 5 cm thick and asked:

"Bai Ye, is the grudge between you and Xiao limited to the Hunter Guild's bounty?"


"Then this is a better solution.

Cecilis threw out the wooden bucket in her hand. After remaining silent for a few seconds, she took out a crystal potion bottle and drank the black liquid inside. After a moment, she suddenly staggered and tried to hold on to half of the bottle.

Only when the door was opened could I barely stand firm.

"This doesn't feel too bad."

Cecilis opened her eyes again and looked at Su Xiao with dark eyes. She walked into the Temple of the Moon. The ban in the temple was opened for a moment, and then gradually subsided. The temple needs a core, and the temple must also have a core.


Cecilis's pace became more and more slow and difficult. When she was about to pass by Su Xiao, she covered her mouth with one hand and coughed repeatedly. The dark blood disappeared between her fingers. She grabbed Su Xiao's hand with her other hand.

Clothes barely allowed me to stand firm.

"I lost my temper."

Cecilis continued to move forward, towards the large stone seat at the innermost side of the hall. Su Xiao turned her head and glanced at the Moon Witch. The Boo-Boo-Wang next to him made a soft sound, meaning to help Secilis.

Hillis looked at her, but Su Xiao raised her hand to stop her. This new king of the transcendent realm should walk towards the throne that belongs to her.

After leaving little bits of dark blood along the way, Cecilis finally arrived in front of the Moon Throne. Darkness spread behind the throne, and evil incarnations of different shapes walked out of the darkness. Some evil incarnations were male, and some were female.

Some of them were still in animal form. They all knelt down on one knee around the Moon Throne, raised one hand, and surrounded Cecilis to sit on the Moon Throne.

The largest giant, located behind the throne, transformed into evil. It respectfully held a crown of moonlight with its index fingers and thumbs of both hands, and put the moon crown on Cecilis's head in awe.

This caused the evil avatars in the inner area of ​​the main hall to not only kneel on one knee, but also lower their heads. The evil spread to the Moon Throne. In a short period of time, the darkness on the walls of the Moon Temple faded away, and all of them were absorbed into "

"Inside the Throne of the Moon".

Sitting on it, Cecilis's hair became pitch black and grew a lot longer. It was scattered on the throne. She raised one hand and pointed at the door of the temple, meaning to ask Su Xiao to leave this place. Something bad was about to happen.

It's going to spread here.

Cecilis is qualified to become the core of the Moon Temple, but the price she pays is huge, and only she knows it.

At this moment, the Moon Throne under Cecilis has changed from the rock white just now to pitch black from the middle down, and the upper half is still stone white. This means that the capacity of the Moon Temple has reached half, and it can still accommodate malignant events.

Energy, or more specifically, Cecilis will once again bring long-term prosperity to the witch world.

If we say that the time from the successful resistance to the Abyss to the present is the era of the first-generation Moon Witch Tita Peia, then from now to the future, the witch world will be the era of the Bright Moon Witch Cecilis. However, knowing this

There will be very few people, just like the first generation moon witch - Tita Peia.

Su Xiao pulled out the black knife entangled on the ground - the Starving Wolf. This weapon was naturally notarized. He could bring it back to the Paradise of Reincarnation. He could even use this weapon. As for it being too huge, there was no problem.

Large, nearly half of the legendary weapons have adaptive conversion.

When Su Xiao put away the Black Saber and the Starving Wolf, Baha put away both his arms and one of his wings using a life-support device. The process was quite skillful.

When Su Xiao left the Temple of the Moon, the heavy rain outside the temple had stopped. He stood on the water and looked at the temple door that was gradually closing. Through the door gap several meters wide, he saw that the temple had been darkened.

Shrouded in fog, the only thing that can be seen is the shape of the moonlight reflected by the moon crown on Cecilis's head.

Seeing the silver shape of the moon with sharp corners, he suddenly remembered that when he was riding the Storm Flame Dragon and flying over Moon Ring City a few days ago, he saw that the silver dome on top of the headquarters of the Night Bewitching Witches Guild had this shape.

It's just magnified many times.

The "Star Disk" flew down from the door leaf and was caught by Su Xiao with one hand. On each of the five symmetrical star nodes of the disk, there is a "Dark Star", and each "Dark Star" is a copy.

Dark blood.


The "Star Disk" in his hand reversed, and the water under Su Xiao's feet formed a lifting platform, dragging him, Bubu Wang, Amu, and Baha down.

A few hours later, at the ruins of Sky City, after being washed away by many heavy rains, the ruins of buildings here turned gray-white. Su Xiao sat on a stone seat. It was a strange coincidence that this was the stone seat of the ancient king.

It was originally standing in the center of the ancient sacrificial site. After Su Xiao and the ancient king destroyed the ancient sacrificial site, this stone seat fell down, smashed through a floating island in the middle city, and landed here.

If someone else was sitting cross-legged on it in such a casual posture, it would be a bit disrespectful to the ancient king. Su Xiao was different. He was a life-or-death opponent of the ancient king.

"Growing up, no matter what the three of us did, she was always first, Wormodes was second, and I was always lagging behind, losing to both of them."

Guild President Boyen appeared at some point, sitting on a tall fallen stone statue, and the Wormodes he spoke of was the Lord of Sky City who died at the hands of the priest, the Platinum Apostle, and the Archbishop of the Abyss.


Su Xiao didn't say anything, but just threw the "Star Disk" to Po Yeen. After Po Yeen finished, he nodded clearly and said:

"Actually, it is best for me to be the core, and Cecilis can continue to take charge of the overall situation. Unfortunately, those who have not reached the limit are not qualified.

As Boyen spoke, he raised his hand to take the bottle of elemental wine thrown by Su Xiao, uncorked the bottle, took a big sip, exhaled the alcohol, and continued:

"You will definitely deal with the Arcane Eternal Star in the future. If Cecilis is still in control of the witch world, then we must be your solid allies. Now it's Selinga and the Wrongful Moon Witch. Well, you guys are actually the same age.

, I can’t help but regard you as my same age, but for a guy like you who experiences life and death as easily as eating, there’s nothing wrong with treating you as my same age.

Payen's words can be said to be from the bottom of his heart. The current situation in the witch world is not optimistic. Although the most dangerous malignant invasion has been resolved, the probability of malignant transformation among wizards in this world has plummeted from 70% to 80% to less than 1.5%.

%, but now there is still a formidable enemy.

The witch world has been the trade center of all worlds for so many years. It does not bully the weak forces and makes friends with the powerful forces. Although it is extremely rich, there are indeed many strong people. Although the witch world does not have the strongest top-level strong people now, it is absolutely strong.

There are many super powerful people. Any force that wants to attack the witch world must be prepared to pay a heavy price. Not to mention other things, the fighting wizards who choose to hide from the beginning to the end are the most powerful force in the witch world.

, as long as those snoopers don't know the details of these combat wizards, they won't dare to take action.

For so many years, combat wizards have been troubled by the high probability of malignant transformation. Their probability of malignant transformation is 5 to 7 times that of ordinary wizards. Now that the problem of high probability of malignant transformation is solved, combat wizards will further grow.

Even so, the threat from the mortal enemy of the Destruction Star was quite dangerous, but Cecilis made some preparations. First, she purchased many high-rare resources needed by the ancient gods through the Earth Chamber of Commerce, and asked several confidants to

Secretly send these resources to the Death Star and to the Night Mother.

This exaggerated amount of resources has further enhanced the strength of Night Mother, almost reaching the level of Hades. In addition, this wealth has also given the Dark Night camp under Night Mother's Temple the confidence, which has led to the destruction of the Destroyed Star.

The situation has changed drastically. From the Night Mother's faint threat to the status of Hades, it has developed into a preliminary confrontation between the Hades Temple and the Night camp. If the two sides had not restrained each other, they might have completely fought.

As a result, the Temple of Hades will not be able to attack the witch world, and problems have arisen in the home base of the Death Star. Of course, it is more important to deal with the closest enemies first, who know the Temple of Hades best.

In this case, after Serin becomes the Moon Witch, there is basically no risk from foreign enemies. As for whether she can secure this position, then rely on her massive resources to become the most powerful, and use strong enough means to suppress the dignitaries of the ancient royal city.

And each wizard family, it all depends on her personal abilities.

Because Selin is still young, Cecilis left Mrs. Silver and the old president to assist her, plus the most powerful president Per Yenn to calm the situation. Of course, if the two Moon Witch candidates,

After catching up with Celine in subsequent performances, Celine was not far away from losing her position as Moon Witch. Cecilis had already explained this to Mrs. Silver and the old president in advance.

The follow-up situation in the witch world must be very exciting, but Su Xiao cannot participate in it. This will cause Mrs. Silver, the old president and others to get angry on the spot. Presumably, Su Xiao, Moon Witch Cecilis, Priest, Platinum Apostle,

Archbishop of the Abyss, these people are in the same echelon in terms of Lao Yin Hua.

If Su Xiao were to compete with Serin, the other two Moon Witch candidates, and the leaders of various wizarding families, it would be like adults bullying children. Of course, Mrs. Silver, the old president, the nobles - Xio and others

It will make people angry. At that time, there will be no internal power struggle in the wizard camp, but everyone will unite tightly to fight against Su Xiao, the villain boss.

Of course, Su Xiao is not interested in continuing to participate in the subsequent disputes in the witch world. His next goal is clear. This time when he returns to Samsara Paradise, his strength will be greatly expanded. Not to mention the huge amount of soul coins and resources obtained this time.

Just the "All skills in the list, level limit increased by Lv.10" brought by [Origin Stone World], as well as his existing huge amount of gold skill points, can make him much stronger.

After drinking all the wine in the bottle, Boyen stood up and left. This guy who has been drinking for half his life will later take on the responsibility as the president of the Starry Sky Research Association. However, due to his lazy character and the subsequent situation in the wizard camp, alone

Thinking about what happened next, it's hard not to laugh.

It seemed that she could vaguely see the speechless and doubtful expression on Serin's face in the position of the Moon Witch, as well as Mrs. Silver suppressing her anger on one side, and the old president who was silent and pretending to be dead on the other side. After all, President Payen

He was the one who cultivated it.

Su Xiao glanced at the prompt that had just appeared. He still had 5 minutes and 20 seconds to return to Samsara Paradise. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he checked several prompts above.

[Tip: You have killed the initial witch—Tiinsh.

[You gain gold skill points

[You gain 10% of the source of the world (due to the participation of non-world combat demon Zerg in the killing, this gain is greatly reduced). 】

[You get 6250 soul coins (because the demon Zerg, which is not a combat force in this world, participated in the killing, this income is greatly reduced). 】

[You obtain the eternal level treasure chest—The Evil Witch (this is a constant kill reward and will not be reduced).] [You obtain the nine-star title of the Most Powerful Slayer (this is a constant kill reward and will not be reduced).

】【You obtain the title of Nine Stars of Moon Glory (this is a constant kill reward and will not be reduced).】

[You obtain the title of Immortal Hunter·Nine Stars (this is a constant kill reward and will not be reduced).] [You obtain an elemental treasure chest (you have a chance to obtain it by killing powerful enemies).]


The gains from the three aspects of gold skill points, source of the world, and soul coins will not be too high. This is what Su Xiao has long expected. He has never been arrogant enough to think that he can kill the original witch in a head-on battle. He and Gu

Wang's decisive battle was his ultimate performance in this world.

Among these kill rewards, Su Xiao was surprised to receive 3 nine-star titles. He checked the attributes of these titles and found that although they were not very suitable for him, they could be used to title Extreme Burning.

The reason why he got so many titles this time was because of the effect of the special title [Happiness Transfer]. With Mo Lei's luck, he had just experienced his - 22 points of charm attribute, an impossible one-kill gain.

3 nine-star titles.

This gave Su Xiao an idea. He must go to "Fire Sun Star-Qiliad" in the future. He was promoted to a higher level too quickly, resulting in insufficient accumulated experience to reach the strongest level. The ancient dragon camp and

The treasures left behind by the Sun camp are his best way to solve this problem. These legacies are sealed in the forbidden tower of "The Kingdom of Ancient Dragons - Eberyath".

If you want to open the Forbidden Tower of "The Kingdom of the Ancient Dragon - Aborasi", you need the "Key of the Ancient Dragon" and "Sacred Emblem of the Sun". The former is obtained by Su Xiao by defeating the ancient king, while the latter can only be obtained by going to "Fire Sun Star-Qilia"

"De". There is no doubt that there must be many powerful enemies in "Fire Sun Kiriard". Although the situation there will not be as exaggerated as the original Eternal Light World, there is no sealing spell there. By this measure

If so, the danger level seems to be no less than that of Yongguang World.

Danger also represents opportunity. If Su Xiao forms a team with a large trumpet and a small trumpet, and takes Mo Lei into the "Fierce Sun Kiriard", Mo Lei can throw buff scrolls wildly when killing powerful enemies.

Bless Su Xiao's status and participate in the kill profits.

A more popular metaphor is that Mo Lei advances from level 81 to level 98 dungeon. This exaggerated 17-level difference will super double her kill income. All other kill income she receives will belong to her. Su Xiao only needs some of it.

Title income.

The core question in this is whether Mo Lei dares to go to "Fire Sun Star Kiriard". As for how she can survive in that world, the life-saving props of Apocalypse Paradise are not just what they are called, and Mo Lei is rich.

, she can buy a backpack of life-saving tools. This is a huge investment, but the income will definitely be several times, or even dozens of times, of the investment.

If Apostle Yue and Hao Mei dare to go, then Su Xiao can bring one level 81, one level 80, and one level 81 in the level 98 dungeon. This kill income will be the super double among the super doubles.

[Reminder: Main mission—Final link—Malignant Moonlight (Completed).] [You get mission reward 1: Abyss Treasure Chest (★).]

[You get mission reward 2: Mysterious Treasure Box (???).] [You get mission reward 3: Initial Source Quality x1.]

[You have completed the talent awakening task·Shadow of Destruction—the second stage.]

[This mission has a total of three stages and can only be activated and completed in the Transcendence·Original World.] [When entering the Transcendence·Original World—Destroying Star, the final stage of this mission will be activated.] [Check your current comprehensive combat power.

【Verification completed.】

[Warning: At this stage, if you enter the Fallen Star to activate this mission, the completion probability is 0.00016%.] [Warning: If you enter the Fallen Star and activate this mission at this stage, your survival probability is extremely low.]

[You need to reach at least the strongest level before you can try to activate this task. 】


[Hunting List—Blood Pact·Bounty 5: Aggregate (Achieved). 】

[This bounty will give you a bounty based on the number of malignant aggregates you collect.] [This bounty completion rate: 100%.]

[You gain 30,000 Pansi of time and space power.]

Regarding this bounty, Su Xiao and Moon Witch Cecilis can be said to be a win-win situation. Originally, the malignant energy in the Moon Temple was overflowing. Moon Witch Cecilis’s idea was to first serve as the core of the temple to stabilize these malignant changes.

.The Temple of the Moon without a core will not only no longer absorb malignant changes, but will instead emit malignant energy outwards. Once the malignant changes in the Moon Temple reverse, the witch world will be in catastrophe.

The only way is for the moon witch Cecilis to stabilize the situation first, and then the wizard camp will cultivate wizards who are strong enough to tolerate malignant changes. In this way, they will suppress it from generation to generation and continue the life of the witch world.

What the moon witch Cecilis didn't expect was that half of the malignant energy in the Moon Temple disappeared. This allowed her to become the same existence as the original moon witch after becoming the core of the temple. This not only gave the witch world

Instead of continuing to live, the witch world will continue to prosper. As for the half of the malignant energy that disappeared in the temple, it was actually submitted to the Reincarnation Paradise by Su Xiao as a "malignant aggregation".

There is not much time left to stay in this world, but there is a problem. The strips of "Wild Hunting Night" in Su Xiao's storage space and the "King's Crown Injustice" are full of fine cracks. After thinking about it for a while, he has a solution.

, I would like to ask, which blacksmith can resist seeing the legendary weapon "Black Sword·Warewolf" with his own eyes.

[Tip: The time limit for your stay in this world has expired, and you are about to return to Samsara Paradise.]

[Transmitting in space]

[The transmission has been completed and you have returned to Samsara Paradise.]

This chapter has been completed!
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