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Chapter 3892 Battle for the World

Tianren Star·Atlan Empire·Royal City·Palace Rear Courtyard.

The elegant single-family building is located in the flower field, and further away are the scattered woods and forest paths. Flocks of birds are cleaning their feathers or foraging in the freshwater lake in front. Several hounds are napping in the flower field.

One of them opened its mouth wide and breathed, welcoming the morning.

This small single-family building does not look very big at first sight, but once you enter it, you will find that it is actually very large. The first floor is the servants’ rooms, the main kitchen, etc., and the second floor is the master’s bedroom, dining room, banquet hall, study, etc.

, no one else is allowed to enter on the third floor. Only the owner of the place, the Ninth Prince, and a limited number of maids who are deeply trusted by her can enter.

At this moment, in the bathroom.

"Wow, wow, bah~"

Wearing pajamas, sleepy Mo Lei spit out her mouthwash. The little maid holding the toilet tray beside her hesitated to speak. If the head maid saw Mo Lei's rudeness and let herself go, she would definitely say, "Wow, la, la, bah~"

She had to deal with her again, but unfortunately, the head maid was not there and was summoned by the King of Atlan, Mo Lei's father, to the front hall of the palace to participate in today's meeting.

It may seem a bit inexplicable, but as a head maid who is qualified to take care of the ninth princess, Mo Lei, when she grows up, she must be outstanding. According to rumors, the head maid was once the director of an orphanage, which is now the eastern part of the country.

The Federation's notorious "Shrike's Nest" is an assassination organization that leaves marks on the bodies and hangs them after completing an assassination.

Note that the assassination organization and the killer organization are two different forces. The latter collects money to take lives, and the whole process can be as low-key as possible. The commissions accepted by the assassination organization are generally to eliminate political opponents, assassinate important officials, and attack dignitaries and wealthy businessmen.

etc. As long as the employer requires it, high-profile assassinations can be carried out.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the maid has reformed her evil ways. The maid has no respect or recognition for the royal family of the Atlan Empire. She only cares about two people, the contemporary Atlan monarch who spared her life, and Mo, who she watched grow up.


This time King Atlan summoned the head maid, most likely because of the signs of infiltration from Tianren Star. This is the notarized secondary world of Apocalypse Paradise. Apocalypse Paradise should intervene. The problem arises. This is the infiltration of the abyss.

, rather than the emergence of an abyss passage, simply speaking, it is not serious enough, and it has not reached the point of intervention by Apocalypse Paradise. Paradise easily does not interfere with the normal operation of the world.

"Not serious" for the Paradise camp is a disaster level for the four major forces in this world. Therefore, the four major forces in this world that have always been at odds with each other, the Eastern Federation, the Northern Alliance, the Islands Alliance, and Atlan

The empires, put aside their grudges for the time being and prepare to work together to overcome this difficulty.

The problem is that even if the four major forces in this world join forces, they cannot cope with the infiltration of abyss energy. Otherwise, there will not be so many worlds that fall into darkness and silence due to the invasion of the abyss.

The damage caused by abyssal energy infiltration is indeed far less than that of abyssal invasion, but it is more difficult to deal with abyssal infiltration. The abyssal passage caused by abyssal invasion is a point or hole, while abyssal infiltration is a large area. The suture method

If it doesn't work, you have to use the filling method, commonly known as adding money.

"Your Highness, it's time to have breakfast."

The little maid spoke weakly. After hearing this, Mo Lei, who was wiping her face, raised her eyebrows. If the maid is not here, she must become rebellious. She said firmly: "I won't eat."

"However, the head maid told you before leaving that she must remind you to have breakfast."

"Ha~, that's why I don't have breakfast."

Mo Lei was satisfied with her successful weight gain of two pounds, but when she passed by the restaurant, the aroma of the food slowed her down, but she had already said she wouldn't eat, and she wanted to save face.

"Have you prepared breakfast?"

Mo Lei asked in a deep voice. The little maid was confused by this. Doesn't she have to make breakfast every day? What's the problem with this?

“Don’t waste cooked food.”

Mo Lei successfully found a staircase, strode into the restaurant, and started cooking happily after a while. After a while, Mo Lei took the little maid out, looking at the calm lake and the rising sun, Mo Lei

Lei decided to waste the whole day and go fishing. She had not been so relaxed for a long time.

"The weather is nice, we..."

Mo Lei's words came to an abrupt end. The little maid who was listening to her words turned her head suspiciously. After she stared blankly at nothing for a few seconds, her pupils began to shrink violently.


The little maid also disappeared. In the darkness, the fighting maid trained by the head maid appeared instantly. She pressed one hand on the place where Mo Lei disappeared. Although her mentality was about to break, her eyes under the mask were still calm.


A shock spread, and the battle maid also disappeared. It seems that after the Lieyang Star kidnapped Yu Yuna many times, Su Xiao's team's kidnapping proficiency has improved.

The Lord Train travels in a different space. The Lord Train cannot be seen from the outside world. If you are inside the train, it will be like traveling in the wilderness with pleasant scenery.

Two figures, one tall and one fat, were holding sledgehammers and deboning steel knives, staring eagerly at Mo Lei and the two maids behind her who were also tied into rice dumplings.

"Puluyem, Suwa (a dialect of a certain place in the sky)."


Mo Lei's eyes were confused when she heard this, but she also knew that the situation was not going away. Two figures, one tall and one fat, looked at each other. The fat figure among them took out a writing board and wrote down on it:

"Hand over 100,000,000 soul coins and spare your life."

For some reason, when the word "dog's life" was written, the lower half of the fat figure's body moved, as if he was protesting something. The words "dog's life" were not referring to Morey at all, but meant something else.

"Um~, I used it all to upgrade my abilities, and now I only have 30 soul coins left in my bag."

After hearing what Mo Lei said, the tall figure and the fat figure looked at each other. The fat figure nodded and said that 30 soul coins would be fine. This made Mo Lei stunned again. She looked up and down at the fat figure, and then looked around.

In a somewhat familiar environment, she looked behind him and said:

"Bai Ye, why are you here?"

Mo Lei's words made the fat figure frantic.

"Aww (this was Baha's idea)."

"Meow meow (it was Baha's idea)."

"I'm sorry."

Baha looked at the bedroom door on the inside of the train and found that the door was not open. He had been fooled by Morey. As for the kidnapping of Morey, it was indeed Su Xiaorang who did it to facilitate subsequent actions. After all, the infamous "Shadow of Destruction"

Cuculin White Night invited the nine princesses of the Atlan Empire. This situation put too much pressure on the hearts of the royal families of the Atlan Empire.

The subsequent blackmail was Baha's idea. Furthermore, if he really wanted to blackmail, he wouldn't have asked for 100 million soul coins.

"Don't worry, you two. We are friends of our eldest lady, Morey. What happened just now was just a joke. Be good and come and see us."

Bach took out the soul light shock device. This device was developed based on the memory eraser in the movie. The principle is to stimulate the soul through vibration to achieve short-term memory blur.


Shocking light flashed, and two maids fainted one after another. Baha glanced at the battle maid who was sitting and fainting. A smile appeared on his face. He winked at Eminem. Eminem went up and punched her to help her sleep. Originally, the battle maid

I have rehearsed how to counterattack in my mind, but unfortunately, there is a huge gap in strength.

Seeing this scene, Morey felt distressed and helpless. She couldn't let these two little tails follow her in the future. She looked around the layout of the train and said to Su Xiao who was coming:

"Bai Ye, don't you plan on decorating such a good train?"


"I know professionals in this field. It's not an exaggeration to say that I can be ranked in the top five in the star realm."

While Morey settled the two maids, he smiled confidently as he spoke.

Baha didn't quite believe it: "It's true or false."

"Of course it's true. Don't forget, I am one of the shareholders of Underworld Bank, although I only hold 0.012% of the shares."

There is nothing wrong with what Morey said. Holding shares of the Bank of the Underworld, which ranks fourth in terms of financial resources in the entire star world, in addition to profit sharing, there are other shareholder benefits.

"I estimate that redesigning and renovating this train will cost 500,000 soul coins. Don't be too expensive. When you see the finished product, you will know how much the 500,000 soul coins are worth it."

As she spoke, Morey almost couldn't control the smile on her face. After a long time, she finally saw money back from Bai Ye. This time, even the intermediate fee of earning 1 soul coin has a completely different meaning.



"You agreed? No bargaining?"


"This one can actually be a little cheaper. I have a pretty good relationship with that workshop. They will come to me to buy rare gems."

"Need not."

"Since you insist so much, okay, I'll contact them now, so... bring me the soul coins."

Morey spread her hands, indicating that the Soul Wall savings card was placed in her hand.

"To help you solve the signs of abyss infiltration in this world, 500,000 soul coins."

"Ah this~"

Morey was stunned and thought for a few seconds. He could only nod his head, but then asked: "Is it difficult to solve the signs of abyss infiltration here?"


"What do I need to prepare?"


Su Xiao took out a list. After checking the list, Morey said with a grimace: "These materials are not expensive, but they are difficult to get..."

Before Morey finished speaking, Baha interrupted: "Morey, saving the world is such a glorious thing, how can you forget your friends."

"Yes! How could I forget that they two must be blessed together?"

Morey's eyes became very alert. She took out her communicator and dialed Apostle Moon's number. After the call was connected, she coughed lightly and asked mysteriously:

"Is the freshly made pudding round?"

"Not round."

Apostle Yue on the opposite side also had a mysterious tone. This was a code. As for the code, knowing that a certain hunter could enter the Tianren Star, the three sisters of Apocalypse made this decision and agreed, for the sake of friendship.

, no one can catch anyone else’s fish.

“Why isn’t the pudding round?”

"I was bitten."

"The code is correct, Moon Rabbit, come out and have fun."

"I'm not going out. It's good for me to play games at home. I bought a lot of new games recently."

"I got three tickets for Star City. They expire the day after tomorrow."

"I'll be there soon."

After hearing this, Morey hung up the communication. She then dialed Haomei's phone number. After exchanging the password, she said: "I stole a bottle of good wine from my father and we will destroy it together."

"Wait for me for 10 minutes and I'll be there."

This time, it was Hao Mei who hung up the phone. After ending the communication, Morey sighed and murmured: "Oh, my conscience hurts. These are my close friends who are like family members."

After saying that, he took the iced honey lemon tea from Bubuwang, and after taking a big sip, his conscience immediately stopped hurting.

Su Xiao sat down and took out the key to the "Lord Train". The current intensity of the "Lord Train" could only be described as outrageous.

【Lord Train +32】

Origin: Void·Mamenmod·Fifth Production Workshop.

Quality: Overlord level.

Category: Train/Vehicle/Large Weapon.

Durability: 7500/7500 points (after choosing the overlord equipment system, the durability has dropped to 1200/1200 points, and after strengthening to +32, it has been greatly improved).

Equipment requirements: Possess "Train Key".

Equipment effect 1: Driving mode (core·passive). This train has two modes, "natural driving mode" and "different space driving mode". Due to the unique rail wheels and suspension system, the train can travel on 99.85% of the terrain.

Drive smoothly.

Natural driving mode: driving speed 30 (increased by 22.5).

Different space driving mode: driving speed 35 (increased by 26.4).

Equipment Effect 2: Raging Beast (Core·Passive), the train enters an overload burst state, the power core pressure is increased to 300%, and the driving speed is increased to 98 (increased by 66), lasting for 60 minutes.

Equipment Effect 3: Scarlet Train (Core·Passive), after the train enters the overload burst state, it can temporarily enter the second stage of super acceleration, and the driving speed is increased to 450, consuming 10 points of train durability per second, and can last up to 30 seconds at a time.

During this period, 99% of all types of barriers, sealing spells, etc. can be broken through.

Tip: The train in this state cannot change its direction.

Tip: If an enemy unit attempts to block Lord Train Scarlet, it will suffer impact damage equal to the upper limit of the train's durability x 96.5, as well as the highest level knockback + knockback effect.

Equipment debuff: Gluttonous Mouth (passive), while being buffed by the energy of the abyss, the equipment will have corresponding debuffs. You need to provide the Lord Train with enough blood food (flesh, heart, etc. of powerful extraordinary creatures) every 10 natural days.


Current status of Lord Train: Extremely full and satisfied.

Tip: Do not provide the Lord Train with large amounts of blood food again within 10 natural days, otherwise it will cause it to enter a state of digestive stasis, thereby increasing the load on the metal cells.

Score: 6000++++++ points (overlord-level equipment scores from 1 to 6000 points).

Introduction: Unstoppable!

Price: Not for sale.

Su Xiao handed the key to the Lord Train to Morey, and Morey promised to let his friends complete the design and decoration of the layout of the Lord Train before Su Xiao left this world.

An hour later, on the seats of the train, Moon Apostle and Hao Mei were on either side of Morey, with two pairs of burning eyes staring at Morey, who had agreed to use a secret code to keep the friendship on the boat.

"You two, don't look at me like that. I tricked you into coming out this time...ah, no, I asked you out to save the world."


"How much did you drink?"

"I am serious. I really want to save Tianren, our hometown. Have you forgotten the signs of abyss infiltration that I told you two before?"

"I haven't forgotten, so what? Isn't this something that Apocalypse Paradise will intervene in?"

Apostle Yue spoke innocently, is Apostle Yue too stupid? Of course not.

If you only look at Su Xiao's world experience in the late stage, you will feel that the abyss is so common and close, but the real situation is that even after entering the late stage, for 90% of the contractors, the abyss is rare, and as much as possible

Avoid contact. Even before entering the world, it will consume a large amount of soul coins or a small amount of time and space power to check the "abyss erosion" of the world you want to enter.

For ninth-level contractors, it is better not to enter a world that exceeds 0.0015% of the "abyss erosion rate". For extremely powerful contractors, if it exceeds 0.19% of the "abyss erosion rate", it is better not to enter it. Save the

The power of time and space is not only used to check the "abyss erosion" of the world you want to enter, but also when the "abyss erosion" of the world you want to enter is too high, you will pay a certain amount of time and space to randomly select other later worlds.

The six paradise camps + the notarization of the Void Tree, even in the late stage, there are still many worlds that can be entered.

Let me ask, what is the "abyss erosion" of the world Su Xiao entered before? The answer is:

Dark Continent (Root·Silent City): Abyss erosion rate is 26.85%.

Shadow World (Revenge Bounty): Abyss erosion rate is 5.66%.

Fenghai Continent: Abyss erosion rate is 69.93%.

Eternal Light World: Abyss erosion rate 0%.

Witch World: The erosion rate of the abyss is 57.53%.

Sun Star: The erosion rate of the abyss is 65.6%.

Entering a world with such "abyssal erosion", the environment derived from abyssal invasion, abyssal creatures, existence, etc., can it not be common?

This also leads to the fact that so far, Su Xiao does not know what the function of consuming the power of time and space to check the current "Abyss Corrosion" permission to enter the world is.

After Morey introduced the signs of abyss infiltration, Moon Apostle and Haomei looked at each other, then turned to Morey. The meaning of their eyes was that there are many powerful contractors in Apocalypse Paradise, and there are also some powerful contractors. They all

Back to Tian Renxing, why don't we wait for these big guys to handle this matter? If they can't handle it, wouldn't it be better for us to ask professionals for help?

Of course, Morey understood what her two close friends meant. She almost burst into tears. She looked knowingly, which probably meant: 'Do you think I am willing to come? I was kidnapped, tricked or kidnapped. Obviously the former experience

I feel better. If I were kidnapped, the orange bag would be very tough.'

At this point, the three Tianqi sisters began to make eye contact, and the content was as follows:

Morey: 'Hold still first, the three of us are waiting for an opportunity to escape.'

Apostle Yue: ‘Is this the purpose of deceiving the two of us?’

Hao Mei: 'That's right. If Morey does something good, he will definitely not forget us two, but he will also pull us together to share adversity.'

Bach: 'It's pure friendship.'

Hao Mei: ‘Of course.’

Moon Apostle: ‘Hey hey.’

Morey: 'It has to be pure friendship.'

The three Apocalypse sisters were satisfied at first, and then discovered that something strange had joined their eye chat group and spoke in it.

After much deliberation, Apostle Yue and Sister Hao firmly refused, saying that they would only agree when necessary.

Apostle Jian Yue and Hao Mei were unwilling to save the world. Su Xiao took out the Dragon Slaying Flash from its sheath, unsheathed the long sword, and first pressed it against Hao Mei's neck. Hao Mei smiled disdainfully and said that she would do her duty to save her hometown!

Su Xiao looked at Apostle Moon on the side, Apostle Moon hesitated, and finally agreed. Just like that, the most wonderful scene of saving the world in history appeared. Morey, Apostle Moon, and Haomei were forced to save the world. This forcedness was not modest.

Or implicitly, it is forced in the physical sense.

After willingly signing a contract, the three Apocalypse sisters took the keys to the Lord's train and left. The content of the contract was both dangerous and had room for buffering.

However, what the three Apocalypse sisters don't know is that this contract is actually fake. The formulation of this type of contract requires rare materials + a large amount of soul coins. Furthermore, it doesn't matter whether the contract is fake or not, as long as the three Apocalypse sisters think it is true.

Then there's nothing wrong with this contract.

Ahead is the abyss infiltration zone. The sky is filled with lead gray. The vegetation on the ground is overly luxuriant. Some trees have trunks that are too thick, like a tree ball with forks. Another problem is that this place has been overrun by the local people.

The four major forces in the world blockade it.

Su Xiao took off his coat, pulled up the cuff of his right arm, and wrapped the sealing medium around his arm. As the medium melted, his entire left arm turned scarlet with dark golden lines on it. He reached forward with one hand and found a lock plate.

It appears that the infiltration of the abyss here is not an accidental phenomenon. It happened a long time ago. It is just that some masters of the abyss have adopted sealing methods.


Su Xiao turned the lock plate, and the sky wall composed of black mist in the distance immediately spread, the sky turned into pitch black in an instant, and all kinds of vegetation on the ground exploded one after another.


The roar of the behemoths in the vicinity of the abyss came through the gauze-like elemental boundary wall. Such drastic changes made the legions or fleets stationed here extremely nervous. They could only retreat back to avoid being caught by the incoming black mist.


Su Xiao walked into the black mist. He deliberately accelerated the degree of darkness infiltration. This was not only a prerequisite for solving the abyss infiltration, but also did not need to explain various reasons to the local forces. In terms of time cost, he gained the trust of the four major forces>Explain clearly>

Kill them all> Let the dark erosion spread further and drive back the garrisoned legions one by one.

Walking in the black mist, the demon spirit broke away from the dragon-slaying flash and floated behind Su Xiao. He was very good at dealing with abyssal creatures, but the abyss existence that had no entity, no soul, and no energy system still belonged to the demon spirit.

Attacks are more targeted.

Before coming to Tianren Star this time, Su Xiao planned to complete the deal with the God-Emperor Adventure Group. However, this round of the world battle is approaching, and all the resources and financial resources of the God-Emperor Adventure Group have been invested in improving their combat power.

The wool that has been harvested for a long time has no value at all. The good news is that if the God Emperor Adventure Group returns victorious this time, the resources they invested this time will be recovered exponentially. In other words, the wool will be doubled.

Arriving at the abyss infiltration center, there were irregular holes in the surrounding world. Su Xiao took out a soul crystal as the core of the formation. With the help of Bubu Wang, Amu, Baha, and Beni, a

A shelter area with a diameter of 100 meters appeared.


The crystal seat was formed behind Su Xiao. After he sat down, he took out the Mysterious Eye and adjusted it like twisting a Rubik's Cube, trying to see if new combinations could emerge.

Time gradually passed. While trying to unlock the mysterious eye and meditating, two days passed. After the time was almost up, Su Xiao activated the space array. However, Morey, Yue Apostle, and Haomei strongly requested that the space array must be ordinary.

, this time there was no "Destruction Teleportation Array" set up.

The space fluctuations subsided, and Morey and the other three appeared. Among them, Morey patted the large seal box next to him and said, "I have gathered the materials you requested, let's get started."


After Su Xiao opened the seal, he and Bubuwang, Ammu, Baha, and Beni got busy again. It took nearly three days to set up a large array.

"Is it so complicated?"

Morey covered one eye and looked at the formation diagrams on the ground. As for why this was the case, looking at these formation diagrams with both eyes gave him a strong dizzy feeling that his soul was distorted.

Su Xiao squatted in the center of the array. He took out a piece of rotten meat with a strange smell. As he clenched it with one hand, dark red juice squeezed out of the piece of meat. Before the juice hit the ground, drops of juice were dripping from it.

It evaporated in mid-air and turned into light red smoke, which was absorbed by the nearby dark holes.


A strange insect hissing sound came, as if there was a small snake-like black insect swimming through the nearby black mist. It was extremely fast, and all kinds of barriers and spells had no effect on it.

Su Xiao let go of the bait in his hand and began to retreat slowly. When he retreated more than ten meters away, an abyssal creature named "Hungerworm" emerged from the dark hole, penetrated into the meat, and greedily gnawed through the hole.


Su Xiao held it with one hand and activated the traps set around it. The metal box was divided into six sides and closed again, trapping the "Hungry Bee" in it. However, the "Hungry Bee" didn't care and continued to eat and was choked by it.

of rot spirit flesh and blood.

Su Xiao rushed forward in a few steps. Amu, who had been preparing for a long time at the edge of the array, threw a heated and semi-sealed crucible. After taking it, he took the "Liquid Metal No. 1056" inside, which was the melted crucible.

"Dark Gold Ore" is cast on a metal seal box and thrown into the coolant regardless of the high temperature.


Cold mist rose, and the dark gold on the surface of the metal box cooled and hardened. Only then did the "Abyss Creature Hungry" inside realize that something was wrong, and tried desperately to crash inside, but it was useless.

Is the "Hungry Fox" low in IQ? The intelligence and cunning of this thing have made many people grind their teeth with worry. It is just too confident, thinking that nothing in the world can trap it.

"Hungerworm" is an abyss creature that is extremely difficult to trap. It is harmless to living beings, is timid, and is afraid of light. It can even penetrate into gaps in space, pass through the elemental layer, and emerge from gaps in sealing techniques. It is simple

As if it were instinctive.

However, only a few forces will try to capture the Hungry Moth. The Hungry Moth has a special characteristic. It likes to eat precious trees. Black maple is its favorite. However, this is a greedy little guy. It devours it in a short time.

When a black maple tree produces more than 5 to 7 times its body size, a state similar to indigestion will occur.

After entering this state, its body surface secretes a "fat-like substance", and this fat-like substance is an irreplaceable main ingredient in formulating the "Life Soul Secret Potion".

The effect of the "Secret Medicine of Life and Soul" is that when the original vitality is about to completely wither, as long as you drink the "Secret Medicine of Life and Soul", your life will be extended for at least a thousand years. This type of secret medicine is useful to the strongest in the void and the highest level worlds.

For senior immortals, it is a priceless treasure.

Especially for a family that is only supported by a powerful old immortal, compared to a family that is wiped out by its enemies after the powerful immortal dies, even if half of the family wealth is spent, it is still worthwhile to buy a bottle of "Secret Medicine of Life and Soul"


Putting away the box with the "Hungry Fate" sealed, Su Xiao let out a long sigh of relief. This time, he made a slight mistake and all his preparations were wiped out.

"Is this...completed? But the signs of infiltration into the abyss don't seem to have subsided?"

Morey looked around and spoke uncertainly. After all, he knew very little about abyssal science.


Su Xiao motioned for Morey to come forward. When the other party came forward, he took out a crystal bottle filled with pure blue liquid and said:

"Team up with the two of them and smash it to pieces."

"Team up?"

Although Morey was asking, he had already sent a team invitation to Moon Apostle and Hao Mei.

"You will greatly enhance the credibility of Apocalypse Paradise."


"I never lie."

"Stop lying to me?!"

Morey stared. Su Xiao said nothing, just stared at Morey. After a moment, Morey said unwillingly: "Okay, I believe you never lie, so what should I do next?"



Morey dropped the crystal bottle in his hand at his feet. With a bang, the cheerful elements scattered. In a short period of time, the surrounding black holes were filled and repaired. The darkness in the sky faded, and the twisted vegetation on the earth withered and dissipated. However,

After being nourished by the energy of the abyss, the resource output in this area will definitely soar in the future.

"This change is too rapid."

Morey looked around in surprise and joy. The continuously improving reputation of Apocalypse Paradise made her already sweet mood even clearer.

"But Bai Ye, I have a feeling that your previous arrangements seemed to be for other things. Only the final fall was the solution to the signs of the abyss infiltration."

Morey scratched her short pink hair and spoke. She could only say that her feeling was really accurate. It cannot be said that Su Xiao's previous series of operations had nothing to do with solving the signs of infiltration, but it certainly had little to do with it. It was mainly for

Capture "hungry insects".

Why does it seem so easy to solve the signs of abyssal infiltration this time? The "top abyssal science" that Su Xiao has mastered is really not a decoration. This is an ability that took a total of 60,000 ounces of time and space to improve. If

It is extremely laborious to deal with any sign of abyss infiltration, and the effort and benefit are completely out of proportion.

"It's just your illusion."

"No, you must have tricked me again. It's just that you bullied me for having little knowledge of the abyss."

"Not really."

"Definitely is."


Su Xiao stopped and turned her head to look directly into Morey's eyes. The familiar feeling of being beaten made Morey change the subject: "I believe you, Bai Ye."


Su Xiao continued to move forward, followed by Morey who was thinking casually. At this moment, Su Xiao received a series of prompts:

[Tip: Your stay in this world is about to end.]

[The world progress you are about to start will participate in the world battle. In this world battle, the upper limit will be expanded to the "extremely powerful level". The probability of this kind of notarization expansion does not exceed 0.16%. 】

[Tip (Tree of the Void): The third level of this world battle ~ the most powerful level, the participants are Apocalypse Paradise, Death Paradise, Sanctuary Paradise, Holy Light Paradise, Watch Paradise. ]

[Tip (Tree of the Void): Due to special reasons, you will lose the right to participate in this world battle (the most powerful level), and you can participate normally in world battles of levels three to nine.]

[Tip (Tree of the Void): This world battle (the most powerful level) will be fought in the form of a small team. Each side can send 1 to 2 teams of five people to participate in this world battle (the most powerful level). 】

1. Number of teams: 0/0.

2. Number of Apocalypse Paradise teams: 2/2.

3. Number of Death Paradise teams: 1/1.

4. Number of Sanctuary Paradise teams: 1/1.

5. Number of Holy Light Paradise teams: 2/2.

6. Number of Watch Paradise teams: 2/2.

[Tip (Tree of the Void): The notarization application with Apocalypse Paradise has been verified, and the application has been successfully passed. Apocalypse Paradise will transfer the existing team quota with 0 ounces of time and space power to, but due to the lack of this time

The permission to participate in the world battle (the most powerful level) will not be able to complete the notarization of all transfers.】

[Tip (Tree of the Void): Notarization has been completed. The transfer of this team is successful, but there can only be one hunter in the team. The contractor is the captain, and the remaining four members must fight for the Apocalypse Paradise.

Angel, Contractor.]

[Prompt(): Hunter, you have been selected to become the captain of this team. You will represent the notary rights and the judgment rights of Apocalypse Paradise to participate in this world battle (the most powerful level). 】

[Notarization rights cover: determination related to your reincarnation brand, income settlement after the end of this world, etc.]

[The right of judgment covers: mission release after entering the mission world, mission format, mission mechanism, mission rewards, etc.]

[Tip (Apocalypse Paradise): Hunter, you will represent the judgment power of Apocalypse Paradise and participate in this world battle (the most powerful level). You are now given a buff state that increases the income of this world's missions by 85%. This state will be separated from the next one.

It will become invalid after the world progresses.】

[Tip (Tree of the Void): If your team has made a decisive contribution to victory in this world battle (the most powerful level), the income distribution ratio of the winner of this battle is 60%, Apocalypse Paradise 35

%, you get 15% (10% of your income is the additional transfer in this notarization, which is 50%, Apocalypse Paradise is 35%, you get 15%).】

[Warning (Tree of the Void): The comprehensive combat power of the hunter has been checked, and it exceeds the conventional extreme level by too much. You will be the last participant to arrive at the battle site in this battle for the world (extreme level).


[The danger level of this world battle (extremely powerful level): super high intensity.]

[Profit content of this world battle (extreme level): part of the park infrastructure sealed by the Void Tree, high-end park facilities, unique facilities, part of the unique notary authority, part of the unique judgment authority, part of the exclusive, rare resources, "super

·Huge amount of general resources.】

[Tip: This world battle (the strongest level) will be completely different from the past. Even if you win, you will not obtain the holding authority of the war area itself (the holding authority of this area cannot be notarized in any way, including

All the notarizations and judgments of the Void Tree + Six Directions Paradise cannot achieve this behavior).

[The location of this world battle (extremely powerful level): Dawn Paradise Ruins (also known as Dark Ruins, this area has been temporarily suppressed by the Void Tree, Notarized Suppression, Death Paradise Notarized Suppression, and Sanctuary Paradise Notarized Suppression). 】

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