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Chapter 3946 See you again

There is no doubt about the compatibility between "Hegemonic Source" and Su Xiao's ability system, but due to the stability developed by the luck of destroying law, this thing must be absorbed after reaching 100% compatibility.

Just now, all attributes were raised to 900 points, and more than 40,000 time and space power were used, all the time and space power accumulated this time was used up. Now it seems that the "Hegemony Origin" is also a big consumer of time and space power.

In the past, after Su Xiao obtained the power of time and space, she mostly submitted it to, or used this resource as currency in the honor store.

But after reaching the level of being close to the strongest, although he still cannot directly absorb the power of time and space, some rare resources to become stronger require the power of time and space to activate, strengthen, improve compatibility, etc.

This gradually made Su Xiao certain that although the power of time and space is a resource needed by the paradise camp and cannot be absorbed by an individual through flesh and blood, at the strongest level, such places that indirectly require the power of time and space may

more and more.

The good news is that the foundation laid previously, "Hunting List·Blood Pact", allows him to steadily obtain the power of time and space.

Su Xiao will not forget that he still owes 85,000 ounces of the power of time and space. Now that he thinks about it, it is no wonder that Caesar is so fond of the power of time and space. This guy is one or two versions ahead.

[You have successfully killed the dark hybrid, and you have obtained the "Entry Key". 】

[After checking that you are in the "Ruins of Dawn", you will directly participate in the final stage of this battle. ]

[This final session will last for 5 natural days (28 hours, 52 minutes and 40 seconds has started). 】

[This round has a total of 40 hours of exploration phase (reward phase) and 80 hours of escape phase. 】

[11 hours, 7 minutes and 18 seconds remain in the exploration phase.]

[When the time limit of the exploration phase is reached, and there are still teams that have not entered the decisive battle area (Ruins of Dawn), they will immediately lose their qualifications to participate in the battle, and the "Shattered Source" currently held will be recovered and added to the number of "Shattered Source" in the final stage. 】

[The current number of teams in "Ruins of Dawn": 6.]

[When entering the "escape phase", each team will receive a number of 2 "Shattered Source Marks". When a team is successfully eliminated, the eliminated team will receive "Shattered Source" equal to the team's "Shattered Source Marks". 】

[Congratulations on your successful participation in the final stage of this battle for the paradise. As a reward, you can freely explore the Dawn Ruins and obtain two free notary rights for the Void Tree. 】

[Tip: Some items in Dawn Ruins cannot be notarized through this free notarization right, such as highly complete infrastructure, advanced facilities, unique facilities, and core components of such facilities, etc.]

There is no doubt that the final round is dangerous, but for Su Xiao, this last round is his home court, and for other participants, Su Xiao is no longer as simple as a high threat, this is clearly bad news.

The reason why the plan with the priest just now was so successful was that the old guy deliberately concealed the hints about the final round of the battle. The old guy knew that Su Xiao's dark hybrid was not dead yet, so he could not push the notarization to the end.

One round, of course, there is no way to know the above prompt information.

Therefore, the priest actually had two purposes in gathering those people. One was to besiege the wild beasts to obtain high profits, and the other was to besiege Su Xiao together later. It can only be said that this old guy is very shady and stable.

If you switch the perspective to the priest, you will find that as soon as this plan starts, whether it is Su Xiao who gets the kill or Kane and others get the kill, the priest will be the beneficiary.

In addition, due to the content of the subsequent battle, even if Kane and others are conscious of being plotted by the priest, they have to swallow this matter in their stomachs and pretend not to know that the priest secretly colluded with Su Xiao to plot, because they really need to unite in the future.

Deal with the most powerful hunter, Bai Ye.

If the priest's plot was revealed, even if everyone expelled the priest or even killed him on the spot, what's the point? They wouldn't be able to get back the profit from the kill, and they would also lose the priest, a strange humanoid ancient god, as a teammate.

Let me ask, why are everyone so united? The answer is very simple, because Su Xiao's combat power is too strong this time, especially when they teamed up to deal with the Abyss Guards Commander before, only Su Xiao could challenge the Abyss boss head-on, and suffered heavy losses several times.

other side.

After discussion, everyone became more certain that if they didn't do something, even if a team of people beat each other one by one, there would be no chance of winning.

Originally, the Kane team and the Demon Scythe team had the intention to cooperate in the final round, but because the last round was a battle royale competition, both sides were hesitant. However, after the Demon Scythe Tyride obtained the detection information from the Kane team,

, the cooperation between the two parties is a matter of course.

Not only that, Kane also approached Haoying. Hearing that they were going to deal with Bai Ye together, Haoying laughed. His original words were that I would deal with Bai Ye, but it was a one-on-one fight to the death, not a siege.

However, after Haoying saw the detection information provided by the bald man, he fell silent and never mentioned the one-on-one challenge again.

In fact, it's no wonder that Haoying is like this. Before entering this world, Su Xiao's health points were still 3.9 million points, which was an exaggeration. But now, he has doubled his health points.

Of course, this includes the 2 million points increased through the "Supreme Life Source", and the life nourishing equipment [Life Source Lord] that was possessed before entering this world, which was increased by 1 million points.

Even so, the remaining 910,000 points of health he increased are also an exaggerated increase. It can only be said that risks and opportunities coexist. As a hunter, participating in the world battle to go to the Ruins of Dawn is a higher risk than others.

More than several times, the benefits are equally impressive.

In front of a damaged "Potential Transcendence Device", Su Xiao observed the precision parts in his hand and studied it for a moment. He felt that he really had no talent in mechanics. Fortunately, Bubo Wang was quite talented in both technology and mechanics. The follow-up

You can continue to cultivate in this area.

There are still ten hours until the final stage of the fight. Although Su Xiao predicts that he may be besieged, he can only wait and see what happens. This time, several competitors are either unable to be fooled or have been fooled by him.

I have been lame several times. Now when I negotiate with the other party, the other party feels that I will plot against the other party. It is really... people's hearts are not ancient.

Summoning the Lord Train, Su Xiao loaded all the collected parts onto the train.

Su Xiao already had a way to judge the value of these accessories. There were thousands of various accessories of "Potential Transcendence Device". He picked up one and tried to notarize it through the "notarization authority" granted by the Void Tree.

[Y/N notarize this???parts part.]

Su Xiao chose No. He picked up an accessory again and started trying it out one by one. After testing hundreds of items, different prompts appeared.

[You cannot notarize this item through the free notarization permission you obtained this time.]

Su Xiao did not forget that in the reminder about the two free notarization permissions just now, it was mentioned that Shuguang Paradise facilities with high integrity and the core components of such facilities cannot be notarized.

The parts in hand are obviously not high in terms of completeness. What Su Xiao collected are all severely damaged "potential detachment devices". As for the complete "potential detachment device", well, the high-end facilities of the park cannot be used.

There is no shame in taking it apart.

Su Xiao looked at the part in his hand. It was a diamond-shaped body with many holes on it. The texture resembled black crystal. It looked like a consumable, but this thing was the core part of the "Potential Transcendence Device".

Using the free notarization authority as a method of elimination, Su Xiao quickly identified three core accessories of the "Potential Transcendence Device". These three core accessories were all very ugly, and they were completely different from the five he and Bubo Wang had selected before.

Compared with the five pieces I selected before, they looked rare and expensive at first glance, but now these three pieces are a rhombus crystal block, a gray semi-liquid mass, and a metal button-like part.

After checking the time, he saw that there were still more than two hours until the final stage. He simply picked up a "Potential Transcendence Device" accessory that looked particularly high-end and classy, ​​and notarized the item using free notarization authority.

[You obtain the time and space power conversion device type T255.]

[Time and space power conversion device type T255]

Place of Origin: Shuguang Paradise.

Type: High-end facility parts for the park.

Effect: Participate in the power of transforming time and space.

Rating: This item does not require a notarized rating.

Introduction: Used in conjunction with the "Time and Space Power Conversion Device Type N33" and the "Circulation Release Device" to initially transform the power of time and space to avoid the specific world sources mixed in the power of time and space during the subsequent conversion process.

chain polymerization device" causing heavy wear.

Selling price: 5943.6 ounces of Time and Space Power (depending on wear and tear).

Seeing the selling price, Su Xiao tried to inquire about the notarization fee for this thing. He found a dozen of these converters in total, but the result was not optimistic. The notarization fee for this thing reached 6580 ounces of space-time power.


Bubu barked, which meant it was here. It and Su Xiao had just chosen a "potential transcendence device" accessory.

Su Xiao notarized the accessories chosen by Bu Bu and proposed to show up.

[You obtain the dynamic chain polymerization device.]

【Dynamic chain polymerization device】

Place of Origin: Shuguang Paradise.

Type: High-end facility parts for the park.

Effect: Participate in the power of transforming time and space.

Rating: This item does not require a notarized rating.

Introduction: It is a miracle that a delicate and fragile device can preserve such integrity under a huge impact.

Selling price: 18,590 ounces of Time and Space Power (depending on wear and tear).

Seeing the selling price, Bubu Wang raised his head proudly and quickly. As a result, he used too much force and cracked his neck lightly. In addition, the bastard had a stiff neck from sleeping last night, so it hurt now.

With a whimper, God knows what kind of strange posture this dog must have been in to make him sleep with a stiff neck.

A soul crystal appeared in Su Xiao's hand. Just as he was about to take a bite, he thought about the fact that he was about to fight to the death with those difficult guys, and might be buried here. He had a luxurious meal before the battle, so he changed to a soul crystal.

On the seat diagonally opposite, Fanny clicked and bit into her puzzled eyes.

Well, the taste of the soul crystal core is a bit more mellow, and you can feel the soul energy in your mouth changing from solid to liquid, just like ripe juice, full of juice.


The sound of swallowing came from Fanny. Please don't get me wrong. She was not greedy. She was scared. This was a fear that came from instinct and from the depths of her soul. It was like facing an angry beast eating at close range.

Even if you know that you are not the one who is eating, you still feel fear.

Su Xiao bit off the soul crystal core for a moment, looked at Fanny who was staring straight at him, and said, "You want to eat it?"

"Ah no no no no no no!!"

Fanny's little head shook like a rattle.

The fight to the death will begin in a few hours, but at this moment, a prompt appears.

[Warning: Your team member, Tyrant, has killed the captain of the second team of the same camp, Rosa.]

[Your team member Tyrant has been judged as a high-risk violator because he killed his team leader on the battlefield. Since you are not a battle angel, you cannot accept the initial hunting mission of this violator. 】

[The tyrant has been automatically expelled from the team.]

It can only be said that he is worthy of being a tyrant, but he actually became a violator in the Ruins of Dawn, and did so in such a brutal and mindless manner.

This prompt appears after ten seconds.

Boom, boom, boom!

The train door was knocked rudely, and Su Xiao controlled the train to open the door. The person didn't get on the train, but threw a piece of "Broken Origin" on the train.

"This is what Rosa asked me to pass on to you. She kept mumbling about it before she died."

The tyrant crossed his shoulders with his arms, as if he was impatient and wanted to come down and die.

"Cukulin White Night, come down and die!"

The tyrant let out a powerful roar, and it could be seen from the corner of his mouth that he was almost unable to hold back how confident he was in this battle and how happy he was about the victory that was about to come.

Su Xiao walked down the metal steps of the train and looked at the tyrant with a bit of suspicion. He had always known that the tyrant was not good at being resourceful, but such a person who was willing to die with such a level of intelligence should not appear.

Suddenly, he had a bad premonition in his heart. The tyrant's immortality ability was very similar to the power of the abyss. He, who was often exposed to the spread of the abyss, was certainly not afraid of this. The key point was that after this kind of abyss distortion, he would not be afraid of this.

The power system has a certain probability of causing resonance with specific original sin objects.

Su Xiao is indeed sealing six Big Daddy-level original sin objects, but this does not mean that he is willing to face the abilities of original sin object holders. Although such original sin object holders are generally short-lived, their lives are as short as fireworks.

, but it can burst out with amazing combat power or weirdness.

"Hehe, hahaha."

The tyrant is indeed a tyrant, even his laughter has a unique style of missing a brainstem.

"Suffer death, Bai Ye."

The tyrant raised his hand with a face filled with joy and put a thick wooden mask on his face. It could be felt that the wooden mask was in the stage of absorption and slumber. It had obviously devoured a lot of resources to cause this kind of slumber.

As the deadwood mask approaches the tyrant's face, bright red hair-like tentacles twist out from the mask and sink into the tyrant's face. It can be seen that the tyrant's expression is still somewhat painful. The mask

The continuous absorption of original vitality caused the blood vessels in his body to swell.

If other people had their original vitality absorbed like this, they would die within a short time. However, the Tyrant is an immortal. If an ordinary person's original vitality is 100, then he must be at least 300,000. This is why he can be reborn with a drop of blood.

"Confront yourself and surpass your own strength."

Under the influence of the dead wood mask, the tyrant's voice was somewhat dull. He opened his arms, ready for the imitation and transcendence brought by the mask.

Yes, this is the ability of the Deadwood Mask. After wearing it, it will continue to absorb the wearer's original vitality, but it will also give the wearer the ability to imitate. He can imitate enemies he has fought or killed before, or even imitate him now.

Strong enemies are fighting.

Not only that, imitation is only the first step of the Deadwood Mask. As the battle continues, the Deadwood Mask will allow the Tyrant to gradually surpass the imitator. With this trick, the Tyrant has killed many powerful enemies in the last two worlds and won two consecutive

Sub-S level world rating, and with brute force and sufficient task guidance from Apocalypse Paradise, he has completed many difficult tasks.

Now, the tyrant wants to defeat his inner demon, which is the hunter in front of him.

A strong wind picked up the fallen leaves and blew between the two sides. The tyrant raised his arms, but failed to imitate. This made him confused and patted the dead wood mask on his face with his hand.

"Mask, do it!"

Tyrant found that manual control was not possible and began to try voice wake-up.


Su Xiao pressed the hand on the handle of the knife and stroked the soul gem at the end of the handle with his thumb. He thought that the tyrant was holding back some big move, but in the end, the other party gave him a hard job. This idiot actually released him as a false original sin.

The item "Ancient Mask" was brought back.

In fact, not only was the tyrant confused now, but why didn't the mask work? The "Ancient Mask" was sleeping well when it was suddenly woken up. Considering that this idiot had donated a lot of resources, it just helped the opponent fight. As a result

Just as it was about to unfold its posture, what came face to face was the existence it feared the most.

Speaking of which, the "Ancient Mask" was also unlucky. The last owner it chose was the "Dark Wizard Casper", who was an assassin. As a result, the assassin sent it to the place it feared the most.

in front of existence.

That time, the "Ancient Mask" was like a tattered rag. The "original sin power" it had accumulated for a long time was squeezed out by that terrifying existence like a rag. In response, the "Ancient Mask" was very angry.

Angry, it was angry for a long time, and then decided that it could not find an assassin, but a reckless man, preferably someone with less intelligence, and then it met a tyrant.

During the period of cooperation with the tyrant, the "Ancient Mask" can be said to be very cool. This stupid guy has no brains. What's even more perfect is that because this stupid guy is so brainless, the wave of will it emits is actually blocked by this stupid guy.

Treat it as your own idea and then execute it. This is like a full-level tool person.

After dozens of natural days, the "Ancient Mask" was completely relieved of this stupidity, so it decided to sleep for a while to deeply digest the "power" it had plundered in these days. It has the dream of becoming a true original sin object, although

That would make it lose all sense of self-subjectivity, but it would still be worth it.

"So, you are going to deal with me together with him."

Su Xiao looked at the ancient mask with red eyes. As soon as he said this, the tyrant opposite felt himself trembling for no reason.

"Haha, it's still too late for you to beg for mercy now."

As soon as the tyrant finished speaking, he knelt down to Su Xiao with a pop.

"You, you are looking for death!"

The tyrant was angry. Although his intelligence could not understand the reason for all this, it did not prevent him from yelling furiously.

With a bang, the kneeling tyrant knocked his head on the ground. The blow was so powerful that it made a circular crater in the stone slabs on the ground.

The tyrant's forehead was on the ground, his pupils were trembling, and then, a scene that could be listed on the "Apocalypse Paradise Annual Sand Sculpture Ranking" appeared. While the tyrant began to loudly insult Su Xiao, he was controlled by the "Ancient Mask", bang bang bang.

When he kowtows, all he can say is that he is indeed an immortal tyrant, and his physique is so strong that even when he kowtows, it will leave an afterimage, causing the surrounding dead leaves to fly away.

Bang bang bang...

The tyrant's curses gradually died down. As the saying goes, a man can bend and stretch. He took a deep breath, and then roared:

"Platinum Apostle, come and save me!"

In the darkness at this moment, the platinum apostle dressed as a queen in stockings was stroking her forehead with one hand. She originally wanted to trick the tyrant into committing suicide, and then use the other person's death to create a mark of fate, but instead this scene appeared.


The long sword was unsheathed, the sword light flashed across, and the tyrant's head was cut off immediately. No kill prompt appeared. Su Xiao was not surprised by this. After all, he was an undead type who had survived in the Lieyang Star.

The "Ancient Mask" fell off and fell to the ground. Su Xiao picked it up and thought with a slight frown on his brow, as if saying to himself: "Could it be that consciousness has arisen?"

Su Xiao's words did not cause any fluctuations in the "Ancient Mask". It seemed to be the same as before, just a dead object with the characteristics of original sin.

Seeing this, Su Xiao took out the "Book of Original Sin", took out the scarlet card on page nine, made room for the "Ancient Mask", and then sealed the pseudo-original sin object inside, letting the collector, the Book of the Dead

, Scarlet Scepter, Sun Mask, Netherworld Bone Ring, and Soul Crown, these six senior seniors, have a 'friendly' exchange with them.

Su Xiao saw that the "Ancient Mask" in the pages of the book shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. The power of original sin stored in it was all absorbed by the "Book of Original Sin". It was estimated that a large amount was equivalent to four pieces of "Core of Original Sin".


A few minutes later, the "Ancient Mask" was squeezed dry, and Su Xiao took it out. Sure enough, he guessed right, the "Ancient Mask" had developed self-awareness. The reason was that at this moment, on the surface of the originally flat wooden mask, there was already

A mask of pain emerged.

This chapter has been completed!
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