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Chapter Sixteen: A Little Gain

Akatsuki Makoto stopped, giving the ghoul a chance to escape.

The ghoul was just about to escape when he heard Su Xiao's threatening words.

The ghoul hesitated for a moment, then immediately turned around and ran away, not paying attention to what Su Xiao said.

In other words, this is the right choice. If you stay, you will die. Why not fight for the slightest chance of escape?

Just when the ghoul ran a few meters away, a long knife came flying towards him with the sound of breaking wind.


The long knife penetrated the ghoul's calf and was nailed deeply into the asphalt paved street.


The ghoul screamed, fell to the ground, and kissed his face on the asphalt road.

"The right choice."

Su Xiao stood up and walked slowly towards the ghoul.

The other party's behavior of escaping seemed normal to him. If it were him, he would make the same choice.

If you don't escape, you will die, so why not fight for it?

"You, what are you going to do."

The ghoul's eyes were panicked, and he tried to crawl forward, but [Dragon Killing Flash] was nailed to the ground and motionless.

Su Xiao grasped the handle of [Dragon-Slaying Flash] and pulled out [Dragon-Slaying Flash]. The ghoul immediately wanted to get up and run away.

The sword flashed across, and large amounts of blood spattered on the asphalt road.

With four sword strokes, Su Xiao cut off the ghoul's limbs, keeping his promise.

With the ghoul's vitality, this kind of injury can only be considered a serious injury and is not life-threatening.

"What's next?"

Akatsuki Mano's face was slightly tired. She was a little tired from the battle just now. Sweat soaked her clothes, and her light yellow blond hair stuck to her forehead.

"Go on, kill as many ghouls as you come tonight."

Akatsuki Manato felt a chill in his heart. There were hundreds of ghouls in the west neighborhood, or even more.

"Are we really okay?"

Su Xiao remained silent and began to clean up the bodies on the street.

He was going to lay a bait here, and the ghoul whose limbs he cut off was a good bait.

But ghouls are not stupid either. There are so many corpses here, which will only scare those ghouls away.

He piled the corpses in an alley. He didn't deal with the blood on the asphalt road. The smell of blood could also attract ghouls.

The ghoul whose limbs were cut off was thrown in the middle of the street by Su Xiao.

You don't need to lure other ghouls too close, you just need them to show up.

With Su Xiao's agility attribute, as long as those ghouls show up, there is absolutely no way they can escape.

Hunting low-level ghouls, although the chance of dropping a treasure chest is very small, can still get CCG contribution points.

Not only that, his natural ability [Soul Eater] can also increase his mana a lot.

Now mana is very important to Su Xiao, and Qinggangying is a big consumer of mana.

Su Xiao stood in the center of the street holding [Dragon Slash], and Akatsuki Mano stood aside.

"The ghoul will really appear. There has just been a battle here."

Su Xiao ignored Ma Tokatsu. Ghouls who can eat each other are beasts. The smell of blood will not scare them away, it will only attract them.

Only two minutes later, the first ghoul appeared.

He was an old ghoul with a thin body.

After seeing Su Xiao holding a sharp blade, the old ghoul hesitated for a moment and chose to retreat temporarily.

Unfortunately, it was too late to leave now, Su Xiao had already rushed forward with a knife.

A minute later, Su Xiao, whose cuffs were stained with blood, returned to where she was, waiting for the next prey.

The roof of a tall building in West Street.

The night wind blew by, and under the moonlight, two people could be seen standing on the top of the building.

"What should I do? If we let it go, all the ghouls here will be killed."

Kirishima Aya, who was wearing a black rabbit mask, opened his mouth and looked at Su Xiao in the distance with fearful eyes.

Tatara on the side did not speak, silently watching the scene in front of him.

This is a "source of troops" for the Bronze Tree. The leaders of the Bronze Tree will often come here to invite the stronger ghouls.

For example, the two Ping brothers were attracted by the Bronze Tree here.

"give up."

Tatara's words made Kirishima Aya feel a little unwilling.


As soon as Kirishima Aya opened his mouth, he found Tatara staring at him.

"Are you going to stop that monster?"

Kirishima Aya was speechless and turned his head away. Su Xiao's knife slashed at him, and he still remembers it vividly.

"Then~, you want me to go?"

There was murderous intent in Tatara's eyes.

"No, I mean to gather the members and kill this human being."

It seems that Kirishima Aya hates Su Xiao a lot, after all, Su Xiao almost killed him.

Tatara thought for a while and shook his head.

"The price is too high. Even if we succeed in killing this man, you and I may die in the battle.

Go away and give up here completely from now on. Knowing that this monster is in Area 14 is also very important information."

Although Bronze Tree not only has this "source of soldiers", but the loss of abandoning this place is not small, it is really forced and helpless.

Tatara and Kirishima Aya both left, and the ghouls here lost their support.


The sun gradually rose, and a golden morning light emerged.

In the center of the West Street District, Su Xiao sat on the street with a tired face.

On the streets within a radius of half a kilometer, large blood stains can be seen every not far away, and the strong smell of blood fills the streets.

Su Xiao couldn't remember how many ghouls were killed that night. In the end, less than half of them were found in the entire West Block.

The unusually strong smell of blood made those ghouls alert, and a message gradually spread among the ghouls in the West Block.

Never go near the central area, there is a scary human there!

Although Su Xiao's face was covered in blood, he wiped the [Dragon Slaying Flash] meticulously and put it into the savings space. He cherished the weapon very much.

Su Xiao activated the brand and checked the harvest of one night.

The first is the contribution value, which has become: [Second-class investigator, contribution level 390/400.]

In one night, Su Xiao gained 340 contribution points, which shows how many ghouls he killed.

Not only the contribution value, Su Xiao's natural ability Soul Eater has already devoured 68 points of mana.

His current mana value has become 238 points, and the activation time of Qinggang Shadow has been greatly increased.

In the storage space, there are also 3 white treasure boxes.

He killed too many ghouls, and even if the chance of dropping a treasure chest was very small, he still harvested 3 treasure chests.

"Second Baiye, let's go back, I can't do it anymore."

Akatsuki Mano lay flat on the street, no longer caring about ladylike behavior.

"I'm almost at my limit. Let's go back to the branch."

Su Xiao got up and took a few steps, but found that the real Toko was still lying on the ground.

"Um~, I'm out of strength."

Akatsuki Mano's tone was a little unnatural.

Last night, Su Xiao basically hunted the ghouls, and Mato Akatsuki was responsible for disposing of the corpses, not fighting. Even so, Mato Akatsuki was already out of power.

Su Xiao walked up to Mato Akatsuki and put Mato Akatsuki on her shoulders, feeling a plump and soft touch on her back.

"Please don't go back to the branch. It's too embarrassing for me to look like this."

The close physical contact made Mato Akatsuki blush a little.

"My home is nearby, just a few minutes' drive away."

Su Xiao thought about it and realized that Mato Akatsuki's suggestion was good. He also needed a rest now.

Driving to the downstairs of Akatsuki Mano's house, Akatsuki Mano regained some strength along the way and could at least walk alone.

Akatsuki Mano lived in a single apartment. The room was small but very cozy. After entering Akatsuki Mano's home, Su Xiao took off her shirt under the astonished gaze of the other person and went straight to the bathroom.

He was now covered in blood, and the blood had coagulated on his skin overnight, making him very uncomfortable.

Just as Su Xiao rinsed her body with warm water, there was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Second Baiye, please hurry up. I have to take a shower as soon as possible. I~, I have mysophobia. It's a nightmare when blood condenses on my skin."

This chapter has been completed!
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