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Chapter 23: Cruel

The cry of the young white-collar workers caused a chain reaction. Ordinary people in the surrounding iron cages also began to cry and beg for mercy, and the scene became a mess.

The strange thing is that the resentful servants in the courtyard were not angry, and were even chatting and laughing in groups, because not long ago, they were also in this weak look.

"Don't waste time, you guys, drag the three of them out."

A leader-looking Resentment Warrior is a little impatient. The reason why he is called the leader is because he has a strong build that is different from ordinary Resentment Warriors.

This guy is at least three meters tall, with muscles all over his body tied together, and vital parts such as his heart and throat covered with an exoskeleton.

Several resentful servants entered the iron cage and dragged three ordinary people out of the iron cage.

"No, help!"


"I have money, I can give you a lot of money."

The three of them made a final struggle, but unfortunately the resentful servants were unmoved and easily lifted them up and walked towards the magic circle in the center of the courtyard.

Several resentful servants roughly threw three ordinary people into the magic circle.


The three of them were thrown so hard that their eyes were filled with stars. When they struggled to get up, the magic circle with extremely powerful power emitted light, and the three of them immediately fell to the ground helplessly.

Conduits made of magic power emerged from the magic circle, and there were at least hundreds of these conduits.

After seeing these tubes, not to mention ordinary people, even Su Xiao felt a numb scalp.

This kind of conduit is as flexible as a snake and can expand and contract freely.


Blood spattered, and a catheter was inserted into the skull of the young white-collar worker. The young white-collar worker's mouth grew to the extreme, and he wanted to scream but could not make any sound.

One catheter after another was inserted into the head of the young white-collar worker, and the other catheters also found their prey. In an instant, the heads of three ordinary people were filled with catheters.

The three people fell to the ground and twitched as if they had stepped on a switch. The resentful servants around them were not surprised by this scene. As for the ordinary people in the iron cage, they were too frightened to make any more noise.

After the three ordinary people twitched in the magic circle for a few minutes, one of them's eyeballs began to roll around in his eye socket. Seeing this scene, several resentful servants around him stood up.

"A new compatriot has appeared. Take him to perform the ceremony. Hurry!"

A smile appeared on the face of the leader of the Resentment Warrior. After all, the chance of ordinary people transforming into resentment creatures is very low, only about 5%.

The two resentful servants walked into the magic circle, first pulled out the catheter from the head of the young white-collar worker, and then carried him towards the Dharma Hall in the center of Liudong Temple.

As for the other two ordinary people in the magic circle, they were lying in the magic circle slightly twitching. Although they were not dead, they were not far from death.

"Kill...kill me..."

An ordinary person who failed to transform murmured, and a resentful servant immediately stepped forward and applied a black mud on his head.

"Bring it to the eternal pool for nourishment."

The leader of the Resentful Waiters signaled to continue repeating this process.

Screams, the strong smell of blood, and desperate emotions were mixed together, and this empty courtyard had become a hell.

You can imagine the mental state of those ordinary people in the iron cage. There is nothing more desperate than waiting to die or become a monster.

This is the Dawangjeon of Ryudong Temple, which is closest to the gate of Ryudong Temple. Compared with the deeper Dharma Hall and the Main Hall, this place is nothing.

Su Xiao let go of the hand holding the edge of the wall and fell silently. It was obvious that this position could not be sneaked into.

Liudong Temple is not a copy of the game. The monsters inside will not wait for him to kill batches, but can be gradually advanced.

If Su Xiao fights any resentful servant in Liudong Temple and cannot kill the opponent immediately, a large group of resentful creatures will be attracted within three minutes, and all enemies in Liudong Temple will come out within five minutes.

Even if you are fighting against a hostile creature, you must kill it instantly without letting the opponent scream.

Su Xiao continued walking along the wall of Liudong Temple. He planned to go directly to the main altar at the back of Liudong Temple, where the soul lamp needed for the mission was.

However, wishes are beautiful, but reality is cruel. After spending an hour walking around Liudong Temple, Su Xiao found that except for the wall of the Grand King's Hall at the front where there was an opportunity to sneak into Liudong Temple, there was no way to sneak into Liudong Temple from the Dharma Hall or the main hall.

It is completely impossible to enter Ryudongsa Temple through the wall of the shrine.

It's not that there is a barrier blocking everything, but there are too many rats near the wall.

The mouse Su Xiao met was certainly not an ordinary mouse. It was a mouse similar to a hedgehog, with bone spurs all over its body.

According to the detected data, the life assimilation rate of this bone spur rat is 3%.

All creatures with a degree of life assimilation in the data are ordinary creatures or ordinary people transformed by that magic circle.

After some observation, Su Xiao basically figured out the transformation process of resentful creatures. First, ordinary people were thrown into that kind of magic circle for preliminary transformation. The specific principle was unknown to Su Xiao.

The success rate of this transformation process is very low. As for ordinary people who fail to transform, they will be sent to the immortal pool for nourishment.

Su Xiao didn't know what the Eternal Life Pond was, but it was clear from the fact that it used humans as nourishment that it was by no means a friendly place.

Su Xiao squatted on the ground, closing her eyes to sense her surroundings.

After some observation, Su Xiao discovered that there were bone spur rats even near the Dawang Hall at the front of Liudong Temple, but the number was small, which gave him a chance to successfully infiltrate.

After walking along the wall for a distance, Su Xiao put his ear against the wall. It was quiet on the other side of the wall. He decided to sneak into Liudong Temple here, which is where the Dawang Hall is closer to the Dharma Hall.

After climbing up the wall, there was a quiet courtyard behind the wall. Just when Su Xiao was about to turn over and enter the courtyard, the sound of footsteps came.

Two resentful servants with blood on their bodies walked into the small courtyard. They pushed each other from time to time, but neither of them made a sound.

"Quick, take it out..."

"Don't worry, I'll seal it...otherwise..."

The sound of the conversation between the two was very low. Su Xiao was lying on the three-meter-high wall at this time, waiting for the two to leave.

What Su Xiao didn't expect was that instead of leaving, these two guys walked towards the wall where he was.

Two resentful waiters came to the corner and huddled together. Just when Su Xiao suspected that these two sneaky guys were going to have sex, one of the resentful waiters carefully took out a plastic bag from his arms, which contained some

Jelly-like objects.


Su Xiao clearly heard the sound of swallowing on the wall.

"Why did it become like this? It was still liquid before."

A resentful waiter rubbed the 'jelly' with his hand.

"Is this the water from the Eternal Life Pool? I've seen that water before, and it's clearly a light green liquid, definitely not like this jelly!"

"How did I know that the water in the pool would become like this?"

The two resentful servants argued in low voices, seemingly no longer interested in that kind of 'jelly'.

"What do you mean, I have good intentions..."

"Fuck you, give me back ten pounds of fresh human flesh."


"Give it back!"

One of the resentful servants had a red light in his eyes, as if he had been deceived and had gone berserk.

Although the Resentment Warriors seem to be able to communicate normally, this is not the case in reality. Once they have serious mood swings, they will become extremely murderous.

This chapter has been completed!
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