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Chapter 55: Equipment Combination Skills

After ten minutes of tracking, Su Xiao found that the red figure in front suddenly stopped.

Hassan Sabah (Baimao) stood on the roof of a building. He looked in the direction of Su Xiao. Although he did not see Su Xiao, he felt that someone was chasing him.

Black smoke emerged, and dozens of people with the same clothes, masks, and different heights and shapes appeared.

This is the ability of Hassan Sabah (Baimai): delusional illusion, eighty personalities existing in one body at the same time. When he releases these personalities, these personalities can obtain independent bodies, have independent thinking, and can be alone

Perform tasks.

This ability seems powerful and can change from one person to eighty people, but the total energy of Hassan Sabah's (Baimai) Heroic Spirit remains unchanged. In other words, the more individuals are split, the stronger the strength of these Baimai.


At this time, Hassan Sabah (Baixian) had 20 personalities. As soon as these 20 people appeared, they immediately rushed in all directions.

"Good strategy, but unfortunately, the number of people is too small, and the speed is slowed down too much."

Su Xiao jumped to a signal tower more than ten meters away. He quickly climbed up the signal tower and stood on the top of the tower dozens of meters high.

Twenty people with hundreds of faces fled in different directions, and during the detection of the apostle's eye, these were all entities.

Su Xiao stood tall, with the night wind blowing his short hair, and a nearly two-meter-long sniper rifle appeared in his hand. It was the Spider Queen.

I habitually exited the magazine to check. There were ten 17.36mm caliber bullets in the magazine.

Su Xiao inserted the magazine, pulled the bolt to load the gun, and pressed a metal button on the side of the gun body.


The Spider Queen switches from single-shot mode to continuous-fire mode. In single-shot mode, you need to pull the bolt to load each shot. Although the firing rate is slow, it is more stable and has high accuracy.

In continuous fire mode, just keep pulling the trigger until the bullets in the magazine are empty.

Adjusting the Spider Queen's 'optical infrared detection mirror' to eight times, Su Xiao put his head in front of the sight. With the help of the apostle's eye, twenty hundred-faced figures were one after another in red. Even if there was a gap between them and Su Xiao

Although the building is blocking it, Su Xiao can still see their location.

This effect surprised Su Xiao. Spider Queen + Eye of the Apostle actually had this effect. With the combination of these two pieces of equipment, the enemy had nowhere to escape.

Su Xiao took a deep breath, her heartbeat slowed down, and the crosshair in the scope swayed less, finally freezing completely.

From taking out the Spider Queen to getting ready to shoot, it took Su Xiao less than three seconds.

The crosshair of the scope was pointed at a Hakushou, who was quickly escaping to the southwest of Fuyuki City. There was a building and two cement walls between Su Xiao and the Hakushou.

Su Xiao pulled the trigger, a push came from her shoulder, and the bullet left the muzzle.

Even if the 17.36mm caliber bullet is detached from the shell, the size of the bullet is exaggerated, making it a giant among bullets.

Moreover, Spider Queen's bullets are special ammunition. Although they are expensive, the bullets fly extremely fast and have strong penetrating power.

The bullet rotated in the air at high speed. Because the speed was so fast, the bullet began to glow red. The first target the bullet hit was the outer wall of a building.

The bullet penetrated the outer wall of the building without any pause, and flew out from the other side of the building in an instant.

Not only that, the bullet penetrated two concrete walls one after another and shot directly into the throat of a young man.

The Bai Mian felt something coming at him quickly, and before his body could react, he felt a blow to his throat.


The sound of gunfire pierced the night sky, and before the sound of the gunfire spread, the bullet had already penetrated the throat of a young man.

With a snap, the head and half of the upper body of the Baimian was shattered. Hassan Sabah (Baimai) was not a thick-skinned heroic spirit. His strength was C level and his durability was D level.

Moreover, in order to get rid of Su Xiao, Hassan Sabah (Baimai) has split into 19 personality clones, so his strength C and durability D have to be divided by twenty. You can imagine how bad Baimai will be after the split.

Because of this, the Spider Queen shattered the upper body of a multifaceted man with one shot. Of course, this was also because the Spider Queen's equipment effect increased by 3.

Equipment effect 3: Crusher (passive), increases the chance of crushing enemies by 30%.

Hassan Sabah (Baimao) made a wrong choice and split into twenty people in front of Su Xiao, who mastered spear skill level 30.

Moreover, Su Xiao also found the commanding heights. With the bonus of 'increasing the attack power of firearm weapons by 42%' from Firearms Mastery lv.30, Su Xiao used the Spider Queen to snipe the hundreds of people fleeing around, just like target shooting. As long as

Hit the chest, head, neck and other fatal places, one shot will shatter each one.

Bang, bang, bang...

Su Xiao continuously pulled the trigger, and after the Spider Queen switched to continuous fire mode, the firepower was guaranteed. As for accuracy, Gunslinger Mastery lv.30 could make up for this.

Every one of them was smashed into pieces, and their broken flesh and blood was splashed on the walls, glass windows, iron doors, and in the stinky ditches.


Su Xiao emptied a magazine. A total of nine personality clones were shattered, and one personality clone had his legs broken. It took 6 seconds. With the perspective effect produced by the apostle's eye + optical infrared detection mirror, even if there was

Even though the building was blocking it, Su Xiao's shot was perfect.

Withdrawing the empty magazine and inserting the new magazine, Su Xiao can use Spider Queen to accurately shoot to a target of about 1.5 kilometers. At his current shooting speed, after the second magazine is emptied, the remaining ten Baimen will be

will escape from his shooting range, so he must make sure not to miss a single shot.

Although Hassan Sabah (Baimai) can separate his personality and give his personality a physical body, he must have a real body.

First of all, before the split, all the personalities of Hassan Sabah (Baifang) were concentrated in one body. After the separation of 19 personalities, Hassan Sabah (Baifang) had 61 personalities left. Those 61 people

Where is the pattern? The answer is that it is within the body of Hassan Sabah (Baifang).

The true identity of Hassan Sabah (one hundred appearances) is mixed among the ten people who are fleeing now. As long as the true body of Hassan Sabah (one hundred appearances) can be killed, the remaining personality clones will not be a problem.


The gunshots continued, and every time before the gunshots were heard, one of the clones was shot, one by one. Su Xiao's sniping was extremely refreshing.

Su Xiao is having fun here, but Hassan Sabah (Baimei) has a huge psychological shadow. Due to the decline in strength caused by the separation of personality clones, he can no longer compete with Su Xiao head-on.

To be precise, even if he does not use his personality clone, he is not Su Xiao's opponent. Hassan Sabah (Baimai)'s comprehensive ability is too weak. In a head-on confrontation, Su Xiao can defeat him. Not only is Su Xiao able to defeat Baimai, but also Su Xiao can defeat him.

King of Heroes, King of Conquerors, etc. can be used.

One of the personality clones was shot in the head with one shot, and there were still five people fleeing below.

At this moment, the five Bai Mao appeared to be gathering together. It seemed that Hassan Sabah (Bai Mao) also knew that escaping like this was not an option as the enemy's attack range was too far.

The personality clone of Hassan Sabah (Baimai) disappeared and his various attributes were restored. Although the personality clone will reduce his strength, after the death of the personality clone, the heroic energy will still return to his body.

After all attributes were restored, Hassan Sabah's (Baimai) agility attribute reached A, which was the only attribute he could use.

Sensing Hassan Sabah's behavior, Su Xiao put away the Spider Queen, jumped down from the signal tower, and quickly chased Hassan Sabah.

That mosquito said

There is another chapter in twenty minutes.

This chapter has been completed!
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