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Chapter 22: Jagged blood


A large number of bubbles appeared in the magma under the fortress, and the Imperial Army also noticed this change.

Carlos smiled, things were going according to his plan.

"After waiting for so long, it's finally fine. Anna, let's go."

Carlos didn't know who he was talking to.


A disembodied girl came, and there seemed to be an invisible woman near Carlos.

After about a few dozen seconds, the magma with a large number of bubbles under the fortress stopped churning and began to solidify.

Click, click.

The condensed magma burst into cracks. These cracks were not messy, but formed a chain of large alchemical formations.

Boom boom boom...

The ground within a radius of more than ten kilometers began to shake.


The solidified magma layer ruptured, and higher-temperature magma gushed out from the cracks in the magma layer. Those cracks spewed out magma like fountains.


The lava flowed down the slope, and the imperial soldiers not far from the lava immediately retreated.

The magma continued to surge upwards and flow down the slope. In just ten seconds, a rolling magma slope had formed under the fortress.

Behind the battlefield, Carlos's adjutant stood at a high place and looked at the magma explosion. He held a black slate in his arms, and a very precise alchemical formation diagram was engraved on the slate.

"The height is not enough."

The adjutant's biting muscles protruded, and he could clearly see that the lava flow under the fortress had begun to swallow up the imperial troops, and screams were heard.

"Not enough."

Adjutant Rona's eyes were a little ferocious. At this moment, a large number of imperial soldiers were being swallowed by the lava.

Notifying these soldiers in advance can significantly reduce casualties. If you do that, the plan is very likely to be exposed, which will only kill more people.

The screams of the soldiers who were burned by the lava could be heard far away. Not to mention the ordinary officers of the empire, even the tribal troops on the fortress were stunned.

"Carlos is crazy!"

Minotaur Amster's cheek twitched. Although he knew some of Carlos' ruthlessness, he didn't expect Carlos to be so ruthless. He was using the lives of soldiers to execute a plan.


The higher the magma rises, the more magma flows down the slope, and the more casualties the Imperial Army suffers.

Soon, the tribal troops on the fortress felt the scorching heat of the magma, and their beards and hair began to burn. They began to retreat. If the lava surged up to the fortress, they would be dead.

Tauren Amster did not retreat because he believed that no matter how crazy Carlos was, he would not let the magma surge up the fortress. After the magma solidified, it would produce hard rock. If the magma surged up the black earth fortress, the tribal army would at best come from another place.

It was just a matter of escaping down the fortress from the side of the rocky slope, so the casualties would not be too great.

If the magma solidifies above the black earth fortress, not to mention the damage to the overall structure of the fortress, just clearing the rocks in the later stage will be a huge project. By then, the black earth fortress will be equivalent to a kilometer of waste, and the tribal army will attack again from this weak point.


Just as the Minotaur Amster imagined, when the magma surged up to the level of the fortress, Rona, the adjutant at the rear of the Imperial Army, broke the stone slab in his hand.

With a bang, the stone slabs shattered, and the lava rising under the fortress stopped instantly.

There is a reason why Carlos did not let the magma surge up to the fortress. On the one hand, the rocks formed after the magma cools are difficult to clean. On the other hand, if you want to kill the tribal troops on the fortress, you do not need to let the magma surge up. It will only scare the snake.


After the magma level with the fortress stopped, the tauren Amster on the fortress breathed a sigh of relief. This was as he expected.


A thinner shout came from the side, and the goblin inventor ran towards the other side of the fortress with his short legs, jumped to the stone slope built by the tribe on the other side, and continued to escape.

At first, goblin inventors thought that the alchemical array in the magma was a 'heat-cold displacement alchemical array', but this was not the case.

Seeing the goblin inventor's reaction, the tauren Amster's hair stood on end.

"Retreat from the fortress."

While the tauren Amster roared angrily, he also ran towards the rocky slope on the other side of the fortress, but unfortunately he was a little slower.

The color of the magma that stopped flowing out began to change, from blazing red to blue-black, and a layer of ice crystals quickly clung to the surface of the magma.

Such a large alternation of cold and heat caused the semi-solid magma slope to crack rapidly.


When hot and cold touch, a large amount of steam rises. This is not ordinary water vapor, but superheated steam far beyond the critical point.

The steam is permeating the air, and with the westerly wind tonight, large amounts of steam quickly envelope the black earth fortress. Tonight is the weather that Carlos wants most.


Hoarse screams were heard from the fortress, and four 'dishes' appeared on the fortress, steamed orcs, steamed goblins, steamed dwarves, and steamed trolls.

The 30,000 tribal troops stationed in the fortress roared in pain in the steam. The terrifyingly hot steam burned their skin, and once they breathed in, it would corrode their organs.

In just a few seconds, there was deathly silence on the fortress, with only a white expanse of steam, and all the tribal troops on the fortress were dead.

The smell of meat wafted away, and some of the new recruits recruited by the Imperial Army began to retching.

Silent, cruel, and terrifying, this is what the Black Earth Fortress looks like now.

"Blood debt must be paid with blood. No tribe can take away the fortress built by my ancestors."

Carlos said this sentence word for word. This is Carlos. He is brave and iron-blooded. He is more cruel than anyone else at critical moments. Only such a person can guard the border. Those so-called heroes cannot block the tribe in the fortress.

Besides, there is no such thing as despicable in war. As long as you can kill all the enemy troops, what does despicable mean? Dead people will not call the enemy despicable because they are already dead and cannot speak.

The steam lasted for more than four hours before it began to thin, and the sky began to dimly light up.

On the battlefield, Carlos said something to the invisible woman again.

At the same time, Rona, the adjutant in the rear of the Imperial Army, ordered the troops to regroup, and the order was quickly conveyed to the entire army.

In just a few minutes, more than 200,000 imperial troops had reorganized into formation. The hesitation in the soldiers' eyes disappeared, and their determined gazes made people wonder if they were the half-broken soldiers who were desperately pushing back a few hours ago.

Thousands of soldiers carrying large buckets lined up in an orderly queue and ran quickly towards the black earth fortress. When these thousands of soldiers rushed to the solidified magma slope, they took off the thick buckets half a person's height from their backs and poured them out.

The water inside poured down to the bottom of the slope.


Water vapor rises, the temperature of the slope after watering gradually drops, and the surface becomes a gray-black honeycomb shape.

Buckets of water were poured on it, and the temperature of the magma slope cooled rapidly. Thousands of people gradually moved upward and continued to water.

After thousands of buckets of water were poured, the lava slope was still a bit hot to the feet, but it was barely bearable.

Boom, boom, boom...

The sound of war drums came from the opposite side of the fortress. It was the tribal army gathering. The two sides were separated by the fortress. However, there were slopes on both sides of the fortress. One side was formed after the magma cooled, and the other side was the tribal army preparing in advance. This was to prevent the imperial army from re-entering the fortress.

Retake the fortress. With this slope, it will be much easier for the tribal army to attack the fortress.

Although the Imperial Army did not recapture the fortress, they created a slope leading directly to the top of the fortress.

In this way, the black earth fortress is like a mountain. Both sides can easily rush to the fortress. Now it depends on who can defeat the other party.

This chapter has been completed!
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