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Chapter 33: The same kind of people

The pulse continued to be emitted dozens of times and then stopped. All the soldiers within a few dozen meters around Su Xiao died, and the smell of blood filled his nostrils.


A palm-sized drone passed over Su Xiao at high speed. Su Xiao held the Dragon Slayer Flash and slashed into the air, and the light blue sword light flew out.

The speed of the small drone was very fast, but the speed of the sword was even faster, and it directly cut the drone into two pieces. The two pieces of the drone fell down and plunged into the soil.

"Brother, the 't3k-big dragonfly' is very expensive. It's a pity that it was chopped off by you like this. This kind of nerve reflex speed must be strengthened at least three times."

A bald man wearing a black leather jacket walked over, with at least a hundred mechanical bees hovering near him.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Lan Jue. In every sense, we are the same type of people."

Lan Jue looked at Lidya Su with a smile.

"Same kind of people?"

Su Xiao sensed Lan Jue's aura. Indeed, the other party's aura was different from the contractors he had seen.

"Yes, the same kind of people are called purging envoys here."

Lan Jue paused when he said this, as if he was waiting for something.

After a while, Lan Jue asked tentatively: "Did you hear what I just said?"

Lidya Su raised her eyebrows and finally nodded.

"Sure enough, it's fun to talk to the same kind of people and you won't be blocked.'

The smile on Lan Jue's face became more obvious, and he reached out to touch his bald head. If there were not hundreds of mechanical bees hovering around him, this scene would make people think that he was here to make friends with Su Xiao.

"It's a pity that we don't work for the same place, but then again, people like us should be unwelcome wherever we go. We can't form a team with other contractors, we can't cooperate with others too many times, and we have to clean up that bullshit anomaly.

Or, those ghosts have all kinds of strange abilities. I once met a guy who used his own organs to fight. It was so disgusting."

Lan Jue chattered like a chatterbox, but in the past, he rarely talked so much to others, especially when the two sides were hostile.

Lan Jue is the purifier of Apocalypse Paradise, which is equivalent to the hunter of Samsara Paradise, responsible for cleaning up those contractors who violate taboos.

"This is how life should be. You will give what you get. It's fair."

Su Xiao didn't take action immediately. He had never seen hunters from the same camp, let alone hunters from other parks. It was unknown whether there were other hunters in Samsara Park, but there was a high probability that there were other hunters.

, but the number is rare, and it is enough to have one hunter in a derived world. The chance of encountering other hunters in the derived world is very small.

This time Su Xiao actually met the hunter from Apocalypse Paradise, and he wanted to get some useful information from the other party.

"Perhaps you are right, this is what fate should be. Although the Purifier is not a very good person, the danger is several times or even dozens of times that of ordinary contractors, but he becomes stronger faster."

Lan Jue threw out a mechanical beetle, which was about the size of a sparrow. The mechanical beetle's eyes emitted red rays.

"Oh? Developing four attributes at the same time? The ambition is not small."

Needless to say, Lan Jue was probing Su Xiao's information, and the apostle's eye beside Su Xiao was also probing the other party's situation.

[The intelligence attributes of both sides are being compared...the comparison is completed, our intelligence is 0.945 times that of the enemy, and we have obtained 29% of the enemy's information.]

The information is as follows

Name: Lanjue

Category: Human





Stamina: 67



Explored Skill 1: Mechanical Heart (Active lv.32), which can transform insect-like creatures into mechanical summoned creatures.

lv.10 additional ability: secondary activation.

lv.20 additional ability: remote control of mechanical creatures.

lv.30 additional ability: mechanical creature detonation.

Explored Skill 2: Summoning Master (passive lv.30), increases the strength, agility, and physical attributes of the summoned object by 20%, and the summoning speed is greatly increased.

lv.10 additional ability: multiple summons.

lv.20 additional ability: super multiple summons.

lv.30 additional ability: summon fusion skill.

Seeing this information, Su Xiao immediately understood that the enemy was difficult to deal with. The opponent developed three attributes at the same time. Agility and physical strength ensured survivability and a certain melee ability. The intelligence attribute increased the number, strength, and existence time of the summoned objects.

The opponent's profession is very special. In layman's terms, it is a mechanical summoner. It can transform all insect-like creatures into summons and summon them during battle. Moreover, the opponent's basic summoning skill is master level. How strong is the master level's basic ability?

Lidya Su knew it all too well.

Presumably, the opponent is a hunter from Apocalypse Paradise. With the danger level and growth rate of the hunter, it is impossible for him to be weak. The weak hunter will have been eliminated long ago.

Generally speaking, Lan Jue is a long-range summoner with strong survivability, and the opponent has brought a set of high-tech items. Excluding the summons, the opponent's long-range firepower should not be weak.

Both sides had a general understanding of each other's capabilities before the war began. Su Xiao was unable to find out all the information about Lan Jue. It was unknown how much information the other party had found out.

"Melee combat? I'm still wondering. When I saw you before, my instinct kept urging me to stay away from you. This ability called Qinggang Shadow is so powerful that it makes people jealous. It seems that the profession you got is also very good."

Lan Jue moved his shoulders. He did not take the opportunity to summon mechanical creatures. There was no need for it. Compared with other summoners, it only took him a moment to summon mechanical creatures.

Su Xiao didn't speak. He was thinking about how to get close to the opponent. There were too many mechanical bees near the opponent, hundreds of them. If these mechanical bees exploded at the same time, the counterattack shield might not be able to withstand it.

If you can't fight head-on, you can only use outsmarts. First, you must lure away the mechanical bees near the opponent, or directly detonate these mechanical bees.

Just when Su Xiao was thinking about the battle strategy, Lan Jue spoke.

"If the development direction of ordinary contractors is to deal with plot characters or besieging elite creatures, then our development direction is people to people. In the words of the game, ordinary contractors are PVE, and we are PVP. Fighting with you, I

Looking forward to it.”

Lan Jue hadn't spoken so much to the enemy for a long time. Usually when he fought with others, he would directly release the summons and use the summons as cover. Then he would pierce the enemy with his mace. When he saw Su Xiao, who was also a hunter, today, he

It is inevitable to talk more.

"That's enough chatting. I don't know what's going on on your side. I have a mandatory mission here. Only one of us can survive before the end of this world."

Lan Jue revealed the purpose of his coming here and decided to live or die with Su Xiao.

Now Samsara Paradise is at war with Apocalypse Paradise. As a hunter of Samsara Paradise, it is normal for Su Xiao to be targeted by the enemy paradise. After all, he is helping Samsara Paradise to clean up those contractors who broke the rules.

On the noisy battlefield, Su Xiao and Lan Jue were facing each other about twenty meters apart. They were surrounded by large bodies of corpses, and further away were soldiers fighting together.

"Then... let's start, the same type of people from the enemy."

Su Xiao breathed a long sigh of relief. Lan Jue was very strong. What was bad was that he was not in good condition after taking a short rest. If Su Xiao's full combat power was 10, it would be around 8 now.

"You shouldn't be in good condition. Don't call me mean. I waited for two hours for this. This is a tactic."

Lan Jue discovered Su Xiao's whereabouts at the beginning of the war. He did not take action. He was just waiting for Su Xiao to consume his strength. Su Xiao disappeared for a while and reappeared. Lan Jue chose to take action. He was afraid that Su Xiao was hiding in the imperial army.

Never show up again.

The hunter-killer war is about to begin. This is a battle between two masters of murder.

ps: (There will be another chapter in a moment)

This chapter has been completed!
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