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Chapter 86: The Real Mage

Due to the profession of Shadow of Destruction, Su Xiao could not perceive any elements even if his intelligence attribute reached 79 points, so he did not know what 'element connection strength' and 'element perception sensitivity' were at all.

Although he doesn't know, someone he knows may know, and that is Yan Chen.

He had cooperated with Yan Chen before, and the two of them lived and died together, so they left each other's contact information.

Su Xiao contacted Yan Chen, and within a few dozen seconds, a virtual screen appeared in front of him, with a sleepy Yan Chen on the screen.

"It's so early in the morning, can't we let people go to bed early?"

Yan Chen had obviously just woken up. As the leader of many psychopaths, Yan Chen was quite angry when he got up.

"What is the role of elemental connection strength and elemental perception sensitivity."

Su Xiao got straight to the point. He tried to ask Samsara Paradise before, but the trick was that these two messages required a fee of 10,000 paradise coins each.

"Is that the problem? I thought you wanted to treat me to breakfast."

Yan Chen was a little unhappy, but he still answered Su Xiao's question, and it was the elder Pang Lun. It was the elder Pang Lun who answered the question that had puzzled Su Xiao for a long time.

"The elemental connection strength is a must-have for every mage. You can understand it this way. There is a line between the mage and the elements. The thickness of this line is the value of the elemental connection strength. The thicker the line, the faster the spell is used.

, the more stable it is.

As for elemental perception sensitivity, this thing is relatively rare. For example, a mage with 50 points of intelligence can sense the element concentration of 300tc grams around him. As for what 'tc grams' is, you just think of it as a unit, exclusive to mages.

The unit of measurement is not the mage, and the higher the perceived elemental tcg, the less it costs to use spells. Generally speaking, it means reducing the amount of mana consumed. However, this reduction is only for mages, not mages."

Yanchen emphasized Master and Master twice, which shows that there may be some difference between the two.

Yan Chen cleared his throat and continued:

"There are several processes for casting a spell. First, sense a certain concentration of TC elements, mobilize these elements, convert mana into elements of the same type, control, shape, fission, secondary shaping, compression, third shaping, and then

Silently chanting + mana resonance, and finally throwing it out. In short, it is very troublesome. This is the only way for academic mage.

Also, don’t confuse academic mages with skill-based mages. The name of the Master in Samsara Paradise was given by the academic mages. For mages of the same level, the academic mages are several times or even dozens of times stronger than the skill mages.

, but there are very few academic mages, and most of the so-called 'magisters' nowadays are scum who rely on fixed spell skill circuits."

Yan Chen talked a lot, and Su Xiao came to the conclusion that [Essence of the Moon] seems to be very valuable if it can find a real buyer, that is, an academic mage.

"What, you got equipment that can increase the 'element connection strength' and 'element perception sensitivity'?"

Yanchen seems to have little interest in [Essence of the Moon], he is just a fake mage.

"Do you have a market for a medicine?"

"Of course... yes."

Yan Chen's sleepiness receded.


"Up to 3%."

"I'll help you raise the price, so 6%."

"make a deal."

Su Xiao reached a deal with Yan Chen, and it was obvious that Yan Chen recognized the academic mage.

Su Xiao was surprised before that the mages in Samsara Paradise were called Masters, but most of the mages he met were not very powerful in combat and could only throw around skills. The stronger ones just released their skills more reasonably.

, the title of Master is somewhat untrue.

Now he finally understood that Master Master was not a title for all mages, but an exclusive title for academic mages.

Academic mages will also learn skills, but they will study the skills they have already mastered, analyze the principles of the skills clearly, and then add their own understanding.

This is just like how Su Xiao, after using soul crystals and paradise coins to improve himself as a sword master, would still spend 1 to 3 hours meditating every day, rain or shine. Not only that, he would also conduct in-depth analysis of the energy of Qinggang Shadow, so he developed

Counter shield is a magical skill.

It takes a certain amount of time for Yan Chen to contact the academic masters. According to Yan Chen, those masters basically stay at home and spend most of their time in exclusive rooms studying magic.

For academic masters, studying magic is the most interesting thing. What they pursue is knowledge, and then they arm themselves with knowledge to obtain higher-level knowledge.

Su Xiao left the exclusive room and walked to the trading market. He planned to sell the [Malicious Shock and Drink] Tower Shield first. This thing can be bought at a good price.

The main tank may not be able to afford this thing, but the adventure group behind the main tank will definitely pay for it. An excellent main tank is equivalent to the 'giant panda' in the reincarnation paradise, and it belongs to the endangered protection profession.

In normal times, the leaders of major adventure groups will take good care of their main tanks, who are closer than their own sons. As for fighting, I'm sorry, the main tank must stand in front and be beaten until it collapses. In most cases, the tank collapses.

Linked to group destruction.

Su Xiao came to his 'exclusive' stall, which he often uses.

Sitting behind the booth, Su Xiao hesitated for a moment and put the price of [Malicious Shock Drink] at 600,000 Paradise Coins. The price was not high. To be precise, the price of the shield was much lower than the staff. After all, the number of main tanks was too different from that of mages.


When the output quantity exceeds the demand, the price will naturally drop, such as shield-type equipment. As for the staff weapons, the output is lower than the demand. There are too many mages. Mages are already safe in the team, and with the handsome pull

The magic of wind, and the title of 'Master'.

Su Xiao's stall had just opened, and the golden light attracted a large group of contractors. However, after seeing it was a shield, these contractors dispersed after admiring it. There were nearly hundreds of contractors, and only one strong man was left squatting in front of the stall.

, looking eagerly at the golden shield on the stall.

"Sir, could this shield be cheaper?"


Su Xiao doesn't want to lose these few customers.

"Um~how about 210,000."

The strong man sneered.

"Somewhat low, at least 550,000."

Su Xiao smiled. The other party was obviously not here to cause trouble, but the financial situation was not very good.

"Excuse me, but can you let me feel this shield?"

Finding that Su Xiao didn't show any sarcastic expression, the strong man secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


The strong man picked up the shield excitedly. Although his attributes and skills were not enough to activate the shield's ability, he was very happy holding the golden shield. The strong man couldn't help but giggle.

"Thank you."

The strong man carefully put down his shield, secretly deciding in his heart that from now on he must hold a shield of the same quality and stand in front of his teammates.

There was an endless stream of contractors in front of the stall, stopping and leaving. Soon, a strong man wearing a red shirt and showing a lot of chest hair stopped in front of the stall. He was very strong, which is a characteristic of most main tanks.

The hairy-chested man did not ask for the price immediately, but started to contact someone. Seeing this scene, Su Xiao knew that the real buyer had arrived.

A few minutes later, a gloomy-looking middle-aged man with triangular eyes came over.

"Captain, here."

The hairy-chested man waved his hand. After seeing the hairy-chested man, the gloomy-looking middle-aged man smiled. His smile was uglier than crying. He couldn't laugh at all.

The gloomy captain looked at the shield on the stall and hesitated for a long time.

“548,620 Paradise Coins, what’s the price like?”

For something worth hundreds of thousands of paradise coins, this gloomy leader was actually accurate to the tenth.

"It's not bad, but it's accurate to ten places..."

"This is a personal hobby, just treat me as obsessive-compulsive disorder."

The price given by the obsessive-compulsive disorder leader is a comprehensive judgment of the market price and the affordability of their team.

"Okay, but it's just a fraction of 20."

The other party's offer is not high, and Su Xiao will certainly not make it easy for the other party.

Sure enough, as soon as Su Xiao finished speaking, the obsessive-compulsive leader felt as if he had eaten shit, but the two parties still completed the deal.

"Gundam, go have breakfast with me right away. Right now, the price must be controlled at exactly 20 Paradise Coins."

The obsessive-compulsive leader left with the main tank Gundam with a speechless face, and went to have a breakfast of exactly 20 paradise coins. If the price of breakfast exceeded 20 paradise coins, the obsessive-compulsive leader would feel very uncomfortable in the past few days.

This chapter has been completed!
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