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Chapter 96: The Scrap Factory

"The Baku you just mentioned, be specific."

Su Xiao held the gun with one hand, and smoke came out of the barrel. He had already discovered that these people were following him, and as soon as he entered the city, he discovered that he had ignored him before, but after sleeping in the hotel for a few hours, these people were still guarding him.

, this can’t be tolerated.

There are only two possibilities, one is to seek revenge, and the other is to steal wealth. Su Xiao prefers the latter.

The gun in Su Xiao's hand reached forward, and the hot suppressor pressed against the man's forehead.

Tear ~

Green smoke floated up, a burning smell came, both arms were shot through, and the body of the man lying on the ground convulsed.

"Baku is...a drug lord. I have heard about it a long time ago. He suddenly appeared in the town some time ago and swept away other forces. His...men were very strong and killed without blinking an eye, so they quickly ruled the town. I only know

Give these a pleasure."

A man knows he can't survive, so he just wants to have a good time.

"Where is his headquarters or lair? A scrap factory on the edge of a small town?"

"Yes, be smart, you broke my cervical vertebra, I wish you a bad death."

No wonder the man wanted to die. A stray bullet hit his spine before. Su Xiao pulled the trigger and the man lying on the ground was headshot.

After rummaging through several corpses, Su Xiao found several pistols and three grenades. These pistols were not very good. They were used frequently and were not maintained carefully enough. Their performance was not as good as the one in Su Xiao's hand.

Leave the 9-caliber bullets in the gun and two of the three grenades. The remaining one has obviously been hit. If you carry these grenades with you, these guys are definitely desperadoes.

This city is different from what Su Xiao saw two years ago. Two years ago, although this place was a lawless place, there would not be such desperadoes who would ambush others in the small town for the sake of wealth.

Nowadays, such people are not uncommon in the small town. From this, it can be seen that Baku did not dominate this place for a long time and did not even have time to maintain order here.

Under the darkness of night, Su Xiao drove towards the scrapyard on the edge of the small town. The town was not big, so he arrived at the scrapyard quickly.

As soon as they approached the scrap factory, Su Xiao smelled a faint sour smell. A chimney was erected in the scrap factory, and light yellow smoke drifted away.

There are several guards in front of the scrap factory. These guards all wear gas masks. Some of the guards hold cigarettes and take off their gas masks to take a few puffs from time to time.

Seeing these guards, Su Xiao immediately felt that these people were abnormal. Obvious muscle bulges could be seen on the backs of these guys' hands and necks. The bulging muscles were even somewhat deformed. This was definitely not an effect obtained through exercise, but more like an injection.

Muscles induced by a certain drug with serious side effects.

Su Xiao's purpose was to enter the scrap factory, which was where he wanted to arrive. After patrolling around, he found that there were at least dozens of guards around the scrap factory.

Not only that, there was a very tall sentry tower in the scrap factory. Dozens of red lasers were emitted from the sentry tower. Su Xiao recognized this thing. It was a heat-sensing warning device.

With Su Xiao's current physical condition, it is unlikely to sneak in secretly. The guards and vigilance are too tight.

Su Xiao approached the scrap factory. After getting closer, he took out a grenade, pulled the safety pin, and tightened the impact rod on the grenade.


Su Xiaomo counted 3 seconds and threw the grenade. He set it for 5 seconds to detonate.

The dark grenade flew in the air and finally landed at the feet of the five guards. The five guards were stunned and then reacted, but it was too late.


Shrapnel flew, three of the guards were directly beaten into sieves, and the remaining two were blown away by the shock wave.

Soil particles were flying, and the smoke was thicker than the firelight.

A few seconds after the explosion, an alarm sounded in the scrap factory, and a large number of guards rushed out of the scrap factory. They were wearing black combat uniforms and anti-corrosion masks. At first glance, they looked like anti-terrorism troops, but from the chaotic formation, it could be seen that

It turns out that they have not received systematic training.

Near the center of the explosion, three guards stood up, two of them shook their heads, some were knocked unconscious, and the remaining one was covered in wounds, with blood gurgling from his chest.

What's even more shocking is that the two guards at the center of the explosion also wanted to stand up, but after a few seconds, they fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Su Xiao's eyes narrowed. There is no doubt that with the physical fitness of ordinary people, their vitality is definitely not that strong.

Su Xiao's visual inspection showed that the physical strength of these guards was definitely more than 5 points. In the past, these guards would have been able to kill them all with one blow, but now, this kind of guy is very difficult to deal with.


With physical attributes that exceeded ordinary people, Su Xiao immediately thought of contractors, but he immediately gave up the idea. Contractors would not be willing to be the followers of a certain force, not to mention that there were dozens of guards in the scrap factory.

The guards quickly gathered towards the explosion point, and soon, more than twenty guards gathered here.

Seeing this scene, Su Xiao disappeared into the night. This was a good opportunity to sneak in. He needed to arrive at the designated place as soon as possible and stay there for half an hour. The designated place was inside the scrap factory.

Alarms sounded in the scrap factory. Su Xiao took advantage of the chaos in the factory to successfully sneak into the scrap factory.

There is a large factory building in the middle and rear of the scrap factory. The factory building is dilapidated and dilapidated, and dim lights shine from the factory building.

Su Xiao squatted under the window and looked into the factory through the mud-filled glass window.

There are several rows of large machinery in the factory. These machines are covered with dust and have not been used for a long time. On the inside of the factory, several guards with rifles are standing in front of a stairway. The stairway leads to the underground. Don't ask Su Xiao what happened.

Knowing that this shabby factory building only had one floor, he didn't believe that the stairs led to the roof.

Su Xiao leveled the pistol and pointed the muzzle at the head of a guard.


Gunshots rang out, a guard's head burst into blood, and the guard fell straight down.

"eney attack."

A guard roared angrily. While looking for cover, he looked around with eyes like an eagle's chirping. He immediately noticed the broken glass in the window, which was the mark of bullet penetration.

The guard picked up the rifle in his hand and pointed it at the low wall under the window.

Bang, bang...

Cement, red-colored debris flying, the rifle went down, and a jagged hole was punched in the low wall.

Chug tug tug…

The guards on the side also began to fire wildly at the low wall. In an instant, the low wall and windows were smashed to pieces, and cement blocks and glass were scattered all over the ground.

"tinghu! (ceasefire)."

This guard who always speaks English is obviously different from the other guards. He is either a retired soldier or a mercenary.

With a bang, the glass on the other side of the factory building shattered, and a round black ball was thrown into the factory building.

"grenades! (Grenade)"

The mercenary guard rushed aside and hid in the gap between two abandoned machines.


A loud explosion sounded, and several guards were directly penetrated by shrapnel, while some were shocked.

This chapter has been completed!
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