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Chapter 54: Help Out

Su Xiao got off the bus at the 20th District branch, wearing the unique combat uniform of the Zero Team, a white windbreaker.

Zero team must wear this combat uniform when going on combat missions.

"Thank you."

After thanking the driver, Su Xiao got off the car and entered the District 20 branch.

"Senior Bai Ye, Special Marate and others are holding a combat meeting on the twelfth floor. Please come with me."

A third-class search officer was already waiting at the door.

Arriving at the door of the conference room, Su Xiao heard Marutesai's unique roar.

"Are you kidding? The equipment hasn't been transferred yet? What's going on above?"

"Sorry, I'm going to hurry you up."

"Special Maruate, according to the latest information, the Bronze Trees have gathered in Area 11, and there is a tendency to take the initiative to start a war."

There was a lot of noise in the conference room, which had become the temporary command center of the 'Special Countermeasures Team'.

Su Xiao walked into the conference room, and his Zero Team combat uniform was particularly eye-catching.

"Is this Team Zero?"

"Will Team Zero also participate in this operation? I suddenly feel less nervous."

There were whispers of discussion, and Su Xiao walked up to Maru Tezhai.

Marutesai looked a little slovenly, with messy hair and bloodshot eyes.

"Here we come, this is the latest situation in District 11. Take a look, we will be dispatched in two hours."

Su Xiao was stunned, the attack time was a little hasty.

"So urgent?"

"There is nothing we can do. Those bastards in District 11 actually have a tendency to take the initiative to attack. Now Districts 9, 10, and 12 near District 11 may be attacked at any time. We cannot sit idly by and ignore them."

Marutesai banged the conference table angrily and cursed.

The 'Special Countermeasures Team' is not ready yet, so if they are dispatched in such a hurry, problems may arise.

This is also why Su Xiao was transferred to the "Special Countermeasures Role", and of course, Maruutesai and Yuki Shinohara were also among them.

After all, the two are special investigators. After joining forces, the CCG upper management cannot ignore their suggestions.

There are three special investigators of the 'Special Countermeasures Class', namely, Yuki Shinohara, Sai Maruute, and Kurowan Iwa.

Marutesai is in charge of field command, while Shinohara Yuki and Kuro Iwawa are in charge of field leadership. They are both practical combatants.

Hei Panyan is a seasoned investigator with rich combat experience. He has attacked the 'Owl' twice and escaped unscathed, which shows his strength.

Like Shinohara Yuki, Black Rock is also a 'new' user.

"I understand, but I have a strange feeling."

Su Xiao put down the document in her hand and whispered a few words to Maru Tezai.

After listening to Su Xiao's words, Marutesai's expression changed a little.

"This~, it's not impossible. I have to guard against it. I will pay attention to it. There are such talents at the CCG headquarters. I will temporarily transfer some.

Sure enough, I'm right to call you. Please ask me during the battle. I want to avoid the death or injury of the investigator as much as possible."

Marutesai changed his usual arrogant demeanor and left the meeting room with a serious expression.

Su Xiao found an empty seat, sat down with her whole body relaxed, and adjusted her state.

"Bai Ye, you're here."

A familiar voice came, and Su Xiao turned her head to look, it was Yuki Shinohara.

"Special Officer Shinohara, how long does it take before departure? After finishing this operation, I will go back to the District 24 branch to continue exploring the underground of District 24."

Su Xiao's unfazed look made Shinohara Yuki smile bitterly.

Compared with Su Xiao, the investigators around him all had sad faces.

"We will set off in one hour and thirty minutes. The team has already begun to assemble. How is the situation in Area 24?"

Shinohara Yuki sat down, wearing a black combat uniform.

"The periphery of Area 24 is relatively safe, but there are a lot of ghouls inside. I even suspect that there is a huge gathering point of ghouls in the center of Area 24."

The two chatted and passed the time.

Not long after, Marutesai returned to the conference room in a hurry.

"Shinohara, how are the residents evacuating?"

Yuki Shinohara stood up.

"Although the time was rushed, it was completed with the cooperation of the police and can be set off at any time."

Marutesai took a deep breath, picked up the microphone on the side, and looked at the investigators present.

"It's about time, kids!"


All the investigators stood up and walked out quickly.

At the main entrance of the CCG branch, there was already a large queue of vehicles waiting. This time CCG dispatched more than a thousand people, and the convoy was huge.

Su Xiao found a transport truck, and just as she was about to get on the truck, she was stopped by Marutesai in the distance.

"Bai Ye, come with me to the command vehicle. I have something to discuss with you."

Su Xiao walked to the front of the motorcade. There were many people gathered here and it was very noisy.

Here were the leaders of various departments in Tokyo, as well as a large group of reporters from TV stations. After Marutesai casually dealt with these people for a few words, he entered the command vehicle.

"Mr. Marate, please tell us whether the situation is optimistic this time."

"Yes, please convey some information to the citizens."

Reporters swarmed forward with "long guns and short cannons", but were stopped by CCG staff.

Among the large group of reporters, a petite and delicate-looking female reporter was squeezed out of the crowd because of poor physical strength.

The female reporter looked anxious. For such a big news, she had to at least take a photo of Marutesai, but now she couldn't even see the appearance of Marutesai, let alone take a picture.

The female reporter's eyes were filled with tears. She felt that her job was about to be lost.

At this moment, the female reporter spotted an investigator who was wearing special clothes. The other investigators were all in black combat uniforms, but the one she saw was actually wearing a white windbreaker.

The reporter's keen intuition told her that this man was definitely extraordinary and worthy of an interview.

"Sir, please..."

The female reporter ran towards Su Xiao quickly, but her steps were a little hasty, and she stepped with her left foot and her right foot.

The female reporter jumped forward, and the microphone in her hand seemed to turn into a sharp sword, making her stab forward.

Looking at the female reporter rushing toward her, Su Xiao's eyes twitched and she subconsciously moved back.

The other party is too 'enthusiastic', do you want to insert the microphone into his mouth and conduct the interview again?

The interview with TV Tokyo is really unique.

When the female reporter got up, Su Xiao had already entered the command vehicle, leaving the tearful female reporter behind.


District 20, Andong District Cafe, also known as Antique Cafe.

"It is by no means an easy task to sneak into Area 11 and rescue Jin Mu. The movements of the CCG and the personnel of the Bronze Tree need to be considered.

According to news reports, CCG dispatched thousands of people. It can be seen that CCG is going to fight the Bronze Tree head-on this time.

Even if we go to save Kaneki, there is a high chance that we will be wiped out."

After the store manager finished speaking, he looked at Touka, Hinomi, Nishio Nishiki and the other three people. He meant what he said to them.

The store manager didn't want these three people to rescue Kaneki. He, Shifang Renshi and others already had a rescue plan.

These three people are protected by the Anding District, and the store manager does not want them to be harmed.

"Hey, old man, what are you talking about? Do you want to ignore him until death?"

Nishio Nishiki is not strong, but he is not an ungrateful person. Kaneki Ken once helped him rescue his human girlfriend. Now that Kaneki Ken is in trouble, Nishio Nishiki will not sit idly by.

"I'm going to save him."

Dong Xiang spoke.

"I, I'll go too."

Hinami's timid voice came.

The store manager sighed inwardly.

"I have understood everyone's thoughts. I have actually prepared a plan to rescue Jinmi, but I am just afraid that the three of you will be in danger.

If you want to save Kaneki, you have to risk your life."

The three of them looked happy when they heard the store manager's words.

The door was pushed open, and a handsome purple guy walked in. It was Tsukiyama Mi.

"You guy."

Nishio Nishiki's body arched into a fighting posture, and Tsukiyama saw his girlfriend.

Dong Xiang on the side also became wary.

Tsukiyama raised his arms, showing a heartbroken expression.

"It's really heartbreaking. My only friend Jin Mu was actually taken away. How could I ignore it?

And~, I have some information to share with everyone present. Among the personnel dispatched by the CCG this time, a person’s name was temporarily added. We ghouls generally call him the Black Death!"

Hearing the name Black Death, all the ghouls present changed their expressions, including the store manager.

This chapter has been completed!
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