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Chapter 5: The Whereabouts of the Eye of Samsara

When Black and White Jue arrived, Su Xiao had already sensed the two of them, but he didn't show this.

"Welcome back to the Akatsuki organization."

Black and white Zetsu moved among the trees and spoke actively.

"Who is the leader now?"

Su Xiao kicked away the cell clone that had grown into a large area next to her feet.

"Hey, don't do this to my spore clone..."

"Shut up."

Black Zee interrupted Bai Zee.

"A Fei is the leader."

"A Fei? He still uses that identity now?"

Su Xiao stepped forward and walked towards Black and White Jue.

"I almost forgot that you are his collaborator, and the current leader is Uchiha Madara."

Black Zetsu's thinking is obviously more flexible.

"Ah, is it really okay to expose Madara's identity so easily?"

Bai Jue looked very surprised. In fact, he was helping Obito disguise his identity.

"It's okay, Bai Ye knew this secret before."

Hei Jue's one eye looked at Su Xiao, he and Bai Jue now shared the same body.

Su Xiao looked at the black and white swansong double act quietly. Obito's identity as Uchiha Madara should have been disguised for a long time until the real Madara showed up.

"The capture of the Eight-Tails has just been completed. The other members have gathered and are discussing how to seal the Eight-Tails."

Black and White Zetsu motioned to Su Xiao to follow him. He was going to Xiao's new headquarters, which was established in the Land of Fire.

"Nagato is dead, and the whereabouts of his body are unknown. Without the Samsara Eye, it is impossible to summon the heretic demon, and it is impossible to seal the Eight-Tails."

Bai Jue's tone was a little regretful.

"Then what's the point of catching a tailed beast?"

Su Xiao certainly knows why Obito continues to capture the tailed beast. The answer is that Obito wants to transplant the reincarnation eye.

Although Obito has now recovered his original eye, he still needs to transplant the Samsara Eye. Without the Samsara Eye, all future plans will be meaningless.

Transplantation of the Rinnegan Eye requires two conditions. One is to have the bloodline limit of the Uchiha clan, and the other is to have the powerful vitality of the Senju clan. Only by possessing both, can the Rinnegan eye be used without side effects.

Nagato neither has the bloodline limit of Uchiha nor the vitality of the Senju clan. He relied on the strong vitality of the Uzumaki clan to hold on, and finally became that skinny appearance.

"Now there is only one person who knows the whereabouts of the Samsara Eye, and that is Xiao Nan. That woman has disappeared without a trace."

Hei Jue's tone was low, and he was very dissatisfied that the plan could not continue.

"What a coincidence, I met Xiaonan a day ago."


Even Black Zetsu can't be calm this time. Konan is now a very critical part of the plan. He can't seal the nine tailed beasts into the outside demon statue to resurrect the Ten-Tails. Everything is empty talk.

This so-called plan is a bit complicated, because it is the plan of three people, namely: Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Madara, and Black Zetsu.

Uchiha Obito's love interest is to release the infinite Tsukuyomi, let everyone live in the illusion world, and create a world with Nohara Rin, which is the Eye of the Moon Project.

Uchiha Madara's plan is also the Eye of the Moon, to create a world without war. He is using Obito, who is a sacrifice in the plan, sacrificing himself to resurrect Uchiha Madara.

Black Zetsu's plan is also the Eye of the Moon plan. His ultimate goal is to resurrect Okanaki Kaguya, his mother. Black Zetsu uses Obito and Madara.

The three people's plans are the same in the early, mid-term, and late stages, but the final stage is different.

The Samsara Eye, the Ten-Tails, and the Eye of the Moon are the common points of the three people's plans.

Now that the plan is stuck in the Samsara Eye, it's no wonder that Hei Jue is anxious. He has been planning it for too long, and this is the best opportunity.

It's interesting to say that Su Xiao's main mission is actually related to the Eye of the Moon Project. His purpose is to provoke a Ninja War. If Obito's side can't get the Ten-Tails, then the Ninja War won't start at all.

"Have you met Xiaonan? Why don't you bring her back."

There was already a question in Bai Jue's tone.

"That doesn't make sense."

"How could it be meaningless..."

"Shut up!"

Hei Jue gave a low drink, and Bai Jue was a little angry, but he kept his mouth shut.

"This is the right choice. Bai Ye is not proficient in illusions and does not have the blood wheel eye, so he cannot get information from Xiaonan. Let's not talk about Xiaonan's strength. Even if Baiye subdues her and brings her back, she will probably commit suicide.


Hei Jue is obviously much older and hotter than Bai Jue, and he knows that Su Xiao is by no means the kind of reasonable person. If he dares to question him again, this man will dare to draw his sword.

"Now Konan's specific location cannot be determined. If we want to get the whereabouts of the Rinnegan Eye from her, we can only let Uchiha Madara go."

Su Xiao jumped among the trees, thinking about the future development of the situation.

About three hours later, Su Xiao and Black and White Jue arrived at a deserted grassland. There was no movement from Black and White Jue. A large stone on the ground moved, revealing a dark hole. Inside the hole was a stone staircase going downwards.

Seeing the entrance of the cave, Bubu Wang was quite speechless. His little eyes seemed to say: "Even if it is an underground force, there is no need to build the base underground. The underground is too damp and there are many bugs."

Black and White Jue went deep underground along the stone stairs. Su Xiao looked at Amu. Amu was stunned for a moment and understood what he meant. He walked downstairs, followed closely by Su Xiao and Bubu Wang.

Even if Su Xiao is now a member of the Akatsuki organization and has a cooperative relationship with Obito, he will not completely believe in Obito, just like Obito will not completely believe in him.

After going deep underground, Su Xiao found that this place had been built into an underground base, with all basic facilities available. It would be no problem to live here for several months.


The sound of the explosion came from deep inside the base, and the vibration caused dust to fall from the roof.

"That guy Deidara will blow up the base sooner or later."

Bai Jue laughed.

Several people gradually went deeper into the base. At this moment, a sexy red-haired girl walked towards them. The girl's cheeks were red, she was holding a white shirt in her hand, and she was smiling foolishly.

The red-haired girl heard the footsteps in front of her and subconsciously raised her head. She looked at Su Xiao.


The red-haired girl stepped back three steps in a row, the fujoshi expression on her face disappeared, and her body began to stiffen.

Su Xiao passed by the red-haired girl. When Su Xiao walked away, the red-haired girl leaned against the wall with her limp body. The girl's name was Xiang Ling. She was now a member of the Eagle Squad, that is, Uchiha Sasuke's subordinate.


Xiang Lu was very afraid of Su Xiao. She was afraid from the bottom of her heart. She almost died in Su Xiao's hands several times, and was held hostage by Su Xiao many times, that is, she was used as a hostage. That was Xiang Lu's most unbearable memory.

I had serious doubts that it was the end of her life.

Not only that, if Su Xiao is injured, of course she will use her healing ability, that is, bite her, and specifically find places where there are no teeth marks to bite her, such as the side of the chest, back shoulders, etc. There are still Su Xiao's teeth marks.

Originally, Xiang Phosphorus thought that Su Xiao had died in Konoha, and she almost cried with joy. Now, Su Xiao appeared in front of her, and there were some changes in her breath. Xiang Phosphorus, as a perceptive type, could certainly capture the changes in Su Xiao's breath.

If Su Xiao's perception of Xiang Phosphorus was violent before, now there is a faint smell of blood. Xiang Phosphorus couldn't imagine how many people he had killed before his breath smelled like blood.

There was nothing he could do about Su Xiao's bloody smell. He had killed it in the war world. On a battlefield with hundreds of thousands of people, if he didn't kill the enemy crazily, Su Xiao would be the one who died.

"They are all members of the Akatsuki organization, so it should be... no problem."

Xiang Ling forced himself to comfort himself and walked into the base with a sad face.

In the conference room of the underground base, in front of a square stone table.

Obito, who was wearing a swirl-shaped mask, sat at the head, beside him were Black Zetsu, Deidara, and Kisame.

Su Xiao was also sitting at the stone table, his eyes meeting Obito's.

Obito crossed his hands and rested his elbows on the stone table.

"Congratulations on your narrow escape. With your help, your future plans will go much smoother."

There was a slight smile in Obito's tone.

"Oh? How did you know that I would help you? The original leader was Nagato."

Su Xiao lit a cigarette. Although her eyes were looking at Obito, she was actually observing the changes in the expressions of the other three people.

Black and white Zetsu ignored it, Kisame laughed, showing a mouth full of shark-like fangs, Deidara also laughed, between Obito and Su Xiao, Deidara trusted Su Xiao more.

That's right, Deidara trusted Su Xiao, Su Xiao, Scorpion, and Deidara once performed a mission together, attacking Sunagakure Village to grab the first tail, and then fought against Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, to meet Konoha's pursuit.

To be fair, it is not an exaggeration to say that we live and die together, but what about Obito? Obito has been pretending to be A Fei and pretending to be crazy.

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