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Chapter 1688 Returning

Those who cheered were those soldiers of the Tang Army who had been away from home for a long time.

Those who came back first were the soldiers who had accompanied Li Jing in his campaign against Japan. Most of them were veterans of the Jin Dynasty and had been away from their hometown for more than three years.

Many people have not seen their hometown and countryside for seven or eight years.

Traveling across the sea for more than three years and fighting overseas continuously feels like an even longer time for them.

Now that I'm back, you can imagine how I feel, it's no different from a wanderer returning home.


Seeing the long coastline in the distance, Du Fuwei had no expression on his face, but he stretched out his hand to hold on to the railing, his knuckles turned white, and he was very happy that he was finally back.

It has been more than three years, and he has also missed home. The wandering Shandong hero who had no place to live finally has a foundation. Whether it is Jiangdu or Chang'an, people who have a home will have something to tie them to, and they will no longer have nothing to lose.

Threaded paper kites dance with the wind and are at home all over the world.

When I left Chang'an, I was full of joy, like a bird leaving its cage, thinking I could have fun and gain some credit for myself.

When he came back, his mood was still agitated, but full of worries. Du Fuwei sighed secretly, as he got older, he no longer had the energy that he had when he was young, traveling around the world with only one life, and dying in the earth.

For that moment, let alone three years, even if he was away for five, six, seven or eight years, he would not feel the slightest bit sad when he came back.

As long as everyone can come back alive and take advantage of others, that's a good thing. After coming back, they will naturally drink heavily and eat a lot of meat to celebrate.

It was different now. He just wanted to return to Chang'an as soon as possible, see his wife and children, and have a good sleep.

As for how much contribution this battle has made, go to hell. Du Fuwei is the king of Wu and has a fortune. What can he be rewarded with if he is given a reward?

After returning home, it seems that he still has to think about and do some big things for the emperor, such as building another academy or something. The emperor of the province doesn't know what to reward him, which makes everyone feel uneasy.

The emperor is a good emperor. Lao Du has nothing to say to him, so he can't cause trouble to the emperor, right?

If Li Po could hear his voice, he would definitely say that Lao Du is a good comrade... But it doesn't matter if he doesn't know.

Du Fuwei's character is there. Some people talk about it and just don't deal with people's affairs, but some people will prove his intentions with actions.

Du Fuwei obviously belongs to the latter group. Since joining the Tang Dynasty, everything he has done has been in line with Li Po's wishes. So what else can he say? The world's affairs are that no one is perfect in terms of his deeds but not his heart.

With all the foreshadowing before, if Li Po still suspects Du Fuwei of being reproducible, then it is not Li Po. He is not so suspicious.

Otherwise, Changsun Shunde and others would have been killed long ago, how could they still be here today?

Even if he didn't like so many people from Henan, didn't he still use them all? Especially Xu Shiji, who even married his sister. In the words of the people of the world, this is tolerance.

People who do great things, no matter what they are thinking in their hearts, no matter what their likes and dislikes are, even if they are sycophants, they must be outstanding. To see whether a leader is wise, you don’t have to look at himself, but at the people around him.

You can get a rough idea.


Therefore, Du Fuwei did not worry too much about his own safety, because he also looked at his deeds. The emperor was able to let him out to lead the army for more than three years, but in the end he took the initiative to ask for orders to return to the court. This was Du Fuwei's

Fuwei's greatest trust.

Then what are you worried about? The most you can do is to make amends after returning to Beijing, stop making things difficult for the emperor, decline the rewards, and do some practical things for the emperor. Everyone will be happy in the end.


The second batch of returning fleets transported more than 3,000 Goguryeo nobles and their families. Almost all the Goguryeo ruling class, except for the tribal leaders hiding in the mountains and forests, are here.

The cruelty of the war to destroy the country was once again displayed in front of people. When the Goguryeo people came ashore, they cried loudly, but they were escorted to the designated place and penned up like sheep.

The behavior of people who have subjugated their country is generally similar. They must look extremely miserable. In fact, there is no need to sympathize with them. The demise of any country is caused by problems with the elite.

This is their cause and effect. When they dominate and do good, they never care about the life and death of others.


Du Fuwei was talking to Yu Wenshi and others with a smile on his face, but his heart had already flown to Chang'an City thousands of miles away.

Some soldiers burst into tears the moment they landed ashore, while more people cheered and looked forward to a bright future in their minds.

The army of hundreds of battles returned victoriously, making the whole Donglai as lively as the New Year.

In the barracks that have been prepared long ago, the aroma of wine and meat is flowing. When the army arrives in Donglai, they will rest here for a few days. The imperial edict has arrived in Donglai at the beginning of the year.

Let the officials of Shandong Road do their best to entertain the main army. When the army is almost rested, those who are willing to return to their respective organizations immediately can return to their original places.

For those who want to go back to their hometown to visit their relatives, a customs clearance document will be issued and they will be given a period of time to return to their hometown to visit their relatives.

It was done in a very humane way, but it also made local officials very busy.

The work of hosting hundreds of thousands of people is no joke. It seems that Dongnae will be difficult to stop this year.

The fleet led by Du Fuwei is just the beginning. More and more people will pass by Donglai in the future, which will make people very busy.

Donglai Governor Yu Wenshiji and others were all very energetic, and Yuwenshiji was secretly planning that his term in Donglai would be almost over.

After receiving Banshi's army this year, he will seek another job. He definitely doesn't want to stay in Donglai anymore.

It would be best if you can return to Beijing to report on your work. You should get up from where you fell.

His political achievements in governing Dongnai over the past few years have been very impressive. It is his job to bring peace to the local area. In the past two years, the population of Dongnai County has doubled, and the grain production has also increased accordingly.

It's just that the tax-exemption period for the counties in Shandong has not yet expired, so they cannot contribute to the imperial court, so their achievements in this area are a little less meaningful.

But the direction of efforts is definitely correct. What the court hopes to see is the ability of local governors to restore people's livelihood.

Yuwen Shiji thought that he had not lost Yuwen's face. In terms of governing the people, he had both merit and hard work, and the court would not fail to notice this.

In addition, he built two ports in Dongnae, which are deep-water ports that can accommodate large ships. There are also several ports under construction that can accommodate small ships.

Generally speaking, fishermen on the seaside are among the untouchables, because they have no land and can only rely on work at sea to make a living. Most of them are criminals or farmers who have lost their land.

Anyway, they are in roughly the same position as a son-in-law, a prostitute, etc. No one cares about their life or death, and those who are registered must be among the untouchables.

But now the situation has changed a lot, because the Tang Dynasty's development of the sea has given the fishermen groups on the seaside a place to use.

Since value is generated, social status will definitely be improved.

Whether it's joining the army, sailing a boat to sea, becoming a businessman, etc., they are all good choices. The court has also relaxed restrictions on them, and opportunities have appeared in front of fishermen anyway.

During the period when Yu Wenshi was in charge of Donglai, he organized some people who made a living at sea to build ports. He also built two docks to build sea-going ships.

That is to say, Shandong was hit too hard during the war, and its manpower and material resources were incomparable to those in the south. Otherwise, Yuwenshiji would definitely be able to build Donglai in a decent way in just the past few years.

After all, his father was Yu Wenshu, a confidant who once built ships for Yang Guang. Yu Wenshu knew more about how to build on the seaside than anyone else.

Nowadays, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice, and the manpower and material resources are insufficient. The current achievements are only possible because of the strong support of the imperial court.

Secondly, it took advantage of the east wind when the army passed by Donglai. Since the army had to be supplied with food and grass all the time, the ships had to dock at the port of Donglai, which greatly facilitated Yuwenshi and his work.

Well, that is Yu Wenshiji's own ability. He has been holding back his energy and wants to make some political achievements to show to those in the capital. Although Yu Wenshiji is the former prince-in-law, he is not just a mere concubine.

Useless people who live by the shadow of their fathers and ancestors.

The children of the noble family who have a breath in their hearts are still very strong. They have indeed made some achievements in Donglai, but it is not easy to rely on these to return to Beijing to report on their work.

Because the reason why he was demoted from Beijing was not due to lack of talent or mistakes in government affairs, but because the problem was with his ex-wife.

As long as his former mother-in-law, Mrs. Cheng Guo, doesn't open her mouth, it will be impossible for him to return to Beijing and take up a post.

Therefore, he tried his best to make friends with the King of Wu and the Grand Governor Li Jing. What he asked for was nothing else. He just wanted these people to say a few good words for him as a scholar and in the court, which was better than anything else.

For this reason, when he received King Wu Du Fuwei, he tried his best to make all arrangements. When Du Fuwei went to the west, he was extremely satisfied and held Yuwen Shiji's hand and called him brother.

In fact, it was mainly Yuwen Shiji's surname that played a role. Du Fuwei had never been so comfortable being served by a famous boy in his life.

But after leaving Donglai, he turned around and forgot about Yuwen Shiji. His mother's former prince-in-law had nothing to do with him, Lao Du.

He also offended Mrs. Cheng Guo. No matter how noble the surname is, no matter how good the waiter is, he can't get involved. He knew this in his heart.

His mansion and Mrs. Chengguo's mansion control both ends of Chang'an Imperial City, and they just want to stay away from the most beautiful woman in the world. How could they take the initiative to find trouble for Yu Wenshiji?

Du Fuwei had not come back for more than three years, and Du Fuwei was eager to return. In fact, he stayed in Donglai for a few days patiently, not to enjoy the hospitality of Yu Wenshiji, but to wait for his subordinates to rest before setting off to escort Goguryeo.

People go all the way to Chang'an.

In fact, it was almost the same as last year's victory. These were all the contributions of the soldiers who conquered the dynasty. Li Jing was very kind to him and gave him this honor.

Du Fuwei doesn't care much about honor or not, but this favor has to come...

This chapter has been completed!
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