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Chapter 101. Go to Goa

At night, everyone under the Caroso was eating around a bonfire.

"Damn it! It was such a thrilling experience at that time! Roger and I each slashed each other and successfully exchanged blood..."

Three little ones, covered in dust, sat next to a squinty-eyed old man and listened to his chatter, and they all fell asleep.

If there is no cure, this lecture will last for a month, and it will be the same story every month.

The first time I listened to it, I was very interested. The second time I listened, I had some fun. The third time I listened, I just treated it as studying. After that, it was like taking a class. No matter how much I listened, I felt sleepy.

I have to do life-threatening training during the day and listen to people nagging me at night. I can't live this life.

As for Ah Jin, he was eating quietly on the other side, like a quiet beast, silently replenishing energy.

After a month of hard work, Akin has proven to Kazan that he has the strength to break away from the 'little devil group' by defeating the master of Mount Gorbo head-on.

In the end, of course, he got what he wanted. Kazan transferred Ajin out of the "Little Devil Group", assigned him daily training tasks alone, and obtained Na on the condition of "Let the three brothers Ace Sabo and Luffy help you build a ship."

Gurley's individual tutoring for Ajin.

Kazan is still in a state of being 'unable to fight', so he cannot train Akin alone, and Nagli's strength is just right to be Akin's sparring partner.

The current strength of Nagli is at most the average level of the pirates in the "Paradise" in the first half of the Grand Line. He must have had more than this strength originally, but he is too old.

According to him, not only has his domineering aura not faded, but it has actually become stronger than when he was young. The reason is simply that his 'will' is stronger.

Although the domineering look will not fade with age, the physical fitness will, and Nagli is an obvious example.

The reason for this judgment is that Kazan saw Nagli take action a few days ago to save three little ones who accidentally broke into the owner's territory of Mount Gorbo.

He threw the hammer with all his strength, but even in a sneak attack, he failed to kill a big tiger instantly. In the end, he was able to scare it away with his domineering aura.

Kazan asked himself, if he was allowed to attack the master of Mount Gorbo with all his strength, he would be infinitely close to 100% sure of killing the big tiger instantly.

If Kazan in his heyday vs. Nagli now.

The result of the battle must be that Kazan wins, but the fighting time will probably not be too short, because Nagli's combat awareness and experience are much higher than Kazan. Although the two-color domineering force is much weaker than before, it is also different from Kazan.

There is not much difference in the level of domineering between Zan's two colors.

However, such a level is more than enough to teach Akin. Apart from Kazan, only Fon Clay among the Monster Pirates can fight Nagli.

Compared to the five people currently gathered around the campfire, Kazan is now in Caruso's bedroom telling Sugar a bedtime story and coaxing her to sleep.

When Ace Sabo and Luffy overheard this, they were immediately unhappy. The difference in treatment was so huge, and they vowed to fight Kazan to the death.

Of course, it didn't cause any disturbance. Kazan conquered the three little ones in nine seconds.

"Su Tang, would you like to visit your sister Robin and Perona tomorrow? It's been a week since you last went back. Don't you miss them?"

"I'm thinking... Let's go see my sister tomorrow."

The sparkling eyes of Little Sugar turned out to be so cute in the night, so much so that Kazan couldn't help but smile obscenely, just like Monet.

The next day, Windmill Village.

"Kazan, are you back with the sugar baby?"

"Yes, yes, Sugar, call someone."

"Hello, aunt~"

"Hey, good baby, aunt will give you an apple to eat."

"Thank you, Auntie!"

Kazan walked from the beginning of the village to the middle of the village with Granulated Sugar. Along the way, he met many uncles and aunts from Windmill Village who greeted them cordially.

No matter which island or town it goes to, sugar is very popular with the old people in those places.

Kazan arrived at the library in the town with ease. The first two times he came, he had to ask for directions, but that was no longer necessary now.

After carrying Sugar into the library, Kazan did not see Robin and Perona. He had to ask the old man who had been guarding the library: "Grandma Dongmei, where did Robin and Perona go?"

They should usually be studying here at this time."

"Ah... little Kazan, Robin girl and Perona girl went to Goa Kingdom. They have basically read all the books here. This morning they said they were going to Goa Kingdom to bring back some books."

"Huh? To go to Goa Kingdom, you have to go through Gorbo Mountain and the Uncertain Terminal Station, right? The two of them... Granny Dongmei, I won't tell you anymore, I'll go find those two stinky girls. One day

It won’t give me any peace of mind until late at night.”

"Okay, okay, go ahead, go ahead."

After Kazan left the library, he did not rush to the Kingdom of Goa, but first came to Maginot's tavern.


"Mr. Kazan? Come back to see Robin and Perona?"

"Well...but the two of them went to the Kingdom of Goa by themselves. There are some problems in that country. I'm not worried about it. I'll leave the sugar here first and I'll probably pick her up tonight."

"Okay, I will take good care of Sugar, don't worry."

"Quack! Why don't you bring Tangtang?!"

"Because Sugar wet the bed last night! So I won't take you with me!"



Kazan said hello to Maginot and set off directly towards the Kingdom of Goa.

Although Robin's combat effectiveness is not weak, and Perona also has powerful abilities, Kazan is still worried!

As the eldest brother, he will probably never be able to truly feel at ease with his younger brothers and sisters. No matter how strong they become, they will still be worried about this and that in their hearts.

As for the reason why I don’t bring Sugar, it’s because Kazan can’t travel at full speed with her. I always worry about various issues such as ‘will the speed be too fast?’ and ‘will Sugar be uncomfortable in this position?’ etc.

"Goa, to some extent, is a sick country that is no less generous than Krent."

The Kingdom of Goa and the Kingdom of Krent each have their own merits.

The former, at least except for Gao Town and the Royal Palace, is still in the real world, but Gao Town and the Royal Palace have completely turned into hopeless 'incurable zones', and the 'education' there has been limited since childhood.

As soon as he was caught, a five- or six-year-old child would develop a pathological outlook on life.

As for the latter, the whole city is filled with an abnormal phenomenon. The whole country is only 'money first'. It is not uncommon to do something that is basically unimaginable for money. But because of this, there are

They don’t pay that much attention to their children’s education, and what’s even more ridiculous is that because they don’t pay that much attention to education, we can actually see a glimmer of hope in those children.

"By the way, the country that once received the title of 'The Most Beautiful in the East China Sea' from the World Government... must be quite wealthy."

This chapter has been completed!
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