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Chapter 116. Target Frost Moon

Still in that strait, everyone in the Monster Family was already waiting on the Caroso for Kazan to board the ship and set off.

"Kazan, just wait, sooner or later I will defeat you and become the Pirate King!"

"When I become the Pirate King, Kazan, you can be my crew member."

"I am the one who will become the Pirate King!!!"

The separation is not too sentimental, because everyone has a feeling that we will definitely see each other again in the future. With expectations in our hearts, the sadness will not be too strong.

"If you want to become the Pirate King, you can't do it without defeating me."

"You remember what I told you before, put on your own ring when you go to sea."

"I will wait for you at the end of the Grand Route."

As Kazan spoke, he stamped his feet and gestured to the ring buried under the land. After saying these words, he went directly to the Caroso.

"Sail set! Brats."


The three little ones under the boat listened to the powerful roar on the boat. Everyone had yearning and admiration in their hearts. They would also find such a reliable companion in the future!

The Caroso left without a sound, and no one except Ace Sabo and Luffy knew about it. The villagers of Windmill Village and the Dadan family probably had to get the news through the mouths of the three little ones.

Not long after the Caroso left, another ship gradually sailed into the sea near Windmill Village.

Red Firth.


"Wow!! My sister's cooking is delicious!"

"Hahaha, it's difficult to make delicious food in the Windless Zone. Monet-chan's cooking skills have been greatly improved there."

Hearing the praise from his own sister and second brother, Monet couldn't help but puff up her chest. It was obvious that she was very proud of her progress in cooking, and she even glanced at Robin 'inadvertently'.

Robin kept a faint smile and had no reaction at all to Monet's 'yin and yang eyes'.

On the other side, Bellamy was teaching some secret enemy techniques to his beloved brother Ajin.

Perona is secretly learning from Robin's elegant eating habits. The little girl has always regarded the intellectual and elegant Robin as a role model.

Feng Clay was giving full play to his communicative talent, pestering Tiga non-stop.

Kazan sat in the main seat and looked at Caruso, who was once again making a fuss and giggled quietly.

The Monster Pirates set sail again. Just one day after setting sail, they were directly on the newspapers.

[The Monster Pirates appear in the East China Sea, no one dares to stop them wherever they go, and their target is the Grand Route!]

This sentence is half right and half wrong. It is true that no one dares to stop him wherever he goes. If any guy in the Monster Pirate Group with a bounty takes it out, it is not the level that the East China Sea should have. Of course, ordinary pirates will see it.

It was a desperate attempt to run.

Even if the navy sees them, they will usually not take action, but choose to stay far away to ensure that they will not harm ordinary people.

As for the mistake, it is that 'the target is directly at the Grand Line'. Due to Kazan's personal request, the Monster Pirates are now looking for a place called 'Frost Moon Village'.

On this day, Kazan had dinner first and sat alone on Caroso's head to enjoy the sea breeze.

When Kazan was in a daze, a pair of arms suddenly stretched out from behind him and gently grabbed Kazan's ghost hand.


"How could you not notice it?"

Kazan didn't look back, and he could tell that the person behind him was Robin just by the ups and downs on his back and the scent of his hair that drifted to the tip of his nose.


clang clang.

Kazan stretched out his hand and flicked the two limiters stuck on his ghost hand. With these things, the ghost hand could not turn the sky upside down.

"I still worry."

"...The situation should be better when we go to Shuangyue Village."

"It would be great if that were the case."

Robin squeezed forward and leaned on Kazan's shoulder, holding Kazan's ghost hand tightly with both hands, feeling the blood vessels twisting from time to time, and couldn't suppress the worry in his heart.

Kazan did not comfort Robin. Verbal comfort was meaningless to Robin. Robin was very sensitive and smart, so he tended to think more. Just like Sabo, ordinary comfort had no effect on people like them.

Very little.

Kazan himself was also confused about the situation of the ghost hand. After all, it was his first time to take the path of the berserker, and it was still the path that he most rejected.

If the master is around...even if the senior brother or senior sister is around, he will not fall into this confused situation.

Kazan can only vaguely realize now that the problem with the ghost hand may have something to do with his mentality after accepting Tiga as his disciple.

He needs an elder who has been immersed in the field of swordsmanship for a long time to teach him. The field of swordsmanship here does not refer to the strength of the swordsmanship combat level. Let the eagle look at it, he may not be able to see Kazan's strength.


There must be such people in Wano Country, but Wano Country is really too far away. The nearest hope right now is Shimozuki Village, where Shimozuki Koushiro, a member of Wano Shimozuki lineage, is there.

He opened a swordsmanship dojo called 'Isshin'. It's hard to guess the level of swordsmanship. He should have quite a lot of attainments in the field of swordsmanship. What's more, his father, Kozaburo, is a famous swordsman in Wano Country, and he even forged '

The powerful forger of the two sharp swords, Yan Mo' and Qiu Shui.

Maybe he can help Kazan figure out what's going on.


On Kazan's way to Frosty Moon Village.

The red-haired pirates have arrived at Windmill Village and met Luffy who was still stranded there, while Ace and Sabo each had to deal with some things and were temporarily separated.

"Hey! Kazan is actually your master?! And he just left. This is really... great! Wowhahahahaha."

"Hahahaha, Shanks is very afraid of that guy Kazan."

"Isn't that right? Because that guy Shanks was chased and hacked by Mihawk for a month."


The story of Shanks and Little Luffy begins again, but there is another Kazan in the middle.


"Finally, the red dog appears again."

"Dover seems excited?"

"Yeah, yeah, of course. It's very exciting to have an equally matched opponent."

Doflamingo held the newspaper in his hand, stared at the pirate flag of the Monster Pirates in the illustration above, and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Speaking of Dover, Vinsmoke seems to be gathering an army."

"Hey, bring some people over there. No matter what they want to do, they will just cause trouble."


Navy Headquarters.

"Ah...it turns out that this guy is Kazan. He is actually a pirate."

Garp ate senbei and stared at the two familiar words on the newspaper. While eating, he was suddenly stunned, thinking about something, and then started eating again without paying attention.

"Well... the bounty is enough, but it still doesn't have much influence on the Grand Line... Well, there is still time, let's wait until they come to the Grand Line."

Warring States didn't pay attention to what Garp said. He didn't want to listen to this bad old man who farted all day long.

What he is more concerned about now is Doflamingo's side. According to Rosinandi's news...the whereabouts of the fruits of the operation are already known.


Most ordinary small villages and small islands in the West China Sea have seen this newspaper.

They spread the news from door to door and saw the news that the Monster Pirates appeared on the sea again.

They were sincerely happy.

This chapter has been completed!
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