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Chapter 149. Monster Dragon Breath

It's hard for Kazan to judge the extent of Vinsmoke Gaji's strength. After all, that guy is on the technology side.

According to the original impression of Gaji, Gaji who put on the battle uniform more than ten years later was considered very powerful. At that time, he was at least close to the strength of the cadres of the Don Quixote family.

But now, everything is a mystery.

I don’t know how far the Vinsmoke family has researched the blood factor clone soldiers, nor do I know if Gaji has developed all those weird combat uniforms.

As for those colorful guys, they are probably still little kids now, so you don’t need to care too much.

"Are you coming..."

Kazan watched as several huge cannon barrels suddenly appeared on the heads of those giant snails, and walked directly into the smelting chamber below.

When golden light began to appear in the cannon barrels of the Vinsmoke family, Caruso also opened his dragon's mouth.

The first battle with the monster cannon. Kazan had not seen the ultimate power of the monster cannon, so he wanted to test it out.

Once this battle is over, there should be no shortage of metals on their ships, and there will still be all kinds of metals.

So this time Kazan directly smelted all the few metals in the smelting room to use as energy for the monster cannon.


There was a sound of thunder on the sea. It was the Vinsmoke family who fired a cannon, and a beam of light similar to an electromagnetic gun was shot towards the Caroso.

When the shot was halfway through, Caruso had already charged up.


Caruso's black faucet spewed out a viscous and fiery red solid-liquid mixture, like hot magma.

The huge pillar of flame launched by the Caroso directly overwhelmed the opponent's electromagnetic gun and continued to shoot towards Vinsmoke's snail fleet.

The formation that the Vinsmoke family had just huddled up in order to deal with Feng Clay, Monet and the four of them who were flying in mid-air had now increased the losses suffered from the attack.

"Ho ho ho."

Kazan, who came out of the smelting room, couldn't help but groan when he looked at the five or six huge snails in front of him that were directly blown up by the cannon.

"From now on, this move will be renamed Monster·Dragon Breath!"

Kazan has already begun to fantasize in his heart. When he finds powerful shipwrights and scientists in the future, they will join forces to transform Caruso.

When the time comes, all the monsters - Wings of Steel and monsters - Dragon God Dive will be added to it, turning Caruso into a terrifying warship comparable to 'Pluto' Pluto.

"By the way, Pepe, what are you doing lying on the ground?"

At this time, Kazan looked back and glanced at Perona, who was lying on the deck for some reason.

"Brother! The recoil is too great!"

Perona flew up from the ground. She was concentrating on studying just now, but suddenly the boat shook and then backed up about twenty meters, knocking her down.

Now she is throwing herself into Kazan's arms, squealing and acting like a spoiled child.

Her little nose was red from the collision, and she was so angry that she hit the deck twice with Kumasi.

Tiga naturally rolled from the bow to the stern, and did not stop until it hit the stern railing.

Robin had already entered the kitchen to get a drink, but the situation was similar at the beginning, except that Robin reacted quickly and quickly used the flower fruit to support his body, almost grabbing Dier with his head.

However, after standing up, he continued to calmly go to the refrigerator to get a drink. He still maintained his elegant and intellectual posture and expression, but his eyes were a little more wary.

As for Granulated Sugar, the little girl seemed to have anticipated the powerful recoil that was about to come. She reached out and hugged the mast when Caruso's head flashed.

When Caruso's hull stabilized, he immediately took out his gun and fired several shots into the sky, exploding several approaching shells.

However, Caruso's 'Monster Dragon's Breath' seemed to have caused quite a shock to the opponent, and the opponent's attacks stopped.

But at this time, Kazan saw that although the opponent had stopped attacking, there were many large fans on the snails' shells, and he was a little confused.

And Robin walked out of the kitchen just at this time: "Ah la...are you planning to use the wind to prevent us from getting closer?"

Robin immediately made Kazan understand what was going on with just one sentence. He jumped onto the mast and quickly lowered the sail.

"Tiga, go get...Tiga?! Tsk, Robin, turn on the steering wheel."

Robin nodded, took the drink and left directly.

Do you think this will stop me from getting closer?

Kazan stood on the mast, staring at the snails that Fon Clay and Monet had landed on in the distance. He reached out and stroked the handles of the two knives. Dark Moon was very excited now, but it was quite boring to be useless.

One likes to destroy, the other likes to drink blood.

There is such a big contrast...

Thinking of the areas that the Vinsmoke family is good at, Kazan probably guessed the reason.

At this time, Vinsmoke Gaji stood in front of the light curtain and was speechless for a moment.

He now wonders whether this so-called monster pirate group is also a scientific research-based combat pirate group like them.

"Well... forget it, in that case, let them come over."

Although a few giant snails were killed, there were still dozens of them, and Gaji didn't do much research on long-range attack methods, which fell within the scope of his original colleagues' research.

Most of his energy is focused on human transformation, cloning, and bloodline factors.

Gaji's bloodline factor clones have developed at least thousands of modified humans in the past few years, and it was just in time to test their strength in this battle.

Any shortcomings can be easily seen intuitively, and then improvements can be made to strengthen them.

"Father, let us fight too!"

"That's right, that's right, beat them to a pulp!"


Three little devils with red, blue and green hair of different colors ran over and jumped around Vinsmoke Gaji.

"If they can get here, it doesn't matter if you want to come."

Gaji didn't care much if his sons couldn't get into school. He now planned to return to the laboratory and put on his own combat uniform.

This battle suit was his latest research result, although he was still not satisfied with it and felt that the stability was a bit poor.

However, there is currently no higher-quality shape memory alloy available, and the ability to achieve this level is already the limit.

The pink-haired little girl glanced at her three younger brothers who were jumping up and down and ran outside. She was running behind them, and she already knew where this route was.


The little boy with red hair pulled out a key from his pocket and opened the door of the cage. Then the three of them went in and bullied another little boy with yellow hair who was huddled inside.

The yellow-haired boy seemed to have been used to this kind of thing for a long time. He let them push him and then punch and kick him without resisting.

The yellow-haired boy who was pushed to the ground held his head and curled up to endure the bullying from the three brothers.

Looking at the silent yellow-haired boy on the ground, the three of them soon felt bored. Instead, they were full of interest in the battle that was about to happen, and ran away happily.

Before leaving, he locked the cage again.

This chapter has been completed!
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