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Chapter 156. Lineage Factor Technology

On the giant snail, Reiju stayed alone in her bedroom, still immersed in the sadness of leaving her only kindred brother in this family, who was equally affectionate.

She didn't pay attention to the battle situation outside. Although the noise of those battles was very loud, even if everything became quiet now, Reiju didn't notice it immediately.

Reiju really wants to leave...

Reiju knew that she could not leave. Her blood factor had been transformed. She would always be loyal to the Vinsmoke family and would never disobey Gaji's orders.

It is unimaginable for most people to feel like they have their own feelings and thoughts, but still have to be controlled by others.


Suddenly, there was a huge roar in the ears and a vibration throughout the room, waking up Reiju who was lying on the bed crying quietly.

"What happened?!"

Reiju wiped her eyes and immediately jumped from the bed to the ground. She returned to her usual calm demeanor and tiptoed towards the door.

Opening the door, he cautiously stuck his head out and looked at the corridor outside the door. There was nothing strange.

"The sound coming from the laboratory...go and have a look."


Five minutes ago, Gaji's laboratory.

Kazan looked at the so-called 'waste materials' piled in the corner by Gaji. These were relatively rare metals! Among them were the metals used to make Tiger's Xingtian armor that could catch fire.

There are also some things that Kazan has never seen, but he found them very useful after listening to Gaji's introduction.

As expected, this guy specializes in scientific research and is indispensable for rare materials.

Not to mention these "waste materials" already made Kazan feel that he was making a profit, plus the materials that Gajidu judged to be rare metals made a lot of money.

Fifteen minutes later.

The entire laboratory has been emptied, and everything useful has been packed up by Bellamy and Fon Clay and taken back to Caruso.

Including the various technologies and experiences compiled by Gaji, although a large part of them are biotechnology and have little to do with the ability of Kazan's Steel Fruit, there is no guarantee that they will be used in the future.

It’s more profitable than not wearing one.

What Kazan finds most useful is a synthesis book, which introduces what materials are needed to synthesize various metals, including the order of adding materials, the temperature of fusion and calcination, etc. It is very detailed.

Now Kazan himself can also use more common materials to synthesize rarer materials.

"Everything has been taken away by you, can you let me go?"

Vinsmoke Gaji's heart is literally bleeding right now. He lost almost everything in this battle, but fortunately, he still has a lot of assets and information hidden in Beihai, and those are the key.

Especially the blood factor technology, he has always kept this technology in his mind and never written it into a book. In this way, no one can learn this technology unless he teaches it himself.

"You are very knowledgeable about blood factors, right?"


It is not surprising to know the technology of bloodline factors, and it is not surprising even to know that Vinsmoke Gaji has a high degree of success in this field. After all, he is very famous in this field in the scientific research organization where he originally worked.

Gaji already regarded Kazan as someone from a certain research institute, so it was not surprising that Kazan knew his name. If he didn't know, he would have doubted Kazan's identity as a researcher.

"Demonstrate it to me and show me the before and after effects of the technology."

Kazan is slightly concerned about the blood factor technology, but is not interested in making the human body stronger or absolutely loyal psychologically.

But he once saw the inference that "Devil Fruit is related to the blood factor", so he was a little curious.

If the two are really related, perhaps the negative effects of Devil Fruit can be made disappear through blood factor technology.

"Demonstration? The test conditions for this technology are very harsh. It can only be tested when the target object is still in the embryonic stage. Once this time is missed, the transformation of bloodline factors will not be possible."

Gaji didn't mind showing Kazan his proud skills. After all, even if Gaji showed him, he was sure Kazan wouldn't understand why.

After all, even Vegapunk had to lag behind in the blood factor technology. This is one of the reasons why the Germa Kingdom can become a member of the World Government and participate in the World Conference even though they do not have their own land.

Suddenly, a little snowflake rose up around Monet and floated outside the laboratory. The next moment, a little girl with pink hair came in the flying snow.

Kazan glanced at it and determined the identity of this little girl, Gaji's eldest daughter, Vinsmoke Reiju.

"Is this your daughter?"

"That's right."

Gaji glanced at Reiju. He had basically no feeling at all about Reiju being caught. He was only concerned about whether he could survive.

As for Reiju...because she looks like his wife Sora, even though Gaji would feel a little ashamed of his wife Sora if she died, he didn't particularly care.

When it comes to the rise and fall of the Germa Kingdom, Reiju already seems to have little weight in Gaji's eyes. After all, he does not only have this daughter, he also has three "more successful" sons.

At this time, Reiju was wrapped in snow and could not speak. She was looking at everything in front of her and Gaji's miserable state in a panic. She was a little worried about Gaji's injury.

"You have also used blood factor technology on her, right? Let me test it out."

"Okay, people who use blood factor technology will be absolutely loyal to me and cannot disobey any orders. Reijiu, use this knife to stab the palm of your hand."

The snow on Reijiu scattered, she subconsciously caught the knife, and then stabbed it directly into the palm of her left hand.

She lowered her head and looked at the blood flowing out of her left hand, and was stunned.

This...garbage-like home.

Reiju gritted her teeth. She already hated this family. She killed her mother, drove away her younger brother, and the remaining family members also turned into emotionless monsters.

If...if I no longer have to be controlled by my father...

Reiju couldn't help but start fantasizing like Sanji, imagining her life after she was free, and what she would want to do.

"Destroy the blood factor technology on her body."

Kazan's words made both Gaji and Reiju's eyes light up at the same time. The former's eyes showed excitement unique to scientific researchers, while the latter's eyes showed incredible hope.


Jiazhi couldn't help but glance at Kazan's ghost hand, and swallowed: "If you want to destroy the blood factor technology, you can only replace all the blood... and it can't be ordinary blood, it must be enough

The blood of the domineering strong man."

In Gaji's eyes, the bright red and ferocious blood vessels on the Kazan ghost's hand kept attracting his attention. He had clearly felt the weirdness of this arm just now.

I don’t know what will happen if a human is transplanted with such blood...

This chapter has been completed!
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