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Chapter 159. The Ship Doctor Leijiu

On the sea heading towards the Upside Down Mountain, Caroso sailed side by side with a giant snail.

Reiju had just finished the blood transfusion surgery. Kazan was not sure about leaving immediately, so he decided to stay for a few days to observe the situation.

It just so happened that Gaji was also thinking about how to talk about cooperation with Kazan, and his disabled leg and his sons also needed to be dealt with for a while, as well as the reasons for the failure of Reiju's experiment. He also planned to comprehensively analyze it.

one time.

All in all, Kazan's decision to stay for a few days played right into Gaji's hands.

As for now, Kazan is introducing his family members to Reiju one by one.

Counting Reijiu, there are now five boys, five girls and a boat of eleven family members in the family.

Reiju is twelve years old, one year older than Perona, and is the third sister after joining the monster family.

On the deck, Reiju firmly held Kazan's two ghost fingers with one hand, and listened to Kazan introducing his new family to her.

Reiju, who was originally the eldest sister, suddenly became almost the youngest sister. She was still a little uncomfortable with it, and seemed a little nervous.

This was an expression that Reijiu, who had been transformed by blood factor technology, had never shown before. It wasn't that she couldn't show it, but that she didn't dare to show it.

Moreover, Kazan suddenly told Reiju that everyone would become family and she couldn't adapt to it for a while. After all, she had no emotional basis with anyone.

This is the first time we have met.

The only thing that could give her some comfort was Kazan. Kazan's words "the same blood flows in our bodies" made her feel a sense of intimacy with Kazan even though she was still unfamiliar with him.

She felt so safe holding Kazan's big hand that she almost wanted to call Kazan daddy. Reijiu concluded that this was how a dad should feel.

It was just that Kazan said she was her younger sister, which prevented Reiju from calling out the word daddy. But she really wanted to give it a try. She had never called anyone daddy in her life, and she could call him Gaji before.

They are all 'fathers'.

Kazan patted Reijiu's head gently, pinched her little face with his ghost hands, and encouraged Reijiu to introduce herself.

"Hello everyone...my name is Reiju, I'm twelve years old, I like to take poison...emmm, I know some medical skills."

Inspired by Kazan's intimate gestures, Reiju showed her aristocratic temperament and introduced herself elegantly, like a real lady.

"Medical skills?!"

"Medical skills?!"

Everyone on the ship was shocked for a moment. Doctors are one of the most important professions that are indispensable for a qualified pirate group. However, their monster pirate group has never had one, and they all rely on the skills of Robin as a layman.

Barely maintaining it.

Kazan also worried about where to find a qualified ship's doctor. As far as he knew, doctors who were famous and of decent character were either already organized or missing.

Those who know the location are still trustworthy, such as Chopper... At this period, Chopper has not yet eaten the Everyone Fruit, and is still being disliked by the deer.

It's not like Kazan never thought about letting his family members learn on their own, but no one seemed interested.

But now, doctor, there is!

Reiju took a look at Kazan and everyone's applications and smiled. Everything was as she expected. She had already noticed when Kazan introduced it just now that there is no ship's doctor on this ship!

In fact, Reiju didn't have any medical skills except for the experience in dealing with trauma she had accumulated because of Sanji.

But she said that she had some medical skills and there was no problem, because...as long as the disease was caused by poison, she could easily solve it.

She can eat those poisons. As she originally has the blood factor, she can turn the eaten poisons into her own nutrients to improve her physical fitness or store them. Then, when her battle suit is developed in the future, she can use it to

The battle suit releases the poison that has been accumulated for a long time as an attack.

But without the blood factor, eating poison will no longer have any benefit. To her, it will be just like eating ordinary food and will be excreted...

Reiju was still a little cautious because she didn't know the bond between the members of the monster family and how they had been used as a 'tool' in the Vinsmoke family for a long time.

Therefore, she had the idea that if she had no useable value, she would be abandoned.

Therefore, in order not to be thrown away by Kazan, she decided to occupy one of the most important positions on the ship - the ship's doctor. She will work hard to learn medical skills in the future and become an indispensable doctor for the monster family.

Kazan didn't know what Reiju was thinking. To put it more bluntly, he didn't think about what Reiju would be thinking at all. Since he already regarded Reiju as a family member, Kazan didn't want to make any random guesses.

Whatever his younger siblings say, he takes it as such.

He is simply very happy now. After fighting against the Vinsmoke family this time, the gains are really great.

First, the entire smelting room and warehouse were filled with various metals, and then a new member who was positioned as a doctor joined.

"Yoho!!! That's great! Reiju~"

Kazan happily picked up Reiju and threw her into the sky. The other naughty guys in the monster family understood immediately.


People like Fun Clay, Bellamy, and Perona came over together, caught Reiju falling from the air, and then threw her up again.

Having experienced this kind of treatment from Reiju, I was a little scared, and also felt a little... strange. In short, I didn't hate it, but I was still a little uncomfortable with it.

This can be regarded as the first step in resolving the estrangement between Reiju and the monster family.

The noisy and unelegant dining atmosphere that followed in the evening made her feel strange, but it was also very real, without any pretense, and everyone showed their true self to their heart's content in front of their family.

After this meal, Reiju belatedly began to realize that the monster family was different, and began to observe everyone's behavior and style, trying to integrate herself into it.

This is a tiring job for most people, and catering to others is not an easy task, but Reijiu enjoys it.

This is a novel experience for her.

Everyone in the monster family has also gotten to know their new family member Reiju, and they feel like she is a little Robin. There is basically no difference between the two of them standing together except for their different looks.

Intellectual and elegant, knowledgeable and courteous, but a little sinister in their hearts, this is what they have in common.

The difference is that Robin is a bit tsundere, she won't speak out about things directly, and she has a very strange taste in cute things.

Reiju, on the other hand, is very direct. She says whatever she wants. She likes Kazan and sticks to him. She never beats around the bush. She is also a little naughty and talks a little more.

However, the two of them are still like sisters, so although there are fewer conversations between them, the progress is faster.

Time soon came three days later, and Gaji came to the door with his three sons.

Talk about cooperation.

This chapter has been completed!
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