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Chapter 184. The Convergence of All Forces

Kazan believes that these small gangsters are the best customers of their monster family.

Because Kazan is making weapons by himself, not the streamlined production of Don Quixote's family, the quantity he produces is of course smaller. He really can't produce the number of weapons that a large organization needs. After all, he also wants to practice.

Yes, it is impossible to soak in the smelting room every day.

Therefore, these small organizations with little status or connections are good trading partners.

Although the black zone is the starting point of the side road, the people gathered here are really interesting.

If Kazan did not admit his mistake, the two people he accidentally glanced at just now, if Kazan's impression was correct, should be family members of the Big Mom Pirates.

big mom’s twin daughters.

The reason why Kazan still remembers him is because he was an LSP in his previous life, and in the entire One Piece world, the two of them have the same figure.

As for appearance, my elder sister just has slightly scary eyes, while my younger sister is a bit scary. Not to mention she has sharp shark teeth, and she also wears a panda hat on her head. The hat is sewn on both sides of her head, with the stitches extending from the corners of her mouth to the outside.

The spread is almost similar to the slit girl that Kazan heard about a long time ago.

Charlotte Garrett and Charlotte Beauvair.

Kazan has seen the bounty orders of these two people, and the bounty is not as high as his, but because of the other person's identity, maybe he may be more famous than Kazan.

The small number of warships sent by the Navy does not necessarily have anything to do with their Monster Pirates. There may be some other reasons.

Kazan didn't go up specifically to interact with the two people, because he didn't want to have too much to do with the people in the new world too early, at least until his younger brothers and sisters were stronger.

However, as he walked past them, Garret was clearly only nineteen years old, but his figure was indeed very hot. Kazan guessed that among the girls in their monster family, perhaps Reijiu, who would grow up in the future, could be comparable to that guy.


In terms of the thickness and symmetry of their thighs, Monet and Robin really can't compare. Their legs are too long, and the flesh is spread out, so they look a little thin. Kazan likes the kind with more flesh.


In the end, Kazan just glanced at them twice. He was not very interested in why these two people came, and then continued walking towards the agreed place.

During this period, I also saw the world government that Tiger mentioned. Those guys were not covering up at all and were walking on the street with great arrogance.

After walking for a while, Kazan also saw people from Don Quixote's family, people suspected of being from the Revolutionary Army, people suspected of being members of the Beasts Pirates...

"Hmph~Did something appear on this island?"

As Kazan continued to move forward, he wondered what could attract these guys here.

If they were just members of the Charlotte family at the beginning, Kazan wouldn't have thought anything of it. Maybe those guys were just here to trade food.

It's nothing from Don Quixote's family. Kazan already knows about Doflamingo entering the Grand Line.

He knew that Doflamingo became the leader of the underground world, the ‘joker’, in a very short period of time after entering the Grand Line.

The reason is because Oda originally designed the character Doflamingo to be able to compete with Big Mom and Kaido.

But if guys like the Beasts and the Revolutionary Army, who have no profit and can't afford to be early, are here too... there must be something attracting them.

However, the degree of attracting them should be relatively limited. After all, the people sent were not particularly famous people. For example, the two girls from the Charlotte family should have been sent here because they were relatively close to here.

Although he is a little curious, Kazan cannot arouse the interest to get involved at the moment. He will first complete the transaction with the gang leader and exchange for a Bailey.

In his spare time, Kazan likes to study various new weapons and conduct experiments based on the scientific research books seized from the Vinsmoke family.

However, in the end, we came up with a variety of cool-looking weapons with average practicality, such as the flaming sword that can spontaneously ignite, and the whip with a weak electrostatic effect... It just so happened that this time we gave away these interesting things.

The location where Kazan and the gang leader met was relatively close to the edge of the black zone, so along the way he saw many relatively famous people walking in the direction behind him.

This made Kazan want to go see the excitement.

You can ask the gang leader later if he knows something. After all, he is considered a local gangster here, so he should know something about it.

After turning left and right, Kazan came to a very high-end-looking restaurant. After checking it several times, Kazan wandered in.

"Welcome, Gentleman Gangster, Mr. Kazan, Mr. Hentai has been waiting for you for a long time."

A handsome man with yellow hair in a white suit bowed to Kazan and winked at him, which made Kazan's scalp tingle.

It's absolutely impossible if this man didn't order some cat cakes. Who the hell would ogle the scary-looking Kazan?

However, there is one thing to say. Kazan believes that this kind of strange gangster should be relatively rare in the entire Grand Line. Among the gangs, they are probably as rare as the new shemales in Impel lv5.5 in this world.

I followed the yellow-haired man to a corner of the restaurant, where I saw the gang leader.

Like his subordinates, he is a man who looks relatively feminine and dresses like an aristocrat.

At this time, the dining table in front of him was filled with all kinds of delicacies. These were the highest-end dishes available on this island, and they were all used to entertain Kazan.

"How many?"

Kazan didn't complain about why a blacklist leader did so many bells and whistles. Everyone has their own personality. It's just bullshit to make irresponsible remarks because he can't understand that others have different "common sense" from his own.

"Only two million Baileys, Lord Kazan, what we actually care about more is the beauty of those weapons."

"...You can have whatever you want. Of course, it's best to have a picture."

"Now go paint!"

Hentai glanced at the younger brother beside him. He finally got a weapon with a customized appearance. He would never miss this opportunity.

Kazan is not surprised by this. Of course, there are not as many people in this world who pursue appearance as there were in previous lives, but there are still some. These people have requirements for everything around them.

Weapon appearance is one of them.

The same goes for Kazan. Whether it's the two knives or Caruso's appearance, he pays great attention to it. After all, being handsome is a lifelong thing.

The ability to arbitrarily transform the appearance of weapons is also Kazan's advantage in this market. It is absolutely impossible for Doflamingo to change his assembly line for anyone.

Those in the Vinsmoke family who have high ambitions and low power will not randomly change the appearance of ordinary goods.

After all, changing the appearance is quite troublesome for them.

Only with Kazan, you can open it if you want to change it, heat-melt-deform-cool, and you're done, it's extremely easy.

This chapter has been completed!
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