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Chapter 202. Hurry up and raise the bounty

The people from the navy and the world government withdrew, and they never bothered the monster family from the beginning to the end.

According to what Fon Clay said before, Porusalino definitely discovered their whereabouts, but the Navy and the World Government did not take action, and instead began to stay away from this place.

Kazan lay in Caruso's infirmary, alone, thinking about what might happen next.

First of all, the Warring States Period is about to become the new marshal, the birth of the three navy generals, and Cyborg Kong becoming the commander-in-chief of the entire army will definitely be accompanied by a bloody storm sweeping the sea and land. After the situation stabilizes, the position of the navy and the world government in the world and paradise will be

I've probably got a handle on it.

It can be regarded as the initial creation of a big framework for the arrival of the "Era of Extreme Evil".

Secondly, the birth of the ‘new Shichibukai’ is basically certain to happen, which may cause a small amount of waves.

And this new Shichibukai... is most likely Kazan himself. When Kazan becomes a Shichibukai, the situation of the monster family will be difficult for Kazan to predict, because it is also the first time for him to become a Shichibukai.

At least it is certain that the Navy and the World Government will probably not cause trouble for him again, and the level of pirates in the park is not very high, so Kazan can handle it on his own.

Thinking about it this way, the situation has improved. The location of the Shichibukai has provided a protective umbrella for the babies of the monster family to grow up.

However, the situation is changing rapidly. This battle with Crocodile and Saku Suceng has given him a memory. Anyway, Kazan will definitely be more careful next time.

Before the World Government and Navy announce this matter, it is the last period for the members of the Monster Family to increase their bounties and enhance the deterrence of the Monster Family.

After this period of time, all members of the Monster Family will have their reward orders revoked after Kazan ascends to the Shichibukai position.

At that time, the only means of deterrence the Monster Family can have against other pirates are the title of the Shichibukai, past deeds, and the last string of bounty numbers before becoming a Shichibukai.

This number is still quite important. The status of Sakushi and Crocodile in the Shichibukai is not very high now, and part of the reason is that the bounty numbers are too old and appear to be very low.

The same situation applies to Boya Hancock, the pirate 'empress' who just became the Shichibukai not long ago. She is famous because of her good looks, but there are relatively few people who think she is strong. There are many pirates.

Even though he knew she was a Shichibukai, he still dared to talk nonsense.

In fact, Boya Hancock's strength... is a mystery. In the original book, her strength fluctuates greatly. She can be injured by passers-by in the new world, but she can also be crushed by Barrett's giant puppet with one kick.

In short, Luffy's life affects her output.

She shouldn't be weak. She directly received an 80 million bounty when she went to sea for the first time and was invited to become a Shichibukai.

The bounty is low because the speed of becoming a Shichibukai is too fast, and there are too few opportunities and time to increase one's bounty.

However, with these early signs, Kazan knew that he had to work hard to increase the bounties for his members, so as to avoid too many troubles in the future because of their low bounties.



"Has the record pointer been recorded?"

"Yeah! I recorded it yesterday~ Onii-chan."

Perona stood up excitedly and raised the record pointer high to show Kazan.

The pointer in the glass has indeed pointed to the next position, and we are ready to go.

"Then get ready to go."

Kazan gently patted the pink-haired loli's head, and suddenly felt that this girl had grown up so much.

When they first met, Perona was still a little dot saved from the perverted hands of Moonlight Moria.

"Okay! I'll tell everyone now!"

Kazan smiled and watched Perona skipping away from the infirmary. He was about to get out of bed and go out to take a look, but he remembered that Reiju had given him a lesson for getting out of bed without permission, and threatened, "Brother, if you don't stay in bed,

I'll tell everyone about your injury!'

So, Kazan lay on the hospital bed again, and he had to stay in this small house for the past few days.


So quiet.

The tranquil island now is eerily quiet.

Also, all kinds of pirates, gangs, slave-catching gangs, etc. have been cleaned up. Those who survived should not dare to show up for the time being. For example, everyone in the village where they are located has been very stable recently.

"Kazan, there is a group of strangely dressed guys outside who say they are here to get weapons."

"Ah... these guys actually survived, there is something."

When Kazan heard this, he immediately thought of the group of gentleman gangsters who made deals with him before.

As for the fact that Fon Klay said other people were dressed strangely, Kazan didn't find it strange at all. After seeing Fon Klay wearing those weird clothes too many times, he got used to it, and he thought it was quite normal.

To be honest, Kazan was really surprised that these guys survived. He climbed out of bed awkwardly and walked out of the door.


Reijiu was afraid that he would run around, so she wrapped him in a thick layer of gauze, which already affected his movements.


"We are friendly forces!"

Hearing the noise outside, Kazan's face suddenly darkened: "Hurry up and take a look!"

When Kazan came out of the infirmary, he first glanced at Reiju who was staring at him, and then looked at the open space next to Caruso with a slight guilt.

Ah... it was exactly as Kazan guessed. When Kazan came out, all the people from the gang had been thrown to the ground by Ajin and Tiga.

If they hadn't spoken in time, they might have all been killed.

It is understandable that when Kazan was injured, outsiders were basically not allowed to approach Caroso, so Ajin and Tiga acted faster.

But I don't know if it was Kazan's illusion just now. Reiju seemed to sigh, as if she was disappointed that these people did not die.

This was indeed the case. Reiju felt that it was because of the arrival of these people that Kazan had to run out of the infirmary, so Reiju was a little hostile to them.


"Ah, it's okay, it's okay."

These gangsters breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Kazan coming out, and then stood up quickly and were extremely polite. They obviously knew something.

It's no wonder that anyone who can survive on this island will probably hear something about it.

Kazan didn't care much about this one: "Come with me. I have a lot of inventory here. You can pick out what you like and take it away."

There are many "failed products" in Kazan's smelting room that he usually tests. Those that he takes out are stronger than ordinary swords, which is enough for these gangsters.

After taking some of the weapons, the gangster deliberately kept an extra two million Baileys, which was very interesting. Kazan felt that this little gangster had the potential to go far.

After Kazan watched them leave, he was ready to set off immediately. He wanted to take his brothers and sisters to increase the bounty.

After Kerla said a simple goodbye to the villagers, the monster family took the awkward little girl and left the quiet island.

This chapter has been completed!
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