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Chapter 217. The Confrontation of Overlord

Rogue Island, the first stronghold where the Don Quixote family entered the Grand Line.

This is also where Doflamingo's folk nickname "Sea Rascal" came from.

Naturally, the place that Doflamingo would like would not be a simple island.

Rogue Island is an island where the phenomenon of "black and white" is common. Here, people have always robbed other people's things in the name of "trading".

However, the situation changed after the Don Quixote family settled on Rogue Island. Everyone on the island must 'trade with integrity'. You can raise the price or sell fake goods, but you cannot rob them by force.

The only ones who can rob other people's things on Rogue Island are the Don Quixote family.

It's not that no one resisted, but there were a lot of people who resisted. It was the same situation as when a bunch of pirates rose up to attack Bellamy and the three in Hannabal.

However, they were soon suppressed by the Don Quixote family with force. Many people died, which also established the reputation of the Don Quixote family. In the eyes of many people, at least on Rogue Island, the Don Quixote family is more powerful than monsters.

The pirates are even more frightening.

The special feature of Rogue Island, "black and white", was forcibly suppressed. Many gangsters and pirates disappeared at once, but it also attracted a lot of businessmen who wanted "fair trade".

The arrival of these merchants opened the door to the underground world of the Grand Line for the Don Quixote family, and also became a way for them to grow stronger.

When Kazan followed baby5 to Don Quixote's residence, the Vinsmoke family in the other direction of Rogue Island had just learned that the Monster Pirates had landed on Rogue Island. On the first day of learning the news,

Immediately, people were sent to find Kazan.

The members of the Vinsmoke family are here to fulfill the previous cooperation between Gaji and Kazan.

It is to exchange part of Kazan's ghost hand blood for rare metals from the Vinsmoke family.

In fact, Kazan has forgotten that there is such a cooperation, because there are still a lot of metals stored on Caruso. If there is no shortage of this, Kazan will naturally not remember such a thing.

The temporary residence of the Don Quixote family is a large stone courtyard located on the edge of Rogue Island. It seems that this craft was improvised by Pica who ate the stone fruit.

"Hey, you guys can't wait any longer, go ahead."

Doflamingo crossed his legs and propped his chin with one hand, and glanced at the three top officials who seemed impatient.

"Your side?"

"I'll wait for him alone."

Doflamingo stared patiently at the door, his eyes under his sunglasses looking unclear.

After hearing what Doflamingo said, Diamanti took the lead in leaving the station with his Western sword. He planned to deal with the boy who made him feel a little ashamed.

Pika watched Diamanti leave, and she no longer hesitated, slowly blending into the rocky ground under her feet, and left inside the stone towards the outside.

Torrebol watched the other two people leave, a little bored, but he also left this place alone. He could tell that Doflamingo planned to solve the next matter alone.

The remaining two cadres also left this place. As for the others, they all went out to deal with the affairs of the Don Quixote family, so they are not here.

Doflamingo took a look at the stone courtyard. It was probably going to be destroyed today, but fortunately, with Pika, a new one would be built in a short time.


Doflamingo shrugged his nose, not sure if it was an illusion, but he smelled a faint smell of blood in the air from a long distance away.


Footsteps fell at the gate of Don Quixote's family residence.

It is indeed not an illusion.

Doflamingo pursed his lips and smiled, stood up and looked at the figure at the door whose body had turned bloody.

When Kazan arrived at the gate of Don Quixote's house, there were several expressionless men in suits hanging not far behind him.

These people are members of the Vinsmoke family.

Following the order of Vinsmoke Gaji, I am quietly following Kazan to see what happens next, and then react according to the situation.

After Gaji learned that Kazan was heading to the Don Quixote family, he immediately told his men not to act rashly.

Based on previous rumors and investigations in Beihai, Gaji guessed that Kazan was probably going to have a fight with Doflamingo.

He wanted to explore Kazan's background during this battle and find out whether Kazan was worth his investment.

If Kazan loses, then Gaji will directly give up Kazan as a partner; if they are evenly matched or even win, then Gaji will start spending a lot of effort to invest in the Monster Pirates.

The Vinsmoke family and the Don Quixote family have been fighting in the North Sea for so many years. Gaji knows very well what level Doflamingo is. He is a character who awakened the domineering haki more than ten years ago.

In Gaji's view, if the still young Kazan can compete with the nearly thirty-year-old Doflamingo, then in a dozen years, Kazan will definitely become the top powerhouse at sea.

By then, it will be the day when the Vinsmoke family will become prosperous.

Baby5, who was originally leading the way, was already lying in Kazan's arms, being held horizontally by the latter, with his eyes closed tightly and without any reaction.

Doflamingo frowned when he saw this, and veins appeared on his forehead. He could tell that baby 5 was not dead, but just passed out.

But I still felt a little angry about Kazan knocking his family unconscious.

"It's true...I can smell your stinky smell from so far away."


As soon as Doflamingo finished speaking, an invisible aura radiated from his body and pressed towards Kazan.

Kazan noticed the aura on Doflamingo's body, and after a little doubt, he judged that it was Overlord-colored Haki. However, Kazan did not feel any pressure on Doflamingo's Overlord-colored Haki.

But the other party's provocative behavior really made him feel...



Kazan's body also has the invisible Overlord color spreading outward, but unlike Doflamingo's direct effect on him alone, Kazan's Overlord color spreads out indiscriminately to the surroundings.


The two Overlord Colors collided, and they were evenly matched. Kazan's Overlord Color was simply stronger in quality, while Doflamingo's Overlord Color was more proficient and more controllable.

"Hey... I really didn't make a mistake."

Doflamingo smiled when he saw that Kazan's domineering power had reached this level just after he had awakened. Only those who could achieve this level were qualified to be his opponents.

He went to practice for a period of time specifically because of Kazan. If Kazan later became a parallel import, wouldn't his original practice look ridiculous?


This is right.

This chapter has been completed!
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